-Caveat Lector-

Update - September 7, 2001

The X-PPAC website poll

For the past year a question has been posed by a popup on the
main page of the X-PPAC web site.  It is unambiguous and is
stated thus:

     "Are you convinced that intelligent, extraterrestrial
               life forms visiting our planet, now?"

Earlier this week the vote total reached 10,000. This is not a
scientific poll.   There has most certainly been double voting
(padding).  Some of that, however,  would have canceled out.
That being the case, it is still quite notable that for the past months
the breakdown has been steady at 73% yes, 21% no, 6% no
opinion.   73% is a remarkable number.  Further, it would be
reasonable to assume that some of the 21% no's, while not
convinced, are leaning toward a positive response.

This does not represent the view of the general public, which polls
out at around 20% yes to questions with this degree of certainty.
Rather it represents the view of those people who have visited the
X-PPAC website - meaning they have a high degree of interest
in this subject.   Based upon UFO/ET television ratings, the
ratings for radio programs and the reported level of web search
engine activity, the number of people in the nation with this level
of interest may well exceed 20 million.

73% of 20 million is 15 million people.   In light of the closeness
of the recent congressional and presidential elections, it is
appropriate to consider how much political power a focused
representation of these citizens interests would project.  More
on this soon.

Bay Area UFO Expo - September 15-16

Stephen Bassett, the executive director of X-PPAC, will give the
keynote presentation at the Saturday banquet for the Bay Area
UFO Expo in Santa Clara, CA.   Information on this conference
is available at:   www.bayareaufoexpo.com

Bassett will also be attending the IUFO Congress in Laughlin,
NV the following week (information at: www.ufocongress.com)
and looks forward to getting feedback on how to pursue
the politics of the disclosure process.

Congressional Alerts

Periodically X-PPAC faxes all members of both houses in order to
maintain a constant level of pressure toward congressional action.
This also serves to inform the congressional staff whose job it is
to triage incoming faxes.   What legislative aides see regarding this
subject is critical to potential member decisions.   You can review
these alerts at:   www.x-ppac.org/Alerts.html.

The OSTP Documents

Earlier this year Canadian researcher, Grant Cameron, used the
FOIA to obtain 88 documents from the Office of Science and
Technology Policy (John Gibbons) in the Clinton White House.
These documents confirm the political initiative funded and led
by Laurance Rockefeller which targeted the Clinton administration
from 1993 to 1995 in and effort to end the UFO cover-up.

This is important work. Cameron has also written an excellent
white paper which draws upon these documents and can be
viewed at:  www.x-ppac.org/OSTP.html.

That these documents were released with almost no redaction
is quite interesting.  Under the FOIA nothing is released unless
the agency targeted wants it released.  Despite what the public
thinks, the FOIA is not a force majeure. The OSTP must have
known that confirmation of the Rockefeller initiative would be
reintroduced to the political press, which did not cover the story
the first time around. That is exactly what is happening.

Given that Daniel Sheehan and Alfred Webre are publicly
discussing their firsthand knowledge of the Carter administration's
interest in the UFO/ET question, the press is learning there are
now two living ex-presidents who attempted to address the politics
of the UFO cover-up and were shut down.

What is now needed is pressure on Clinton and Carter to
speak out in concert.

Bush Backs Away from the Shelby Provision

A provision to the upcoming intelligence appropriations bill, which
some have called a "national secrets act" has been set aside for
now.   The provision sponsor, Senator Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.),
has not gotten the support of the Bush administration.  A similar
proposal was vetoed by Clinton.

A hearing by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to
address this proposal has also been canceled.

This is a positive sign from the current administration that
developing demands for secrecy reform are being heard.
Perhaps it is an invitation to raise other issues.    See:

Editorial in "The Hill"

FAS editorial by Aftergood

Washington Post article - Sept. 5, 2001

Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS)

A new organization has been founded by Carol Rosin, Daniel
Sheehan and Alfred Webre to address the controversial
issues surrounding the further weaponization of space
by the United States.   ICIS is behind a bill about to be
introduced by Rep.Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to ban
weapons in space.   Canada and Japan are also working
to develop a space weapons ban treaty.

This new development is notable because Rosin, Sheehan and
Webre are part of the brain trust behind the Disclosure Project.
This creates interesting possibilities for the political media and
will be watched carefully.

See news release at the ICIS website:

Hunger Strike - An Activist Gained

Lara Johnstone, a Berkeley, CA woman, has tied a hunger
strike to candidate Bush's promise to Charles Huffer during
the campaign that as president he would be forthcoming on the
UFO/ET issue. Lara is an experienced activist and knows
what she is doing.  She is very articulate and has brought
considerable media attention to the Bush/Huffer encounter.

The "hunger strike" has a long tradition as a nonviolent
method of protest.  It should surprise no one that the full
range of activist options will be utilized to engage a government
imposed embargo on the truth of an extraterrestrial reality. You
can follow her progress at: www.bushufodisclosure.org

An Activist Lost

Those who champion truth being the foundation of our nation's
space policy lost a good friend recently with the passing of
David Laverty much too young from Lymphoma cancer.

A wonderful appreciation of David by Kynthia can be viewed at:


       Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
                            URL: www.x-ppac.org
                          E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                            Phone: 301-990-4290
                              Fax: 301-990-0199
                         4938 Hampden Lane, #161
                         Bethesda, Maryland 20814

    Spread the word about X-PPAC and the politics of disclosure.
           Contribute online at: www.x-ppac.org/Contribute.html
       or mail to: 4938 Hampden Lane,161 Bethesda, MD 20814

           "There is almost no limit to what you can accomplish,
                   if you are willing to give away the credit."

             "The truth costs money. Lies, on the other hand,
                         will be provided to you for free."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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