-Caveat Lector-

Subject: What has happened to the capstone of the great pyramid?


What Has Happened To The Capstone Of The great Pyramid?
By a fellow researcher

"Although the capstone is supposed to be a one-night affair or celebration
to usher in the New Millenium there are some who believe the Capstone will
"turn on" whatever kind of machine the pyramid
was built to be. They believe this function will have lasting changes in the
consciousness of mankind. We will soon see. The Millenium is close at hand."
( Oh dear will the holograms be ready in time for the false rapture? or
whatever they have planned? Nicky)

We hear a lot about the pyramids of Giza but we don't hear much about the
missing capstone. Yet we have reminders of it everytime we pull a dollar
bill out of our wallets. There are plenty of places on the web that explain
the symbol of the eye over the pyramid. What we don't see much of is
speculation on what happened to the original capstone. What was it, did it
have a purpose, where did it go?

What little speculation we do see is usually more of an assumption that it
was stolen or lost somewhere in the sands of time. Why do I get the feeling
this is what we are meant to believe, but this may not be entirely accurate.
Whatever the capstone was I doubt it would have been left to the mercy of
robbers. It is more likely it was been spirited away in the same manner as
the Ark of the covenant, the Holy Grail and the Tablets with the Ten

The pyramids have held a fascination for people thruout recorded history.
There are many reasons for this. One reason is because the great pyramid is
the largest ancient structure on earth. The shape itself has power called
Pyramid Power which has been studied and reported in several books. Many
people have reported
strange experiences while in the pyramids. But the biggest mystery has been
why were they built and what did they mean to the ancients who built them.

Pyramids are thought by some to be a kind of mystical machine. We are
learning more everyday about the mystical forces of the Earth, Ley Lines,
Power points, gravitational anomalies. If the pyramids were built in one of
these areas the capstone could have been an amplifier for one of these earth
energies. The Great Pyramid could have been a beacon similar to our
lighthouses of today. The pyramid is the only manmade object on earth that
can be seen from the moon. If the capstone was a crystal it could have been
also been a communicator. What is a laser but a crystal!

When we read the fables of Atlantis we read how the Atlanteans used crystal
power and how it was the misuse of this power that caused Atlantis to break
up and sink.

There is more evidence coming to light all the time that Atlantis did indeed
exist. If it did exist then there must also be something to the accuracy of
the fables. It is possible that the capstone of the great pyramid was not
only a crystal but part of the Atlantis energy network. If this is the case
then it is quite possible the Atlanteans themselves spirited away the
capstone before even more damage could be caused. Another possibility is
that the capstone was an energy device that was spirited away by someone
else for their own purposes. It could have been hidden by a benevolent group
of people simply to keep it from being used for further destruction on our
planet. It may lie hidden in one of those mysterious mounds that are
scattered around the Earth or it may be buried inside one of the Earth
energy vortexes. At the rate our geologists are making new discoverys today
it may not be long now until we know the answers.

There are plans to recap the Great Pyramid on December 31st with a
gold-encased capstone that will be lowered by helicopter.

There will be a special dusk-to-dawn music and laser show by French musician
Jean-Michel Jarre called The Twelve Dreams of the Sun" according to Jarre.
Jarre also made the comment "The pyramids are a reflection of mankind and
eternity." How close will this "new" gold-encased capstone be to the
original capstone we can only guess.
Although the capstone is supposed to be a one-night affair or celebration to
usher in the New Millenium there are some who believe the Capstone will
"turn on" whatever kind of machine the pyramid
was built to be. They believe this function will have lasting changes in the
consciousness of mankind. We will soon see. The Millenium is close at hand.

It should be noted that Planet Mars will be 33.33 degrees below the horizon
from the perspective of Cairo on January 1, 2000 at 12:19 AM.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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