Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
May 24, 2001

The Free Congress Commentary
When It Comes to Nominations, Dems Get Their Way
by John Nowacki

If Senator Jeffords of Vermont does abandon the Republican Party today, it
won't shift control over the confirmation of President Bush's nominees to
the Democrats.  It will merely formalize the situation that is already in

Democrats have easily managed to keep confirmations to an absolute minimum
under the current 50-50 arrangement in the Senate.  They prevented the
Judiciary Committee from voting on the nominees for Solicitor General and
Assistant Attorney General in one week by having them held over, and the
following week, when that option was not available, they merely got up and
walked out of the committee meeting--which destroyed the quorum and again
prevented a vote.

They've continued to make a ruckus about the nominee for Solicitor General,
Ted Olson, so much that Republican Senator Orrin Hatch agreed to allow a
limited inquiry into parts of Olson's career after reiterating that he would
do no such thing.

And yesterday morning, they scuttled the first hearing on President Bush's
judicial nominations by complaining that they hadn't had enough time (two
full weeks) to look at their records.

Senate Democrats have made no secret of their new criteria for judicial
nominees: ideological litmus tests.  They said it plainly after John
Ashcroft was confirmed as Attorney General, and they're continuing to make
that clear every time the subject comes up.

They have also made no secret of their willingness to use every trick in the
book to accomplish their agenda.  They know no one will call them on it.

Whether it involves a committee walkout, the hint of a filibuster, or
tagging someone as an "extremist," the Senate Democrats have shown that they
will do whatever it takes to block, or stall, nominations.  It does not
matter that they are in the "minority."  Through their obstructionist
tactics, they call the important shots, no matter who is supposed to be
chairing the Judiciary  Committee.

At that committee meeting several weeks ago, just before the Democrats
walked out, an irritated Senator Hatch asked whether they wanted him to be a
chairman or a puppet.  Though they'll obviously jump at the prospect of a
chairmanship if Jeffords turns his coat, it doesn't seem to matter as far as
the Democrats' goals are concerned.  One way or the other, they seem to be
having it all their way.

John Nowacki is deputy director of the Free Congress Foundation's Center for
Law and Democracy.
For media inquiries, contact Notra Trulock  202.546.3000 /
For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

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