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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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To: <undisclosed-recipients:;>
Subject: "carefully constructed spin"/commentary from Gifford
Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 3:06 AM

Dan Gifford sends this reply to the Post Dispatch story from earlier.
Other commentaries about the article included someone wishing to produce
Graeme's deposition in question to be viewed by the list here.  I am working
on getting that information to you, and will forward when available.

Please notice how the proof of government gunfire broadcast in a recent
CBS 60 Minutes II story is artfully omitted from this St. Louis
Post-Dispatch story. Also notice how the case that the Davidians started
the fire is being made. The story Craddock tells is not new. Neither is
the "pour it" recount from the FBI "bugs."  Notice that there is no
mention that those conversations took place six hours before any fire
started. Also, Craddock is in federal prison and therefore, under
duress. Was he offered an early release or other deal? Bottom line: This
has all of the earmarks of a carefully constructed "spin" which will
exonerate the government of all but minor culpability. If you know
something I don't about all of this, I'd like to hear it.
Dan Gifford
"Waco: The Rules of Engagement"


<A HREF="http://www.wizardsofaz.com/waco/picturethis.html">Please take a
moment to picture this...</A>
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