>From MC-L:
 Pat - I am sorry you do not share my deep intuition about the mind control
nature of both Cheney and W. Bush.

So let's share some background about Texas, George W. Bush, George Bush, Sr.,
and the courts of Ontatio.

As far as a political motive for my statements,  yes I have been in Texas
democratic politics.  I was a Clinton delegate at the 1996 Texas Democratic
convention.  I first met W. Bush in 1997 when he came to the Rio Grande
Valley, at a bill signing denying Hispanic children healthcare.  That same
day he stonewalled the Mexican Foreign Minister and executed a Mexican
national. That is not why I am making these assertions, though I find his
surface politics abhorrent. (W and I were contemporaries at Yale, BTW).

With regard to George Bush, Sr., however, the matter is far different.  I
sued Bush as a defendant while he was President, along with other parties on
behalf of a Canadian mind control victim.  The lawsuits were a series of 25
complex cases in US Federal Court, and in the Courts of Canada. The legal
evidence against Bush and co-defendants, including affivavits, appears in the
book THE LEVESQUE CASES (PSP: Ontario 1990) ISBN 0-9694459-0-3.  For five
years in federal courts in Canada and the USA I was thoroughly familiar with
all of the available mind control activities against Bush, and brought them
to open court.

The Plantiff, my client, won a judgment in the courts of Ontario against this
mind control network. Please don't try to normalize George Bush to me.

What I saw in W. Bush's Texas about the mindcontrol empire within the USA
formed a large part of my decision to leave.  The mind control BTW is much
less outside of the USA.

No - I am not attempting political character assassination of W. Bush, the
Bush brothers or George Bush Sr.  It is true I am in the
abolish death penalty movement, and the Bush brothers are the main suppliers
of execution.  It is true that I publicly state that W "embodies the forces
of death." in print and on the Internet.  I do so pursuant to the First
Amendment.  And guess what: Most people in the abolition movement beleive

No, My mission here is to help expose a mind control network mediated, in
significant role, by USA operatives including George Bush, W. Bush, and
Lieutenants like Dick Cheney.

Naturally, we will be submitting research briefs during the course of the
campaign - demonstrating a mind control connection and agenda as among W.
Bush, Richard Cheney and mind control Mastermind George Bush, Sr. And yes,
demonstrating George Bush's operating connection to the CIA-mind control
empire of drugs, assassination (including that attempt at Ronald Reagan).  My
research contention is that you are running the "plausible deniability" line
about George Bush and W. Bush.

Having proved the mind control truth successfully about George Bush
while he was President (we won a default verdict of $750 million in Ontario
courts), that will now be brought to public opinion.
Our goal? It is set out in http://www.exopolitics.com

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Vancouver BC
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness & Universe
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