-Caveat Lector-

I am asking for your pet "survival issue messages" such as anti-war,
anti-nuclear, environment, indigenous struggles, medical cannabis
relegalization, human rights, drug war/policy reform, prison/justice related
legal reforms, etc., (see some issues catagories at
http://www.globalpeacenow.org/issue.html ) to be discussed and addressed in
your letter of support for Global Peace Walk 2000 that will be
posted at http://www.globalpeacenow.org , emailed to national media and
activist lists, and carried by Global Peace Walk 2000 in its compilation of
survival issue messages, for the cause of "Global Peace Now!" as a universal
human resolve, from San Francisco for delivery to Washington DC and to the
United Nations (Jan14-Oct24,2000).  GPW2000 supporters are not necessarily
supporters of each and every issue that the walk is carrying, just the ones
most important to them, all issues uniting to manifest "Global Peace Now!".

We have recently received letters from (inter)national leaders involved in
some of these issues such as author/speaker Jack Herer
http://www.globalpeacenow.org/jackherer.html , White House Anti-nuclear
Peace Park Vigilers for HR2545 gobal Nuclear Disarmament and Economic
Conversion Acti of 1999 (http://www.prop1.org), Big Mountain Dineh
Traditionalist resident/activist Tom Bedonie
http://www.globalpeacenow.org/bigmountain.html , Electrifying Times Editor
Remy Chevalier http://www.endsecrecy.com and Michael Ruppert, Editor of
"From The Wilderness" newsletter ( http://www.copvcia.com ) whose letter is
reproduced below and will also be soon posted to www.globalpeacenow.org .
Ruppert along with Dr. Brian O'Leary ( http://www.maui.net/~oleary ) and
Chris Conrad (http://www.chrisconrad.com ) were among the fine speakers at
the GPW2000 Global Crisis Solutions Conference at UC Berkeley March1st
offering their messages for GPW2000 to carry

We have previously gathered a large number of such letters and proclamations
of support since the 1995 Global Peace Walk from New York to San Francisco
including numerous political figures, e.g. recently, San Francisco,
Berkeley, and Oakland CA mayors, Mayor of Rome NY presentation of Global
Peace Zone proclamation on stage at Woodstock'99, etc. (selected texts are
at  http://www.angelfire.com/on/GEAR2000/listproc.html , others at
http://www.globalpeacenow.org/support2000.html )   A long list of previous
support letters/proclamations, newspaper articles, etc., for the Global
Peace Walk project 1995-1999 are at

If you yourself, or someone you know that you can forward this post to, can
compose a letter summarizing/detailing important aspects of these or any
other survival issue messages for Global Peace Walk to help promote, please
email as soon as possible so these can be sent out to activist and media
lists right away to mobilize and inspire others to compose and submit theirs
as well as to afford additional advance publicity for this important Global
Peace Walk 2000 project.

It will be very helpful to my promotion of this project such
letters/messages of support for GPW2000 can be emailed to me as soon as
possible.  It would be great if under your name (a P.S. at letter's end) you
can give some info about yourself, affiliations, website if you have one,
etc.   In addition to emailing letters/messages to me, we would also
appreciate signed hardcopies, to reprint in GPW2000 letters compilation,
mailed to Global Peace Walk project, PO Box 170245, San Francisco, CA
94117-0245, if you can/will.

If you have a website please also post your letter there and a link to

Thanks very much,

David Crockett Williams  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Global Emergency Alert Response

Global Peace Walk 2000

From: David Crockett Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: .GeneralAgencyServices <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to end (Drug)War, Mike Ruppert GPW2000 support letter
Date: Friday, November 12, 1999 3:03 PM

[Most Excellent Message Mike, thanks!!]--dcw

Michael C. Ruppert
>From The Wilderness

November 11, 1999

Message In Support of Global Peace Walk 2000

To David Crockett Williams and all of the dedicated  organizers of Global
Peace Walk 2000...

Mankind's entry into a new era is a forgone conclusion. It is in progress
all around us. What remains unclear is how the exact nature of this new era
will be realized as we get there. In one case there is evidence of an
increasingly repressive political and economic hegemony, driven by
out-of-control pressures and the need to dominate world markets.  There is
still other evidence that imminent breakdowns and shortcomings of technology
may usher in an era of retrogression, conflict and  fear. At the same moment
other evidence points to the unbridled, creative expansion of the human
spirit through the uncensored and ever expanding Internet and our newly
discovered ability to reach all parts of the planet with the speed of
thought. In the midst of all of this, regional conflicts, wars, atrocities
and rumors of war continue to rob mankind of the spiritual legs needed to
cross the cusp of the new era - and to define its essence.

>From my perspective, as one who has devoted twenty years to exposing a
shadow government of intelligence, financial and political operatives -
protected by a wall of unhealthy, destructive laws - who wage a so-called
"war on drugs" with huge budgets while, at the same time, hypocritically
benefiting from the profits of the drug trade, I cannot state strongly
enough that a powerful demonstration of the desire for peace in all areas of
life is essential at this moment in our history.

The effects of war are clear: destruction of the human spirit, destruction
of property, destruction of human rights, the illegal transfer of wealth,
destruction of the environment, the violation of nature, the dissolution of
families and social structure. All of these things are byproducts of a war
on drugs which today consumes $70 billion of American resources,
incarcerates an ever increasing number of non-violent drug offenders and
gives rise to the incremental erosion of legal and human rights all over the
planet. As evidenced in Colombia, Burma, Pakistan, Kosovo, Mexico and right
here at home, the drug trade also leads to wholesale slaughter and

Any quest for peace cannot be successful without addressing the causes of
war. Throughout mankind's history perhaps the primary cause of war has been
the quest for economic power and political security. Any quest to remove the
causes of war is neither honest nor sincere unless it challenges the
billions of dollars generated by the drug trade which provide an almost
inexhaustible stream of money to purchase the weapons of war in use around
the planet. Any quest for peace must also fail if it does not address events
that sever mankind from its Creator. The irrational demonization of a
God-created plant, like cannabis, and the prohibition of its use as a
medicine for the suffering exemplifies the lack of reason behind all war. It
shows that the war on drugs, as practiced, is also a war on the human

Having participated in preparatory events for the Global Peace Walk 2000,
and being in complete harmony with its objectives, please permit me to
express my complete support to Reverend Yusen Yamato, David Crockett
Williams and all of the organizers who have worked so hard to make it a
success. Let the action of your kegs, moving in harmony and rhythm across
this nation remind those with louder voices, bigger laws, more guns and who
are driven by fear that the human spirit, in its hunger for peace, is more
powerful than anything. Let Global Peace Walk 2000 be the unpretentious and
irresistible calling card of the new era.

Michael C. Ruppert
>From The Wilderness


Michael Ruppert is a former Los Angeles Police Department narcotics
investigator whose free lance investigative journalism and research over the
last 20 years has convinced him of a potentially sinister side of the "drug
war" as documented in the recent US Department of Justice Inspector
General's Report Volume II, now in Congressional committee regarding
acknowledged CIA complicity with the illicit drug trade to fund covert
operations (wars).  See his website for details including pending class
action lawsuit against DoJ and CIA, based on evidence in this report still
being hidden from public view by Congress, on behalf of Oakland and South
Central Los Angeles residents with unanimous resolution of support from
Oakland City Council.  You can support his fine work by subscribing to his
newsletter at his website above.

For information on Mike's message and participation at GPW2000's
Global Crisis Solutions Conference at UC Berkeley, March 1, 1999, see

This is one example of the many fine letters and proclamations of support
which Global Peace Walk2000 will be carrying across country next year from
San Francisco (January 15th) to deliver in Washington DC (October 7-12) and
to the United Nations in New York City for its 55th anniversary October 24,
2000, to help inaugurate the UN Year and Decade of Creating a Culture of
Peace for the 21st Century.   Other letters of support with your global
peace and survival issue messages are welcomed and needed and will also be
posted at GPW2000 website http://www.globalpeacenow.org

We hope to have more boxes of papers to deliver to Congress next October
than Ken Starr did!  We need all the support we can get for this important
project to ensure all important issues are included in Global Peace Platform
to be addressed by all Election2000 candidates, nationally and locally
across America.

Your letters of support may be emailed to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or
to the GPW2000 office in San Francisco at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and hardcopy
mailed to Global Peace Walk 2000, PO Box 170245, San Francisco CA
94117-0245, to which address may also be mailed available financial
offerings for GPW2000 payable to Yucca Foundation [a California 501(c)(3)
association].   GPW2000 sponsorship info available on request to help
GPW2000 promote your organization to over 50million people over next

For "Global Peace Now!"

David Crockett Williams  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Global Emergency Alert Response

Global Peace Walk 2000


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