-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Democracy is a recent experiment.It is barely over 200
years old in the
USA, and less than two hundred years old in the rest of
the world.In
many, maybe most, European countries, it is less than a
century old--that's
less than 4 generations.In Germany, Japan,India, and
Israel, only 2
generations old.In half of Europe, and in the rising
young capitalist
democracies of East Asia, it is less than 1 generation
old.In Latin
America and Africa, it is an on again, off again
affair.Even the world's
oldest democracy, the USA, has experimented with
universal suffrage only
for 36 years.Since the emergence of democracy is
coincident with rapidly
expanding economies, I expect that the eventual arrival
of steady-state
economics will witness the end of democratic systems of
governance; but
democracy shows signs of fragility already in some
western countries.

>In my batch of materials I received today from the
Libertarian Alliance
>in London is a promo piece for a book, "Dispatches
>From a Dying Country:
>Reflections on Modern England,"by Sean Gabb.Here is
the back cover
>"Dispatches From a Dying Country"is an ascerbic
account of the gradual
>deconstruction of the essentially liberal traditions
of England, a
>country that the author argues--and documents--is
moving ever closer to
>a police state. England is becoming a nation of serfs
>surveillance, harried for their own alleged good by
governments and
>special interests that make use of assorted moral
panics to establish
>their hegemony.
>The alleged menage of religious cults, of drugs, drunk
drivers, demonic
>gun owners, paedophiles, pornographers and the spectre
of "racism"are
>just parts of the plague of mythological and socially
>pseudo-menaces that are used to engineer the
legitimation of our rulers.
>Dr. Gabb further exposes the sordid power lusts,
tactics and hypocrisies
>of what he terms the "Enemy Class"--the parasitic
class of politicians,
>administrators, lawyers, "experts,"educators, media
people and state
>employees--who are constructing their new order on a
trumped-up basis of
>post-socialist corporatism and "politically
correct"pieties. He is no
>less virulent, however, against what he calls the
"Quisling Right,"
>those Tory politicians and their media cronies who
posture as defenders
>of freedom, but who do nothing effective to defend it
in practice.
>The publisher is:
>The Hampden Press
>London, England

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Best wishes

It is hard to make government representative when it is also
- G K. Chesterton,ILN, 8/17/18

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