-Caveat Lector-

hi, ok guys and gals ..... ;)

I have it on bad authority that the worlds gold is being laundered through
an ancient smelting process to turn it monoatomic white.
This, my bad authority says, when eaten, is the key to immortality and the
food of the gods/reptoids and republicans.
I am also told by another bad authority that this white gold can also be
used in certain kinds of advanced starship engines ... and perhaps the
stockpiles are being made in preparation for a mass exodus.

The multinational company with the 'immortality' franchise - plans to make
a massive banquet of white gold to have a big store tucked away before some
sort of global disaster strikes - and is channelling it through the
existing factory and capital infrastructure now to maximise the profits
rather than wait and transport  all that heavy stuff to the colonies in
space to process it there
at greater cost.

An entire futuristic industry is being fuelled by monoatomic gold ... and,
well maybe our gold fillings are considered wasted at this moment in time :)
There are probably piles of Moonraker ships waiting to lift off with the
best of the best .... and even as we speak, Clinton, Gore and Blair are
tucking into the very substances that will keep them in office for a VERY
long time ....

Andrew :)

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