-Caveat Lector-

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Monday, February 4, 2002
One world ...
By Vox Day

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

It's not hard to understand why globalism is so persistently
seductive to people of genuinely good intent. Long a staple of hack
science fiction writers and the producers of Saturday-morning
cartoons, the notion of one central and benevolent government for all
humanity appears like a light shining in the darkness of a world that
is still wracked by warfare, terrorism, famine and disease despite
the past century's incredible advances in technology.

Of course, it was pointed out several thousand years ago that the
road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

In fact, if humanity's past record is a reasonable guide, globalism
may represent the single deadliest threat to mankind in our long,
murderous history. The Economist has reported that in the last
century, more people died at the hands of their own governments than
in all the wars and civil wars combined – 170 million deaths vs. 37
million. However, the implications of this fact for global governance
have not often been considered.

Supporters of globalism are optimistic that under the aegis of a single government, 
the world will experience peace, one way or another. But even if we put aside the 
questionable notion of an enforced peace, which the Bal
kan conflict demonstrated is merely a matter of putting off today's violence for 
tomorrow, it must be understood that an end to war is not synonymous with an end to 
violence and bloodshed.

Just as soldiers going into battle for the first time tend to think in terms of what 
they will do to the enemy instead of what the enemy will do to them, globalists 
envision one-world governance as an efficient means of i
mposing their views on others. This is why political activists of nearly every stripe 
tend to embrace globalist institutions even if they oppose a specific aspect of 
globalism. Thus the radical environmentalist who protes
ts the World Economic Forum nevertheless supports the Kyoto Treaty on global warming.

But there is no guarantee that a one-world government will respect the laws, customs, 
and institutions of the traditional freedom-loving West. Indeed, the institutions 
which are most deeply enmeshed in the globalist movem
ent show strong signs that it will instead imitate the autocratic habits of its 
intellectual predecessors. For example, the U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human 
Rights states in Article 29, section 3, that: "These rights
 and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of 
the United Nations."

Jawohl, Reichsfuhrer Annan! Consider also the possibility that a coalition of Arab and 
African states might take control of the global government in the same way they've 
been able to exert undue influence over the U.N. Ge
neral Assembly. Then everyone could enjoy the religious freedom enjoyed by Jews and 
Christians living in Saudi Arabia and the Sudan .

Unfortunately, that's far from the worst possibility. Two of the governments 
responsible for the worst civilian massacres in history, Russia and China, boasting 62 
million and 37 million murders, respectively, hold perman
ent seats on the U.N. Security Council. And for those who argue that Russia isn't the 
same government as the Soviet Union, I have only one thing to say: If they're not, 
then what is Russia doing on the Security Council?

Even in medieval times, intelligent people understood that the fact that one king was 
a wise and benevolent ruler didn't mean the next one wouldn't be a complete 
psychopath. For those of you without historical reference,
I'm talking about a situation like the one depicted in the movie "Gladiator," wherein 
Emperor Marcus Aurelius was succeeded by his son Commodus. The peril of central power 
is why America's founding fathers decided to ditc
h the whole concept and did their best to break it up, scattering it as far and as 
wide throughout the land as possible.

Regardless of how global governance is implemented, it is sure to attract every evil, 
power-seeking individual and organization like pedophiles to a public schoolyard. The 
intrigues and conspiracies will make Byzantium's
internecine power struggles look like a student-council debate by comparison. Every 
would-be Hitler, Lenin, Mao and Mugabe will be converging on a single institution, and 
the most ruthless of them will be the winner.

The National Socialists had a saying that still sounds ominous now,
50 years later. "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer!" One world, one
government may not sound so scary yet, but it should. Because one
thing is certain. Totalitarian government doesn't improve with size.

Vox Day is a freelance writer.
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new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                     German Writer (1759-1805)
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