-Caveat Lector-


Fed Informant Documents Treason in OKC Bombing

As a self-confessed "international importer and domestic transporter," Cary
Gagan, 54, admits that he is "no choir boy." But neither is he a
cold-blooded killer, he is quick to add. As a government informant with an
immunity grant, he took every step he could to help the federal government
stop the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, of which he had solid prior knowledge,
but "they let it happen," says Gagan.

"They" were the FBI, the United States Attorney, and many agents of the U.S.
Marshals Service.

On March 13, Mr. Gagan gave a two-hour deposition before a newly formed
citizens committee known as the Oklahomans for Truth. A court stenographer
and videographer were present.

Upon viewing the tape, Denver whistleblower Stewart Webb said, "These
well-documented charges amount to no less than treasonous acts by those
sworn to ‘defend and protect against all enemies foreign and domestic.’
These people should be tried and, if found guilty, swiftly executed."

Prosecutors would later make a big noise about the ANFO bomb being built at
Geary Lake State Park in Kansas. (Count 35 of the eventual indictment reads:
"On or about April 18, 1995, at Geary Lake State Park in Kansas, McVeigh and
Nichols constructed an explosive truck bomb with barrels filled with a
mixture of ammonium nitrate, fuel and other explosives placed in the cargo
compartment of the rental truck.")

But it is Cary Gagan’s testimony that he, under instructions from a federal
agent, deliver a mixer and what he believes to have been bombing materials
to a service station in Dwight, Kansas, on April 10, nine days prior to the
Murrah explosions...[snip, snip]

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The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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