-Caveat Lector-

August 1 1999
                       UNITED STATES

The London Sunday Times

 Hillary Clinton: why I
  stay married to Bill

     Christopher Goodwin, Los Angeles

 AMERICA'S first lady, Hillary Clinton, who
 is also the country's most publicly betrayed
 wife, has revealed for the first time why she
 has stood by the president. She said his
 infidelities were a "weakness" caused by the
 psychological trauma of childhood abuse.

 In an interview that gives an unprecedented
 insight into their marriage, Hillary reveals
 that she believes Bill Clinton's childhood
 experiences set a pattern for his

 She also discloses that, until the scandal
 broke over his affair with Monica Lewinsky,
 she thought he had "conquered" his

 "Yes, he has weaknesses. Yes, he needs to
 be more disciplined, but it is remarkable
 given his background that he turned out to be
 the kind of person he is, capable of such
 leadership," she said.

 "He was so young, barely four, when he was
 scarred by abuse. There was terrible conflict
 between his mother and grandmother. A
 psychologist once told me that for a boy
 being in the middle of a conflict between
 two women is the worst possible situation.
 There is always a desire to please each

 Ever since arriving in the governor's
 mansion in Arkansas in 1978, Clinton was
 known, in the parlance of the state, as a
 "hard dog to keep on the porch". When he
 became president in 1993 Betsey Wright, his
 assistant, had to devote much of her time to
 coping with "bimbo eruptions". But only
 when the Lewinsky affair was exposed did
 Hillary realise that her husband had not

 "You have to be alert to it, vigilant in
 helping. I thought this was resolved 10 years
 ago. I thought he had conquered it; I thought
 he understood it, but he didn't go deep
 enough or work hard enough," she said.

 Referring to the period after Clinton's affair
 with Gennifer Flowers, the Arkansas beauty
 queen who claimed a 12-year relationship,
 Hillary said: "You know we did have a very
 good stretch - years and years of nothing."

 The interview, to be published this week in
 Talk, a new magazine edited by Tina Brown,
 former editor of The New Yorker, is the first
 time Hillary has talked about her marriage
 since her husband was impeached for lying
 about his sexual relationship with Lewinsky,
 the 21-year-old White House trainee.

 Asked by Lucinda Franks, the interviewer,
 whether their marriage would survive the
 strain of her standing for the Senate in New
 York, Hillary replied: "He's responsible for
 his own behaviour whether I'm there or 100
 miles away. You have the confrontation with
 the person and then it is their responsibility,
 whether it's gambling, drinking or whatever.
 Nobody can do it for you.

 "He has been working on himself very hard
 in the past year. He has become more aware
 of his past and what was causing this

 Hillary emphasised that the affair with
 Lewinsky occurred after the deaths of his
 mother, her father and their old friend
 Vincent Foster, who shot himself. "He
 couldn't protect me, so he lied," she said

 "You know in Christian theology there are
 sins of weakness and sins of malice, and this
 was a sin of weakness."

 When Hillary was challenged that many
 people believed she had stuck by Clinton for
 her own benefit, she revealed her deeper
 motivations for loyalty. She said she had
 learnt the lessons of her mother's bitter
 experience: Dorothy Rodham, the product of
 a divorce, was put on a train at the age of
 eight with her three-year-old sister to be
 brought up by her grandparents.

 "My mother never had any education. She
 had terrible obstacles but she vowed that she
 would break the pattern of abandonment in
 her family, and she did," Hillary said.

 "Everybody has some dysfunction in their
 families. They have to deal with it. You
 don't walk away if you love someone. You
 help the person."

 When Hillary tried to draw a comparison
 from the Bible to describe her allegiance,
 the interviewer suggested a passage from
 Corinthians. "Love endures all things? No, I
 love that, but I was thinking of when Peter
 betrayed Jesus three times and Jesus knew it
 but loved him anyway. Life is not a linear
 progression. It has many paths and
 challenges; and we need to help one

 "And it is love, isn't it?" asked the

 "Yes, it is," Hillary replied. "We have

 She survived the infidelities and the public
 outcry through "soul-searching, friends,
 religious faith and long hard discussions".
 She said: "I don't believe in denying things. I
 believe in working through it. Is he
 ashamed? Yes. Is he sorry? Yes. But does
 this negate everything he has done as a
 husband, a father, a president?

 "There has been enormous pain, enormous
 anger, but I have been with him half my life
 and he is a very, very good man. We just
 have a deep connection that transcends
 whatever happens."

 Her chief of staff, Melanne Verveer, said
 that as the president tried to make up for
 what he had done she had seen "physical
 passion" come back into their lives. But the
 rapprochement emerged slowly, according
 to another aide, who said Hillary had
 "barely spoken" to Clinton for eight months
 after the semen stain on Lewinsky's dress
 was made public.

 During the past 18 months Hillary has lost
 weight, changed her hairstyle and started
 wearing smart clothes. Clinton, say aides,
 has noticed the difference with some
 surprise. "Doesn't she look beautiful?" he is
 said to have observed to friends.

 Hillary says she and Clinton enjoy the
 intimacies of any married couple. "We talk.
 We talk in the solarium, in the bedroom, in
 the kitchen - it's just constant conversation.
 We like to lie in bed and watch old movies,
 you know, those little individual video
 machines you can hold on your lap."

 News of the interview began to circulate in
 Washington a few days after a court fined the
 president $90,686 (£56,700) for lying in the
 harassment case brought by Paula Jones. It
 was the first time a sitting president had
 been fined for contempt. Jones had accused
 Clinton of making an unwanted sexual
 advance to her in a hotel in Arkansas before
 he became president.

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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