-Caveat Lector-

http://rigint.blogspot.com/2007/02/no-guru-no-method-no- teacher.html#comments

Mark said...

Let's get to some big picture stuff I suggest, instead of the 'who's a spook' sort of line that only leaves a room full of equally dead and frightened people, unnecessarily in that order.

(And I don't really put much faith either in the 2D graphical limitations of that political compass thingy either for what it's worth, because a lot of political preferences are just that-- preferences and contextual to what is going on reactively, instead of created of some ideological vacuum; i.e., how people utilize different ideas regarding different issues in different contexts. The whole Political Compass thingy perpetuates a myth that people are such 'Hegelian' actors, i.e., thinking that their individual perspectives flow from a certain ideological position, instead of a great deal of iterative and 'mixed-up views' in my experience in many individuals who have a different ideological support frameworks simultaneously for sometimes wildly different issues depending on the issue at hand, or who just happenes to be connected with that idea or policy, contextually.)


Some interesting UFO high parapolitical wierdness and synchronicity I wished to share which came up this evening in some reading, which I concentrate on since it connects with Jeff's post.

It connects UFO issues to the death of JFK, and how RFK perhaps really unfortunately set up the contexts for the open warfare of the globalistist factions along the Majectic lines that Novel discusses that has only hardened since the 1960s, the death of Marilyn Monroe, and the death of William Colby as having a common denominator: one of competition of who will have jurisdiction over this UFO technology and information:

    From IC's related post by Wade Frazier:

"Sitting American presidents are out of the loop regarding the ET/UFO situation. Clinton read Greer's briefing materials at the White House and exclaimed: “I know this is all true, but God damn it, they won't tell me a thing. Not a God damned thing!”[9] Jimmy Carter tried getting UFO information from George Bush the First, who was then the CIA's Director. Bush refused to give Carter the CIA's information, and told Carter to get it from someplace else. [Carter then fired Bush from CIA Director position.] Carter persisted, and was eventually threatened with an abrupt end to his presidency if he did not immediately cease his investigative efforts.[10] JKF was also stonewalled as he tried investigating the ET/UFO situation. Dwight Eisenhower was the last sitting president in the loop.[11] During Greer's journey, he was given a classified CIA report on the wiretap they had on Marilyn Monroe's phone. Monroe told a friend that JFK had seen recovered ET craft, and Monroe was going to call a press conference to publicly disclose it. Monroe “committed suicide” the next day.[12] An FBI agent told Greer that he could be locked up almost indefinitely for publishing that Monroe document, but Greer does so to this day. People such as Laurence Rockefeller, Barry Goldwater and even secretary generals of the United Nations have tried making the ET/UFO issue a public matter [dominated by their 'wing' of the globalists], but were thwarted.[13]


Not long after Greer briefed the sitting Director of the CIA (James Woolsey), he was invited to meet with the people behind the ET/ UFO cover-up and much more. That group essentially runs the world. They told him that the U.S. president and CIA director, “don't know anything, and they are never going to know anything.”[14] Much of what Greer was told at that meeting seemed incredible, but Greer was able to later confirm virtually everything he was told. At that meeting, they told Greer that they had paid out $100 billion in quiet money over the years to prevent free energy, anti-gravity and related technologies from becoming publicly used. When I heard Greer say that in 2004, it made perfect sense, as I encountered those stories many times during my adventures. I am sure that members of the same group offered Dennis a billion dollars to stop our pursuit of free energy. As Tom Bearden says, those offers are their “benign” tactics. Only when the “benign” and subtle methods fail do they begin playing rough, as they did with us."

This section particularly addresses something said in the previous thread in a comment there:

"The global control cabal is divided, and factions of the more “benevolent” half have demonstrated those technologies to a select few. About half of the cabal realizes that the power plays by the darker half threaten to turn earth into a cinder, and they favor bringing those technologies to the public.[15] The darker half also has a plan to wipe out about six billion people and turn the surviving humans into pliant slaves, but part of their motivation is also to reduce humanity's burden to earth's ecosystems. Ironically, with free energy, there does not need to be any burden to earth's ecosystems. That global controlling organization is not one that many conspiracy researcher/theorists are familiar with. That organization is the offspring of secret societies and elite manipulators going back thousands of years. The favored grist for the conspiracy theorist mills - the Bilderbergers, the Freemasons, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, the Trilateral Commission, the CIA/NSA and other alphabet soup federal agencies, defense contractors, European royalty and so on - are not in charge of that global cabal. The cabal has penetrated and influences those organizations, thereby limiting what those organizations are capable of. The rank-and-file members of those compromised organizations have little idea what is really happening or who is calling the global shots. CEOs of Fortune 500 corporations that are involved in the global control paradigm and that have helped developed those exotic technologies are not in the loop either.[16]

While I do not believe that names are important, Greer has mentioned some of the organizations involved with maintaining global control. The Mormon financial empire is the most powerful member of the present group.[17] [additionally interested in MKULTRA connections, and highly recruited into the CIA disproportionally, says Mark Phillips]

    Here's a little nugget as well that goes with the above.

    Religious issues and support of Bush Armageddon:

    Mormon believers

A Gallup poll showed 77 percent of Jews think the Iraq war was a mistake. Two-thirds of those claiming no religion agree. Catholics register at 53 percent, Protestants 48 and Mormons 27.

    Back to the Frazier quote:

"Interestingly, Mormons stole Dennis' company in Seattle. The Jesuit order is also a major player. For the people who play at those levels, wealth is largely a means, not an end. The end is power. Controlling the world's financial systems and keeping free energy and related technologies out of the public's hands are simply the means to keep control over humanity [by clientelism and artificial scarcity]. People living in scarcity are easy to control. People living in abundance are not. Consequently, people motivated primarily by greed are not the most ruthless members of the global cabal. Religious fanatics and Armageddonists are the most vicious foot soldiers of that global controlling group.[18] They want to bring the world to an end so they can all float off to heaven together. They have some strange bedfellows, and studying the spiritual path is important to understanding the situation. The brethren of those religious fanatics are variously called negative masters, Satanists, the Dark Brotherhood and other names. They have made self-service a science and enjoy all the death and suffering that their efforts cause. They help the religious fanatics and greedy hyper-capitalists keep control over humanity, but do it for very different ends. Instead of destroying the planet and everybody ascending to heaven, they want to drag as many as possible into hell."

And I looked up one of the citations Wade mentions in the Greer book sourced later on concerning Colby for more information.

It tells about presumably William Colby as a "UFO outer activist" assassination, because he was going against the more neo- Nazi wing later in life. Greer writes:

"The week our board member was going to meet with the former CIA director, to formalize the transfer, Colby was found floating down the Potomac River! The colonel who set up the meeting personally told me that Colby was assassinated. His wife later said, "I don't know why Bill wold go out canoeing in the rain-swollen, flooded Potomac River at night, leave teh door to the house open and the computer on and the coffee maker on!" She exclaimed, "This is very unlike Bill."

Mrs. Colby was hinting that something wasn't right, but there was never an investigation. So they assassinated a former CIA Director who was friendly to what we were doing, because he was going to make a definitive break with the rogue group [over jurisdictional issues of who would dominate this UFO/free energy/technology stuff]. He was getting old, and did not want to take this secret to his grave. Like many of our witnesses, Colby knew the entire covert world was out of control, and it had gone too far.

Colby by the way additionally helped out with ex-Senator DeCamp, says DeCamp, encouraging DeCamp to protect himself by writing The Franklin Cover up about another pedophile and drug muling aspect of the same group. So Greer's information fits there by serendipitously accidental confirmation from DeCamp.

Additional views of the same dynamic that Wade Frazier described above so succinctly become confirmed through this Gordon Novel video:

    Project Camelot interviews Gordon Novel
    All time views: 10,091
    Project Camelot
    1 hr 26 min 41 sec - Jan 23, 2007

    Renegade: Gordon Novel on Camera
    A video interview with Gordon Novel
    Los Angeles, December 2006

    Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan

Gordon Novel is a fascinating man. Carried along on the train of history, Gordon Novel has had a front seat to many of the most controversial chapters in U.S. history. From the Kennedy assassination to Watergate, Waco and beyond, Gordon has really seen it all.

In his first interview for over a decade, he gives us a glimpse of his role and perspective on a multitude of subjects including; the Vietnam war, Saddam Hussein and his trial, Majestic and the CIA, UFOs, the 'Extraterrestrial Revolution' and much more. He is charming, bold, uncompromising in his vision and determined to change the world. We are given a special look at Gordon's new quest to bring free energy to the world, along with news of his proposed motion picture in development, KINGDOMS COME, in a deal being brokered with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. With the support of the [good wing, he says, of] CIA [non-Galen Org issues; see Greer on the same point above mostly, relayed by Wade Frazier], he believes his vision of a world set free from the confines of oil and gas will become a reality. A big picture thinker with a strong will and an indomitable spirit, he is forging ahead against all odds.

His fierce dedication is something to behold and we wish him every success in his quest.

To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gordon Novel says: "We're doing a trilogy of films in funding them currently,..."

So this information hopefully is enlightening on on this "global elite pact breakdown" issue mentioned above if you are more visually oriented.

Novel says: 'Yeah, I was in favor of revelations of Kennedy and what he was trying to do...was expected to do or was about to happen, concerning [more public revelations of] extraterrestrials...it was one of the factors involved in why he wanted to go to the moon."-- which connects with Greer's quote above, related by Wade Frazier.

So if you really want to get into "global court politics" regarding UFO's, I suggest reading Greer and watching this Gordon Novel video.

As it says here in this review or introduction: "For those people who have been researching this story for years, you will recognize project names, and you will be able to connect the dots. For those not in the know, well, let's just say that you are no longer in Kansas. For those detractors who may cry disinformation, well, watch the video and judge for yourself."

If anything it certainly shows that Novel may be a bit distanced from the Bush/Galen Org side of the CIA which seems indeed to have JFK assassination connections.

    Novel says:

"According to my information, Majestic and the Illuminati [with its attendant global Galen Org, put into part of the CIA after WWII] are not seeing eye to eye over triaging the population of the planet..."--and since Majestic has the 'r.a.m.' reverse alien machines (as Novel I think prefers to call them), that poses an interesting developmental split on future global developmental strategies and technological politics.

    Novel said as well on his personal experience with such r.a.m.:

"We don't believe the energy comes from space or zero point, it comes from time, the energy comes from time."--which is well, frankly, what concords with the mathematics of Tom Bearden anyway, so there's little cause for that rather huffy separation of Bearden and Novel's ("we don't believe" aspect of his statement), because it's what Bearden concords with as well, its a temporal equation with zero point.

    It fits with this pretty well, additionally:

Triangles,the Weaponization of Space & the Fake Alien Threat: 2 high level "outs" compared
    2006.08.07 12:01

Description: Werner von Braun vs. Phil Schneider go head to head. Is there an alien threat, or is it just a ploy to get the weaponization of space from which people have been on record wanting to condition people to accept such a "danger" to justify military budgets and their own global Naziesque path to power and eventually dominating the earth from space? This is a comment posted from "Rigorous Intuition v.2.0" http://rigint.blogspot.com/2006/08/ area-911.html

In conclusion, what I make of all this is that this sort of contention is of the kind going on above the heads of most people, sort of like that comedy film Men in Black, however it's definitely a core issue touching many other issues--it seems deadly serious on who informally dominates the future of this planet: it's over the issue of 'who gets the Majestic tech' and what do they do with it, can translate into many different developmental pathways from this point in 2007...
    3/02/2007 12:35:47 AM
Sam Hill said...


Next time you see the CIA bashing the WTO and the IMF and World Bank, I'd sure like to see the quote, my 'fish.

Because what you just wrote there is the biggest load of hogwash to come down since Old MacDonald flushed out the sty.

Call it socialism, or call it creeping corporatism, or call it neoconservatism, or its mirror equal neoliberalism, or even neo- fascism lite, it is all the same stuf as far as elites pulling levers and the mass of humanity being cattle-prodded into lock-step as they/ we get the proverbial shaft.

One thing you said is correct, the "labels" don't mean anything anywmore. Not when the mainstream media refers to neofascistic, neocon, corporatist monopolists like Silvio Berlusconi as "populist".

That's a fancy new title for a reluctantly deposed would be dictator.

So, chuck the labels, and good riddance. Let's talk about reality, Cut.

The "lower left hand corner" is just as much a nowhere land for the mass of humanity as is the "upper right hand corner."

Unless you are some kind of starry-eyed, utopian/dystopian (because one man's utopia is another man's dystopia and vice versa), idealist, and that latter one is a dirty word in my book, for a host of historical reasons, past and present.

    Like Sly and the Family Stone put it:

    We got to live together.
    I am no better, and neither are you.
    We're all the same in whatever we do.
    You love me, you hate me, you know me, and then
    You can't figure out the bag I'm in,
    'Cause I am everyday people.

    Imprecise, perhaps. A bit on the bubble gum side of 60's pop/funk.
    But it gets the general idea across.
    Don't paint yourself into a corner.
    3/02/2007 02:08:21 AM
Sounder said...

Michael Goodspeed has some good reflections on the noted increase in narcissism among young people at;

The perceived need to be 'special' seems to feed this impulse. We have been conditioned to consider that our ranking is determined by what we get from our surroundings. When it is in fact what we give, that represents productivity and contribution to society and family.

This way of being provokes less cognitive dissonance, as there is less need to justify the stuff that you may get. This way also promotes personal excellence and a form of object meditation as experience is examined with an eye towards what can be added to it, rather than what personal gain that may be derived from said experience.
    3/02/2007 07:10:11 AM
CuriosityShop said...

    aka moviegirl


The Royal College of Psychiatrists in London, where I work as Head of Postgraduate Educational Services, is running a year-long celebration of the arts, psychiatry, and the mind from July 2001 to June 2002 under the title “A Mind Odyssey.” As part of this celebration, a festival of psychiatry-themed films was arranged by Dr. Peter Byrne, a consultant, psychiatrist and organizer of the film festival. The films selected included Mamet’s House of Games, which was screened at the Riverside Studios on 20 January 2002, immediately after Nicolas Roeg’s Bad Timing.

Because I have written extensively on Mamet’s work, I was asked to participate in an “expert panel” that would discuss the film and answer questions from the audience following the screening. My co- panel member was Dr. Raj Persaud, a consultant psychiatrist well known to television and radio audiences in the UK. I concentrated upon the dramatic/literary aspects of the film, whilst Dr. Persaud dealt with issues of a psychiatric nature.

The cinema was packed for the screening itself, and about sixty people remained after the film for the discussion. Before the Q&A session began, I gave a brief talk on the aspects of the film that I felt were particularly striking. These included the primacy of image and gesture, the film’s stylized tableaux, and Mamet’s use of the confidence trickster. Although Mamet is renowned for his mastery and use of language as dramatic action throughout his work, I consider it noteworthy that House of Games is a film that tells its story primarily through image and gesture, rather than via the spoken word. Mamet’s trademark economy of linguistic style and incisive word selection is still very much in evidence, but in this instance he prefers to let the images onscreen progress the action. Indeed, the film contains quite lengthy periods of complete silence, but much is being conveyed through glances, gestures, and even the subtle use of lighting. Moreover, I contend that this film is deliberately artificial in style and portrays a stylized representation of reality, which is wholly in keeping with the labyrinthine world it depicts. Again, image is more important than the spoken word, and Mamet opts for a series of tableaux that call to mind the urban spaces captured in the paintings of Edward Hopper, as well as 1940s film noir. The dialogue among characters is often almost “stagey,” their staccato exchanges reflecting the carefully crafted psychological games being played by almost every character in almost every scene. There is little time for relaxation here— virtually every one is always “on.”

This is especially true in the case of Mike, the confidence trickster par excellence in House of Games. Mike is a natural successor to Teach in American Buffalo and the shark-like salesmen in Glengarry Glen Ross. He raises the game to almost mythical proportions; there is a sense in which such characters perform the “con” for its own sake. Yet each of the characters in this film apparently needs the “con” to keep going, to keep high, even to stay alive. In House of Games, perhaps Mamet himself is performing a confidence trick on his leading lady; after all, Margaret is played by his first wife, Lindsay Crouse, who as an accomplished actress m ust trust the first-time director. As Mike tells Margaret early in the film, a con works not because the “mark” gives the trickster their confidence; on the contrary, it works because the trickster gives their confidence to the mark. Manipulation is the name of the game.

At the film festival’s post-screening discussion, there was considerable debate on these points, as well as on issues relating to Mamet’s use of language and Margaret’s compulsive/addictive personality (particularly that she and Mike are the same under the skin). Some audience members maintained that the ‘con” set-up by Mike and his cronies to swindle Margaret was rather obvious and could he spotted early on, whilst others thought the film was brilliant, in its depiction of a series of scams culminating in a set-up of such sophistication and ingenuity that it could hardly be bettered.

Extensive discussion surrounded Mamet’s choice of psychiatry as Margaret’s profession. For example, did Mamet—and Hollywood in general —have a negative view of psychiatrists? Dr. Persaud commented that House of Games remains one of the few films ever produced to intelligently engage with what psychiatry is really about, which renders it remarkable, given how frequently psychiatry and psychiatrists are featured by Hollywood. While Dr. Persaud has strong reservations about the inaccuracies endemic in the film concerning how psychiatrists actually work, the film in his view still comes closer to a realistic portrayal than any other cinematic portraits, one that can be watched and enjoyed by members of the profession.

Although the nature of the relationship between psychiatrists and their patients is explored in House of Games, as it is in virtually every other film that includes psychiatrists among its characters, at one level the film appears to be asking whether everything in a capitalist society is a “con”—even the hallowed doctor/patient relationship. Discussion centered on whether the film implies that this most cherished of trusts is betrayed, with the concomitant suggestion that then there surely is no hope for genuine relationships in a free enterprise society. One might infer, moreover, that psychiatry is being used here to make an interesting political point about society at large, one that makes the film enigmatic and fascinating.

There was also an animated exchange about the fact that Mamet has chosen to make his psychiatrist female and whether her sex had rendered her more susceptible to manipulation and trickery by Mike— putting a rather sexist spin on the proceedings. In short, would it have been possible to dupe a man so mercilessly? The discussion continued with questions being raised about the concepts of self- knowledge and self-forgiveness, and about the moral ambiguities addressed in the film, particularly in relation to Margaret’s journey from healer to murderess. Rather than agonize over her deed, Margaret goes on holiday, forgiving herself because in her view shooting Mike was justified. This post-film session lasted about forty minutes and was most enjoyable, eliciting excellent feedback, which provided considerable food for thought.

In "House of Games" (1987), there is a scene where the underlying strategy of the con is explained, and the explanation fits for all of his films. "The basic idea is this," the con man (Joe Mantegna) explains to the woman who has become his student (Lindsay Crouse). "It's called a confidence game. Why? Because you give me your confidence? No. Because I give you mine."

There is a teasing quality to Mamet's presentations that reminds me of a skilled magician, meticulously laying out his cards while telling us a story. We know the story has nothing to do with the cards ("The Queen of Diamonds decided she would have an affair with the King of Hearts . . ."). The story is a diversion. The real story is, what's happening to the cards? What is he really doing while he's telling us he's doing something else?

The magician's voice never sounds as if he really believes the Queen and King are having an affair. There is a slightly mocking, formal quality to his speech. He is going through the ritual of telling us a story, while meanwhile operating in another, hidden way. That's how a Mamet film feels. Like a magician whose real cards are hidden. It makes sense that he uses the same actors over and over again, just as a magician always starts with the same 52 cards. (Indeed Mamet directed the Broadway show starring Ricky Jay, the master card manipulator who appears in most of his films.)

    Perhaps it's all a con. One big gigantic game.

    And the real question is

    "Are you in or out?"
    3/02/2007 10:00:03 AM
SMiles said...

    Vallee warned of this back in 1979:

    "Most UFO organizations are led by people who are independent
    and sincire..... Such sincire individuals are surrounded with
    people who have links to the world of espionage or to military
    intelligence. I found that some of the links were open and
    obvious: for instance, the Board of Directors of NICAP lists
    among its members the former head of the CIA; and it is no
    secret that CUFOS (Dr. J. Allen Hynek's Center for UFO Studies)
    has several "former" agenst among its associates. Sometimes the
    link is less obvious, but is known to members of the
    organization, who admit it when confronted with the fact."


    - SMiles
    3/02/2007 10:54:43 AM

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