-Caveat Lector-

Zapruder film to get official price tag
Monday, 12 July 1999 15:08 (GMT)
(NOTE: fixing archives reference)
(UPI Spotlight)
Zapruder film to get official price tag

   DALLAS, July 12 (UPI) - An arbitration panel could make a decision
this week on the historic value of Abraham Zapruder's famous 26-second
film of President John F. Kennedy's assassination. The Dallas Morning
News says (Monday) the panel is weighing a price range of $1 million to
$30 million as "just compensation" to the heirs of the deceased Dallas
dressmaker. The National Archives, which has held the film for 20 years,
took official possession last August.

Jordan women must unveil for elections
Monday, 12 July 1999 13:32 (GMT)
(UPI Spotlight)
Jordan women must unveil for elections
   AMMAN, Jordan, July 12 (UPI) - Jordanian women must show their faces
before casting ballots in Wednesday's municipal elections for the first
time, drawing criticism from conservative Muslims. Municipal Affairs
Minister Tawfiq Kreishan says (Monday) that Muslim women who cover their
faces must unveil themselves to policewomen or female candidate
representatives at polling stations to prove their identity.

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