-Caveat Lector-

> On Fri, 2 Nov 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>  > just what did this lawsuit accomplish, beyond enriching lawyers,
>  > eating up tens of millions of tax dollars, and launching a flotilla of
>  > anklebiting private antitrust suits?
> Declan, it accomplished a tremendous amount, all of it beneficial to the
> federal government. First and most important, it reaffirmed the power of
> the government. Before the Microsoft antitrust suit, Silicon Valley
> entrepreneurs were acting as if they were immune from legislation. They
> donated virtually nothing to political campaigns, and they shared a
> you" attitude toward DC. The Microsoft suit reminded everyone where the
> real power is. I would expect considerably more expressions of humility
> (bogus or otherwise) along with political contributions, in the future.
> Regardless of the outcome of the suit, it demonstrated that the Justice
> Department can impose such heavy legal costs, and can waste so much of a
> company's time, anyone would be crazy to invite this kind of a major
> hassle. Like a protection racket, anti-trust legislation warns companies
> to behave themselves if they want to avoid being ruined. "Nice little
> software business you have here. Be a shame if something happened to it."
> The second accomplishment was to burst the bubble of "irrational
> exuberance." The Microsoft suit marked the beginning of the end, in this
> respect. It demonstrated that tech companies were not untouchable, not
> immune from boring old realities of government and commerce. They could
> nibbled to death by financial pundits like anyone else, as well as being
> harassed and threatened and sued into oblivion just like anyone else.
> The major shifts in wealth, 2 to 3 years ago, must have caused alarm in
> Washington, where people sincerely believe that they are the ones with
> real power, who run the country. They must have begun to feel--well,
> potentially irrelevant.
> And now--praise Allah!--they have terrorism to deal with. No matter that
> their responses so far have been almost inconceivably incompetent: The
> terrorist threat has made government seem necessary again. The focus of
> attention has shifted from Silicon Valley back to Washington DC. The
> military-industrial complex is singing "Happy days are here again" (sotto
> voce, of course). And if this nasty little war slows progress in peaceful
> uses of science (just as Vietnam pretty much killed the manned space
> program), well, what could be better, from the point of view of
> techno-illiterate federal legislators?
> Microsoft is in the position of Winston Smith in 1984, after his period
> torture was complete. He could return to his everyday life and even have
> liaisons with his former lover (contrary to state policy), because the
> state had completed its punishment of him, had demonstrated its power,
> no longer had any interest in him. The exercise of power, purely for its
> own sake, was the only point of the enterprise, according to Orwell.
> Meanwhile, just as in 1984, we are now allying ourselves with our old
> enemies (Russia, in particular) while vowing endless war against our old
> friends (Bin Laden). Because, there is nothing better than war to
> the population from private pleasurable goals and reorient everyone
> Big Brother, who alone can protect us from the monsters he has created.
> I hope this answers your question.
> --Charles

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