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Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 22:35:54 -0600

URGENT NEWS - World War III Plans Exposed

An Open Letter To Our Representatives On Capitol Hill
by Christopher Goodheart, URGENT NEWS Editor

"The strength of the Constitution lies in the will of the people to defend
- Thomas Edison

FORWARD:  Consider here the documented facts that include CDC's shameful
role in developing contaminated vaccines AS PART OF A FAR MORE SERIOUS
block Clinton's current nomination of CDC Director David Satcher as U.S.
Surgeon General and assistant secretary for health at the Department of
Health and Human Services.

Dear Vigilant Friend of Freedom:

This letter has been e-mailed to our representatives in the House and Senate
as a last-ditch effort to defend the Constitution and avert the terror,
death and hell that is planned for the American people by the same people
behind the death of the Kennedy's, behind the massive Mena Arkansas drug
imports, and behind many other "black operations" ranging from Cambodia's
Golden Triangle to the unexploded bombs that were found on the columns
inside the Oklahoma City Murray Building.  (go to
www.urgent.safetrek.com/big.htm   for details)

This is a serious warning to all of US regarding domestic enemies that are
planning an attack on the America people with biological warfare agents that
could kill thousands if not millions of Americans… creating chaos in major
cities nationwide, collapse of the stock market, and nuclear attack by China
and North Korea.  Both of these arch-enemies of America have been
accelerating war preparations this last year with unprecedented financial
and technology aid from top power elite insiders; there's uncanny parallel
to Wall Street aid behind the arms industry build-up of Germany and Japan
prior to World War II.

The method to this madness and the virtual insanity of insane - virtually
satanic -- "powers that be" behind the scenes of big business/big government
(Big Brother) collusion can now be understood easily and quickly by the
masses of Americans through the video or book called EMERGING VIRUSES by Dr.
Len Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. (Masters in Public Health).  Speaking at
Safe-Trek's Round-Table Seminar* of experts about a week ago, Horowitz
documents the paper trail behind the intrigue and treachery of those who
created and deployed AIDS in America and worldwide. And he details the
insidious nature of "Project Paperclip" that not only brought over top NAZI
rocket scientists after the war (for NASA) but also brought over Hitler's
top geneticists and virologists who continued their "ethnic cleansing"
agenda in our bio-warfare labs in collusion with the medical industry.
Horowitz has uncovered the irrefutable evidence that proves the who, what,
where and how behind hepatitis B vaccines laced with live AIDS virus that
targeted homosexuals and blacks in New York, San Francisco and Central
Africa (via the UN's World Health Organization), and this is exactly where
the AIDS disease exploded from.

Concerning a much broader population reduction agenda, Horowitz names the
names and prints the contracts that show who and how the power elite
insiders within the defense establishment have initiated the genocide of
millions of American people with the contamination of polio vaccines that
has "seeded" the entire baby boom generation with cancer viruses; as age
takes it's toll and our immune systems can no longer keep these laboratory
created retroviruses in check, these "biological time bombs" are now
activating with one out of three boomers getting cancer.

And Horowitz details the complete story behind the intrigue and treachery
whereby the population control agenda of this power-mad power elite has
killed millions of "sheeple" they consider "useless eaters" or "potential
militia" through a wide range of vaccines ranging from DPT shots for
children to the shots given to Gulf War vets.  Horowitz relays the most
compelling information to date to confirm that designer viruses in pre-war
vaccines are the cause of the Gulf War Syndrome that has killed or seriously
sickened more than 200,000 vets already and is rapidly spreading among their
children and wives.

A common sense, non-emotional and otherwise objective evaluation of the
information provided by Horowitz at this seminar will reveal what any
serious student of unadulterated history will tell you.  That the same
people who financed and profited from both sides of World Wars I and II, the
Vietnam War, and many other global conflicts have likewise made a killing by
creating and treating disease through the military/medical industrial
complex.  Clearly the "War on Cancer" was a medical Vietnam and the
medical-industrial complex is now far more entrenched and bigger than the
military-industrial complex ever was.  Indeed, the first thing the Clintons
did after the election was to follow the directive of David Rockefeller,
Trilateral Commission founder and Chairman, to take over (socialize) 1/5th
of the economy -- the health care system - that the Rockefeller oligarchy
Studies show that 97.5% of what we call "health care" is in fact disease
care - the diagnosis and treatment of disease rather than it's prevention.

The most powerful special interests in the United States are driven by
corporate law that favors shareholders before the public whenever profits
are at stake.  This gives incentive to the interlocked food and drug
companies to sell the American public on the Big Lie of disease care as
health care.  From cradle to grave, population control is waged on the
American public through mass media mind control; food and drug adds dominate
the mass media, indirectly causing disease through highly processed
chemical-laced "food"… and then directly treating disease through more
chemicals (drugs) for whatever ails you.
This sick "health care" system thus creates and manages a sickly,
weak-willed and dumbed-down public that is too sick and tired to realize how
"we the people" are manipulated by mass programming of the mass mind.

The fact is that more than a million American die prematurely every year
because our "health care" system cares far more for the creation and
treatment of disease than its prevention.
There's no one more enslaved than those who THINK they are free when, in
fact, all of their choices are manipulated, programmed (TV) or otherwise
orchestrated by politically correct power elite special interests.

Common sense has become uncommon regarding the huge self-destructive
disease-care system called "health care" because the politics and economics
(for power and profit) are far more complex and intimidating to the
"sheeple" than the science of biological correct health-building and disease
prevention. Indeed, common sense has been turned on it's head for
financially expedient profits.  It's just "good business" (for profit) that
a pound of cure is worth 16 times an ounce of prevention.  And the most
powerful special interests in America have a corporate responsibility
(vested interest) in keeping it that way.

Now we have proof that their agenda is to reduce US population to 45%
current levels.  The issue is that the Internet is waking up the world to
the power trips of the power elite, and the need to make them accountable.
Which explains why they want to accelerate their agenda and formula for
success; the creation and management of disease and death.

This would be much more difficult to understand if you did not know the
history of the key players who have been getting away with murder for
generations.  Early in the century, robber barons Rockefeller and Carnegie
created a medical monopoly by financing 1640 medical schools with
pharmacology at the core of the curriculum, turning out "ethical"
drug-pushers every since because they outright owned or indirectly
controlled most of the drug companies.  This same Rockefeller (John D.) also
financed legislation that virtually destroyed the dominance of natural cure
modalities such as naturopathy (herbs) and homeopathy.  Later he merged his
cartel of monopolies in numerous fields (oil, chemicals, drugs, banking and
communications) with the IG Farben cartel of monopolies in Europe that
brought Hitler to power.  Rocky even loaned out his image-maker, Ivy Lee, to
appraise the PR potential of Hitler before they brought him to power as
their front man.

While old John D. was destroying nature-based medicine in America and
setting up Hitler to enforce his IG Farben cartel agreements throughout
Europe, he had a naturopathic and homeopathic doctor keeping him in peek
shape into his 90's.  Rocky's oil tankers kept Hitler's war machine going
through the war along with his coal-gasification technology.  Insider
collusion pulled strings at the highest levels and we now know that
Roosevelt had prior knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor even as the
insiders had prior knowledge (actually set up) the bombing of the Murray
Building in Oklahoma City.

Horowitz documents how much of the NAZI war chest went into purchasing
controlling interest in America's largest pharmaceutical companies who then
contracted for biological weapons development via Hitler's in-house
scientists.  The chilling conclusion to the chain of events since then is
undeniable to any mature adult who would rather know a grievous truth than
live in wishful fantasy.

The Trilateral Commission "insiders" have already published their intent to
reduce world population to 10% current levels (Global 2000 Report) and the
CFR's own insider newsletter has expressed it's intent to help that process
along in the US to approx. 45 % current population levels.  This agenda is
well on its way through immune-whacking vaccines they injected us with when
we were children.

Given a little radiation - for a huge whack on our collective immune
systems -- and you'll see a massive pandemic of cancers virtually overnight.
To finish off what an anthrax and/or plague bio-attack doesn't accomplish,
the international power elite long ago created the nuclear arms race with
their "MAD" system of "Mutual Assured Destruction".  Horowitz documents how
it was Kissenger leading both nuclear and bio-warfare initiatives.

You can expect that biological warfare attack to come from a "black
operation" directed by the insiders here in America.  Why?  BECAUSE THEY'VE
VACCINES!  And they can easily clone another Lee Harvey McVeigh scapegoat if
not implicate the entire patriot movement as a pretext to putting the true
defenders of America into the "detention centers" (concentration camps) that
FEMA has ready and waiting around the US.

Horowitz clearly shows the pattern whereby the insiders have consistently
announced their evil intent in veiled messages through their mass media
mouthpieces. They almost always set us up with pre-programming to get us
used to the agendas they have planned for us.  Like self-fulfilling prophecy
they warn us of dangers and then create the very same problem they would
"save us" from.  But their "salvation" is anything but!  For example, in the
name of saving the children at Waco, they fried 'em.  In the name of saving
the children of America, they've injected them with contaminated vaccines
for more than 20 years.  And right now, in the name of the urgent "health"
needs of children, Clinton is pushing hard with an agenda to vaccinate every
child with Hepatitis B vaccines; Horowitz says that recent checks have shown
these vaccines to be extremely contaminated.

Another "set up" is more ominous; almost everyday we are being warned in the
media that a "biological attack" is imminent at any time.  This would be a
convenient tactic to transfer blame for the collapse of the stock market
which the insiders fully intend to milk all the way down as they did with
the S & L fiasco.  The savings and pension funds of millions of Americans
will be gone, and that in itself will depress the immune system, triggering
the seeded viruses in many adults.

It's critical that people prepare physically, mentally and spiritually for
what will come if our representative in government do not soon make
accountable or otherwise bring under control the numerous tentacles of the
"octopus" of  big business/big government (fascist/Big Brother) vested
interests in America.

Ron Paul's own words:

    "One of the most popular pieces of legislation I have introduced is HR
1146, The American Sovereignty Restoration Act.

  "In short, this bill calls for the immediate withdrawal of the United
States from the United Nations, including an end to the participation of US
troops in UN police actions. This legislation is so important because it is
a first step in stopping the march toward a "one world government" through
the many other multilateral agencies, such as the IMF, the World Bank and
the newly created World Trade Organization.  AND THE UN'S WORLD HEALTH

  "Our Constitution does not give Congress the authority to cede our
national sovereignty to an international body. Even under the treaty
provisions of the Constitution, it is not permissible.

Our reps quite often do not see the light until they feel the heat.  Let
them know that HONOR for America and a future for our children begins with
Ron Paul's legislation that restores sovereignty "of, by and for the
people".  Tell our reps that you want the medical monopoly in America
deregulated so that alternative health cures for cancer, AIDS and emerging
viruses can be encouraged.  Demand a full investigation of the
military/medical industrial complex and their CIA/NAZI connections since
World War II.  And above all, read Horowitz's book or view his video on
"Emerging Viruses"; this is perhaps the most scholastic documentation to
date to expose the treachery of those among us who began a silent war
against the American people 20 years ago and are now about to trigger World
War III via biological and nuclear warfare meant to enslave us if not kill
us outright.  I also recommend Steve Quayle's definitive preparedness manual
for biological/chemical warfare called, "Breath No Evil" (800/424-7870)

For Christ's sake, "Feed my sheep"; warn the American public of the infamy
of this arrogant, corrupt and virtually satanic power elite (and political
lackeys) who have promised safety, health and security for our loved ones
while in fact setting us up for the kill.

To deny what is about to happen in America is to deny the documented proof
that Horowitz provides right before your eyes.  Order his books and tapes
from his home page at www.tetrahedron.org or, for a limited time, get his
594 page/$29.95 book free along with 4 hours of his recent lecture (9-1-97)
where he details the Rockefeller-Kissenger-Bush NAZI connection and the rise
of the 4th Reich in America.

That free offer comes with a one year order of food from SafeTrek.

Personally, I don't care were you order your food reserves from, but I can
tell you that SafeTrek Food Reserves are competitive (quality and price)
with other suppliers.  Wherever you get them, I suggest you do it fast. The
government just made it illegal to order army surplus MRE's and they may
soon make long-term food storage illegal.  Why?  To force you to turn in
your guns to get food rations.  Food is always used as a weapon when corrupt
governments turn to genocide of their own people.  They've already done that
with vaccines in America.  And their time is short because their "fruits"
are apparent.

The true test of spirituality is practicality. Hope and pray for the best
and specifically for the binding of the wolves in sheep's clothing among us.

Prepare for the worst.  Stick to your guns.  And shoot straight.

Yours for a safe trek,
                  Christopher Goodheart

PS - It was revealed at the last week's SafeTrek Seminar that numerous top
secret underground cities have been built around the United States for the
power elite to escape into when World War III begins. Col. Hammerman
witnessed to the giant nuclear tunneling machines he has seen that melt the
rock tailing into a glass-like wall lining.  I've heard multiple reports of
the 14 giant underground retreats beneath the resorts that the Rockefeller
cartel families have recently built along the east coast of Australia where
the prevailing winds of the world are least likely to bring the radiation
they know will be circulating big time.  In two weeks, the lethal level of
radiation following detonation is down to livable levels.  Radiation is very
survivable when you know how, even with expedient back yard preparations.
Quite often, the "chosen" are often those who simply choose.

"Evil will succeed only if enough good people do nothing."  - Burke


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