-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
To: <undisclosed-recipients:;>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 7:26 AM
Subject: What can expect..August II...1999...????

PLANETNEWS broadcast...

Daniel Nightwolf Ward sent to PLANETNEWS...
thanks Dan!

[..don't even TRY to hold your breath while reading this
..you won't last...(ha) Nancie]

August 11, 1999

At 5:09 AM (MDT) on August 11, 1999, a Total Solar Eclipse will sweep
across the Atlantic Ocean, England (SE tip -- Lands' End), France,
Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia (northeast
corner), Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Syria (northeast corner), Iraq,
Iran, Pakistan, India, and ending in the Ocean east of India.
Simultaneously, an Astrological "Grand Cross" involving the Sun, Moon,
Mars, Saturn and Uranus will be formed in the Fixed signs of Leo,
Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio.  This event is now being viewed as the
most significant event in the last two thousand years, and may represent
an enormous shift in the world and our perception of it.

In a nutshell, July through September of 1999 (centered about August 11,
1999) involves:  A Series of four Astrological Grand Crosses -- July 13,
July 20, August 11, and August 17 (the third which includes a Solar
Eclipse -- an eclipse which will be seen by more people than anytime in

Depending upon the interpretation, this would seem to imply ...massive
and fundamental change... earthquakes(?)... a major cataclysmic event
transforming values, sources of stability breaking and falling apart...
overthrow of old political structure and a rebirth of a new order...
possibility of a global financial meltdown and a massive redistribution
of wealth accompanied by a new financial system... families being ripped
apart by internal tensions... sudden fall of the father figure...
possible outbreak of war over territorial disputes... an unpredictable
chain of catastrophic events... major social crisis... a time to dread
with the utmost respect. AND since this grand cross activity happens at
the very moment of the solar eclipse, it sends the impact of this action
off the charts.

Furthermore, the August event may be the Kick Off for May 3, 2000 (when
seven planets get together in Taurus).  This latter occurrence is often
referred to as the "Return of the Goddess" (and is she pissed!).  It
might also suggest the "sudden fall of the father figure".

One such father figure, Pope John Paul II, was born May 18, 1920 during
a solar eclipse.  His "motto" (as prophesied by the Irish Bishop Malachi
in 1160 AD) is "De Labore Solis" (from the sun's eclipse/labor).
Accordingly, J.P. is expected to make the transition from his earthly
bonds during or shortly after the eclipse.  [Actually, the most likely
date is August 20, plus or minus one day.  Also, BTW, the next two Popes
(the last Popes of the Catholic Church) are expected to be named Clement
and Peter, in that order).]

Then there's Nostradamus' famous quatrain:

        "The year 1999, in the "sept mois"
        There will appear in the heavens the sign of the King of Terror
        When the great leader of the Mongols (Orient) is reborn
        And Mars (war) reigns supreme once more"  X, 22

There is some question as to the exact month for Michel's most specific
prophecy, for it depends on the calendar he was using.  Thus it is
either July (iaw the Gregorian Calendar), July 14 through August 13
(Julian Calendar), September ("seventh month"), or September 12 --
October 11 (Jewish Calendar).  For details on this and other aspects,


(This above is an excellent website which discusses in detail
Nostradamus' predictions -- as well as comparing them to many other
prophecies -- especially those involving a comet or asteroid hitting or
coming very close to the earth -- "in the heavens the sign of the King
of Terror".)

An alternate version (i.e. guess) is that the U.S. bombing Kosovo with
missiles from the sky, and giving way its nuclear secrets to China
(allowing the rebirth of the Mongols) is the precursor to a world war.
Separate from this is the fact that the Moslem month of Ramadan begins
on July 26th (which is traditionally the ideal month to begin Jihad,
i.e. Holy War).  This is probably not a good thing, either.

For the Conspiracy-Laden among us, we also have been told that the
Illumati (the really "negative" members of the New World Order) are
planning various and nefarious rituals on August 11th in the Great
Pyramid of Giza, with the purpose of further enslaving the earth's
population (but which won't matter if we ALL get hit by a comet -- see

Meanwhile, the Mayan/Aztec Calendar is predicting everything from
political upheaval in Mexico to the end of the world (or just the White
Man's World).  Reminds one of the story:

One day when they found themselves surrounded by hostile Indians,
the Lone Ranger turned to Tonto and said, "Well, Tonto, it looks like
we're inbig trouble.

To which Tonto replied, "What do you mean 'we', white man?"

Meanwhile, back at the Aztec Ranch, August 13th (Friday the Thirteenth
-- I kid you not) is known as the "Day of Destiny".  The suggestion here
is that EITHER... "the Aztecs, or the Mexica (Meh-shee-kah), will rise
from the ashes of their broken condition to create a new Aztec"
civilization OR "our world could be destroyed by earthquakes... if we
don't attain a global consciousness of peace, love, understanding, and
harmony with the kingdom of nature by that time."  All of this is
apparently based on the third of three Aztec predictions.  (The first
two came true, BTW.)

There is also the Cassini Space Probe to Saturn, which after making two
flybys of Venus (to gain speed) is now moving for a close fly by of
Earth (and later Jupiter) in order to gain yet more speed.  The problem
is that Cassini has about 72 pounds of Plutonium aboard, and if the
close pass to earth is a bit too close, the "Terror from the Skies"
might be a highly radioactive mist floating to earth (with an expected
billion deaths to follow).  This schedule fly by is on August 18th
(immediately following the last Grand Cross).

Then there's the possibility of solar flares and coronal mass ejections
frying the earth and its inhabitants (although, truth to tell the
current solar sunspot maximum from now to the year 2000 looks at present
to be relatively mild as compared to prior maximums).

There are, of course, the Perseid Meteor showers (part of the leftovers
from comet Swift Tuttle) scheduled for pelting the earth with debris on
August 12 and 13th.  There is also  Comet C1/1999 H1 Lee doing a "close
encounter" sometime after August 11th.

The latter is probably bogus in that it must do a major course change
first -- but because it's currently behind the sun, we won't really know
until about August 7th.  The former, on the other hand, is fully
expected.  But hopefully, nothing more than an impressive meteor shower.

On a less destructive basis (but very inconvenient), there is the Global
Positioning Satellites, which have a Y2K thingamagig of their own on
August 23rd when ALL of the satellites must reset themselves.  This is
almost as much fun as the date of 9-9-99, which on board computers might
interpret as a sign off (instead of a date).

Other than that, a pretty ordinary summer.

So what's really happening?

Other than the impressive uniqueness of the astrological event and the
solitary precision of the Nostradamus prediction (this is the only
quatrain of Nostradamus to unambiguously specify a year -- in this case,
1999), most of the gloom and doom predictions are just more of the same
stuff we've been seeing for years.  The web site cited above does an
excellent job of interpreting Nostradamus, by the way, so I suggest you
visit there for all the really speculative details.

As for the astrology...

Astrology is mostly about cycles.  Astrological predictions are
invariably based on the fact that when such and such occurs in the
heavens, such and such occurs on earth or in our lives.  So when someone
says there will be seven planets in Capricorn, any meaning to be
assigned to this fact must stem -- at least in part -- from the last
time there were seven planets in Capricorn.  And often, one does not
need to look too far back in time to find a similar situation.

But a Total Solar Eclipse combined with a Fixed sign Grand Cross (amidst
three other Grand Crosses, one of which involves every planet but Pluto)
is not only rare, but may be one of a kind.  This could actually be
extremely important.  Really.

As to its meaning, there are at least a dozen or so interpretations on
the Internet.  Several tend toward massive disruptions in our lives (see
the above quickie description), but the bulk of the predictions seem
more inclined to view August 11, 1999 and the July-August period as an
incredible opportunity.  One of the better examples of the latter is:
"Solara's July 1999 Surf Report", located at:


Think of it this way:  During July and the first part of August, we are
being asked to shed the old baggage which no longer serves us, find
balance in the midst of extremes, gather data on what we really, truly
want to become, and then on August 11th, conceive our new selves.  Think
of it as reinventing ourselves, but taking the time before hand to think
about the details of our new invention.  (You can also think of it as
selecting a mate for the conception who has all of the genetic
characteristics you would like in a baby.)

Aiding in the process is the fact that Mercury went "retrograde" (i.e.
appears to be going in a backwards direction) on July 12th and will not
turn direct again until August 5th.  The traditional interpretation is
that communications get really fouled during such periods and
misunderstandings run rampant.  This may become even more obvious on
July 25th (which happens to occur during the Mayan "Day Out of Time")
when major communication snafus occur on a national or worldwide basis.
Because of all the other stuff going on, we can safely say that from
about July 9th through August 8th there will be lots of challenges. The
good news is that this period is also a very good time to do research,
consolidate your thinking on many subjects, and in fact take the time to
decide what you really want.

Another key factor is that Jupiter and Saturn are forging ahead (just
prior to going retro-grade themselves), such that everyone really does
have the POWER to make changes.  So don't limit your thinking on what
you want!  [For example, don't just ask for a better job.  Ask to be
independently wealthy (i.e. wealthy enough to be independent) and
allowed to do fulfilling work of your choice.]

Then...  Once you've "conceived" what you've decided to become, you can
then spend the following nine months in nurturing your as yet unborn
baby, such that in May 3, 2000 (296 days later or roughly the gestation
period for humans) you can give birth to a new you.  Just keep in mind
that once you've conceived, you will want to take all the usual
precautions with respect to diet and other activities to ensure a
healthy baby.

Part of the immediate process (July and early August, 1999) is
experiencing the extremes and maintaining balance in the process.  If
you're having a wonderful day when you're suddenly stung by a bee (and
you're highly allergic to bee stings), then you're obviously visiting
some of these extremes as part of your training for whatever worldly
extremes are encountered on or about August 11, 1999.  And if you can
keep your balance now, then you're much better off in mid-August (even
"Friday the Thirteenth, Part MDCCCCIX").

What might really happen on August 11th (or thereabouts)?

Assume it will be an Extreme!  It could be that the "miraculous water"
turns out to be real!  (Wouldn't that shake the paradigm to its very
core!!!)  Or perhaps, a non-polluting free energy device is unveiled
(such that a huge number of vested interests see the number of their
days limited).  Or a comet really does hit the earth, and takes out
Disneyland (and perhaps a lot of other Mickey Mouse activities).  Or
maybe just a simple, total collapse of the stock market.  Or Monsanto
being charged with mass murder, the Pope dying, or Bill Clinton going to
a monastery.   Or maybe all of the above!  Good news, bad news (most
likely the same news, but perceived differently).  Remember that the
definition of an optimist is "someone who believes that this is the best
possible of all worlds," and a pessimist is "someone who fears that this
is true."

Keep in mind that some of the symbolism for some of the coming events
are things like:

"THE POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW.  Riches that come from
linking the celestial and earthly nature."
spiritual energies in restoring the natural harmony disturbed by man's
inharmonic attempts to transcend nature through mind."
"A WIDOW AT AN OPEN GRAVE.  The impermanence of all material and social
bonds.  ...suggesting the need to "DISCARD THE PAST." and
"A HOUSEBOAT PARTY.  The enjoyment of temporary freedom from rigidly
structured social behavior."

The latter one might be particularly significant.

It is also worth remembering that these Grand Crosses in "fixed signs"
imply even more intensity, greater resistance to change (by at least
some of us), and in fact, may be thought of as marking a huge turning
point in the world's paradigm.  And on top of all that, the solar
eclipse aspect ensures that the effects of this moment will linger for

One view of this is that mid August 1999 appears to be the beginning of
major changes in people's lives, a time of great family turmoil and
upheaval, geographical changes and mass migrations. There may be a move
toward decentralization of society and the creation of small, self
sufficient, ecologically based communities. Values may be redefined on
many levels. People seeking spiritual solutions to material challenges,
and learning to better penetrate into the hidden underlying causes
behind events may be involved.

This is not bad news.  (Even if there are some significant concerns in
the process.)

Another view is:  "Imagine if you would, a multi-story office building.
In the lobby there are long rows of elevators. You enter those many
elevators during the time frame of August 11-17th, with each person
individually choosing which day he or she would enter the building and
step into one of the elevators. At that time your Soul would choose
which floor you would ascend to based on the level of fear you still
needed to integrate. Each floor is a different reality or dimensional
frequency with the upper floors having the least amount of challenge,
struggle and chaos and the lower floors having the most.

"Those who have cleared and integrated large amounts of fear will find
that their Souls have chosen the higher floors and their lives will
begin to get a little easier in many ways. Their ability to manifest
their desires, make money, have satisfying relationships and fulfill
their missions, will get easier. Those who have yet to clear will find
their Souls choosing the lower floors so their hidden fears will be able
to manifest in order for them to have the opportunity to integrate them.
Once accomplished they will move into the higher floors."

Still another view is"  "Well kids, the time is now!  You are about to
get the memo, the fax, the email, the letter, the really big package you
have been promised.  Hold onto your hat, batten down the hatches, and
tie down the tent. The winds of pure undiluted, unfiltered, solar,
stellar, interstellar, protonic, magnetic super wave energy is about to
knock on your door (or knock down your door), shake up your energy
field, dissolve what you have known to be truth, and sweep the garage
floor of your fears.  THE SUMMER OF 1999 IS HERE, AS PROMISED!  You have
been told for years to get yourself ready for this time and this place.
To let go of any person, place or thing that was not for your highest

"Are you ready for the most powerful shift in human history?"

Enjoy the ride.


P. S.  Compared to August 11, 1999, Y2K should be a walk in the park!

love is all there is...

Nancie Belle
ask me about INTRASOUND...
the note our bodies want to hear...

for a FREE audio tape e-mail name & street address to:

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in the heading...

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