ISSUE 1878 Sunday 16 July 2000

Clinton set to foot bill for Mideast settlement
By David Wastell in Washington and Tom Gross in Jerusalem

PRESIDENT CLINTON is preparing to offer Israel and the Palestinians aid
worth tens of billions of dollars to underwrite a peace deal at the Camp
David talks and attach his name to a solution to one of the world's most
intractable conflicts.
Despite warnings that Congress is wary of writing a "blank cheque" to pay
for what suspicious Republicans see as his "legacy project", Bill Clinton is
willing to assure Ehud Barak, Israel's Prime Minister, and Yasser Arafat,
the Palestinian leader, that the US will foot a large part of the peace

He is also sympathetic to Israeli requests for a substantial package of
military aid, worth up to £8 billion, to upgrade its weapons systems and
help strengthen defences against possible attack from Iraq if the Jordan
Valley is handed to the Palestinians as part of a final agreement.

Israel is believed to be seeking Apache attack helicopters and conversion
kits to turn ordinary bombs into "smart" weapons of the kind used by the US
in Kosovo. Talks at the Camp David retreat on a spine of the Blue Ridge
Mountains in Maryland continued yesterday amid an official news blackout.

According to one report, however, Mr Arafat threatened to walk out of the
summit in anger over American proposals on Jerusalem designed to bridge the
gap between the two sides, but President Clinton calmed him down and the
proposals were withdrawn.

Senior members of Congress are in the dark about what may be decided and are
nervous of being presented with a substantial bill for what some believe may
prove a misguided attempt to strike a deal in the closing stages of Mr
Clinton's presidency.

George W. Bush, the Republican presidential candidate, attempted to defuse
tensions at the end of last week by saying he wished the talks success.
Sonny Callahan, the influential Alabama Republican whose congressional
sub-committee would be asked to agree to any American aid package, has
however said that Congress will look long and hard before agreeing to pay

A spokesman for Mr Callahan said: "He has heard every figure from £10
billion to £100 billion. He and others support anything that would bring
true peace to the Middle East. But he told the Secretary of State that he is
concerned that Mr Clinton may be trying to build a legacy division in his
presidential library at Little Rock, with a Middle East peace accord at its
centre. Even as a friend and ally of Israel we have got to be concerned when
a lame duck administration is preparing to leave billions of dollars of
obligations for the next administration."

Practical issues which would arise from a settlement and require a huge
infusion of cash include establishing and securing new borders, rehousing
thousands of Jewish settlers forced to move from the West Bank and other
land handed over to the Palestinians, and building new roads and schools.
The complex nature of a division of territory between the two sides means
bridges and tunnels may be needed to allow people to move between different
parts of a new Palestinian state without passing through Israeli

An international fund would also be set up to help compensate Palestinians
driven from their homes when Israel was founded. The mood in Israel is
uneasy, with signs that opposition to Mr Barak is hardening since his
governing coalition broke up and he narrowly survived a no-confidence vote
last week. A huge anti-Barak rally is planned for this evening in Tel Aviv,
with up to 15 per cent of Israel's 4.8 million Jews expected to attend. Even
Mr Barak's supporters say it is likely to be the largest rally in the
country's history.

One Jerusalem resident who planned to attend the rally, Leah Pavliski, said:
"We want to show that we are only for real peace, not for this capitulative
peace process in which we are to give up vital territory to a police state
in the making in our backyard. Such appeasement will only lead to war."

Even Mr Barak's pro-peace supporters on the left are concerned at what they
see as his abrasive manner. His failure to consult his coalition partners
about planned concessions to the Palestinians led to a mass of resignations,
and he is now in the unusual position of holding 10 cabinet portfolios. In
addition to being Prime Minister and Defence Minister, he is now Education
Minister, Health Minister and is the acting head of six other ministries.

Israel's Foreign Minister, David Levy, with whom Mr Barak had also failed to
consult, refused to travel to Washington with him. There is speculation that
if a peace deal is reached, Mr Barak plans to go over the heads of
parliament and appeal directly to the Israeli public in a referendum.

Anxiety in Israel has been fed by reports that while talking peace, the
Palestinians are in fact preparing for war. Traditionally, in the summer,
the Palestinians hold camps for their youth, but this year military-style
exercises and training have replaced treasure hunts and basketball. The
Fatah wing of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation is training young
people to handle weapons, storm settlements and throw petrol bombs.


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