-Caveat Lector-

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--- The Progressive Response            23 May 2002           Vol. 6,
No. 15 Editor: Tom Barry

The Progressive Response (PR) is a weekly service of Foreign Policy in
Focus (FPIF)--a "Think Tank Without Walls." A joint project of the
Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies,
FPIF is an international network of analysts and activists dedicated
to "making the U.S. a more responsible global leader and partner by
advancing citizen movements and agendas." We encourage responses to
the opinions expressed in the PR and may print them in the "Letters
and Comments" section. For more information on FPIF and joining our
network, please consider visiting the FPIF website at
http://www.fpif.org/, or email <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to share your
thoughts with us.

Tom Barry, editor of Progressive Response, is a senior analyst with
the Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC) (online at
www.irc-online.org) and codirector of Foreign Policy In Focus. He can
be contacted at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

                **** We Count on Your Support ****


I. Updates and Out-Takes

By Lora Lumpe

By Stephen Zunes


By Michelle Ciarrocca


II. Outside the U.S.

By Sam Bahour

III. Letters and Comments


*** SAD DAY ***



I. Updates and Out-Takes

By Lora Lumpe

(Editor's Note: Excerpted from "U.S. Foreign Military Training: Global
Reach, Global Power, and Oversight Issues," a new FPIF Special Report
available in its entirety at:
http://www.fpif.org/papers/miltrain/box4.html .)

One of the ways the U.S. government has been able to carry out its
rapid growth in military and police training around the globe over the
past decade has been to outsource many training operations to private
contractors. This practice reduces pressures on the deployment
schedule of U.S. forces. It also permits U.S. involvement in certain
situations without risking the deaths of U.S. soldiers--a high
political cost since the deaths of U.S. Rangers in Somalia in 1993.

Post-cold war reductions in the size of U.S. military forces led to a
glut of out-of-work military personnel. Many of them were absorbed
into long-established private military companies (PMCs) that expanded
their operations in the 1990s; others created their own start-up
firms. Among the American companies providing training to foreign
forces in the 1990s were Cubic, DynCorp, Logicon, Military
Professional Resources Incorporated (MPRI), Science Applications
International Corp. (SAIC), and Vinnell Corp.a

In some cases contractors conduct training programs directly for the
U.S. government. For example, the State Department has hired MPRI and
Logicon to run the African Crisis Response Initiative (ACRI). In other
cases, foreign governments contract directly with private companies to
train their security forces. To do so, firms must apply for and be
granted an export license by the State Department's Office of Defense
Trade Controls--as would any other industry directly selling weapons
or military services.b Numerous foreign militaries have hired private
U.S. firms in the 1990s and early 2000s, among them Bosnia, Colombia,
Croatia, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda,
Saudi Arabia, and Uganda.c

The accidental downing of a civilian plane in Peru in early 2001,
killing an American missionary and her infant daughter, served to
reveal the deep, multifaceted, and controversial involvement of
private military companies in U.S. antinarcotics operations. In this
incident, a CIA surveillance plane, flown by American pilots from an
Alabama company called Aviation Development Corporation (ADC), had
mistakenly identified the missionary plane as belonging to drug
traffickers, and a Peruvian military plane responded by shooting it

In the wake of this incident, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) introduced a
bill in April 2001, the Andean Region Contractor Accountability Act
(H.R. 1591), which would prohibit funding of private contractors for
military or police work in the Andean region. By early 2002, it had
only 14 cosponsors and was stalled in committee.

Private military contractors are currently conducting major portions
of the U.S. military operations in the Andes, including crop
fumigation and military training. Two Virginia-based companies,
DynCorp and MPRI, have had contracts to provide logistical support and
training to Colombian police and counterinsurgency forces. In 2001,
MPRI completed a $6 million contract with the Pentagon under which a
14-man team advised the Colombian military and police on logistics,
planning, and organization.

Under Plan Colombia, the number of private military contractors was
capped at 300; in December 2001, Congress increased this number to 400
(while lowering the number of U.S. military personnel authorized to be
in country from 500 to 400). However, private military companies get
around this cap by employing non-U.S. citizens. In Colombia, for
instance, private companies have hired Peruvians, Guatemalans, and
other Latin American nationals.

Some of the harshest critics of these companies are members of the
U.S. military. In a 1998 essay for the Army War College, Col. Bruce
Grant wrote: "Privatization is a way of going around Congress and not
telling the public. Foreign policy is made by default by private
military consultants motivated by bottom-line profits."d Rep.
Schakowsky agrees, explaining: "There is little or no accountability
in this process of outsourcing. This is a way of funding secret wars
with taxpayers' money that could get us into a Vietnam-like conflict."

Information on private transactions is scarce and oversight is
nonexistent. There is no requirement that the State Department publish
a specific annual list of whom it has authorized to provide private
military or security training, where, with which security unit, or for
what purpose. Nor does Congress know who is training whom at any given
moment. The State Department is only required to notify lawmakers of
contracts valued at $50 million or more--a threshold so high that very
few, if any, training operations are likely to be reported. The annual
consolidated report on military assistance and sales, which the State
and Defense departments are required to produce (see Appendix 1, pages
37-40), should include information on private military training, but
it does not currently disaggregate this information.

As with covert operations, there are no legal or regulatory
requirements for the inclusion of any human rights or humanitarian law
content in military, security, or police force training contracted
privately. In addition, the Leahy Law requirement that trainees be
vetted for prior human rights abuses does not apply to training
purchased with the buyer's own money. It does apply to U.S.
taxpayer-funded programs employing private military companies, such as
the African Crisis Response Initiative (ACRI).


a       Deborah Avant, private communication, February 25, 2002. The
list is compiled from news articles, journal articles, personal
interviews, and web searches. Avant cautions that there are
undoubtedly missing companies, and some included companies may have
since gone out of business.

b       Section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act.

c       Deborah Avant, personal communication, February 25, 2002.

d       Juan O. Tamayo, "Private Firms Take on U.S. Military Role in
Drug War," Miami Herald, May 22, 2001.

(Lora Lumpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is a researcher and writer based
in Washington, DC. She is a senior associate with the International
Peace Research Institute in Oslo, working on the Norwegian Initiative
on Small Arms Transfers, and she consults with and for several human
rights and peace groups.)

This new FPIF Special Report is available at:

(Also see our printer-friendly version at:
http://www.fpif.org/pdf/papers/SRmiltrain.pdf .)


By Stephen Zunes

(Editor's Note: Excerpted from a new FPIF Global Affairs Commentary
available in its entirety at: http://www.fpif.org/papers/usisrael.html

The close relationship between the U.S. and Israel has been one of the
most salient features in U.S. foreign policy for nearly three and a
half decades. The well over $3 billion in military and economic aid
sent annually to Israel by Washington is rarely questioned in
Congress, even by liberals who normally challenge U.S. aid to
governments that engage in widespread violations of human rights--or
by conservatives who usually oppose foreign aid in general. Virtually
all Western countries share the United States' strong support for
Israel's legitimate right to exist in peace and security, yet these
same nations have refused to provide arms and aid while the occupation
of lands seized in the 1967 war continues. None come close to offering
the level of diplomatic support provided by Washington--with the
United States often standing alone with Israel at the United Nations
and other international forums when objections are raised over ongoing
Israeli violations of international law and related concerns.

Although U.S. backing of successive Israeli governments, like most
foreign policy decisions, is often rationalized on moral grounds,
there is little evidence that moral imperatives play more of a
determining role in guiding U.S. policy in the Middle East than in any
other part of the world. Most Americans do share a moral commitment to
Israel's survival as a Jewish state, but this would not account for
the level of financial, military, and diplomatic support provided.
American aid to Israel goes well beyond protecting Israel's security
needs within its internationally recognized borders. U.S. assistance
includes support for policies in militarily occupied territories that
often violate well-established legal and ethical standards of
international behavior.

Were Israel's security interests paramount in the eyes of American
policymakers, U.S. aid to Israel would have been highest in the early
years of the existence of the Jewish state, when its democratic
institutions were strongest and its strategic situation most
vulnerable, and would have declined as its military power grew
dramatically and its repression against Palestinians in the occupied
territories increased. Instead, the trend has been in just the
opposite direction: major U.S. military and economic aid did not begin
until after the 1967 war. Indeed, 99% of U.S. military assistance to
Israel since its establishment came only after Israel proved itself to
be far stronger than any combination of Arab armies and after Israeli
occupation forces became the rulers of a large Palestinian population.

Similarly, U.S. aid to Israel is higher now than twenty-five years
ago. This was at a time when Egypt's massive and well-equipped armed
forces threatened war; today, Israel has a longstanding peace treaty
with Egypt and a large demilitarized and internationally monitored
buffer zone keeping its army at a distance. At that time, Syria's
military was expanding rapidly with advanced Soviet weaponry; today,
Syria has made clear its willingness to live in peace with Israel in
return for the occupied Golan Heights--and Syria's military
capabilities have been declining, weakened by the collapse of its
Soviet patron.

Also in the mid-1970s, Jordan still claimed the West Bank and
stationed large numbers of troops along its lengthy border and the
demarcation line with Israel; today, Jordan has signed a peace treaty
and has established fully normalized relations. At that time, Iraq was
embarking upon its vast program of militarization. Iraq's armed forces
have since been devastated as a result of the Gulf War and subsequent
international sanctions and monitoring. This raises serious questions
as to why U.S. aid has either remained steady or actually increased
each year since.

In the hypothetical event that all U.S. aid to Israel were immediately
cut off, it would be many years before Israel would be under
significantly greater military threat than it is today. Israel has
both a major domestic arms industry and an existing military force far
more capable and powerful than any conceivable combination of opposing
forces. There would be no question of Israel's survival being at risk
militarily in the foreseeable future. When Israel was less dominant
militarily, there was no such consensus for U.S. backing of Israel.
Though the recent escalation of terrorist attacks inside Israel has
raised widespread concerns about the safety of the Israeli public, the
vast majority of U.S. military aid has no correlation to
counterterrorism efforts.

In short, the growing U.S. support for the Israeli government, like
U.S. support for allies elsewhere in the world, is not motivated
primarily by objective security needs or a strong moral commitment to
the country. Rather, as elsewhere, U.S. foreign policy is motivated
primarily to advance its own perceived strategic interests.

There is a broad bipartisan consensus among policymakers that Israel
has advanced U.S. interest in the Middle East and beyond.

* Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist
movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.

* Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union,
in check.

* Israel's air force is predominant throughout the region.

* Israel's frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for
American arms, often against Soviet weapons.

* It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements
too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military
assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in
Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras.
Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran
junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.

* Israel's intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence
gathering and covert operations.

* Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet
Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it
has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research
and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.

(Stephen Zunes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is Middle East editor of Foreign
Policy In Focus (online at www.fpif.org).)



Salih Booker, FPIF Advisory Committee member, says, "The IMF and World
Bank have much to answer for. Many of the strongest critiques come
from Africans, although they have little opportunity to travel to
Washington to demonstrate. The policies of the World Bank and IMF have
eroded Africa's health care systems and intensified the poverty of
Africa's people. These institutions must be made accountable for their
role in causing the worst health crisis in human history, which Africa
now faces."

Africa Action has launched a new campaign called "Africa's Right to
Health Campaign." The campaign is based information on a new position
paper, Hazardous to Health: The World Bank and IMF in Africa,
published by Africa Action and written by Ann-Louise Colgan. According
to this new paper, "The policies dictated by the World Bank and IMF
exacerbated poverty, providing fertile ground for the spread of
HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases. Cutbacks in health budgets and
privatization of health services eroded previous advances in health
care and weakened the capacity of African governments to cope with the
growing health crisis. Consequently, during the past two decades the
life expectancy of Africans has dropped by 15 years."

For information about Africa Action's campaign and to read the new
report, go to: http://www.africaaction.org/action/campaign.htm

For analysis for FPIF by Salih Booker and other Africa Action staff,
visit: http://www.fpif.org/advisers/booker.html

For more FPIF analysis on Africa, see FPIF Africa index:


By Michelle Ciarrocca

(Editor's Note: Excerpted from a new Global Affairs Commentary
available online in its entirety at:
http://www.fpif.org/commentary/2002/0205armsspend.html .)

Forget that the Bush administration is sending U.S. troops to train
local forces in Yemen, the Philippines, and Uzbekistan, and that since
September 11th the U.S. has stepped up military aid to Turkey,
Pakistan, India, Jordan, and a number of countries who are "with us"
in the war on terror.

Forget the fact that a number of these countries were previously
prohibited from receiving U.S. weapons and military assistance because
of poor human rights records, ongoing armed conflict, or repressive
practices. Forget that September 11th has been used to justify a $396
billion military budget, the largest increase in defense spending in
two decades, and that the war in Afghanistan is costing more than $1
billion a month.

The human rights conditions on U.S. military aid and training programs
that have been put in place over the past few decades have been pushed
aside in the headlong rush into the global war on terrorism. Human
rights abuses are being ignored or forgotten as the U.S. arms its
allies in this new war. The goal is freedom, no matter what the cost
and no matter what the human rights practices of our new partners.
Defending his military budget, Bush said "I've asked for the largest
increase in defense spending in 20 years not only because it will
fulfill our commitment to support our troops, but because it
recognizes that this country is in our war for the long pull--that
we're interested in defending freedom no matter what the cost."

The president is now asking for more money.

President Bush has recently submitted a $27 billion emergency
supplemental request to Congress. The Pentagon will receive almost
half of the emergency request--$14 billion. Out of that amount, $130
million will be spent on unspecified foreign countries or "indigenous
forces." What is most alarming is that more than $1 billion of that
request has been tagged with the clause "notwithstanding any other
provision of law"--meaning that the few laws in place to keep military
aid and weapons out the hands of human rights abusers are no longer

(Michelle Ciarrocca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is an analyst with the
Arms Trade Resource Center who writes for Foreign Policy In Focus
(online at www.fpif.org).)



Colombians are expected to elect a right-wing presidential candidate
committed to waging a wider war against the guerrilla armies.
Meanwhile the Bush administration has redefined Colombia's
five-decade-old civil conflict as a "war on terrorism" and called for
millions more in U.S. arms and training. According to FPIF expert
Kimberly Stanton at the RFK Human Rights Center, "Regardless of who
wins Colombia's presidential elections, the United States has the
right and the obligation to ensure that U.S. military aid does not
contribute to human rights abuses. The background and proposals of
Alvaro Uribe, the candidate that is leading in the polls, are
troubling in this regard. His proposal to arm a million Colombians to
serve as the first line of defense in the civil war is a recipe for
transforming the civilian population into a military target." Another
FPIF analyst, William LeoGrande of American University warned: "The
danger in Colombia is that the U.S. will involve itself in another
Latin American civil war on a scale much bigger than it did in Central
America in the 1980s."

See FPIF's Colombia In Focus at


II. Outside the U.S.

(Editor's Note: FPIF has a new component called "Outside the U.S.,"
which aims to bring non-U.S. voices into the U.S. policy debate and to
foster dialog between Northern and Southern actors in global affairs
issues. Please visit our Outside the U.S. page for other non-U.S.
perspectives on global affairs and for information about submissions
at: http://www.fpif.org/outside/index.html. )

By Sam Bahour

(Editor's Note: Excerpted from a new Outside the U.S. Global Affairs
Commentary available in its entirety at
http://www.fpif.org/outside/commentary/2002/0205corpisrael.html .)

U.S. military-related corporations support Israeli occupation by way
of an institutionalized mechanism provided for by Congress. Congress
has stipulated that 75% of U.S. foreign military aid to Israel, which
amounts to over $2 billion annually, must be spent buying U.S.
products and services. Firms like Lockheed, Boeing, United
Technologies, Raytheon, ExxonMobil, Northrop, Pgsus, General Dynamics,
and Oshkosh, among others, are directly contributing to the tools that
Israel uses to violate international and humanitarian law. The
following are some specific cases:

* U.S. weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, which
provides the fighter jets that have been used by Israel to bomb
Palestinian cities that have been under military closure for 18
months, proudly announced on September 5, 2001 from Fort Worth, Texas
that Israel had decided to purchase 52 more Lockheed Martin F-16
fighter jets. The contract value was reported as approximately $1.3
billion for only the aircraft.

* Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, a subsidiary of United Technologies
Corporation, sells Israel U.S. armaments used to destroy Palestinian
cities and perform political assassinations of Palestinian civilians
from the sky. "Our company's relationship of more than 40 years with
Israel is a source of pride," said Sikorsky President Dean Borgman in
a February 1, 2001 press release, while announcing his firm was
awarded a $211.8 million contract for 24 additional Black Hawk
helicopters to serve the Israeli Air Force.

* Other less visible military suppliers are those like Federal
Laboratories in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, which provides CS tear gas to
the Israeli military. During the first Palestinian Intifada (uprising)
in 1988, Federal Laboratories witnessed civil disobedience actions at
their plant gate in Saltsburg and a lawsuit in U.S. courts after
Israel misused their lethal tear gas by firing it into closed areas,
resulting in the killing of many Palestinians. Federal Laboratories
stopped exporting the gas for six months in 1988 and sent a
fact-finding team to Israel before resuming sales.

Corporate America's support of the Israeli occupation is not confined
to military equipment suppliers. In fall 1999, Burger King opened a
franchise restaurant in an illegal Israeli settlement in the West
Bank, only to be forced by its customers to close down the store to
avoid a worldwide boycott.

In April alone three U.S. firms have been lured into collaboration
with Israel's illegal occupation. Fifth Third Bank in Northeastern
Ohio purchased $500,000 worth of bonds from Israel. Robert King,
president and chief executive of the Cleveland affiliate of Fifth
Third Bancorp in Cincinnati proudly stated in a press release that,
"This year is the state of Israel's 50th anniversary, and now more
than ever, it is poised to continue its growth as an industrial world
leader." No mention was made by Mr. King that such growth comes at the
cost of systematic, gross violations of human rights by Israel.

Microsoft Israel put company executives in Redmond, Seattle in an
awkward position when they sponsored two large billboards on a main
Israeli highway saluting Israel's armed forces at the same time the
Israeli military was indiscriminately bombing the Jenin refugee camp.
Only days after a grassroots letter writing campaign, partly led by
the Israeli peace group Gush-Shalom, Microsoft executives announced
that Microsoft Israel had acted alone and was instructed to take down
the billboards, which they promptly did. Israel is the largest
research and development site for Microsoft outside America. Bill
Gates would serve world peace well by continuing his involvement and
requesting that Israel end the occupation in order to qualify for
continued commercial opportunities. The same can be said for Intel
Corporation, which has the largest production facilities outside of
the U.S. located in Israel.

(Sam Bahour is a Palestinian-American businessman living in the
besieged Palestinian City of Al-Bireh/Ramallah in the West Bank and
can be reached at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.)

Also see new commentary by Ahmed Rashid, "Afghan Women Emerge As
Elections Take Place" at:


III. Letters and Comments


Re: Oil and Venezuela's Failed Coup by Luis E. Lander and Margarita
López Maya. It is about time that governments in Latin America stand
up and put things in the right place. The national resources of each
country is a dear asset of the people of those nations and NOT a
property of any international corporation. Congratulations. Keep the
dignity of Venezuela alive.

- Guillermo Valdivieso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


*** SAD DAY ***

Re: "U.S. Hit List at the UN," by Ian Williams. I was horrified when I
read what has been happening at the UN. I've certainly not heard
anything about these people being forced out from any other news
organization. Thank you for informing us of what Bush & Co. are doing
behind our backs. Many of us across this nation found out long ago
that we weren't getting all the news but only what the right wingers
wanted the various news organizations to spin on any given day. And
when we thought it couldn't possibly get worse, along comes the
selected president and his administration and the media's glowing
reports about a man who can do no wrong in their eyes but has done
nothing but bring daily destruction down on his own nation and the
rest of the world.

Thank goodness we have the internet where we can read from sites like
yours about what's really happening in our own country. It's a sad day
indeed when we can no longer trust anything coming from the various
U.S. media organizations and are turning to foreign news outlets and
the internet to find out what's being done in our name with our tax

- Jodie Jones



Re: Deconstructing George W. Bush. I had to laugh at the statement in
this otherwise well-reasoned article that U.S. support for the
military dictatorship in Pakistan "has been partly responsible for the
rise of anti-American extremism in those parts of the world." As the
author surely must be aware General Musharraf's coup, while actively
opposed by the U.S., was welcomed by virtually every element of
Pakistani society as a long overdue relief from the hyper-corrupt rule
of feudal landlords disguised as democratically elected politicians.
Of course the U.S. continued to impose sanctions on Pakistan due to
its military rule until some time after the 9-11 attacks forced it to
embrace Musharraf as its ally. Since his government has continued to
enjoy widespread popular support, particularly his campaign against
native Pakistani terrorists, which has been criticized largely for not
going far enough. Recent drops in his popularity are associated
primarily with a perception that he has not delivered on his original
commitment to prosecute the generation of thieves which stole from the
Pakistani people and not any disillusionment with his anti-terrorist
policies. Despite being a military dictatorship, Pakistan is one of
the few states of the Islamic world in which there are virtually no
restrictions on the freedom of the press nor persons being held in
jail due to their political views. Rather, the threat to freedom of
expression in Pakistan has long been and continues, albeit to a lesser
degree, to be from extremists in every political party, which have a
long tradition of killing, rather than refuting, their opponents. The
author is sophisticated enough to know there is no similarity between
Musharraf's government and U.S.-backed dictatorships of Latin America
or feudal governments of the Gulf. It is unfortunate that he was
sloppy enough to lump them together.

- Michael Piston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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