The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

-----Original Message-----
From: Herman de Tollenaere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 8:29 PM
Subject: Yugoslavia arrests/Dutch extreme Right

>On 31 July, Dutch TV rebroadcast Serbian TV tapes of four Dutchmen,
>arrested in Yugoslavia. On those tapes, they claimed to be an armed
>"special unit" with violence and abduction plans.
>For whatever it is worth:
>Dutch daily NRC-Handelsblad ["NRC-Business Paper"] of Tuesday 1 August on
>one of the arrested, Godfried de Rie:
>"According to the Group for Anti-Fascist Research, KAFKA, his name, with
>the same initials and place of residence, is on the list of members for
>1995 of the extreme Rightist [political party] CP'86. The [Dutch] Ministry
>of Defence confirms that De Rie was a conscript Army lance corporal, of
>The CP'86 ["Center" Party, founded in 1986] political party was notorious
>for racism, violence, and open propaganda for Nazis like Adolf Hitler and
>Rudolf Hess. In the 1990s, they sent Dutch mercenaries to Yugoslavia, to
>fight in extreme Right Croat units in Croatia and Bosnia.
>Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
>Herman de Tollenaere
>My Internet site on Asian history and "new" religions:
>See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on society:
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