-Caveat Lector-

What follows is a personal interpretation of experiences within my life -
they are true as far as I know them - and they help me get through the day,
however, they may not be true for you - in which case, I apologise and ask
you to be patient - for your truth may be apparent to you.

'The Light Beyond the Darkness'  by Andrew Hennessey.  copyright 1999

I am reading a facinating book by James Hillman, The Soul's Code  - In
search of character and calling.  The jacket says:
"When all the souls had chosen their lives, they went before Lachesis.
And she sent with each, as the guardian of his life and the fulfiller of
his choice, the daimon that he had chosen."  Plato, Republic Book X
I have memories that I believe are pre-natal - see what you make of this -
I am in a discussion with someone presumably male whom I cannot see - below
us all is grey and I can just make out the planet.
He is asking me to choose my incarnation - I am shown about a dozen
families/social potential/lessons in Western Europe.
I ask - which is the most difficult - he says - that one - then proceeds to
attempt to talk me out of it - I say but this lesson from that part of a
past life will get me through this bit, and experience from that life will
cover this bit - and running six lessons from other existences would get me
thus far etc.
The next thing I can remember is standing in a circle with others who are
about to be born grey/gold monotone, we are all wearing robes, we each hold
a cup and drink the cup of parting.
The next sequence, I am being wrapped in black stuff rather like windings,
and these are meant to dim my sensitivities - I complain about this.
The next sequence, I am lying in my cot, I am born, about 2 years, I can
remember my parents bedroom clearly and I am staring at the transfer of a
lake on the inside of my cot - the waters start shimmering and moving, then
I look up and there is a shimmering above my cot - there is a lady and she
speaks to me.
I am not going goo-goo ga ga, I am having an intelligent conversation at a
time science tells me that I should not, she is my guardian, she asks,
quote,' are you sure you want to do it this way ?' - I considered, then
said yes [I believe I had opted to retain a faculty to be awake - which
probably could be stressful]
she said 'I'll be back - see you later'    at that my intelligence faded,
and I was back to goo goo, ga ga.
These memories, however strange, are very special to me.

During my rather solitary childhood I played in the trees and lawns of my
backgarden with an invisible friend called the colonel, who stayed in a
small apple tree out of sight of the house.  He suggested games and ways to
play with my toys and I was never bored or lonely.
The first indication that I was on the rocky road betwixt the light and the
dark came at the age of 13, during an unpleasant school career.
My last year of primary school and the class was saying the lords prayer …
I am surrounded by grey blue mist - I can see myself, a young man with
short hair in a clean long robe - around, all is mist, but a path clears,
and I find myself journeying along that path, being torn and buffeted from
all directions.
I stagger and fall to my knees and I see myself, ragged, torn, bleeding,
bearded, and I crawl on and come to a clearing in this cruel mist.
On a cross amidst a pile of stones in the centre of the clearing is a
figure, crucified, I crawl to the base of the cross and reach out to touch
the foot of the figure.
I may have thought that I was seeing Jesus then, maybe, but maybe I was
seeing my quest to find myself -
My first psychic attack happened at the age of 18, where three pairs of red
eyes came towards me in my minds eye, diving at me, causing pain when they
passed over, and scaring me.
Not long after that, a parade of motley ghosts flitted across my minds eye,
monks in dark robes with pointed hoods and unseen faces, rappings on my
wall, ornaments falling over, I started to fear the night, the noises I
would hear, what was under my bed, in the wardrope, what I would see.
One night in the 1970's in the twilight of my room, I felt that something
horrible could happen, and I had left a little lamp on.
My breathing was getting slower and slower, and worried, I put my finger to
my neck to take my pulse and realised that it was very very slow. I gazed
at the lamp and noted a grainy effect of the light, as if I could see
little individual photons or packets of light.  To my horror, at the foot
of my bed, a black hole had manifested in stark contrast to the light in
the room, and I could feel myself being pulled in - as if some evil wanted
to suck me into the pits of hell.
Plagued by demonic images of brown and light brown pibald beings glowing
with a brown inner light, strange manta rays being ridden across the astral
plane with some horrible rider in them, light relief comes one evening when
a scaly coal black imp visits me when I have the flu, and before I get
frightened, notice that the little being is making a sensitive enquiry with
pale pink eyes.
I finally worked up the courage to explore Spiritualism, and trained as a
medium at Albany Street in Edinburgh for over 3 years, unfortunately never
finding anyone who would believe some of the things that I were seeing
existed, so I finally left in the early 80's
In the late 70's, it seemed that I tried and tested many thoughts and
images, grasping for analysis of incredible events, incredible
co-incidences, and it seemed to me that I had someone wonderful watching
over me.
I once saw her face, not sexual, but strong and beautiful as she knelt by
my pillow. At night my feet would be gently shaken, and as if I had
tripped, I fell headlong into beautiful vistas and scenery.
I remember being 'tripped up' like this and falling through into another
world, and I was not lying in my bed but on a meadow of grass, surrounded
by water and trees. And to my wonderment, I could smell the grass and feel
the air, and I saw 4 people in yellow sitting around me - and as I became
more and more aware, starting to hear the sounds of the forest and meadow,
and feel the hand of my guide upon my brow - I started, when I remembered a
bad dream that I had left behind, and knew that if I stayed longer in this
beautiful place that I would never return to earth and to my home and my
labours, then I came home to my life on Earth.
I knew that I wanted to stay, perhaps longer, but that if I did, I would
not want to go back. I have since flown across that continent like a bird,
seeing everything in detail that is 'photographic' - I have seen strange
sailing ships and circled them like a gull with 'another gull' at my side ...
I open my eyes one morning, and there is a lady wearing a victorian black
dress with white lace collar and long black hair, sitting on the end of my
bed combing her hair.
I sit up startled, and my jaw is dropped open mouthed in amazement.
The lady turns round and looks at me smiling, and mimics my open mouth,
then disappears.
As I go off to sleep one night - to my horror I seem to be somewhere pale
and misty - and some man with western clothes, dark hair and big glasses
could be heard exclaiming .. 'ah, another slave' and then came floating
quickly towards me - at that my guardian gave me the idea to open my eyes
and  wake up.

My sister had brought me an inscribed red gold ankh back from egypt, and
had worn it to bed one night to protect myself from all this traffic. Then
I suddenly found myself standing before this woman dressed like a priestess
with white robes and egyptian jewellery, long black hair - and realised
that I was feeling amorous and passionate - and noticed to my surprise that
my breath was green - I was breathing out clouds of green energy … I went
towards her and then heard her say - 'but you're not …. ' ,  then I was
back home  - I was not what she was expecting I suppose.
Another night, I am summoned before a table in a rich looking house, and I
can see stairs going up through the doorway of the room I am now standing in.
I feel peculiar because the real me is standing with my guide in the corner
of the room, whilst I look over and pop into another image of myself
standing at the table - looking through my eyes at three people seated
before me, a woman in the middle with a man on either side - the woman -
all the group looked fairly   middle aged - had a pen in her hand over a
big open ledger -
'name' she asked - I hesitated - don't be afraid she said - you wont be
At that I realised the inference that I could be harmed and felt my guide
give me the impulse to open my eyes - it was a very hard struggle to do so
- come back they shouted !
I hope that I have never seen them since.
In  1978 long before the outcry of Genetic Engineering and modification, I
dreamt that I travelled through space and landed on this barren looking
Below me, from my clifftop perch, I could see a dark metallic dome that I
knew was a factory. I find myself on the roof and climb inside one of the
vents and see below me a production line. It seemed that there were rows
and rows of oranges on the belts. I went down for a closer look and saw
that they were also reddish - like blood oranges, I thought, then I opened
one up and found out that instead of pips at the centre, there was a little
heart and collection of organs pumping blood into the fleshy organism. I
recoiled in stomach churning horror and shock - this cannot be I thought,
but as we know, in the 21st century, it can.
Trying to grasp who would eat such things disturbed me - some species with
a taste for blood that I hoped was very far away - even though I knew the
genetics of the fruit were human.
Another night, I was precipitated into a dimension of light, where beings
glowed like spheres and exchanged energies, and thoughts, and created new
ideas with the experiences that they had gathered from Earth and the Universe.
I became a small ball of light, and was passed amongst these beings the way
mothers would a new baby.
The feelings were beautiful and pure, where my mind was always on the verge
of grasping powers very close to the source of all creation.
I saw that the powers of duality we call God are like a furnace that
continually produce sparks that fly out into the Cosmos, or the garden of
And I knew that we were somehow all gods children, but even by adding us
all up, we could never be greater than the powers of  Mother and Father God.
And this garden we are given to play in is eternal and stable, but that we
all live within each other, continually evolving, changing, creating and
And I saw for the first time in my life that the things I thought were evil
and trying to get me really did not, could not know any better, for they
were really fish out of water that had left their ocean behind to explore,
not knowing the strange customs and values of the places and people they
had come to be feared and hated by.
I finally realised my truth, that eternity would always have surprises and
adventures, as well as love and rest.
The light beings took me to places that healed my heart and gave me the
courage I needed to stand fast.
They create vistas for other beings to dwell in and through co-evolution
and participation in the experiences of the souls just come from the world
of matter they spread a communal joy amongst the participants. I was told
that this could be likened to Nirvana - the formless realms.
All of this and more I know to be part of the garden of souls - the continuum.
Sometimes as I close my eyes at night. I see a bright pin-prick of light
rather like a star in my vision - its not after image, I rush towards that.

One morning when I was working at an out of town lab, I had missed my alarm
clock, and had fallen asleep again, a physical knocking on my head woke me
up, or else I may never had made to long journey to the Bush Estate at Roslin.
Some weeks later as I had turned over and gone to sleep, I was awakened by
physical knocking on my head. I turned over and looked up, and there
sitting or rather floating above me, crosslegged akin to the pose of a
Tibetan Monk in robes was someone that reminded me of Mahatma Gandhi - a
small, bald, robed man with petite round spectacles.
My third eye was being opened.
In 1980, in Portobello, Edinburgh, near the biblical sounding magdalenes, a
large silvery sphere is seen drifting through a joiners shop by two people.
Somewhere in the Corstorphine area of Edinburgh in the same year, two
brothers are sharing a room at night, and a silvery sphere appears to one
brother still awake - and try as he might he cannot wake his sleeping brother.
The sphere talks to the boy, and scared, he jumps out of bed and gives it a
karate blow …. And it disappears.
In 1980, in Portobello, Edinburgh near the biblical sounding port of Joppa,
I'm lying in my bedroom at night at 10pm, watching little flourescent green
balls slowly bounce over the books in my bookcase.
Horrified, I look away, thinking I'm seeing things. Half an hour later I
look again and they are still there.
I sit up in bed because the room appears to be lit - as if there was a
tablelamp in the corner -
It wasn't a tablelamp - it was a 2-3 foot high silvery sparkling sphere
hovering 3 foot above the carpet - casting a fizzy light and causing
flickering shadows in the room.
I was gobsmacked - it moved to the end of my bed and, a voice in my head
said, don't be afraid - if you're afraid, pull the covers over your head.
Well that seemed like the sensible thing to do, and did so with my arms
folded over my face.
I come too 2 hours later and my arms are by my side, with my bedclothes
folded down, and I am very tightly tucked in.
So tightly in fact  that I have to wrestle my shoulders to get free.
I have memories of strange child-like grey people and a feeling that
something wonderful had happened - of white rooms and scientists and many
happy things,
But as I woke, the memory of those events faded from my grasp much though I
would have liked to hold onto them.
In my dreams I see them, bright and luminous in their cold dark caves,
needing the warmth and light of human creativity to make their race a home.
It is as if their race is living in the bare bedrock of this physical
dimension and cannot seem to grasp the intricate nature of how to create
things here.
The human body and mind is blinkered so there are no distractions of
eternity and telepathy to divert it from its arts and crafts - but in
return for the soft furnishings of their castle - they will, so they say,
give us the nurture and protection of commune.
At that time, I started work on a Grand Unifying Theory of Relativity and
Free Energy Theory - and many other arts and music projects. It was if my
life was accelerating to new and awe inspiring vistas of creativity.
It was this hard work that kept me focussed through the demanding life of
night and day.

In 1985 began an all out war against my being by the forces of darkness -
Plagued by strange sights of 3 dark oriental beings - I would throw up
shields of energy to protect myself - and found myself being sucked dry as
shards of my green energy exploded under some featureless assault.
Physically wracked in pain in my bed, I lay there contorting in agony my
solar plexus cramped as my very lifeforce had been dangerously depleted.
Strange looking doubles of my friends, a bit more suntanned and a bit
better dressed - meeting my eyes with mischief, walked past me within arms
reach, but they could have been an eternity away from my frozen body. These
doppelgangers may have been friendly, but there was no doubting the evil
nature of what would follow.
To my door comes 2 visitors, dressed as if going to a wedding, with grey
pin stripe suits, old style wing collars, tall, sallow complexion, they
could have been twins - with strange looking oriental eyes -
They asked me to explain my theory of relativity to them.
All I can remember is not wanting to tell them anything, and lying on the
They were the fabled men in black - come to erase the evidence of extra
terrestrial intelligence and science from my memory and life.
They failed.
Trying to take a holiday, I end up in a hostel and I am sharing the room
with three other men.
I wake up one night finding my legs under the control of my guardian angel
who is using them to kick back a strange man who was trying to approach my
head and pillow.
He said he was sleep walking - so I thought no more of it.
The next night, the same happened again, I wake up and find my legs fending
off this man who was trying to approach  me by the side of my bed which
gave access to my head and pillow.
The man left under mysterious circumstances the next day, and as I lay
there, worried, I looked up and saw my angel above my bed, and she reached
down and embraced me - pulling me out of my body and healing me - and I
knew everything would be ok then.

Up in glencoe, after a gig in 1996, I am lying in my bunk bed in a room in
the staff quarters - a dark winter sky outside, and into my mind appears
this grey lady with dark eyes, with a black robe of the most beautiful and
intricate weave, and she then embraced me, and suddenly I found myself
underground, in a large cave looking up at windows and walkways high above.
And I was shown a Throne room and there was a vacant throne with two
smaller ones on either side standing on a dias with sunburst inlays, but
the imagery was monochromatic and cold.
In January 1997 in my flat in Leith, a bright and luminous lady appears to me.
She is considered beautiful by her own kind, she is eleven aristocracy -
she wears a long white gown, her eyes are human like, almond shaped and
beautiful, her hair is long silvery and wispy to her shoulders, she has
beautiful lips, smiling.
She wears a pearl necklace of large pearls, her thin arms are covered with
long white evening gloves, her skin glows softly with an inner light.
She is an ambassador, she wishes to instruct me in the ways of their society.
I look into her eyes and my world instantaneously goes white, I can no
longer see anything, my room has gone, my body has gone, all is white.
I thought for a moment that I had died, but came too forgetting to note the
The next passage is the only way I can deal with what I know and feel :
I apologise for the nature of the language - but feel that whatever
happened to me - needs to be expressed like this.
My introduction to what was about to happen was the sight of a beautiful
golden human looking eye in my mind that I knew was some powerful being.
What then took place was very intense - and very beautiful, and seemed to
take me beyond where my intellect and imagination had ever been.
The words I have expressed these visions in could never convey the awesome
detail and wonder that I perceived - and, indeed, like some revered vision,
I must keep the wonder intact - and perhaps separate from this world -
though it may yet come to pass - in my mind at least, it was, and is, and
is to come.
And my Guides gave me a vision of Edainne reborn, the Golden City of
Edainne, for after the fall of Eden many Aeons ago, there was a promise
made by the Elohim, that a Golden Age would be reborn.
This vision gripped my mind for 3 days and nights, and the plan and vision
of the rebuilding of Eden unfolded before my eyes.
The harvest of the Human race I was told, are the billions of cultural
products it has managed to create and nurture amongst millenia of war and
Then an Elohim with Golden Eyes said to me that the beautiful produce of
Humanity would be used to teach and redeem the Race from the oblivion to
which it was condemned.
Each country, each culture has made and manufactured many wondrous items -
these shall be preserved, but of those items tainted by darkness and
bloodshed, these shall perish.

And I was shown a Valley on a desert World - made and constructed into an
Oasis, where a blend of treated rock, glass and steel produced the most
wonderful of Cities and sculpted of Gardens.
Walkways of inlaid marbles, trellis and ornamental metals, the best of
Human historic Architecture blended with the most ambitious coverage of
architectural fabric.
And I was told that these buildings and intricate inlays could be
manufactured and constructed very quickly out of templates stored on
computer, and that several factory ships would be deployed to achieve the
construction of this new city.
And genetic clones of the garden Apples of Hesperides, Scotland, England
and France would be used to create a new orchard in the New Eden.

And pools and walkways, everywhere lit by beautiful lighting, seats and
summer houses, would lace the valley that the new souls of Edainne would
find contentment.

A new museum to the Grail would be built, and from the archives, images
from that archetypal Quest from every known Galactic Civilisation would be
incorporated to remind us that love, hope and suffrage are Universal, as is
the Spirit eternal.

And I was told that in that City, a palace would be built for a King and
Queen, but that none would take the throne save by those appointed.
The Queen would be Sara and the King would be David. Their lives eternal
and young. The Queen of human form would also be surrogate to a Race of new
Humans, and that those would evolve from a Union of that species :
[Dinosauroids/Zeta Reticulans/Greys] and Humanity.

The Zetas having delved into this planet have set up a large resource base
wherein they collate the information and economic intelligence of their
far-flung Empire.
There, they will maintain a gate of Worlds, a portal to many places, times
and realities.

The Elohim then showed me a vision of the Palace, and of the many beautiful
objects therin, and said that none shall be fairer than the Empress Sara of
It is foretold that she will lead a quest for the liberation of Mankind.

I asked from what is it that we must be liberated, and I was shown a dark
Crystal and told that souls will become heavy as stone, heavy with greed
and selfishness, but that the Age of Liberation will have many leaders.
Sara of Edainne will become known as a leader of powerful persuasion for
her banner is of the Union of 3 Houses and 3 Races.

I was told that the planet would be called Caledonia, after Scotland, and
that the City of Edainne comes from Dun-Edain or Edinburgh, where once the
Fairest of Elohim had a great Centre of learning at the time of  'Atlantis'.
Edinburgh, said the Elohim, will be the place of the 3rd Millenium
Returning, where those who were left after the War of Eden still live and
gather, and that those legends associated with Arthur and Camelot were not
An end there will be to the Stewardship of the Stewarts when the Planetary
Governor assumes the Title and Offices of the Planetary Administration.

The Angel said that the planet Caledonia would contain many New Cities,
each dedicated to housing the best of the Human cultural and national
themes eg. Oceania, Albion, Japan etc but that no dark ideas would be
allowed to take root in those Garden Cities.

The City of Edainne was to be the home of Scottish Culture, and that the
Palace and its embassy were but the board of a new Interstellar Trading
Corporation called Caledonian Interstellar.

Above the Gardens and Lamps of Edainne at the head of the valley stands a
Great Tower wherin shines a light that can be seen from space.
This is the Crystal Tower.
Therein are contained gemstones of incalculable worth from every
Civilisation in the known Cosmos.
A place of such statement that greed and money are no more - no more shall
the glamour of wealth dull the aspirations, but, be warned, for the forces
of hell and greed bring their own hell with them to this place.

And the planet Caledonia shall be guarded by the Houses, and that great
commerce and Intelligence shall reside there.
I then was told that Caledonia shall symbolise a means to an end to the
fierce competition of the Trading Races.
The greatest market intelligence and data store the galaxy has ever known
shall reside there, serviced by the Reticulan Empire.
And many embassies shall be made to Sara and David that they may settle

In the City of Edainne shall reside the eternal beauty of Scotland, yet a
small part of the Great Human Story told in full by the Warders of these
Cities of Caledonia that speak of the most beautiful of Human Creations and

The planet, linked by a network of technological craft, will be geared for
the marketing and production of the most beautiful of the Human Products;
Clothing, Food and Drink, Cultural Artefacts, Arts and Software Concepts -
and each shall function to teach of the History and brilliance of the Human
Caledonia shall stand as testament to the wonders of Humanity for as long
as eternity can endure.
Of Caledonian Interstellar, the board of Directors shall sit Sara and David
and the many wise specialists drawn from a large pool.

How, I asked would such produce be fashioned - from what, for there seemed
to be so much garbage as all things human inevitably come from our warring
Beautiful Words and Places, textures and images that capture Scotland - and
I tried to visualise, then, a flood of images gathered in my mind;
Hebridean Hotels, Kelpie and Clovenstone drinks, Stewart retail, Strathspey
designer wear, Caledonian crystals made from the sands of the desert that
was once Caledonia by another name.
Images of a Universal software that could generate a tartan unique to your
origins and species derived from the vast social database of the Cunningham
Intelligence agency.
Ideas both comical and tragic held me as threads that were uniquely
Scottish and lifted directly from my own awestruck mind - spun a tapestry
of wonder in my mind and soul.
Nothing beautiful would ever be wasted.
And then to me came the image of a game that I have never possessed the
worldly wealth to play - a game originated in Scotland - and I realised the
scope and potential of this enterprise for Interstellar it could be,
Universal it could be.
I was shown beings playing Golf.
The Angel explained to me that all species of every physique could play
this game against one another because it is a game that does not require
physical contact, yet retains a communal appeal, being a celebration both
of skill and the natural beauty of the environment.
I was puzzled at this, but was shown the image of a golf ball floating by
itself as if full of technology, then realised what was being shown to me
when I saw an image of Computers analysing Beings by weight and mass within
and between species.
A handicapping system could enable the smallest being to play against the
largest, where the flying robot ball could be braked in flight by
controlled instructions from the computer if hit by a physically powerful
Being, and augmented in speed if hit by a lighter Being.
I smiled when I realised that Golf could be made into a Universal game - a
Scottish contribution to the Civilisations of the Cosmos of eternal
My mind became distracted as I raced to grasp other Human sports from other

The visions of greatness and beauty persisted, and then I knew that the
Human race would not Perish, for powers were at work.

Yet more than the Human Race would be saved, for the Greys, and the Golden
Eyed Angel who spoke to me, knew of things which are yet to pass - but that
holding on to these images tired me greatly beyond my Human ability - thus
I slept at last.

The phone woke me up early yesterday out of some churny kind of dream, and
as I sat up to answer the phone, the dream stopped, and I realised that I
was in deep conversation with an angel at my bedside, for I sat at the end
of my bed, and my left arm was still pulled back towards my pillow - where
my 'spirit' hand was still being held by the 'angel' sitting there - I
remember that the conversation that I was having with this spirit was quite
different from the 'dream' - as if my lower self was watching 'TV' whilst
my other higher being was talking about nice and important things -
unfortunately the phone kept on ringing - and I began to lose the meaning
of the 'angelic' conversation as my work-a-day mind kicked in, but after
the phone call, I still had this overwhelming yearning to reconnect with
this incredibly beautiful and peaceful person ie. go back to bed
'My' Angel has never been far away ever in my life - and I always know that
I am never alone - which is a great comfort.
I always remember sometime near my twentyfirst birthday that I had gone to
a seacliff to climb for agates, and 20 feet up I slipped and knew that I
was about to fall onto the rocks below - I remember that what flashed into
my mind was the frontpage of a newspaper that I had never seen before - the
Dundee Courier which had the headline 'Boy 13, dies in cliff plunge' - as I
started to fall, I remember thinking, but I'm not 13 .... and everything
went into slow motion, the fall took an eternity during which time I
twisted my body into a position which minimised the damage on the rocks below.
I had lived to see another day -  my time was not now.
The time recently when my group/band journeyed to Aberdeen at high speed in
the pouring rain, passing all kinds of hazards on the way North, and the
steering track rod broke at 60mph on the aberdeen city limits, at a layby,
near a garage, phone and a toilet ... !!!
Again in aberdeen, different week recently, we were playing an extremely
loud performance on a Saturday night and my ears started to hurt: and
knowing that we would have to play another one on the Sunday night, I lay
awake in my bed and breakfast, ears ringing, and fell asleep worried - for
where would I get earplugs in a small town like aberdeen on a Sunday morning.
I awoke early and got dressed, and walked up the road to the main street in
search of an open chemist before noon.
The place looked deserted, but I saw a man up ahead on the corner of my
street and the main street, so I asked him if he knew of an open chemist.
He shook his head slowly, but asked me what is was that I wanted. I
explained that I was a musician and that loud music had been damaging my
ears so I was trying to buy earplugs for a gig tonight. He smiled, and took
2 steps to a parked van that I realised was his - he opened the back door,
went into a toolbox, and handed me a pair of the very earplugs I was after
- he was an industrial joiner - he explained.
My uncle and I shared a strong interest in geology and lapidary, and when
we went on holiday to the north of scotland, we would look at the map and
pick a place to investigate. I was also very taken by the mystery of the
celtic goddess of the sea - sula, and had been inspired to write much
poetry to the goddess of nature.
I picked a remote beach inaccessible by road north of gairloch called
greenstone point - across the minch from iona. We, of course, were
expecting to find hundreds of beautiful stones.
We left the car after a long journey up a track, and finally made it to a
wild beach battered by the atlantic - with massive boulders and sea
wreckage which had obviously been tossed by the power of nature.
Getting down to the level of the beach from the cliff, we notice that there
is grey rock everywhere - and I begin to feel a bit downhearted at that.
I then get the inspiration to take my shoes and socks off and wade out -
and as I slowly do this, I pass a boulder a few yards out and look back -
and then something caught my eye - for there in a crack, halfway up the
boulder, on the seaward side - still wedged where the storm had thrust it -
was a small green stone of iona marble.
My sister died prematurely from liver problems, and at that time I had
visited her for the last time and knew she was beyond the Earth, I went
home despondent, sad and upset - and as I dropped off, I heard her speak to
me, trying to draw close, I could feel the stresses that her body had
passed with - and she just said 'hello doll' and I knew it was her - she
was the only person that ever called me doll.
Of all the things that could now happen in this uncertain world, I know
that love is but a heartbeat away, that we will all be reborn.
We may also want to ask the question - where were we 100 years ago - for it
is not necessarily true that we were living on planet earth.
When people talk of reincarnation, having been King Henry 8th  - their
ideas are simple - but the truth of our origins may never come to the human
mind whilst we wear our earthly shells.
Many times in my life I have seen in the most vivid detail the image of
Henry 8th, and was always stunned and fascinated by the detail, yet I have
never yielded to the temptation of believing that that was me.
Because I know all too well what can be done to the minds eye, by clever
and deceitful beings - who simply want to indulge in our energies.
Eternity is rather like a crowded tropical rainforest, from the ants and
bugs on the forest floor amongst the leaves and twigs and plants, then
there are the bushes and all the creatures that eat or use them, then the
massive trees, and the monkeys, tigers, ant eaters, tribes of natives -
every creature and being a babooshka doll, every creature dependent on some
other for its energy.
Being approached by someone that looks familiar or beautiful and arousing
in your dreams does not mean that that person is really there.
These beings that live in the bit of eternal forest nearest our world take
our energies by mimicking the person that we would most like to give our
energy to.
Sometimes if we look at the appearance of this person and note the detail
we can find the keys that will unlock our weaknesses and make us strong.
We may find that a certain colour, manner, attitude or phrase, triggers us
to behave or feel something that we would rather not.
We must learn to pay attention to our feelings, for the Mimic approaches us
by reflecting our desires and faults at us, to trigger confusion and make
us use our most basic sexual energies to deal with it.
If we were a duracell battery - the life force that powers us rises in
tides from our sexual and generative centres - and mother nature has
equipped the Mimic with the capacity to collect that human electricity.
For all of that, some of these beings are no more intelligent than a
haddock, and it is our emotions that project intelligence and
sophistication on them.
They are really fulfilling the desire to feed and gather energy - and
probably don't understand language and life in the same way that we do.

For all the things which may transpire in the future, whether comets or
catastrophe, star gods, aliens or beings with a taste for blood oranges, I
know, -  am certain that  the powers of light are nearby also - taking real
concern over the future of our world.
We are on a quest, for new dawns and new beginnings, for tomorrows without
end, for love and fulfilment - and that source that knows our every reason,
and the angels given to hold our hand through our nightmares are there -
and knowing that - I know that we cannot fail if we have faith in ourselves.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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