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 from:  http://reformed-theology.org/html/israel.htm

 Zionism and the Conspiracy

                      The Nation Of Israel
                       by Robert L. Pierce

           "Zionism is the most stupendous fallacy in
           Jewish history"  --Henry Morgenthau, Sr.* 1

 To learn the background behind the modern Nation of Israel we
 need again to go back in history, this time to the year 1881 and
 the city of St. Petersburg in Czarist Russia.  There, in March,
 the movement to establish the Nation of Israel received its
 energizing impetus from the explosion of a bomb.  The bomb,
 thrown by a Russian revolutionary, murdered the benign
 Czar Alexander II, ending his policy of conciliation toward
 the Jews of Russia and inaugurating an oppressive reign under
 Czar Alexander III.

 Within months after the assassination, the Russian minister of
 the interior, Count Nicolai Ignatiev, announced that, since the
 tolerant policies of Alexander II had failed, harsh measures
 against Russian Jewry were now in order.2  The notorious pogroms,
 anti-Jewish riots under thinly-veiled government sponsorship,
 soon followed, with the loss of many Jewish lives and the
 extensive destruction of Jewish property.  Next came a series of
 anti-Jewish decrees, termed "temporary regulations", which came
 to be known as the "May Laws" since they were placed into effect
 on May 3, 1882.  These "temporary" laws were so repressive and
 restrictive on Jewish life that, by the year 1900, nearly 40% of
 Russia's Jews were dependent upon charity.3  The combined effect
 of the pogroms and the May Laws drove the Jews of Russia, in
 desperation, to seek relief in whatever direction it could be
 found.  As chance would have it, leadership was available to
 the Russian Jews in either of two directions.

 One direction was into the underground revolutionary movement,
 and a minority of Jews did indeed become revolutionaries,
 participating in the subversive movement which culminated in the
 successful Communist subversion of Kerensky's government in late
 1917, and in the consolidation of Communist control by 1922.
 Although the presence of many Jews in leadership positions in
 the Communist revolution has led some observers to the mistaken
 conclusion that Communism is a Jewish conspiracy, those Jews were
 in fact driven toward and led into an already-existing conspiracy
 by the events of 1881 and 1882.  As all students of the Master
 Conspiracy are well aware, the Conspiracy by then was at least
 a hundred years old, fully capable of having planned and
 perpetrated those events.  Certainly the Conspiracy benefited
 immensely from the entry into the revolutionary movement of
 so many Jews.

 The second direction in which the hard-pressed Jews of Russia
 were encouraged to seek relief was emigration from the country.
 The idea of Zionism, the return of Jews to their original
 homeland of Palestine, had been discussed academically among a
 few Jewish leaders for many years, but very little of a practical
 nature had been accomplished.  One of the first to promote the
 Zionist idea was Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, in writings published
 during the period 1843 to 1862, but most of the religious Jews of
 his time considered his proposals to be blasphemous.4  Another
 promoter of the idea was Moses Hess, who in 1862 published "Rome
 and Jerusalem."  Hess, a friend of Karl Marx when they were both
 students at the University of Bonn,5 was a collaborator with both
 Marx and Engels,6 a dedicated socialist, and a member of the
 First International.7  Walter Laqueur in his "A History of
 Zionism" remarks at the "curious coincidence" that, in the same
 year of 1862 in which Hess's book "Rome and Jerusalem" appeared
 in western Germany, a pamphlet on the same subject should appear
 in the Hebrew language in eastern Germany, written by Kalischer.
 Laqueur considers it "remarkable" that the two publications,
 emanating from two such diverse sources as a radical socialist
 and an ostensibly Orthodox rabbi, should appear at the same time
 advocating such similar doctrines and political solutions.8
 Laqueur follows the usual pattern of not daring or not wishing
 to call it conspiracy.

 But in the 1860's and 1870's Zionism was an idea whose time had
 not yet come.  It was advocated only by a tiny minority of Jews,
 discussed and debated by a few, denounced by a substantial
 number, and ignored by most.  Since the Jews residing in the
 various European countries were experiencing better treatment
 during the nineteenth century than they had been accustomed to
 in previous centuries, they had no particular incentive for
 emigrating.  But the assassination of Czar Alexander II and the
 tragic events which followed changed all this abruptly so far as
 the Russian Jews were concerned, and it was the Russian Jews who
 provided the main driving force toward Zionism.  The Zionists
 among the Russian Jews were encouraged in their endeavors by
 Ignatiev, the minister of the interior, who advocated that the
 Jews should emigrate to Palestine instead of to America because,
 he maintained, in Palestine they would be able to preserve their
 national identity, which they would not be able to do in
 America.9 **  This solicitous preserver of the Jews' identity was
 the same minister of the interior who had instigated the pogroms
 and May Laws which provided the impetus in the first place for
 the Jews to emigrate.  It is interesting to remember also that
 Ignatiev's pretext for initiating his repressive measures against
 the Jews was provided by bomb-throwing revolutionaries.  Astute
 believers in the "conspiracy theory of history" will have little
 difficulty in recognizing here the classic tactic of pressure
 from below combined with pressure from above to achieve a
 conspiratorial objective.

 Although a trickle of Jews had been migrating to Palestine in the
 early decades of the nineteenth century, migration could be said
 to have begun in earnest only in 1882.  It was also in 1882 that
 Baron Edmond de Rothschild, of the French branch of this
 prominent family of the Conspiracy, began financial support of
 the Jewish colonies in Palestine.  Between 1884 and 1900 he spent
 six million dollars on the Zionist colonies, which became his
 major philanthropic interest.10  Between 1882 and 1903, 25,000
 Jews migrated to Palestine.11

 In 1897 the Zionists became formally organized on an
 international basis when they gathered at the First Zionist
 Congress in Basel, Switzerland.  This and succeeding Congresses
 had as their main objective what became known as "political
 Zionism," the negotiating with the Turkish government, which then
 controlled Palestine, of a charter for a land settlement company
 which could undertake large-scale Zionist settlements.  These
 efforts failed, however, and no further significant progress was
 made by the movement until 1917.  Failure of the Zionists to make
 more headway during these years was due firstly to the fact that
 most Jews had never heard of Zionism, and secondly to the fact
 that, among those who had, most were strongly opposed to the
 whole idea in all countries except Russia.  Even in Russia,
 the Orthodox Jews were suspicious of it.14

 The break through which placed the Zionist movement on the sure
 road to success was the publishing by the British government of
 the Balfour Declaration in November, 1917.  This document placed
 the British government on record as favoring the establishment of
 a national home for the Jews in Palestine, and pledging the
 support of the British government in bringing it about.
 Ostensibly, the key Zionist in maneuvering the British government
 into this commitment was a Russian-born Jewish chemist named
 Chaim Weizmann.

 Chaim Weizmann was born and reared near Pinsk, which became in
 the late nineteenth century one of the hotbeds of Zionist ferment
 in Russia.15  After completing his education as a chemist in
 Germany and Switzerland, where he became one of the younger
 leaders of the Zionist movement, he transferred his activities
 in 1904, at age 30, to England where he settled in Manchester.
 When Weizmann arrived in Manchester as an obscure chemist he knew
 very little English, had no job, and had only one acquaintance
 in the city, a fellow Zionist; but he did have some letters of
 introduction.16  In less than two years he had obtained an
 audience with Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour to plead the
 Zionist cause.17  In succeeding years Weizmann became quite
 friendly not only with Lord Balfour18 but also with Lloyd George,
 Chancellor of the Exchequer and later Prime Minister,19 with Lord
 Robert Cecil, Assistant Secretary for Foreign Affairs,20 with
 Albert Einstein,21 and with Baron Edmond de Rothschild.22  Either
 Weizmann, the thirty-year-old chemist, was the genius of the
 century, or his letters of introduction were potent indeed.

 One of those who helped arrange high-level introductions for
 Weizmann was C.P. Scott, editor of the extreme left-wing
 newspaper, the Manchester "Guardian."  Weizmann says he happened
 to meet Scott at a party.23  Scott was one of the leading
 "liberals" in Manchester, which at that time was one of the
 leading left-wing centers of the British Isles.24  Weizmann
 relates how, when he and Scott would meet in London, Scott's
 customary greeting was, "Now, Dr. Weizmann, tell me what you
 want me to do for you."25

 The talented Dr. Weizmann, in addition to his 24-carat contacts
 and acquaintances, also was gifted with extraordinary foresight.
 He relates how in 1914, shortly after the start of World War I,
 he dropped in on Baron Rothschild on his way through Paris and
 was "astonished" to find that he and the Baron were agreed that
 (a) the war would spread to the Middle East (as it did), and
 (b) the Allies would win the war.26  In 1916 Weizmann, by then
 a naturalized English citizen, arranged to buy some real estate
 in Palestine at a time when that country was in the hands of
 England's enemy, Turkey.  Weizmann relates how Lady Grey Hill,
 from whom his group bought the property, was convinced by
 Weizmann's action that England was going to win the war.27
 Perhaps she knew something of Weizmann's connections, for in 1916
 such a purchase would have entailed considerable risk for any
 ordinary British citizen.  In 1916 the deciding factor in
 determining the outcome of the war, the entry of the United
 States on the side of the Allies, had not yet occurred.  In fact,
 Woodrow Wilson was that year campaigning for re-election on the
 slogan "He kept us out of war."  Did Weizmann have an
 exceptionally clear crystal ball, or did he have Insider

 As negotiations toward the Balfour Declaration proceeded, it
 became clear to Weizmann that the main opposition to such a
 declaration was coming from the Jewish community of England.28
 The Orthodox Jews regarded Zionism as their mortal enemy.
 To quote Laqueur's "History of Zionism", it "was interpreted as
 the most recent and the most dangerous phase in the continuing
 Satanic conspiracy against the House of Israel."29  So intense
 was this opposition from their own Jewish constituencies that the
 leading British politicians were hesitant about going through
 with the declaration, even though most of them had been "won
 over" by Dr. Weizmann.  The factor which broke the deadlock and
 led directly to the declaration was a telegram to the British
 government from Col. E. Mandel House, acting for President
 Wilson, declaring the support of the American government for the
 declaration.30  The telegram arrived at the strategic moment even
 though, only shortly before, President Wilson had considered such
 a declaration premature since the United States was not at war
 with Turkey, of which Palestine was a part.31

 The Balfour Declaration was addressed to Lord Nathaniel
 Rothschild, the head of the English branch of the family at the
 time, and was named after Lord Balfour because he was then the
 British Foreign Minister and had long been one of the prime
 movers in promoting the declaration.  Balfour's credentials are
 extremely interesting.  Professor Carroll Quigley, an admirer and
 supporter of the Insiders, tells in his monumental "Tragedy and
 Hope" how a secret society was formed in 1891 by Cecil Rhodes,
 a close associate of the Rothschilds, with Arthur (Lord) Balfour
 proposed as a member of the "Circle of Initiates."32  This secret
 society set up so-called Round Table organizations as front
 groups33 in England and the United States, and the Round Table
 groups in turn established fronts known as the Royal Institute
 of International Affairs (RIIA) in England and the Council on
 Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United States.34  Thus, Lord
 Balfour was truly an Insider's Insider, two rings nearer the
 center of the Conspiracy than an ordinary member of the Council
 on Foreign Relations is today.

 Viewed in this context, Weizmann's amazing skill and/or good
 fortune in climbing the ladder of prestige after his arrival in
 England are better understood.  Weizmann evidently had been
 selected by the British Insiders as their front man who would be
 able to "accomplish", by his "amazing powers of persuasion", what
 the Insiders had agreed among themselves beforehand would be
 done; namely, the establishment of a Jewish nation in Palestine.
 While Weizmann was no doubt an extremely capable man, his
 brilliance, like that of an electric light bulb, was due more
 to his connections than to anything generated by himself.

 As we have mentioned, support for Zionism in the United States
 was of crucial importance in bringing the Balfour Declaration
 to a successful culmination.  It should not surprise any
 knowledgeable reader to learn that the leader of Zionism in
 the United States during this period, Louis Brandeis, who was
 appointed to the Supreme Court in 1916 by Woodrow Wilson, was a
 man with deep conspiratorial connections.  Brandeis's maternal
 grandfather and great grandfather were both members of the
 FRANKISTS in Europe.35  Brandeis's father, Adolph Brandeis, would
 have taken part in the 1848 Communist revolution in Bohemia but
 for the fact that he was stricken with typhoid fever at the
 time.36  Finding it advisable to leave Bohemia in late 1848,
 after the revolution had failed, Adolph came to America where
 he traveled in the company of a friend of his family who was
 an agent of the Rothschilds.37  Reared in America with this
 background, Louis Brandeis had become, by 1914, the Chairman
 of the Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist
 Affairs.38  As the official spokesman for American Zionists
 during the critical years of 1914-1917, Brandeis was in touch
 with President Wilson, James Rothschild, Louis de Rothschild,
 Secretary of State Lansing, the French Ambassador to Washington,
 Jusserand, and, of course, with Chaim Weizmann.  He was assisted
 in his high level promotion of the Zionist cause during these
 years by Rabbi Stephen Wise39 who has been identified with at
 least thirty-three Communist front organizations.40  When Lord
 Balfour visited Washington in May, 1917, Brandeis had luncheon
 with Balfour at the White House.  Balfour told him, "You are
 one of the Americans I had wanted to meet." 41

 The rationale used to explain the Balfour Declaration to the
 British public was that it was a wartime political necessity,
 needed to consolidate Jewish world opinion on the side of the
 Allies.  In actual fact, as we have seen already, Zionism was
 strongly, sometimes even violently, opposed by a majority of
 Jews everywhere except in Russia.  But this fact was ignored
 by Allied propaganda in a typical reversal of the truth.

 As the murder of Alexander II provided the initial impetus to
 Zionism, and as World War I provided the pretext for the crucial
 Balfour Declaration, so the persecution of the Jews in Germany
 by the Nazis, along with the turmoil following World War II,
 provided the needed impetus for mass Jewish migration to
 Palestine.  These later events are too well known to require
 elaboration here except to note that the Nazis were brought
 into power by the Conspiracy,42 and that both World Wars were
 engineered by the Conspiracy.43  If these broad statements are
 too sweeping for the reader, the author makes no apology but
 refers the reader to the references cited.  We do not mean to
 imply, of course, that both wars were instigated solely for the
 purpose of creating the Nation of Israel.  The Conspiracy had
 many purposes and reaped many benefits from each of these wars,
 in addition to the one with which this chapter is concerned.

 One specific occurrence related to World War II does need to be
 mentioned.  At the end of the war, General Eisenhower conducted
 "Operation Keelhaul", in which thousands of "displaced persons"
 who had fled from eastern Europe were forcibly returned by
 Eisenhower's illegal orders to the Communist butchers from whom
 they had fled.44  But, on direct orders from President Truman,
 those refugees who were Jewish were specifically ordered not to
 be returned, and in fact the flight of additional Jewish refugees
 from Poland was encouraged.45  Thousands of these became
 emigrants to Palestine.

 The final throes leading to the actual establishment of the
 independent Nation of Israel consisted of turmoil, violence,
 and terrorism involving the Jews, Arabs, and the British Army
 in Palestine.  The chief features of this period were the
 assassination and terrorism inflicted by Jewish guerilla gangs
 against personnel of the British government and army.46  These
 tactics were disavowed, of course, by the leading Zionists, but
 the ultimate result of this pressure, combined with continued
 heavy illegal immigration of the "displaced persons" from eastern
 Europe into Palestine, was to "force" the Socialist British
 government to give up and withdraw its troops.  This strategy
 will ring all too familiar to present-day Americans, who can
 recall the use of a very similar strategy in the recent American
 withdrawal from Viet Nam.  The final step in establishing the
 Nation of Israel was a vote in the United Nations, in late 1947,
 to partition Palestine into two parts, one of which was to be
 the new nation.47  Informed Americanists need no references to
 document the domination of the United Nations by the Conspiracy,
 but for those who have not had the opportunity to learn of this
 we recommend G. Edward Griffin's "The Fearful Master." 48

 This chapter has been, at best, an extremely sketchy history of
 Zionism, but we hope to have shown informed Americanists that
 this history, at every crucial point, has been dominated by
 easily recognized strategies and tactics of the Conspiracy.
 Well known Conspiratorial names abound in the record, although
 only a few, such as the Rothschilds, Balfour, Louis Brandeis,
 and Col. House have been mentioned here.  Other prominent names
 sprinkled through the annals are the Warburgs, Alfred Lord
 Milner, John Maynard Keynes, Leon Blum, Felix Frankfurter, and
 Henry Morgenthau, Jr.  There can be little question that the
 Nation of Israel was planned and brought into being by the
 Conspiracy, to serve Conspiratorial purposes.

 Although American foreign policy has been ostensibly pro-Israel
 since the day of Israel's founding, it takes only a little
 reflection on recent history to discover that some of the most
 serious injuries inflicted upon that nation have been perpetrated
 by the United States government.  In 1956, for example,
 Eisenhower forced a halt to the combined military operation of
 the Israelis, French, and British, which otherwise would have
 resulted in the defeat of Egypt and the liberation of the Suez
 Canal which Egypt had stolen.  In 1973 Kissinger stopped the
 Israelis from annihilating the Egyptian Third Army, forcing the
 Israelis to allow the Egyptians to escape.  It was Kissinger
 again who forced the Israelis to withdraw 22 miles inland from
 the Suez Canal, giving up an easily defended natural boundary
 for one not easily defended, at the same time giving Egypt
 uncontested control of the canal once more.  It is the American
 government which today is pressuring Israel to deal with the
 Communist terrorist PLO as though they were a decent, civilized
 government.  The truth is that the Insiders of the Conspiracy,
 working through their agents in the American, Russian, and
 Israeli governments, are manipulating the Nation of Israel like
 a puppet for the benefit of the Conspiracy.

 Today the existence of the Nation of Israel serves a multitude of
 purposes for the Conspiracy, not the least of which is the one
 which prompted the writing of this chapter.  For the existence of
 the Nation of Israel is used by the Scofieldians today as the key
 ingredient in convincing not only fundamental Christians, but
 many of the general public as well, that the "rapture" must be
 imminent and therefore any resistance to the Conspiracy is not
 only futile but unnecessary.


 * Not to be confused with Henry Morgenthau, Jr., a probable
 member or agent of the Conspiracy.

 ** Although this chapter is concerned primarily with the Zionist
 aspect of Jewish emigration, the great mass of emigrants during
 this period came to the United States.  Between 1881 and 1914,
 almost two million Jewish immigrants, mostly from Russia and
 Russian-controlled Poland and Lithuania, arrived in the United
 States.  Three quarters of these settled on the lower east side
 of New York City,12 and there were among them, inevitably, a
 sprinkling of Communist revolutionaries.  On March 27, 1917,
 two hundred seventy-five of these, led by Trotsky, boarded the
 S.S. Christiana in New York to return to Russia where they
 accomplished, with Lenin and his followers, the Communist
 takeover of Russia.13

 1    Morgenthau, Henry, Sr., "All In A Lifetime", Doubleday Page
      & Co., Garden City, N.Y., 1922.

 2    Sachar, Howard M., "A History of Israel", Alfred A. Knopf,
      New York, 1976, p. 12.

 3    Ibid., p. 13.

 4    Ausabel, Nathan, "Pictorial History of the Jewish People",
      Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1953, p. 300.

 5    Sachar, Op. Cit., p. 10.

 6    Laqueur, Walter, "A History of Zionism", Holt, Rinehart and
      Winston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, 1972, p. 46.

 7    Ibid., p. 54.

 8    Ibid., p. 54.

 9    Ibid., p. 69.

 10    Sachar, Op. Cit., p. 30.

 11    Ibid., p. 26.

 12    Ausabel, Op. Cit., pp. 282, 283.

 13    Allen, Gary, "None Dare Call It Conspiracy", Concord Press,
       Rossmoor, Calif., 1971, pp. 66, 69.

 14    Sachar, Op. Cit., p. 96.

 15    Weizmann, Chaim, "Trial and Error", The Weizmann Foundation
       1949, Schocken Books, Inc., New York, 1966, p. 24.

 16    Ibid., p. 95.

 17    Ibid., pp. 109-111.

 18    Ibid., pp. 152-154.

 19    Ibid., pp. 149-150, 157.

 20    Ibid., p. 191.

 21    Ibid., p. 118.

 22    Ibid., p. 137.

 23    Ibid., p. 149.

 24    Ibid., pp. 119-120.

 25    Ibid., p. 150.

 26    Ibid., p. 148.

 27    Ibid., p. 137.

 28    Ibid., pp. 207-208.

 29    Laqueur, Op. Cit., p. 407.

 30    Ibid., p. 208.

 31    Ibid., p. 206.

 32    Quigley, Carroll, "Tragedy and Hope", The Macmillan Co.,
       New York, 1966, p. 131.

 33    Ibid., p. 132.

 34    Ibid., p. 132.

 35    Mason, Alpheus Thomas, "Brandeis, A Free Man's Life",
       The Viking Press, New York, 1946, p. 441.

 36    Ibid., p. 12.

 37    Ibid., p. 15.

 38    Ibid., p. 444.

 39    Ibid., p. 452.

 40    Gannon, Francis X., Biographical Dictionary of the Left,
       Vol. IV., Western Islands, Boston and Los Angeles, 1973,
       pp. 639-641.

 41    Mason, Op. Cit., pp. 444-453.

 42    Sutton, Antony C., "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler",
       '76 Press, Seal Beach, Calif. 90740, 1976.

 43    Welch, Robert, "The Truth In Time", "American Opinion"
       Magazine, Belmont, Mass. 02176, November 1966, pp. 8-12,
       (See also the 85 documentary references included with this

 44    Welch, Robert, "The Politician", Belmont Publishing Co.,
       Belmont, Mass. 02178, 1964, Chapter 4.

 45    Sachar, Op. Cit., pp. 249-250.

 46    Ibid., pp. 247-248, 264-267.

 47    Ibid., pp. 292-295.

 48    Griffin, G. Edward, "The Fearful Master", Western Islands,
       395 Concord Ave., Belmont, Mass. 02178, 1964.


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