[CTRL] Bush Foreign Policy Made Simple and Easy to Fix!

2003-09-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Bush Foreign Policy Made Simple  and Easy to Fix!
by Karen Kwiatkowski 

To understand problems, situations and events, we start with physical observation and data gathering, then test and compare, and when we still dont understand what is happening, we check our paradigms and our assumptions. In checking those assumptions and paradigms, it often turns out our own experience, past cases that "didnt fit" and ideas from other disciplines may serve as guides in understanding the new problem honestly and accurately. 

While this scientific process works well, we also come to grips with problems using a more mundane and efficient approach, with less analysis, but getting us to the same place. It has to do with common sense and trusting our instincts. You could call this the "Teen Living 101" approach, more like a home economics method than hard science. 

Today, we have the unusual situation where both supporters of our invasion and occupation of Iraq, as well as those in the loyal and increasingly infuriated opposition, share the same concerns. We are all trying to figure out why this project of occupation and nation building for the Iraqi people isnt progressing better. The question used to be why followers of Osama bin Laden "hate us." Now we wonder why a lot of newly "liberated" Iraqi men, women and children seem to hate us. 

Like a mother who complains that her children never call "after all shes done for them," we as a nation need to reassess exactly what we have done and how we are behaving before we can understand the results.

In the case of the toppling of the Taliban in response to the 9-11 attacks, the war plan was actually in place months before 9-11. President Hamed Karzai, former UNOCAL employee and longtime CIA asset emplaced after the toppling, is still protected by American bodyguards from his less enthusiastic Afghan brethren. Initially the bodyguard duty fell to United States Special Forces troops, but this service was privatized last year through a contract to the American company DynCorp, managed through the U.S. State Departments Diplomatic Security Service. Poppies are again the crop of choice in much of Afghanistan, and still we seek the evasive bin Laden brother who went bad. One sometimes wonders whether we could save a little money and blood in Afghanistan by just having the Bush family ask their friends in the bin Laden family to help them. 

But Afghanistan, and the details of what happened when, doesnt consume us  its a Special Forces war, a secret war, and its old news, just like our permanent U.S. military bases in Hungary, Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, and southeastern Kosovo. 

Bushs war in Iraq, unlike in Afghanistan, agitates. Like an unbalanced, overloaded washing machine entering the spin cycle, what started as one thump, and then another, quickly becomes an undeniable pressing thump-thump-THUMP-THUMP, telling you that something must be done NOW before the energized chunk of metal leaps its moorings in a primitive anarchic celebratory victory dance. If youve never experienced this, take my word for it. Or you can watch liberated Iraq unfold.

We can analyze the poor planning, the smidgeons of intelligence used out of context and with a willfulness associated only with extreme youth or extreme senility, the political and business pressures, the role of Israels Likud Party in pushing for the takeover of Iraq. We can look at the evidence, increasingly abundant, showing Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz all lied to Americans at home, and possibly even to the military about what this Iraq invasion was all about and what it would ultimately entail in blood and agony and tax receipts. We can look at Iraq in the context of other activities of the Bush Administration (and Clinton before him in Bosnia and Kosovo). This analysis is time-consuming, scientific, exhaustive. Political scientists and historians will be doing a lot of this over the next twenty-five years. The results will be fascinating, but ultimately after the fact and too late.

But in the case of Iraq, the rest of us do have a more satisfying alternative. Teen living courses, designed to make boisterous teenagers safe and productive in kitchen and laundry room, aim for practical problem solving as well as prevention of surprises. The Jello "rules of the kitchen" can serve us well in truly understanding the problems we face in Iraq, how Bush got us there, and how to get better. Check them out:

Wash your hands with soap and water before you begin. [Oops. Dubyas hands have never passed inspection  dirty-looking business connections, stains of Cheneys frustration in 1991, sticky spots of the unabashedly pro-Israel leanings of U.S. defense decision-makers Wolfowitz and Feith, and a general taint of Rumsfelds aggressive arrogance all present and accounted for.] 

Read the whole recipe carefully before starting. If you don't understand any 

[CTRL] The Truth About WMD

2003-09-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Truth About WMD

by R. Cort Kirkwood
Wouldnt you know it? 

Iraq probably didnt have "weapons of mass destruction," which may have been the figment of Saddam Husseins propaganda. How ironic his lies may have led to his undoing, that the WMD may only be so much Arab braggadocio. 

So says the Los Angeles Times about the furtively stockpiled globe-threatening missiles, chemicals and germs, which Hussein was ready to use on the United States. 

If true, weve been had again, and so have the American families who sent their sons to die at the command of George W. Bush. 

The Story

The LAT story supports what many critics of the war have said from the start  Hussein's WMD are a neoconservative fantasy. 

"U.S. and allied intelligence agencies," the paper reports, "have launched a major effort to determine if they were victims of bogus Iraqi defectors who planted disinformation to mislead the West before the war." 

Former Iraqi operatives, officials tell the paper, "have confirmed since the war that Husseins regime sent double agents disguised as defectors to the West to plant fabricated intelligence. In other cases, Baghdad apparently tricked legitimate defectors into funneling phony tips about weapons production and storage sites."

"They were shown bits of information and led to believe there was an active weapons program, only to be turned loose to make their way to Western intelligence sources, said the senior intelligence official. Then, because they believe it, they pass polygraph tests ... and the planted information becomes true to the West, even if it was all made up to deceive us. "

An official told the paper our "analysts" were too eager to find evidence that supported neocon jitters about WMD, that defectors told "us what we wanted to hear." 

Why would Hussein plant false stories? He wanted to bluff the world, the paper reports, and enhance his prestige in the Arab world. The story leads the reader to another conclusion: Husseins opponents would have good reason to lie: They wanted him deposed, not unreasonably, and needed American power to do it. 

For instance, Ahmad Chalabi, the opposition leader whom the neocons anointed Husseins successor, "provided the Defense Intelligence Agency with three defectors who had personal knowledge of Hussein's illicit weapons programs." One was a fraud, the paper reports, a seconds claims were worthless, and the thirds are in serious dispute. 

Hilariously, American officials insist theyll find the elusive WMD. 

Oh yeah? How? When? 

The Reason 

Officials can claim they "were too eager to believe," but the simple truth is, the regicidal aims of Husseins opponents meshed perfectly with the neocon tribes cherished fantasy: invading Iraq. For years, they lied awake at night, planning World War IV. 

They urged Boy Clinton to attack Iraq and promised full support. He didnt, but they got Sept. 11 instead, their Pearl Harbor. War Minister Rumsfeld suggested invading Iraq immediately. 

The propaganda was ready, and war drums pounded the tocsin: Hussein will destroy the planet with WMD. Armageddon is nigh. He was connected to Al Queda and 9-11. Invade now. 

But the truth always emerges. Someone, the LAT reports, probably lied. Every day, it looks more likely that Bush and his Myrmidons launched a war with intelligence they knew was bogus. They conned the American people.

An impeachable offense? We impeached Bill Clinton for fibbing about floozies. Bush sent men to die. 

Time to decide which is worse.

August 30, 2003

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[CTRL] Expectations A Problem

2003-09-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Expectations A Problem
by Charley Reese

The dangerous part of the mess we are making of the occupation in Iraq is expectations.

The Iraqi people expected that the world's superpower, with its incredibly high-tech weaponry and enormous wealth, would easily get the electricity and water running in no time. In fact, 100 days after the so-called end of the war, we are producing less electricity and clean water than Saddam Hussein did before the war.

The Iraqi people cannot accept the fact that we are incompetent. They believe we are doing it on purpose to punish them and to make them subservient. They're ticked and getting more and more ticked every passing day. They do not like the idea that there are long lines at gasoline pumps in a country that literally floats on a sea of oil. There weren't any lines before the war.

Americans are used to the idea that our politicians are better talkers than they are performers. The Iraqis, unfortunately, expected us to perform as well at rebuilding their country as we did in destroying it. Alas, no. We have become a nation that excels in destruction and consumption, but no longer in building and production.

It is intellectually dishonest for American officials to blame the state of Iraq's infrastructure on "35 years of mismanagement." The facts are that the bad state of Iraq's infrastructure is our fault. After 40 days and nights of bombing in the first Gulf War that targeted Iraqi infrastructure, such as power plants and sewer and water plants, the American commander boasted on global television, "We have bombed Iraq back into the preindustrial age."

Then followed more than 12 years of severe sanctions. All too often, when the Iraqis tried to buy parts to repair their infrastructure, the United States would block the purchase. "Dual use" was the favorite excuse. Furthermore, we failed in our responsibility to prevent looting after this war. Well, we wrecked Iraq's infrastructure, and unfortunately, we have now inherited it. We killed thousands of Iraqis, including a half-million children, with bombs and sanctions. Now we expect them to like us.

Talk about being delusional.

It's clear from recent events (the death of a Danish soldier, the bombing of the Jordanian Embassy and the United Nations compound) that those shadowy forces opposing us are sending a message to outsiders: If you help the United States, we'll go after you. Near-daily attacks against U.S. soldiers and acts of sabotage are not helping matters either.

If you think it is irrational for the Iraqis to blame us for having no power and no water and not the saboteurs, then, my friend, you are not ready for the Middle East. There is a story about a scorpion that begged a frog to carry him across a river. The frog at first refused, saying the scorpion would sting him. "Don't be silly," said the scorpion. "If I sting you, I'll drown, too." The frog gave in and started across the river. The scorpion stung him. Just before they both drowned, the frog said, "Why?" "Well," said the scorpion, "this is the Middle East."

The American rhetoric, if not the facts, is starting to resemble the Vietnam War era. Turning over security and jobs to Iraqis sounds a lot like the claim of "Vietnamization" of that earlier war. And talk about persevering and ultimately triumphing sounds like the Vietnam-era talk of "light at the end of the tunnel."

I have never believed from Day One that we could impose a democratic government on Iraq. Iraq is a hard place to govern. As one Iraqi put it, every time a good guy tried to govern the country, they killed him pretty quickly. I suspect in the end we will get frustrated, appoint our own dictator and leave. The question is how many lives and how many billions of dollars it will cost before Washington's neoconservatives have all their misconceptions smashed on the rocks of reality.

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: John Lansdale Jr., 91, Colonel Who Sought Nazi Atomic Project, Dies

2003-09-01 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

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John Lansdale Jr., 91, Colonel Who Sought Nazi Atomic Project, Dies

September 1, 2003

John Lansdale Jr., the head of security for the Manhattan
Project who helped lead American forces to Germany's atomic
bomb project before Soviet forces could reach it, died on
Aug. 22 at his home near Annapolis, Md. He was 91.

In April 1945, as Allied and Soviet troops were pushing
through Germany on their way toward Berlin, top American
officials began a mission, known as Alsos, to track down
Germany's atomic bomb project and its nuclear scientists
before they could fall into the hands of the Soviet Union.

Mr. Lansdale, an Army lieutenant colonel who was in charge
of intelligence and security for the American project to
develop nuclear weapons, had been chosen by the project's
director, Gen. Leslie R. Groves, to lead a strike on a
factory in Stassfurt in northern Germany, where General
Groves suspected the Germans had a cache of bomb materials.

On April 17, Colonel Lansdale and his team raided the plant
and found about 1,100 tons of ore, some in the form of
uranium oxide, a basic material of atomic bombs. In less
than a week, the Alsos mission had also captured several
prominent German atomic scientists, including Werner
Heisenberg and Otto Hahn.

The story of Alsos was chronicled in Richard Rhodes's book
The Making of the Atomic Bomb, published in 1986.

In the mid-1950's, at the height of American anti-Communist
fervor, Mr. Lansdale was called before Congress to testify
about a decision he had made 10 years earlier to approve
the appointment of J. Robert Oppenheimer as head of the
Manhattan Project's scientific team.

Dr. Oppenheimer was accused of being a Communist and
branded a security risk by the government, and his security
clearance was revoked. Mr. Lansdale, outraged by Dr.
Oppenheimer's treatment, ardently defended him as a loyal
American citizen in the Congressional hearings and
continued to do so for the rest of his life, said his
daughter Sally Lansdale.

Born in Oakland, Calif., John Lansdale Jr. earned his
bachelor's degree from Virginia Military Institute and his
law degree from Harvard.

In 1936 he went to work for Squire, Sanders  Dempsey,
first in Cleveland and later in Washington. He remained
with the firm until his retirement in 1987, aside from his
military service.

In 1995, Mr. Lansdale added a surprising twist to the story
of the surrender of the Nazi submarine U-234 to American
forces in May 1945. Bound for Tokyo, the submarine was
carrying 10 containers filled with uranium oxide. For
years, historians had wondered what the American military
did with it.

In an interview with The New York Times in 1995, Mr.
Lansdale said the material, originally intended for Japan's
atomic program, instead ended up in the bombs dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It went to the Manhattan District, he said. It certainly
went into the Manhattan District supply of uranium.

Mr. Lansdale's wife of 65 years, Metta Virginia Tomlinson,
died in 2001.

He is survived by five daughters, Helen Lansdale of Oregon
City, Ore.; Chloe Lansdale Pitard of Philadelphia; Mary
Lansdale Hartmann of Millville, Del.; Metta T. Lansdale Jr.
of Ann Arbor, Mich.; and Sally Lansdale of Omaha; 10
grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.



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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not 

[CTRL] Vatican elevated abusive priest, ritual murder, priest web site, U.S. eugenics

2003-09-01 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Vatican elevated abusive priest Warnings didn't deter rise through Catholic diplomatic corps 9/30/03 By Reese Dunklin / The Dallas Morning News "The Vatican promoted a U.S. priest through its international diplomatic corps despite high-level warnings in the 1990s that he had sexually abused a girl, according to interviews and records. The case is believed to be the first in which the Vatican has been found harboring an abuser in its ranks. In a message to American Catholic leaders during last year's abuse crisis, Pope John Paul II said: "There is no place in the priesthood or religious life for those who would harm the young." http://www.dallasnews.com/latestnews/stories/083103dnprovatican.87cb6.html

This has graphic descriptions of violence.
Murder suspect convicted - Second trial ends in 2 guilty verdicts By Paul Pinkham and Tia Mitchell Times-Union staff writers "An accused devil worshiper was found guilty last night of murdering a college student in his Mayport apartment then setting her body on fireMark Anthony Alverez guiltyAlverez contended she died during rough sex, which she suggested, and he panicked. But several Duval County jail inmates testified Alverez told them about a satanic ritual in which he sacrificed Mejias and set her on fire. Police found books about devil worship in his apartment." http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/082403/met_13355160.shtml

two from L Moss Sharman Priest who quit northwestern Minnesota parishes takes leave 8/31/03 Bagley, MN "A Roman Catholic priest who left two churches after parishioners learned of his past conviction for possessing child pornography has taken a leave of absence, church officials said. The Rev. Rick Boyd, 52Investigators said they found pictures of him with pictures of nude young men on Web sites he had set up, but no evidence of criminal activity." http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/4070948.html

Blind to a nightmare 8/31/03 by Scott Fornek "In War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, award-winning investigative author Edwin Black connects the Holocaust and other Nazi war crimes to the American eugenics movement, a crusade for selective breeding that led to the forced sterilization of nearly 70,000 Americans deemed "unfit." A best-selling writer on the Holocaust, Black does not blame Olson and his colleagues for the Nazi atrocities. But he does argue that they hatched the quest to create a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master race here in the United States." http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/31judge.html
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Protocols of Zion is the Illuminati Blueprint

2003-09-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

"Protocols of Zion" is the Illuminati Blueprint 
By Henry Makow Ph.D. 
August 31, 2003 

"If this state can't acknowledge God, then other states can't ...And eventually the United States of America will not be able to acknowledge the very source of our rights and liberties and the very source of our laws." Judge Roy Moore

Last week Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore was suspended and his Ten Commandments monument removed from the rotunda of the Alabama Judicial Building. 

Consider the irony: the injunction "Thou Shall Not Steal" is banished from the Judicial Building. 

How long can the concept of justice survive when it is divorced from belief in a transcendent moral order?

As Moore says, God is the source of our rights. Abolish Him and soon we will have none.

The action which upheld the separation of church and state was in response to a suit by the American Civil Liberties Union, It is part of a nationwide campaign to eliminate all references to America's Judeo-Christian heritage from the public sphere. 

The ACLU is a Communist front dedicated to abolishing the United States and establishing a totalitarian world government. They are following a satanic blueprint laid out in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

I hate to sound melodramatic but unfortunately the truth may be very bizarre. I want to be wrong because if I am not, it means that the forces responsible for the worst horrors of the last century are still in charge.

We are in the eleventh hour of a multigenerational conspiracy designed to first degrade and then enslave mankind. September 11 proclaimed the beginning of the final stage in the establishment of a totalitarian "new world order" (a.k.a. "globalization.") 

The war on terror is a ruse designed to mask the creation of a police state. There are new developments every day. Canadians can't smile on their passports pictures because they will be used in facial recognition and surveillance systems. All British cars will be fitted with microchips, which "will automatically report a wide range of offences." 


An age-old conspiracy is being consummated right under our nose. George W. Bush is an admitted member of a satanic secret society, the "Skull and Bones," an offshoot of the European illuminati. 

The Illuminati are worshippers of Lucifer "the bringer of light." The Illuminati originates in the Babylonian mystery cults, Jewish Kabala, the Templars, Freemasons and other interests dedicated to Satan worship and absolute power. 

Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Inglestadt in Germany, founded "The Order of the Illuminati" in 1776 on Communist May Day. Prince William of Hesse Casel and his banker Meyer Amschel Rothschild, the wealthiest man in the world were behind Weishaupt. A few years later the Illuminati took over the Freemasons and have used them to manipulate world events ever since. 

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is the Illuminati's Master Plan. I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book. In coming weeks, I will continue my analysis. I am using the Fry edition, "Waters Flowing Eastward" which is online or available at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Illuminati goal is to overthrow western civilization through the destruction of its four pillars: family, nation/race, religion and democracy. This will be replaced by a totalitarian "super government" devoted to Lucifer "our Sovereign Lord of all the World." (124)

The Protocols clearly was not intended to become public. It was obtained by an agent of the Tsarist secret police in Paris and published in Russia in 1901. After the Bolshevik Revolution slaughtered the Tsar and his family in 1918, the Protocols was banned on pain of death. 

It has been excoriated as an anti-Semitic forgery. This is a red herring designed to divert attention from its real and startling significance. It describes a long-term "strategic plan" for the subversion of mankind. 

The book is Satanic in character and as such embraces anyone. Yes, a leader of a Jewish secret society composed it. But Italians don't rush to the defence of the Mafia, another secret society. If they did, it would cast suspicion on them all. Jews need not fall on their swords for Satanists. 

The Protocols refers to outsiders as "goyim," the Yiddish word for gentile. But in fact, the goyim are outsiders in relation to Satanism and/or the "aristocracy of money." 

"On the ruins of the natural and genealogical aristocracy of the goyim we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications of this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force." (119)

In other words, our despots are bankers, their wealthy allies, along with their educated lackeys (technocrats, politicians, writers, teachers) who make the satanic wheels turn. 



[CTRL] (no subject)

2003-09-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Soldiering is for others

All Quiet on the Western Front was written in 1929 and became an instant best-seller; in Germany alone more than 3 million copies were sold within 18 months. Hollywood made a film of it the following year and it won an Oscar for Best Picture. I read it during the closing days of the second world war, my great uncle, a German scholar, helping me along. I saw the film in 1949 and never forgot the haunting scene when the hero, Paul Baumer, kills a Frenchman who had randomly jumped into his foxhole in no-mans-land. Baumer bayonets him in the throat, after which he watches the man die slowly, gurgling blood. Overcome by guilt, the German comforts the Frenchman and, after the latters death, he finds photographs of his loved ones tucked inside his uniform. In other words, the enemy is just like us. 

Don McCullin echoed the haunting scenario when he photographed a dead Viet Cong soldier in Hue in 1968, his plundered belongings lying beside him, a picture of his pretty sweetheart facing his dead eyes. I remember the photo only too well. It shook me like no other. The evil, or so we thought, VC also had feelings, and took pictures of their loved ones into combat just like the rest of us. Both the film and Dons photograph were in black and white, adding great dramatic effect. 

Ive just been given the McCullin book, and an Erich Maria Remarque biography by Hilton Tims for my birthday, both books confirming my recent anti-war feelings about old men sending young ones to die. Heres a United States Marine, Roger McGrath, writing in Chronicles magazine (best American monthly by far) about war: 

And who is to do it? Certainly not the neoconservatives. They use such terms as moral clarity and the need to project our power  but it is to be done with someone elses body. A conversation I had with a budding neocon reveals their version of moral clarity. Who was included when he said we. He looked at me as if I were a bit dense and said, We, the United States. Does that mean you? I asked. No, he replied, the guys in the army. 

McGrath goes on to ask the neocon whether our boys should be put in harms way for interests that have nothing to do with the defence of the United States. Are you willing to do what you call the right thing with your own body? asks the Marine. Those guys are volunteers  they chose to do it. Im just finishing my degree and have a good job lined up. 

Need I say more? The neocon is not a soldier and does not plan to become one. Soldiering is for others. In a republic, it is the job of citizens. In an empire, it is imperial forces who do the fighting. Another Marine, Major-General Smedley Butler, twice decorated with the Medal of Honour, making him one of only two Marines in history to win the greatest battlefield decoration twice, had this to say about war: War is just a racket...I believe in adequate defence of our coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes here, then well fight. I wouldnt go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. I would only fight for the defence of our homes and for the Bill of Rights. 

Hear, hear! I remember landing in Tel Aviv in 1973. The Yom Kippur war had just begun and I was covering it for a Greek newspaper and National Review. I had to file two stories a day from the Golan front where vicious fighting was raging. The Syrians gave a good account of themselves, as did the Egyptians on the Sinai side. But they did not take care of their dead soldiers. Unlike the Israelis who picked up their dead, the Arabs left them to rot in the desert. I saw hundreds of young bodies lying around, and imagined their fat masters back in Damascus and Cairo covered in medals and sipping sweet coffee. 

After Hue in 1972, where the expected battle never took place  American air strikes by B-52s caught the invading Giap army in the open (I can still remember the stink of dead human flesh)  and the Yom Kippur war, I decided war was not such a good thing after all. All Quiet on the Western Front attests to a common humanity transcending nation, race, and religion. Erich Maria Remarque became a pacifist because he had fought the war in the trenches. The neocons never have and do not plan to, and do not deserve the right to send anyone to die except themselves. 

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[CTRL] The End Of The Hudna

2003-09-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

August 25, 2003
A Drug for the Addict 
The End of the Hudna

It was a putsch. Like any classic putsch, it was carried out by a group of officers: Sharon, Mofaz, Ya'alon and the army top brass.

It is no secret that the military party (the only really functioning party in Israel) objected to the hudna (truce) from the first moment, much as it opposed the Road Map. Its powerful propaganda apparatus, which includes all the Israeli media, spread the message: "The hudna is a disaster! Every day of the hudna is a bad day! The reduction of violence to almost zero is a great misfortune: under cover of the truce, the terrorist organizations are recovering and rearming! Every terrorist strike avoided today will hit us much harder tomorrow!"

The army command was like an addict deprived of his drug. It was forbidden to carry out the action it wanted. It was just about to crush the intifada, victory was just around the corner, all that was needed was just one final decisive blow, and that would have been that.

The military was upset when it saw the new hope that took hold of the Israeli public, the bullish mood of the stock exchange, the rise in value of the shekel, the return of the masses to the entertainment centers, the signs of optimism on both sides. In effect, It was a spontaneous popular vote against the military policy.

Ariel Sharon realized that if this went on, reality would overturn his long-term plans. Therefore, right at the beginning of the hudna, he adopted three immediate goals:

First, to topple Abu-Mazen as soon as possible. Mahmud Abbas had become the darling of George Bush, a welcome guest at the White House. The unique standing of Sharon in Washington was in danger. The pair Bush-Sharon, which was mutating into a single Busharon unit, was in danger of becoming a triangle: Bush-Sharon-Abbas. There is no greater danger to Sharon's plans.

Second, to wipe out the Road Map in its infancy. The Map obliged Sharon to remove immediately about 80 settlement outposts, freeze all settlements, stop the building of the wall and withdraw the army from all West Bank towns. Sharon never dreamt of fulfilling even one of these obligations.

Third, to put an end to the hudna and give the army back its freedom of action in all the Palestinian territories.

The question was how this could be achieved without a trace of suspicion attaching itself to Sharon. The great majority of Israelis, who had greeted the hudna, could not possibly be allowed to suspect that their own leaders were responsible for extinguishing this glimmer of hope. Even more important, it was imperative that no such pernicious idea should enter the innocent head of the good George W. All the blame must fall on the Palestinians, so that the affection for Abu-Mazen would turn into contempt and hatred.

The means for attaining this goal were selected with great care, taking into account the simplistic world of Bush with its Good Guys and Bad Guys. The Bad Guys are the terrorists. Therefore, it was advisable to kill Hamas and Jihad militants. That would not upset Bush. In the eyes of the President, to kill terrorists is a Good Thing. And as a result, the Palestinians would be compelled to break the hudna.

This is how it happened:

On August 8, Israeli soldiers killed two Hamas militants in Nablus. But the retaliation was restrained: on August 12, a Hamas suicide bomber killed one Israeli in Rosh-Ha'ayin and another bomber killed one person in the Ariel settlement. Both suicide bombers came from Nablus. Hamas announced that the hudna would continue. On August 14, the Israeli army killed Muhammad Seeder, head of the military wing of Hamas in Hebron. Five days later, on August 19, a suicide bomber from Hebron blew himself up in a Jerusalem bus, killing 20 men, women and children. Two days later, on August 21, the army assassinated Isma'il Abu-Shanab, the fourth ranking leader of Hamas.

This time it was not even possible even to pin on the victim the appellation "ticking bomb", as is usual in such cases. The man was a well-known political leader. Why was he of all people chosen for assassination? A military correspondent on Israeli TV made a slip of the tongue: Abu-Shanab was killed, he said, because he was "available". Meaning, he was an easy target because he did not go underground after the bus bombing, as did the leaders of the military wing.

This time, at long last, the aim was achieved. The Palestinian organizations announced that they were calling off the hudna. Sharon and Co. rejoiced. Within hours the Israeli army had again penetrated into the centers of the Palestinian towns, starting an orgy of arrests and house demolitions (more than 40 in a single day). 

The addict leapt for the drug. His crisis was over, the officers could do all the things they had been prevented from doing for nine long weeks.

But the situation will not revert to the status quo ante 

Re: [CTRL] Protocols of Zion is the Illuminati Blueprint

2003-09-01 Thread Zuukie
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

Shannnon, Is this the 
Illuminati group that you posted information on? 
I didn't know you knew about 
the link between the Illuminati and the Theosophists?


Ordo Templi Orientis'Caliphate'
History of Ordo Templi Orientisby Sabazius X° and AMT IX°[early 
version summer 1996 before it had to be corrected]from www.cinenet.net/oto/ 

Although officially founded in 1902, O.T.O. represents a surfacing and
confluence of the divergent streams of esoteric wisdom and knowledge which were
originally divided and driven underground by political and religious intolerance
during the dark ages. It draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic,
Rosicrucian and Illuminist movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, the
crusading Knights Templars of the middle ages and early Christian Gnosticism and
the Pagan Mystery Schools. Its symbolism contains a reunification of the hidden
traditions of the East and the West, and its resolution of these traditions has
enabled it to recognize the true value of Aleister Crowley's revelation of The
Book of the Law

The Spiritual Father of Ordo Templi Orientis was Carl Kellner (Renatus, Sept. 1,
1851 - June 7, 1905), a wealthy Austrian paper chemist, a Freemason, a scholar
of Eastern mysticism and an initiate of an organization called the Hermetic
Brotherhood of Light [1]. During the latter years of the 19th century, Kellner
claims to have made contact with three Adepts (a Sufi, Soliman ben Aifa, and two
Hindu Tantrics, Bhima Sena Pratapa of Lahore and Sri Mahatma Agamya
Paramahamsa). During the course of his studies, Kellner believed that he had
discovered a "Key" which offered a clear explanation of all the complex
symbolism of Freemasonry, and, Kellner believed, opened the mysteries of Nature.

To develop and disseminate his discovery, Kellner proposed in 1895 to his
associate Theodor Reuss (June 28, 1855 - Oct. 28, 1923) that a reformulation of
the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light be founded in Germany as an "Academia
Masonica" of three degrees, which would be named the Oriental Templar Order. The
Order, open only to initiates of the highest degrees of Masonry, would expound
the symbolism of all the degrees of the various rites of Masonry in the light of
the "Key" which Kellner possessed.

Theodor Reuss, was, at the time, the head of a reformation of the Bavarian Order
of Illuminati, the Grand Master of the Swedenborgian Rite of Freemasonry in
Germany, and Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Germania. With Kellner's
assistance, Reuss obtained charters to operate two systems of high-grade
Freemasonry known as the Rites of Memphis and Mizraim of 97*; and 90*;, and the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of 33*; (Cernau Council of New York, 1807)
from the English Masonic scholar, John Yarker. These rites, along with the
Swedenborgian Rite, were adopted as integral parts of the Order. The
Swedenborgian Rite included a version of the Craft degrees, and the Cernau
Scottish Rite and the Rites of Memphis and Mizraim provided a selection of the
workable "high grades" as nearly complete as had ever existed. Together, they
provided a complete system of Masonic initiation at the disposal of the Order.
With the incorporation of these rites, the Order was enabled to operate as a
completely independent Masonic system.

In 1902, the founding of Ordo Templi Orientis was officially proclaimed. Reuss
(who used the pen names Merlin and Peregrinus) was named Outer Head of the Order
(O.H.O.) with Kellner as Honorary Grand Master. Kellner died on June 7, 1905.
With the assistance of co-founders Franz Hartmann and Heinrich Klein, Reuss
prepared a Constitution of the Order in 1906. With the participation of many
other initiates, they developed O.T.O. from a loosely organized association of
rites into a complete Masonic initiatory system, open to both men and women,
which concentrated all the major symbolism of the three degrees of Craft
Freemasonry, the myriad degrees of the rites of high-grade Freemasonry and of
numerous other societies (listed below) into ten principal and eight ancillary
degrees. Kellner's three degree "Academia Masonica" formed the VII*;, VIII*;,
and IX*; of this system.

A list of the organizations whose symbolism and teachings were encompassed by
O.T.O. as an Academia Masonica was published in "The Manifesto of the O.T.O." in
1912. It included the following: The Gnostic Catholic Church, The Order of the
Knights of the Holy Ghost, The Order of the Illuminati, The Order of the Temple,
The Order of the Knights of St. John, The Order of the Knights of Malta, The
Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, The Hidden Church of the Holy Grail,
The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, The Holy Order of Rose Croix of Heredom, The
Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch, The Antient and Primitive Rite of
Masonry, The Rite of Memphis, The Rite of Mizraim, The Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Masonry, The 

Re: [CTRL] Protocols of Zion is the Illuminati Blueprint

2003-09-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 9/1/2003 12:02:32 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I didn't know you knew about the link between the Illuminati and the Theosophists?

I think it's pretty clear that there was some linkage there. 
And your point is what exactly?
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israeli commission condemns treatment of Arabs

2003-09-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Israeli commission condemns treatment of Arabs
Associated Press 

Jerusalem  In a landmark report on Israel's treatment of its Arab minority, a commission of inquiry found Monday that police used excessive force in quelling Arab riots three years ago and that Israel's leaders badly underestimated the community's anger after decades of systematic discrimination.

Thirteen Israeli Arabs were killed in the October, 2000, protests, in which thousands threw stones and blocked streets in a show of support with Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. A Jewish motorist was killed by a rock at the time.

After hearing 377 witnesses over nearly three years, the commission released its report of several hundred pages on Monday. It was only the fifth probe of such a scope in Israel's history.

The three-member panel found that Ehud Barak, prime minister at the time, misread the charged atmosphere in Israel's Arab minority, which makes up about one-fifth of the nation's 6.6 million people.

The panel did not block Mr. Barak's possible return to politics  he said he might announce comeback plans in coming weeks  but said that his police minister at the time, Shlomo Ben-Ami, could not return to the post. Mr. Barak was defeated by Ariel Sharon in a 2001 election.

"The state and its various governments failed in dealing with ... the problems of a large minority within the Jewish majority," the panel wrote. "The government treatment of the Arab sector was characterized by prejudice and neglect."

The panel also said Israeli police used excessive force. "It is important that it be pointed out in completely non-ambiguous way that the use of live fire, including by snipers, is not a means of dispersing large crowds by police," the panel said.

The committee said improving the lives of Israel's Arabs through more equal budgetary allocations for education, housing and job creation is an issue that requires the personal attention of the prime minister.

Mr. Sharon said he would convene a cabinet meeting on the report's recommendations. The panel also urged the government to outline a plan of action and a timetable for narrowing gaps between Jews and Arabs.

The panel also said Israeli police used excessive force, and it urged the formation of a new riot police that would dump rubber bullets and live ammunition from its crowd control arsenal and instead would use water cannons and tear gas to disperse demonstrators.

"It is important that it be pointed out in completely non-ambiguous way that the use of live fire, including by snipers, is not a means of dispersing large crowds by police," the panel said.

In Israel's 55-year history there have only been four other major state-ordered inquiries: a 1974 investigation into the 1973 Mideast War; the 1983 commission into the massacres of Palestinians at the Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps in Lebanon; an inquiry into the 1994 killing of 29 Palestinian worshippers by a Jewish extremist at holy site in Hebron; and an investigation into the 1995 assassination of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin.

The commission's recommendations are not legally binding, but they carry strong weight. The 1983 findings forced Mr. Sharon to resign from his post as defence minister.

After the October, 2000, riots, Mr. Barak ordered a commission of inquiry. In his testimony to the commission, he said the violence had taken him by surprise.

"When these events erupted, they erupted with an intensity and force and energies and motives that were not expected by us, and according to my assessment, could not have been expected," Mr. Barak told the panel in November, 2001.

His testimony was interrupted by the mother of a teenager who was killed by the police fire; she stood up and screamed, "Murderer!" before being pulled from the courtroom by security guards.

Mr. Ben-Ami said in his testimony that there were no intelligence warnings ahead of the outbreak of violence. He said Israel's police failed the country's Arab citizens.

Azmi Bishara, one of 10 Arab lawmakers in Israel's 120-member parliament, criticized the report for not going far enough to recommend punishment for police officers and Israeli leaders.

"The commission didn't deal with all the policies of racism against Arab citizens," he said.

Cabinet minister Tsipi Livni acknowledged government discrimination in the Arab sector and said efforts to channel more funds for schools and infrastructure in their communities are under way but are moving slowly because of bureaucracy.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outri

[CTRL] School Of Goebbels In American-Israeli Media

2003-09-01 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The school of Goebbels in the American-Israeli media 

As soon as New York and the Northeast United States, together with Southeast Canada, were plunged into darkness, all the news concerning the Arab world fell from the American radar screen. The situation continued thus for two consecutive days. We no longer knew, then, what was going on in Iraq; or in Palestine or on other Arab scenes, all of them afflicted with various difficulties and problems. We were even implicitly implicated in this affair of high tension lines and the worn-out power network of the largest city in the United States. Arab satellite stations were drawn into this trap and devoted much time to this electricity outage, with some even insinuating that the event might have been the result of a terrorist operation.

This possibility circulated for 48 hours, until the white smoke of the US intelligence services assured us that there was no evidence of terrorism and that the event was due to technical factors. New Yorks electricity cannot be more luminous than that of Lebanon. As they waited for their power to be restored, New Yorkers wondered what kind of surprises Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve, might have, what kind of scandals previously hidden under a veil of indifference he might bring to light. 
The lesson to be drawn does not lie only in the priorities and hypotheses imposed by the American media on the small screen, but bears also on the fabrication and diffusion of news invented out of whole cloth. So it is that facts are the first casualties of the Anglo-Saxon Goebbels.

I was struck by the suicide of the British expert, Dr. David Kelly, and by the intersection between the truth to which he was attached concerning the non-existent Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, and the official lie used by the British prime minister to justify the illegal war. I can only say that he wanted to oppose the concealment of the truth, although the circumstances of his death are surrounded by uncertainty. So it is too in the case of the death of John Kennedy, even though almost 40 years have passed since his assassination, or with Diana in the celebrated Paris tunnel, or even with the hero of Franz Kafkas The Trial, who was executed without knowing the nature of the charge laid against him. 

Is truth propagated solely by the American propaganda machine, and does the unipolar time diffuse unilateralist facts? The war against Iraq revealed the seriousness of the kitchens that prepare media menus intended to serve American interests, in war as in peace?

It is said that Colin Powell doubted the authenticity of the statements in the speech he gave before the UN Security Council last February 5 on Saddams strategic weapons. But the will of the White House required him to declare them. That is why he was careful to have George Tenet, director of the CIA, sitting behind him so that he should assume responsibility for a speech full of falsified data, such as the uranium from Niger, Saddams close relations with Al-Qaeda, the capacity to deploy a biological weapon system in 45 minutes, the mobile bacteriological laboratories. This exuberant imagination in falsification led General Dayton to Baghdad at the head of 1,400 inspectors in order to search for such arms and equipment, of which they found no trace. 

In a documented study extraordinary in its precision, Ignacio Ramonet relates in Le Monde Diplomatique the rich history of American media falsification, citing the celebrated statement of George Washington: I prefer to die rather than to state anything other than the truth. The first operation of falsification known is linked to the destruction of the warship USS Maine in Havana harbor in 1898. This was the pretext for the US declaration of war against Spain, which led to the annexation Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam and to the occupation over several years of Cuba. The Spaniards were accused, particularly by the US sensationalist press, of being responsible for blowing up the ship. President William McKinley hastened to have Congress declare war and to deploy his troops in the framework of a plan of occupation in order to control strategic positions.

Some observers think that lying metamorphoses itself as an epidemic, like cholera or the plague, as Raymond Aron commented one day when he was covering the game of political interests trying to justify war, bloodshed and the destruction of the present and the future. 

It is no secret that the US media is less linked to the concept of truth and freedom because it is closer to propaganda and mobilization, like the tom-tom in an African forest. The media is controlled by wealthy families like Rockefeller and Murdoch affiliated with the military-industrial complex against which President Eisenhower warned with such feeling in the 1950s. The work of the American journalist Christina Bergson entitled The