-Caveat Lector-

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Fife care home sex offender dies in prison  Craig Walker "A Sex offender who carried out a 25-year reign of terror on young boys in a Scottish care home has died in jail, it emerged last night....Murphy, of Troon, Ayrshire, also forced himself on a number of boys, aged between eight and 16, during caravan trips to Aberdeen and St Andrews. He even abused one child while visiting his own mother's home in Glasgow and attacked others at Kirkcaldy swimming pool. Despite being reported to police in 1973 nothing was done. Because of the inquiry he was removed from the home but got a job at Linnwood Residential School, Leven, Fife, when he made victims' lives a "living hell".  Justice finally caught up with Murphy when, in 1999, a traumatised victim came forward. Murphy originally faced 60 charges dating back as far as 1960, including 18 serious assaults on boys, but pled guilty to 30 of them." http://www.scotlandonsunday.com/scotland.cfm?id=660542003

News and resources for professionals and volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children http://www.childadvocacy.com/

Sexual Abuse All the current Sexual Abuse news - For more news on over 1,000 topics  http://sexualabuse.newstrove.com/

from mparent
UN Peacekeepers Exempted From War Crimes Prosecution 6/16/03 "The United Nations Security Council has approved a 12-month extension of immunity that effectively shields UN peacekeepers from potential prosecution by the world's first permanent war crimes tribunal. Currently, members of UN peacekeeping missions from nations that have not ratified the Rome Statute - the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC) - are immune from investigation or prosecution under a Council resolution adopted unanimously a year ago....The ICC was inaugurated in early March in The Hague with the swearing in of its 18 judges, and will have jurisdiction over the most serious crimes, including war crimes, genocide, mass murder, rape, torture, and, once defined, the crime of aggression. The Rome Statute entered into force 1 July 2002, and the Court's authority will cover only crimes committed after that date. The Statute, signed by nearly 140 States and ratified by 90, gives the court jurisdiction over individuals no matter the nationality of the accused. In Council debates last year, the United States said it would not expose its personnel serving in UN peacekeeping missions to the additional risk of politicized prosecutions before the ICC and subsequently, Washington temporarily blocked a full renewal of a UN operation in Bosnia." http://allafrica.com/stories/200306130746.html

Myths & Realities About Child Sexual Abuse "Studies related to the incidence of sexual abuse and assault against women report that between 15 to 28 percent of females will be sexually victimized at some point in their lives. Research data related to male victimization is less available and undoubtedly underrepresented by the currently reported figure of 8.7 percent.""Research on the incidence of false reporting of child sexual abuse now shows that between 2 and 10% of all cases are false.....The most significant number of false allegations in these cases were not initiated by children, but rather by adults ...The perception that all custody cases now involve false allegations of abuse has not been supported in the research which shows that only 8 to 10% of custody proceedings involve allegations of child sexual abuse." http://gov.state.ky.us/domviol/myths.htm
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