-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
From: bernieX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: throw the election
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 23:22:47 -0500 (CDT)

seeds of its own destruction

The election is a fraud. That [x] does not have a chance to even
participate in the rigged system, is a symptom of universal corruption,
rather than a reason not to support a third party candidacy.


The election can be thrown, and that is how we can win. The fatal flaw of
a rigged system is inherent in its mechanisms of restraint. A mechanism is
vulnerable to its cogs choosing to no longer be cogs.

electoral college

If [x] can win one or two big states, or win a few states with modest
electoral votes, no candidate will have enough electoral votes to win the
election and it is thrown to the house of representatives to choose the
next president in a unique way -- by means of the vote of a majority of a
total of fifty votes, each state delegation having one vote. And right
there, my friends, will be a process of politics and dissent and
engagement and agitation that could warm the heart of the most cynical

proportional representation

Rather than ignoring vital issues while giving lip service to a few other
issues in order to win an election, our representatives will be forced
into hardball politicking and negotiations, promises and deals. Citizen
activism can be directly involved in forming coalitions. The effect, not
only on the legislative and executive, not only on corporations and media,
not only on other nations, but also on all the people, is wondrous to

naked power

The effect cannot be diminished, not by the prospect of corporate
influence on the process, nor by the house of representatives simply
voting to quickly install one of the federalists without much debate. Such
actions can stimulate dissent for the next two years on issues which
desperately need to become matters of public debate. Is there fear of
risking public awareness of just how far along we are in our
transformation into zombies?

sleight of hand

Whether voting for one who can win, or voting to build a movement, in
either case it can seem a comprimised and depressing activism in the face
of the seemingly obvious futility and impossibility of winning possession
of the rigged machine, not to mention the hard work, discounted and
oppressed and needed to gain a few crumbs. However, if this can be said
bluntly, that ostensibly objective negative appraisal is part of the
mechanism of restraint. There is an objective positive appraisal that is
concealed in the pessimism: it is the simplicity and ease, and the honor
and joy, of the potential to derail the machine.


This is concrete action that will positively affect the future of our
politics. Take heart and give people a good reason to dump boregush and
vote [x].

resend con brio
print it out
kick it out
hear you shout
further the light

"we go round and round and round and round
  until we pick it up again"

"if i cannot dance, i want no part in your revolution"

ya basta

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