-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Priest receives probation for false carjacking report - Ex-pastor lied to
cover up his night with prostitute  By Dennis O'Brien 8/9/02 "With a group of
supporters seated behind him, a Roman Catholic priest was sentenced to one
year of supervised probation yesterday after he admitted in Catonsville
District Court that he filed a false carjacking report to cover up a night
spent with a male prostitute."


both from L. Moss-Sharman In reburial, Olsons hope to lay saga of father to
rest Family has disputed government claims he committed suicide in '53;
Ceremony planned for today By Stephanie Desmon 8/9/02 - Frederick - "It was
here in the Olson family back yard in 1975 that the world first learned the
name of a man who, the story went, had been unwittingly drugged with LSD by
the Central Intelligence Agency 22 years earlier and then jumped to his death
from a 10th-floor hotel room." "His father was not a civilian scientist at
nearby Fort Detrick, as the family had been told. Instead, he worked for the
CIA, running the Special Operations Division at Detrick, which Olson says was
the government's "most secret biological weapons laboratory," working with
materials such as anthrax....Frank Olson didn't suffer a nervous breakdown,
as the family initially was told, and didn't commit suicide because he had
had a negative drug experience, as they learned in the 1970s. Instead, the
son says, his father was killed by the CIA because officials there feared he
would divulge classified information concerning the United States' use of
biological weapons in Korea. "It didn't happen," CIA spokesman Paul F. Novack
said yesterday. "We categorically deny that."


Judge gets 'mental disability' pension  by Joe Battenfeld and Maggie
Mulvihill 8/9/02 "State officials awarded a Juvenile Court judge a lifetime
"mental disability" pension of $7,000 a month after the judge claimed that
hearing cases triggered trauma from her own past that turned her courtroom
into a ``torture'' chamber....her doctors said she suffered post traumatic
stress disorder by hearing child abuse cases. Miles, 63, declined to
characterize the specific child abuse she suffered but said she only became
aware of it over the last few years in the courtroom. "It really was a case
of amnesia," Miles said...."I felt that it would be better if I stepped

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