-Caveat Lector-

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A torture chamber used by Saddam Hussein's henchmen has been
discovered by British troops in Iraq, according to reports.

Cells in a police station contained a meat hook attached to a ceiling
and a live cable said to be used to give electric shocks.

Royal Marines found it in a suburb of Basra, reported the Daily
Mirror's Tom Newton Dunn, who is with the troops.

Dozens of Iraqi national ID cards were spread across the Chief of
Police's abandoned large oak desk, he wrote.

Troops captured the Abu Al Khasib suburb after 13 hours of fighting.

The police station was empty when the marines arrived.

One local said: "The Ba'ath Party were bad people, they used to hurt
people inside the police station. You say bad words about Saddam, they
take you in there and you never come out.

"Everybody also knew not to ask what happen to them there, then they
disappear too."

Newton Dunn wrote "everything we saw inside that building yesterday
suggested that it was wasn't really a house of law and order at all,
but used instead to torture possibly hundreds of local civilians".

The police sation was also said to be used by the Mukhabarat - by far
the most infamous of Saddam Hussein's internal security services.

Last Updated: 11:49 UK, Wednesday April 02, 2003

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