-Caveat Lector-


Newsletter with information on ritual abuse, mind control and clergy  abuse
Authors: Some assaults bad enough to be called torture - Truro nurses say  
law must recognize severity of some Domestic Abuse 
(http://thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia/9003244.html)   Chronicle Herald 
6/8/07 by Cathy von Kintzel - the Truro nurses and 
educators  have had their own chapter added to a new Encyclopedia of Domestic 
Violence. The  thick, 704-page volume was published in February by 
Routledge.... In 
life and in  their chapter, Ms. Mac-Donald and Ms. Sarson strive to show how 
society and the  law lump so many violent acts under one word - assault....The 
authors also  brought together other stories they've read and those they've 
heard first-hand  from victims whom they meet through word of mouth and through 
their website, _www.ritualabusetorture.org_ 

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