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Why Helms is wrong about U.N.
by Joseph Farah

I just caught up with the full text of Sen. Jesse Helms' address to the
United Nations last month.

I had read news accounts that made it sound as if Helms, the
chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, had launched a
direct, frontal attack on the legitimacy of the U.N. I took comfort in

Sadly, after reading the full text, I find Helms sold us short. He tiptoed
into the U.N. like an invited guest. Many of the points he made were
good, but his central assumptions about the nature of the U.N. were

To start with, Helms recognized the legitimacy of the United Nations.
That was a huge mistake. Once you acknowledge that there is a
proper role for a global agency whose stated goal is world
government, the battle is lost. No U.N. "reforms" can save this
hopeless dinosaur. It must be abandoned by the United States. That's
not the message Helms sent at all.

"I am told that this is the first time that a United States senator has
addressed the U.N. Security Council," he said. "I sincerely hope it will
not be the last. It is important that this body have greater contact with
the elected representatives of the American people, and that we have
greater contact with you."

On the contrary, I sincerely wish it could be the last time an elected
representative or any other official of the U.S. addresses the body. It
is illegitimate from start to finish.

Helms went on to say he hoped his visit would represent the beginning
of improved U.S.-U.N. relations. That's not the message I would
have hoped to hear from "Senator No."

"Last year, the American people contributed a total of more than $1.4
billion to the U.N. system in assessments and voluntary contributions,"
he said. "That's pretty generous, but it's only the tip of the iceberg.
The American taxpayers also spent an additional $8,779,000,000
from the United States' military budget to support various U.N.
resolutions and peacekeeping operations around the world."

I don't think that's "generous," as Helms says. I think it is
irresponsible, foolish, theft and counterproductive if the goal is peace
and freedom in the world.

Helms continues: "Now, I grant you, the money we spend on the
U.N. is not charity. To the contrary, it is an investment -- an
investment from which the American people rightly expect a return.
They expect a reformed U.N. that works more efficiently, and which
respects the sovereignty of the United States."

An investment? It is only an investment in attacks on U.S. sovereignty.
What has happened to Helms? The U.N. was founded as an
organization to promote global government and it has only become
more focused on that goal in recent years. It can never respect the
U.S. as anything other than the source of its revenues.

Helms seems to believe this determined engine of global governance
can somehow be reformed. I don't get it. He seems determined to
salvage a permanent relationship with the U.N. rather than let "the
U.S.-U.N. relationship spiral out of control."

I say let it spiral out of control.

"I suggest that if the U.N. were to reject this compromise, it would
mark the beginning of the end of U.S. support for the United Nations,
" he said. "I don't want that to happen. I want the American people to
value a United Nations that recognizes and respects their interests,
and for the United Nations to value the significant contributions of the
American people. Let's be crystal clear and totally honest with each
other: all of us want a more effective United Nations."

Huh? Not me, Jesse. The only blessing of the United Nations thus far
is its ineffectiveness. Had the agency been effective and efficient, we'd
all be living under global tyranny right now.

"As matters stand, many Americans sense that the U.N. has greater
ambitions than simply being an efficient deliverer of humanitarian aid, a
more effective peacekeeper, a better weapons inspector, and a more
effective tool of great power diplomacy," he said. "They see the U.N.
aspiring to establish itself as the central authority of a new international
order of global laws and global governance. This is an international
order the American people will not countenance."

Well, Jesse, we don't have to use any "senses" other than our own
eyes to understand the U.N. agenda. It is clearly stated in its charter.
It is evident in subsequent organizing documents. The objective of the
U.N. is global government -- always has been, always will be.

And this is where he really lost me.

"I am here to plead that from now on we all must work together, to
learn from past mistakes, and to make the Security Council a more
efficient and effective tool for international peace and security," he

Plead? The idea of the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee pleading with the U.N. to work together is a visage
reminiscent of Rodney King asking, "Why can't we all just get along."

Jesse Helms, you are supposed to have more dignity than this! You
are supposed to be the champion of U.S. sovereignty. Don't plead for
it. Fight for it! Don't compromise with the U.N., lead us in the effort
to pull out -- once and for all.

A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's commentaries
can be heard at KTKZ in Sacramento and the Internet portal
-end article-
The constitution is not an instrument for government to restrain the
people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government
-- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.
-Patrick Henry
02-22-2000-William Cooper endorses Alan Keyes
Math 101:
=Global socialists who don't give a damn
about the Constitution, or American Sovereignty, or
your individual unalienable rights.
Our chains are forged!
Their clanking may be heard inside the beltway of Washington, DC!
Go look in to your children or grandchildren's eyes
then decide:
Which Traitor are you going to vote for?
When are you people going to wake up?
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