-Caveat Lector-

scroll for graphic description of crimes

The Black Magic World of Murder Victim Father of 3 7/2/04 "A Murder probe into the mysterious death of a West parish councillor took a macabre turn yesterday as police admitted it may be linked to black magic and the occult. The body of quiet father-of-three Peter Solheim was discovered two weeks ago by fishermen floating in the sea off Black Head, near The Lizard, Cornwall. His death was immediately treated as suspicious, and "unexplained" injuries over the victim's body and other mysterious details prompted police to launch a murder inquiry earlier this week. Yesterday, they confirmed they were investigating whether Mr Solheim's death was linked to his long-standing interest in the occult which had frightened fellow pagans and driven him to leave a druid sect. His fellow druids had become increasingly alarmed by Mr Solheim's growing interest with the darker aspects of the occult, Satanism and an obsession with knives.  He was practising his own Satanic rituals away from their sect and eventually, some five years ago, divorced himself from their gatherings altogether." http://www.westpress.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?command=newPage&nodeId=145785&contentPK=10520736

Rumsfeld Gave Go-Ahead for Abu Ghraib Tactics,
    Says General in Charge
    By Julian Coman
    Sunday Telegraph U.K.
    Sunday 04 July 2004
    The former head of the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad has for the first time accused the American Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, of directly authorising Guantánamo Bay-style interrogation tactics.
    Brig-Gen Janis Karpinski, who commanded the 800th Military Police Brigade, which is at the centre of the Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse scandal, said that documents yet to be released by the Pentagon would show that Mr Rumsfeld personally approved the introduction of harsher conditions of detention in Iraq.
   In an interview with The Signal newspaper of Santa Clarita, California, which was also broadcast on a local television channel yesterday, Gen Karpinski was asked if she knew of documents showing that Mr Rumsfeld approved "particular interrogation techniques" for Abu Ghraib.
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