-Caveat Lector-

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To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   "Bob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Mon, 31 Mar 2003 14:45:35 -0500
Subject:                [cia-drugs] you can trust your car to great big starman
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"You can trust your car to the man who wears the star,
the great big Texaco'sDarman!" [Carlyle grp coldwar ad jingle]

Texaco, Darman, bin Laden, etc. see below following "ricin"--

From: Bob
  Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 11:20 AM
  Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Depleted Uranium Fear Mongering!!

  Trust your car to the man who wears the star,
  the great big Texaco'sDarman.

  He gave us fluoride, mercury amalgam dental
  fillings, thalidomide, Agent Orange, and gave
  US service personnel 10 micron masks for
  DU and gave Chirac ricin


  Waltham Greens: National and GLobal News (12/22/2001)

  Today's email has 1 listings:

  1) US Government Officials, Defense Contractors, Oil Companies

  1) US Government Officials, Defense Contractors, Oil Companies

  recent tidbits from the Boston Herald (!) saudi connection expose:

  Most of this stuff has been out in the alternative press for months, and
  even years, long before the elections last year, but both Republicans and
  Democrats were able to keep it pretty quiet, and Ralph Nader was unable to
  articulate convincingly the conflicts and problems.

  Some Saudi connections:

                  Present administration officials:
  George W. Bush: former Director, Carlyle Group subsidiary
  Dick Cheney: former Secretary of Defense; chairman, Halliburton
  Condoleeza Rice: former Director, Chevron.

                 Former administration officials:
  George H.W. Bush: Now = senior advisor, Carlyle Group;
      Then = former President, CIA director
  Frank C. Carluzzi: Now = chairman, Carlyle Group, ex-chairman, B.D.M.,
      Then = former Secretary of Defense, National Security Advisor
  James A. Baker III: Now = senior counselor, Carlyle Group,
      Then = Secretary of State
  Richard Darman: Now = Managing Director and senior adviser, Carlyle Group,
      Then = Budget Chief
  Arthur Levitt: Now = senior adviser, Carlyle Group;
      Then = Chairman, Security and Exchange Commission
  Philip A. Odeen: Now = President B.D.M.,
      Then = senior official, Pentagon and National Security Council
  Robert M. Gates: Now = Director, TRW,
      Then = CIA Director
  Michael H. Armacost: Now = Director, TRW,
      Then = Ambassador to Japan, Undersecretary of State
  Nicholas Brady: Now = Director, Amerada Hess,
      Then = Treasury Secretary
  Edith E. Holiday: Now = Director, Amerada Hess,
      Then = Assistant to the President
  John Deutch: Now = Adviser, Frontera Resources,
      Then = CIA Director, Undersecretary of State
  Lloyd Bentsen: Now = Adviser, Amerada Hess,
      Then = U.S. Senator, Treasury Secretary

  Carlyle Group = investment bank with deep ties to Saudi royal family and to
  U.S. defense contractors (including B.M.D. and TRW) hired to arm and train
  Saudi military.
  (In 1998 the Carlyle Group sold its controlling interest in B.M.D. to TRW).

  Contributions to Republicans in last elections
      (Source = Center for Responsive Politics, Washington, DC):
  Unocal =              $43k
  Carlyle Group = $109k
  Marathon Oil =   $162k
  Amerada Hess = $165k
  SAIC =                $313k (another defense contractor)
  Texaco =             $353k
  TRW =                 $379k
  Halliburton =        $384k
  Chevron =           $770k

  Family of Saudi's U.S. Ambassador, Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz,
  gave $1mil to Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas.

  Dick Cheney received $34mil when he cashed out of Halliburton to run for VP
  last year.

  In November 2001, Halliburton awarded $140mil contract to develop oil field
  for Saudi Aramco.

  Condoleeza Rice has a Chevron oil tanker named after her.

  The Saudi Royal family refuses to address its role in fueling Islamic
  terrorism (14 of the 19 pilots were Saudi's).

  Amerada Hess and Unocal are currently assisting the Saudi elite (Delta Oil
  and Nimir Petroleum) in developing oil fields in Azerbaijan.

  Frontera Resources, until recently, had a similar arrangement with the
  Saudi's in Azarbaijan (note that John Deutch and Lloyd Bentsen are
  democrats, so this "gravy train" is not entirely partisan, so maybe you can
  see why some people voted for Ralph Nader?).

  Texaco and Nimir are developing oil fields in Kazakhstan, and for the past
  13 years Saudi Aramco has controlled over half of Texaco's refining and
  marketing operations in the U.S.

  Unocal and Delta, along with oil companies from Indonesia, Korea, Japan,
  and Pakistan, tried for years in the middle 1990s to reach an agreement
  with the Taliban to construct oil and gas pipelines from Turkmenistan
  through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Arabian Sea. A tentative agreement
  was reached in January 1998 (Taliban leaders met with Unocal officials in
  Texas, December 1997; the Taliban would collect $100mil/year), but then the
  U.S. embassies in Africa were bombed during the summer of 1998, so the deal
  was off. One of the Taliban courted in Texas, a former Assistant
  Undersecretary of Defense with Bush Senior, was Zalmay M. Khalilzad, who
  lobbied the Clinton administration to recognize the Taliban as the official
  government of Afghanistan.

  Two billionaire Saudi families, the bin Mahfouz and Al-Amoudi clans,
  control three large Saudi oil companies (Delta Oil, Nimir Petroleum, and
  Corral Petroleum) that are partners with Texaco, Unocal, Amerada Hess, and
  Frontera Resources (see former adminstration officials above). None of the
  assets of the Islamic charities fronted by the two Saudi clans have been
  frozen, despite ties to bin Laden and al-Qaeda. Moreover, the U.S.-Saudi
  consortia of oil firms continue to develop oil and gas fields in
  Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan, which will still require those
  pipelines through Afghanistan.

  Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer, & Feld, a huge law firm with offices in
  Washington, D.C., Texas, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has many partners who
  are very close friends with Bush Junior, represents wealthy Saudi
  businessmen and an Islamic charity, Holy Land Foundation for Relief and
  Development, based in Texas, whose assets were frozen last week for ties to
  Hamas, a militant Palestinian terrorist group. Akin, Gump also represents
  many Saudi elite recently linked to bin Laden, including Idris, owner of
  the Sudanese pharmaceutical plant destroyed by U.S. cruise missles in 1998
  in retaliation for the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and
  Tanzanian, presumed to have been ordered by bin Laden. The U.S. Treasury
  Department tried to freeze Idris' $24mil assets, but Akin, Gump sued the
  U.S. for $50mil, so the assets were not frozen.

  During the 1990s, the Saudi government bought over $30bil in arms from the
  U.S., including F-15 fighters, M-1A2 tanks, and Apache attack helicopters,
  along with the necessary training (all publicly disclosed).

  However, not publicly disclosed, are the $billions that Saudi Arabia
  paid the U.S. to
  train the Saudi military and internal security forces, which requires
  35,000 to 40,000 (??) Americans to reside in Saudi Arabia per year. These
  defense contractors include TRW and B.M.D. (see former administrative
  officials above), Science Applications International Corp. (San Diego), and
  Booz, Allen & Hamilton (McLean, Virginia). From bin Laden's rhetoric, it is
  this last item that he finds most offensive.

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