-Caveat Lector-

books fer sale.  Interesting topics.

Dave Hartley

to order any of the books below, click:

Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier, 1999 Paperback, 598
pages, Order # $24.95

Finally, the quality paperback edition of this fascinating classic is
in-print, in-stock and ready to ship.  Though I remain doubious that an
official "Illuminati" secret society actually exists, the author has
certainly penned a valuable biography of a number of Ruling Class
Dynasties that certainly form an "Illuminati" in the generic sense.  Well
worth reading and adding to your library for reference

The Lost Treasure of Eris or How Eris Found Me, and What She Did to Me,:
When She Found Me. ? ! ?  1987 Paperback, 41 pages, Order # $25.00

Classic from the Discordian social de-engineering group.

The Lucifer Principle:  A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
by Howard Bloom, 1995 Paperback, 466 pages, Order # $15.00

  Profound treatment of the concept to "social organism" from a scientific
viewpoint of competition between teams of organisms in nature and Dawkins'
concept of the meme.  Identifies the frustrating power of the collective
in human history allegorized as "Luciferian" principle of Religion and

  Must reading for anyone exploring flowering concepts of social organism,
complexity theory, memetic fields, macrobes, metazones, etc.

Strange Case of Francis Tidir:  Investigated by Parker Woodward, 1901
Xerox, 177 pages, Order # $28.50

Classic work on the thesis that Francis Bacon was the illegitimate son of
Queen Elizabeth I.  Did Francis Bacon found the "modernist, anti-Vatican
conspiracy" through his writings (including Shakespeare and Spenser) and
through joining/leading/organizing the Masons, Rosicrucian, Royal Society,
and British colonies in North America?

Temple and the Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, 1989 Paperback,
306 pages, Order # $13.95

Important evidence tracing Masonry to the Templars.  Very important
information on the founding of the Grand Lodge in England in 1717
indicating a take-over by the Judeo-Masonic-Protestant British Crown of a
nominally Catholic, marginally heretical underground descending from the
Templars for conversion into a world-wide anti-Vatican intelligence

Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry:  Guide to the Three Symbolic Degrees of
the Ancient York Rite by Malcolm C. Duncan, Hardcover, 281 pages, Order #

Manual for Freemasons.  Rituals described in detail.

Fire in the Minds of Men:  Origins of the Revolutionary Faith by James H.
Billington, 1980 Paperback, 722 pages, Order # $29.95

Are political revolutions, descending from the activities of
Illuminist/Masonic secret societies, the secular religions of our time?
Encyclopedic treatment of the revolutionary faith from its earliest
origins in occult Freemasonry to the allegedly "scientific Marxism" of
today.  Must reading!

The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen, 1998 Paperback, 444 pages,
Order # $19.95

The evidence that Prince Charles is the Anti-Christ prophesied in the

The British Raj:  The Documentary History Series by Denis Judd, 1972
Hardcover, 128 pages, Order # $45.00

Illustrated standard history of British rule in India.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:  An Introductory Programming Manual - Top
Secret Confidential  1979 Pamphlet, 56 pages, Order # $12.00

This document attempts to masquerade as several chapters out of a top
secret National Security Council Operations Research Technical Manual.
However, its style and emphasis quickly gives it away as a
political-economic romance-satire in the tradition of Joly, the
Transcriber, and Colonel House.  However, its warning regarding the
subtle totalitarian potential of "operations research"
(social-economic mathematical modeling and manipulation) for
benefitting a covert elite at the expense of liberty, justice, and
prosperity is well taken.  Must reading!

1 Farewell America by James Hepburn, 1968 Spiral Bnd, 418 pages, Order #

Infamous book from a mysterious company in Liechtenstein which claimed a
right-wing, H. L. Hunt, Birchite conspiracy to kill JFK.  US customs
agents initially prevented this book's entry into the US.

America Needs Your Verdict by Michael Kellett, 1999 Paperback, 567 pages,
Order # $37.00

Secrecy by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 1998 Hardcover, 262 pages, Order #

Moynihan gives his parting to shot to the culture of National Security
Secrecy that blights the Federal Government.  Reviews his struggle to
declassify the Venona project that decoded Communist Party USA-Soviet
Union communications during the Cold War.  Moynihan makes the point that
had these intercepts been released in the early 1950's the whole nightmare
of McCarthism would have been avoided and the Communist Conspiracy
defeated with ease, even on the liberal-left!

Spies, Traitors, and Moles:  An Espionage & Intelligence Quiz Book -
Secret Side of America's Past by Peter Kross, 1998 Paperback, 246 pages,
Order # $14.95

Most Americans do not know the true story of spying and covert activities
in American History.  Spying, and the use of spies to further our foreign
and domestic policy, has its roots in the American Revolution.

Communism and the Roosevelt Brain Trust by Gerald Winrod, 1933 Pamphlet,
25 pages, Order # $37.00

Evidence of Communism amongst Roosevelt's "Brain Trust"

None Shall Escape:  Radical Perspectives in the Caribbean by Fundi,
Caribbean Situationist, 1988 Pamphlet, 21 pages, Order # $20.00

The Biggest Secret:  The Book That Will Change the World by David Icke,
1999 Paperback, 517 pages, Order # $25.00

Some samples for Icke:  "As a kid I always wondered how a few islands
which you can hardly see on the globe could have an Empire that spanned
the world.  Now the reason is obvious.  It was not the British Empire at
all. It was the empire of the Babylonian Brotherhood."

"They took the esoteric knowledge, memories and understanding of true
history out of general circulation. . .Ancient accounts. . .were largely
destroyed or withdrawn to secret Brotherhood libraries, no least beneath
the Vatican."

"Overt control. . .always has a finite life, because in the end there will
be a challenge and rebellion against it.  covert control. . .can go on
forever, because you don't rebel against something you don't ,now exists.
A person who thinks he is free will not complain that he is not."

"The truth of what is goin on is so bizarre that most people will not
believe it and so you have the perfect situation for ongoing, unchallenged

Black Helicopters II:  The Endgame Strategy by Jim Keith, 1997 Paperback,
205 pages, Order # $14.95

Utilizing his far-reaching research, including high level military
informants, investigator Jim Keith uncovers new information and presents
startling revelations about the truth behind the black helicopters!  Shock
troops of the New World Order?

Clinton Confidential:  The Unauthorized Biography of Bill and Hillary
Clinton--New Up-dated 1998 Edition by George Carpozi, Jr., 1995 Paperback,
678 pages, Order # $28.95

An unauthorized biography of the first couple contends that, from his
first political appointment as Arkansas's attorney general, Bill Clinton
had an eye to his current office and pursued it with Machiavellian

The Gemstone File:  The details surrounding the assasination of J. F. K.
Sixty Years of Corruption and Manipulation by Richard Alan, 1992
Paperback, 403 pages, Order # $55.00

Over-sized quality paperback with many relevant newspaper clipping
reprints.  "The motive behind the Watergate break in was to obtain The
Gemstone File.  Now for the first time the contents of this secret
document is made public.  The work of Onassis:  Saudi Arabian Oil Deal,
Kidnapping of Howard Hughes, Vietnam War Drug Deal, Assassination fo JFK,
Chappaquiddick, Murder of Black Panthers, Watergate Break-in, Deep Throat.

I. G. Farben by Richard Sasuly, 1947 Hardcover, 0000 pages, Order # $95.00

Key role in the rise of Hitler with ties to the Anglo-American

The New World Disorder:  How the Power Elite Manipulates History by Roy J.
Giampaoli, 1998 Paperback, 613 pages, Order # $25.00

Author analyzes major events starting with Vietnam within the "left"
conspiracy/assassination research tradition of Mae Brussell.  Must item

Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries:  True Stories of Suppression,
Scientific Cover-ups, Misinformation, and Brilliant Breakthroughs -
Revealing the World's Greatest Secrets by Jonathan Eisen, 1999 Paperback,
546 pages, Order # $15.95

Forty intriguing stories of scientific cover-ups and programs of
misinformation concocted to conceal some of the most phenomenal
innovations in mankind's history.

Judaism in Music:  and Other Essays by Richard Wagner, 19951850 Paperback,
432 pages, Order # $35.00

Astrology & the Third Reich:  A Historical Study of Astrological Beliefs
in Western Europe since 1700 and in Hitler's Germany 1933-45 by Ellic
Howe, 1967 Paperback, 253 pages, Order # $39.00

Ellic Howe spent most of the Second World War in a secret department
called the Political Warfare Executive. Here he provides the first factual
account of how astrology and the prophecies of Nostradamus were used by
both British and German propagandists

The Truth About the Trusts by John Moody, 1904 Hardcover, 514 pages, Order
# $200.00

Famous study of the 19th Century "Trust Movement" of the "Robber Barons"
by the famous financial advisor, John Moody.  Clearly delineated the
"Rockefeller" and "Morgan" spheres of influence in the American economy at
the turn of the Century.

The Flying Saucer Conspiracy by Major Donald E. Keyhoe, U.S. Marien Coprs,
Retired, 1955 Hardcover, 315 pages, Order # $35.00

Most pervasive and influencial of the early flying saucer researchers.

German Secret Weapons of The Second World War by Rudolf Lusar, 1959 Spiral
Bnd, 264 pages, Order # $45.00

    Anyone have any inside information on the following quote from Lusar,
an apparently well informed officer in a Nazi technical unit about German
wartime technological advances:

        "Flying saucers have been whirling round the world since 1947,
suddenly turning up here and there, soaring in and darting off again at
unprecendented speed with flames encircling the rim of the saucer's disc.
They have been located by radar, pursued by fighters and yet nobody so far
succeeded in establishing the existence of such a "flying saucer" or
managed to ram or shoot one down. . .Experts and collaborators in this
work confirm that the first projects, called "flying discs", were
undertaken in 1941.  The designs for these "flying discs" were drawn up by
the German experts Schriever, Habermohl, and Mieth, and the Italian
Bellonzo.  Habermohl and
Schriever chose a wide-surface ring which rotated round a fixed,
cupola-shaped cockpit.  .  . Within three minutes they climbed to an
altitute of 12,400 m. and reache a speed of 2,000 km/hr in horizontal
flight(!).  It was intended ultimately to achieve speeds of 4,000 km./hr.
. . . existing models were destroyed but the plant in Breslau where Miethe
worked fell into the hands of the Russians who took all the material and
experts to Siberia, where work o these "flying saucers" is being
successfully continued. . .Schriever escaped from Prague in time;
Habermohl, however, is probably in the Soviet Union, as nothing is know of
this fate. The former designer Miethe is in the United States and, as far
as is known, is building "flying saucers" for the United States and Canada
at the A. V. Roe works. . .Years ago, the US Air Force received orders not
to fire at "flying saucers".  .  . diameters of 16, 42, 45, and 75 m. and
speeds of 7,000 km/hr.  In 1952, "flying saucers" were definitely
established over Korea and Press reports said they were seen also during
the NATO manoeuvres
in Alsace in the Autumn of 1954."

Catholic Terror in Ireland by Avro Manhattan, 1998 Paperback, 160 pages,
Order # $20.00

Is the Irish Republican Army the Vatican's front line against Britain?

Decline of Historic Bible Protestantism by Dr. Ronald Cooke, 1986
Paperback, 48 pages, Order # $12.00

Excuses of Compromise by Evangelist Ronald Cooke, Pamphlet, 50 pages,
Order # $12.00

Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States by Samuel F.
B. Morse, 1835 Xerographic, 188 pages, Order # $38.00

Originally published anonymously in the New-York Observer 1834, this is
the infamous exposure of growing Papal political/economic power in the US
as Catholic immigration increased its pace issued by Morse under the
Pseudnym of "Brutus".

Ian Paisley:  Protestant Protagonist Par Excellence by Dr. Ronald Cooke,
1987 Paperback, 48 pages, Order # $12.00

More Excuses of Compromise by Evangelist Ronald Cooke, 1970 Paperback, 48
pages, Order # $12.00

Pailsley's Struggle for Ulster by Dr. Ronald Cooke, Evangelist, 1986
Pamphlet, 63 pages, Order # $10.00

The Vatican-Jesuit Global Conspiracy by Rev. Cooke, Pamphlet,  Order #

Voices of the Martyrs by Carole Cooke, Pamphlet, 24 pages, Order # $12.00

The Last Days of the red Throne by Des Thomas, 1996 Paperback, 180 pages,
Order # $24.00

Anti-Semitic theology

The Maze of Mormonism by Dr. Walter Martin, 1962 Paperback, 377 pages,
Order # $20.00

Exposh of the Mormon Church:  Occultism, racism, ties to Masonry, ego
flattering exaltation to Godhood, fortune-telling past of Joseph Smith,

Six Roman Catholic Doctrines That Nullify Salvation by Grace by Albert
James Dager, 1988 Pamphlet, 47 pages, Order # $12.00

MILABS:  Military Mind Control and Alien Abductions by Dr. Helmut Lammer &
Marion Lammer, 1999 Paperback, 167 pages, Order # $14.95

Documented history of secret mind and behavior control experiments;
Alleged kidnappings of "alien abductees" by ocert military/intelligence
personnel; Activities of "Black Heliocopters" in connections with
abductees; Otherworldly journeys and military underground facilities;
Toward a controlled society:  implants and their application to MILABS and
future warfare; The genetic aspects of MILABS

I. G. Farben by Richard Sasuly, 1947 Hardcover, 312 pages, Order # $95.00

Ministry of Lies:  The Truth Behind the Nation of Islam's:  "The Secret
Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" by Harold Brackman, PhD., 1994
Paperback, 160 pages, Order # $25.00

A Jewish professor answers the Nation of Islam's claim that Jews were in
the forefront of enslaving the African race.

To order any of the above, click:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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