In Part One of this series we dealt with the names of men who gained control

of the Harvard Corporation in the early 1800's--whose self-appointed

successors still maintain control of the funds of that institution today. We

showed how those men made their family fortunes by trading in slaves and

drugs (opium).  We also showed how they purchased respectability by donating

enough money to Harvard to allow them to continue their control of the

university management, a position which makes their status as drug dealers

almost impossible to be believed by the average American.

The drug syndicate was set up to smuggle the narcotic opium into China,

alongside the British East India Company's smugglers. The syndicate was

based in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and London, England, and was financed,

as the East India Company was, by Britain's Baring bank. This racket,

smuggling chiefly Turkish opium, provided the bulk of the family fortunes

for the Cabots and other prominent ``blue-blood'' Boston families.

In Part Two we showed that the same Harvard men in Massachusetts who made

their wealth from dealing in drugs were connected by family and business

relationships to the board of the Yale Corporation, and that it was, in

fact, a successor-in-name to the Perkins, Sturgis and Forbes

company--Russell and Company--which started Skull and Bones at Yale.  It was

the Germanic philosophy of Hegel learned by William H. Russell that guided

him and his successors in financing competing sides of every political and

social issue in order to control the outcome and arrive at a greater degree

of power.  Because of this philosophy, the Hegellian drug lords have no

problem supporting candidates from both Yale and Harvard.  Whoever wins, the

drug lords can count on protection.

The final part of this series has two goals:  First to show that the

successors of the opium smuggling companies in America quickly established a

system to use their dirty profits as "venture capital" for direct investment

in strategic industries and, secondly, that they funneled "charitable"

donations  into educational institutions to control both the huge tax-exempt

endowments and to create a mask of respectability and generosity to hide the

true nature of their character.


Robert Bennet Forbes--whose father Ralph Bennet Forbes was married to

Margaret Perkins, a sister of Thomas Handasyd Perkins--became the foreign

affairs manager for a merchant named Houqua, who had himself been made

responsible for all of China's foreign relations with the West by the

Chinese Emperor.  The other son, John Murray Forbes, took over managing

Houqua and China's foreign relations, after Robert's death, and amassed a

great fortune. Profits from the Perkins opium firm was

invested in the purchase of the inventions of Alexander Graham Bell,

resulting in the appointment of John Murray Forbes' son, William Hathaway

Forbes, as president of the American Bell Telephone Company.  William

married the daughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson and had a son named Ralph

Emerson Forbes, who married Elise Cabot.  We will come back to the Forbes

family later, but it will be interesting first to look at the Cabot family

to which Elise was born.

Dr. Samuel Cabot, who graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1839, married

Eliza Perkins, a daughter of Thomas Handasyd Perkins, and Cabot joined the

J. and T. H. Perkins firm. (making Robert Bennet and John Murray Forbes

Eliza's first cousins.)  His papers, including account books, letters,

books, and travel diaries are on microfilm in the Massachusetts Historical

Society series.  There is a wealth of correspondence from Cabot and Perkins

family members to other prominent traders and members of Boston's economic

elite as well as vivid descriptions of travel accounts concerning the

lucrative opium trade in which these families were heavily involved. Trade

with China was one of the largest growth segments of the Boston mercantile

establishment during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This collection
of provides

insight into the two Boston families that were the most powerful China

merchants: Samuel Cabot, Jr. and his wife's father, Thomas Handasyd Perkins.


Elise Cabot Forbes, mentioned above, was Sam and Eliza's daughter.  Their

son Samuel  was an 1872 graduate of M.I.T., who studied chemistry in Zurich,

Switzerland and explored various factories in Germany.  He returned to

Chelsea, Massachusetts where he set up a laboratory.

Sam and his brother, Godfrey Cabot, who graduated from Harvard in 1882,

bought a plant in Worthington, Pennsylvania to process coal tar into paints

and other products. Godfrey also spent a year studying in Zurich and two

years traveling in other parts of Europe.  After his return they built a

plant in West Virginia. Their biggest customer would become Standard Oil. In

1896, Godfrey returned to Europe and also visited  Russia.  In 1900, back in

the U.S. he became fascinated with airplanes and became a pilot before World

War I.  After the war he founded the National Aeronautic Association in

Washington, D.C., which would be the base on which the National Aeronautic

and Space Administration (NASA) was founded with the use of the technology

of the Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists rescued from war crimes

prosecution in Germany.

Godfrey Cabot's wife was Maria Moors (daughter of John F. Moors), and one of

their sons, Thomas Dudley Cabot,  born in 1897, received his bachelor's

degree in engineering from Harvard in 1919. Their Cabot Corporation became

the major producer of carbon black with nine plants in Texas and Oklahoma;

establishing an inroad into synthetic rubber production and the

manufacturing of paints and other chemicals. Thomas'  son, Louis W. Cabot,

also a Harvard graduate, was sent to England to build a carbon black plant

in Stanlow, using technology the British had taken from the Germans after

World War II ended.

Thomas Cabot and his brother, John Moors Cabot, and another relative, Kermit

Roosevelt--all graduates of Harvard--were involved in the coup in Guatemala

in the 1950s. John Moors Cabot, born in 1901, a 1923 Harvard graduate, was a

vice consul in  Peru 1927-28, in the Dominican Republic from 1929-31, Mexico

1931-32, Brazil 1932-35, then to the Netherlands until 1938 and Sweden in

1939.  From 1939-41 he was in Guatemala, becoming the chief of the division

of Caribbean and Central American affairs in 1944.  He was thereafter

stationed in Argentina, Yugoslavia and Shanghai, China, before becoming

minister to Finland, then Ambassador to Pakistan, Ambassador to Colombia

(1957-59); Ambassador to Brazil (1959-61); and Ambassador to Poland

(1962-65).   In 1953 he was the Assistant Secretary of State for

Inter-American Affairs (all according to Who's Who in America 1954-55). Also

see an excellent article by Dan Russell at and list of papers at


The Boston Fruit Company had been incorporated in 1885 to raise capital for

its ship-captain owner, Lorenzo Dow Baker, and his partners in Boston.

Demand for  bananas they imported from the Caribbean had grown so much by

1898 that the Bostonians merged with their chief rival, Minor Cooper Keith

of New York, who owned a great deal of land in Costa Rica, as well as the

Intercontinental Railways of Central America.  The new corporation was

organized in 1899 by Thomas Jefferson Coolidge and took the name United

Fruit.  In 1930 United  Fruit bought out the competing banana company of Sam

Zemurray in New Orleans who had plantations in Honduras and Guatemala--by

giving him stock in the new company, making him the largest shareholder.  In

1936 Zemurray demanded to have a part in the management, and at the same

time the company formalized an agreement to operate Keith's railroad system.

But the company's only concern was making a bigger and bigger profit--which

brought them at odds with the interests of Guatemala's people and its


T.J. Coolidge, who represented the interest of the Boston Concern's

investment in United Fruit after 1899, was the son of Joseph Coolidge, a man

who, in 1836 had been hired by the Scottish investment firm Jardine Matheson

Company to run opium past the Chinese police. The Chinese, in an effort to

stop the British from flooding China with opium,  forbade Jardine Matheson

ships from docking in Chinese ports.  Coolidge's clipper ships from Boston

did the job for a mere $10 million from Jardine, giving him and his

financiers a fortune to reinvest in legitimate enterprise.

During 1873 these venture capitalists, formerly known as the "Boston

Concern," including John Murray Forbes and Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, started

expansion of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, which suddenly

began building across Kansas to Colorado.  Their securities were marketed by

the Baring Brothers bank in England, sponsor of the world narcotics traffic

throughout the nineteenth century.  Baring's American

agent for many years was T.W. Ward, who was followed by his sons Samuel G. W

ard and George Cabot Ward.  Although the bank was based in England, it had

originated in Bremen, Germany, prior to its move to Exeter, England in 1717.

By the end of that century, the bank had two American partners--Joshua Bates

and Russell Sturgis--who were closely connected to the opium trade. [Source:

Dorothy R. Adler, British Investment in American Railways, 1834-1898].


The leaders of the Santa Fe Railroad throughout the 1870's attempted to

prevent the construction of the competing Denver & Rio Grande Railroad from

expanding its line into Mexico.  In March 1875 another railroad had been

chartered by the Corpus Christi, San Diego and Rio Grande Narrow Gauge
Railroad Company.

The Tex Mex was promoted by Uriah Lott--with the financial support of

Richard King and Mifflin Kenedy (ship captains during  the Mexican War, who

had built a fortune by blockade running, using their profits to acquire the

world's biggest ranch in South Texas.  Their partner was Charles Stillman

whose son James Stillman used his profit to set up National City Bank of New

York and marry off two of his daughters to

William Rockefeller's sons).

[See ]

In 1881 Lott and Kenedy exchanged the stock in their railroad for stock in a

new company called the Texas Mexican Railway Company, and completed the

remaining 110 miles to Laredo in September 1881 with money derived from the

new infusion of capital from T.J. Coolidge's backers, Jardine, Matheson, the

leading British firm in the China trade. [Source: Economist, SL (July 8,
1882), p. 848].  The

committee which issued the bonds in 1882, in addition to Matheson,  included

Robert Fleming and Dillwyn Parrish, both of whom were associated with
Scottish investment

trusts.  These same trusts would later steer much of their U.S.  venture

capital investments through the investment bank of Brown Brothers

Harriman--including companies set up by George H.W. Bush.

The Texas Mexican absorbed the Texas Mexican Northern Railway Company in

1906 and in 1930 acquired the San Diego and Gulf Railway Company.  It is an

interesting side note (maybe more relevant than we realize) that one of the

residents of San Diego, Texas in 1882 was infant William Frank

Buckley--father of William F. Buckley, Jr.--whose father John Buckley was a

merchant along the railroad line between Laredo and Corpus Christi. [Source:

W.F.B.--An Appreciation, privately printed by the Buckley family in 1959].

Incidentally, W.F. Buckley, Sr. and his brother grew up in tiny

San Diego and were educated at the University of Texas Law School where they

were acquainted with many of the men who would become executives of oil

in Dallas and Houston.  Both Buckley brothers spent years in Mexico during

the oil boom at the same time The Pearson interests from England were

operating the Mexican Eagle there. The Buckleys created their own oil

company called Pantipec, which would later employ a number of men who have

been connected to the CIA and to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

The railroads competed viciously for a route through Texas which would give

the central interior of the U.S. quick access to the Gulf of Mexico, and

from there to China.  Laredo is now the major port of entry for railroad

traffic between the United States and Mexico, and the Texas Mexican

presently handles international traffic through Laredo for the Southern

Pacific line--now merged with the Union Pacific. The Tex Mex b came part of

the Kansas City Southern (the old Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railway)

system in 1995 when KCSI acquired 49 percent of the Tex Mex from Mexican

partner Transportacion Maritima Mexicana (TMM)--a company repeatedly accused

of drug smuggling, and its associated banks with money laundering. (See also  and )


Another railroad into which drug money was poured was the Chicago,

Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co., stretching to Burlington, Iowa, and

Quincy, Illinois, on the Mississippi River. Dominated by John Murray Forbes

of Boston, who was in turn assisted by Charles Perkins, president of the

company from 1881 to 1901, the railroad eventually reached Denver, its

western terminus, and reached east to the Chicago, Kansas City and St. Louis

gateways. CB&Q lines also went to Omaha, Nebraska, and St. Joseph, Missouri.

By 1910 the rail line from Corpus Christi had not been connected to

Colorado, but the Santa Fe encouraged that expansion by men such as Sam

Lazarus and B.F. Yoakum, who got financing in St. Louis through the firm of

G.H. Walker & Co. in 1912, only seven years before Walker left St. Louis to

set up the Harrimans' investment bank.  Given the fact that the Atchison,

Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad was based in St. Louis, it is highly likely

that Walker had worked closely with its owners in handling financing of the

various shorter lines which eventually were acquired by the ATSF.  In so

doing, he would have worked closely with Thomas Jefferson  Coolidge, of

Boston, who in 1880 was chosen president of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe

railroad company and all its branches.

Another railroad which made up a part of the ATSF system was Gulf, Colorado

and Santa Fe Railway, purchased in 1879 by the Sealy banking family of

Galveston.  In 1911 George Sealy II, then manager of the line, boughtseveral

oil properties which he used to found Magnolia Petroleum Company (which he

named for his wife Manolia Willis Sealy).  Magnolia was absorbed by Standard

Oil Company of New York (SOCONY) in 1925 and is known today as Mobil Oil.

The Texas properties, many drilled on land grants given to the railroad

which was now part of the ATSF, were transferred to Magnolia Petroleum


The Magnolia Pipe Line Company was also organized in November 1925 as a

transporting subsidiary of the petroleum company. In 1931, when the Standard

Oil Company of New York and the Vacuum Oil Company merged to form

Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, Magnolia became an affiliate of the new company.

In 1949 all of Magnolia Pipeline's shares were owned by Socony-Vacuum except

for qualifying shares owned by members of the board of directors. General

offices were in Dallas in 1949. The Magnolia Petroleum Company merged with

Socony Mobil Oil Company on September 30,1959.

More research needs to be done to determine what mineral rights were owned

in these lands by the various interests.  It is very possible that the

rights were split among the Coolidge faction from Boston, the G.H. Walker

group including Bush and the Rockefeller group.  The pipeline company would

have been closely involved with Dresser Industries, which controlled the

patent on the coupling joint used in all petroleum pipelines.  Dresser's

stock was purchased in 1911 by W.A. Harriman & Company, Inc., supposedly

with the intention of reselling, but apart from subsequent stock flotations,

the investment bank (now Brown Brothers, Harriman) still has control of what

became Dresser Industries, Inc. in 1944. The initial stock issue in 1928 was

underwritten by Roland (Bunny) Harriman and Prescott Bush while G.H. Walker

was president of the W.A. Harriman firm.  Prescott Bush served on the board

of directors continuously until he went to the U.S. Senate in 1953.  It is

very interesting that Magnolia moved its headquarters to Dallas at about the

same time that Dresser moved there.


Thomas Jefferson Coolidge was, of course, a large donor to Harvard--one gift

being the Jefferson Laboratory.

A generation later, Archibald Cary Coolidge, who merged the American

Institute of International Affairs (the sister organization of the British

Royal Institute for International Affairs) with the New York Council on

Foreign Relations--now called the Council on Foreign Relations--became the

first editor of CRF's magazine, Foreign Affairs. Archibald Coolidge would initiate

the world wide scope of Widener Library's collections by his gifts to


A few years later, Archibald's nephew, John Phillips Coolidge, chose to

attend graduate school in 1936 at New York University where a small group of

scholars from Nazi Germany were among the refugees making radical changes in

the study of art history on this continent--one of the first importations of

German intellectuals and scientists Nazi Germany--a forerunner to Operation

Paperclip.  At the time, NYU's chairman said Hitler shook the tree and he

picked up the apples. His gathering was choice: Erwin Panofsky, Karl Lehman,

Richard Krautheimer, Walter Friedländer. John Coolidge studied with all of

them.  In so doing, he was following the example of his uncle.  At one

point, in 1914, with an old Boston China Trade fortune behind him, Archibald

had repaid his hospitality debts in Germany, where he had taken his

doctorate, by a formal dinner for 100 at the famous Adlon Hotel in Berlin.

He also proclaimed that he would oppose any Harvard appointment relating to

European history if the candidate did not have a working command of at least

French, German and Russian. Possibly some of the Germans who taught his

nephew at NYU during the peak of Hitler's influence were his own friends.


Paine Webber was founded in 1879 by Charles Cabot Jackson and Laurence

Curtis, both members of the Boston Stock and Exchange Board. Their

partnership, known as Jackson & Curtis, also included Charles' brother Frank

Jackson--the sons of Charles and Fanny Cabot Jackson.  Their sister, also
named Fanny, married Charles Cushing Paine, and they had nine children,
including Gen. Charles Jackson

Paine and William Cushing Paine, who had taken a small amount of shares in

the ATSF Railroad and doubled them. The Paine Webber partners acquired an

interest in some of the assets of the collapsed Van Sweringen railroad

empire through foreclosure, including the Kansas City Southern.

and and

Moors & Cabot, Inc. was  founded in 1890 by John F. Moors and Charles Cabot.

John F. Moors was the maternal grandfather of diplomat John Moors Cabot, and

his partner was named for an uncle, Charles Codman Cabot, a 1922 graduate of

Harvard, and a director of Old Colony Trust.  He was the brother of Henry

Cabot,  born in 1894, who was an investor and Harvard trustee, and who also

had a son named Henry B. Cabot, Jr.  They had another brother named Paul

Codman Cabot, who was born in 1898 and was in the Harvard class of 1921 and

then worked for the First National Bank of Boston and helped to found State

Street Research Investment Trust.  He became treasurer of the Harvard

Corporation in 1948.  Moors & Cabot was intended to handle the family

investments of the two founders and their friends, but the firm has grown to

include 22 branch offices and over 150 registered representatives

nationwide.  Headquartered in the heart of Boston's financial district, the

company is the oldest independent member of the Boston Stock Exchange and

one of the nation's oldest independent members of the New York Stock

Exchange. Since its inception, the firm has participated in the retail sale

of stocks and bonds to individuals and the institutional sale of stocks and

bonds to most of Boston's money management firms.

Paul Codman Cabot (1898-1994)

A legendary figure in the investment world, Paul Cabot persuaded two friends

to join him in 1924 in founding a mutual fund, the second to be

incorporated. He was also a pioneer of growth stock investing. Mr. Cabot

believed in "finding all the facts, then facing the facts." Fundamental

values were his watchword, and he emphasized good management, good products,

and good prospects in the marketplace--principles that

continue to guide State Street Research money management today. Mr. Cabot

managed State Street Research Investment Trust for many years, continuing to

lead and enrich State Street Research and the industry into his


Richard Saltonstall (1897-1982)

A friend of Paul Cabot, Mr. Saltonstall shared his interest in common

stocks. In 1923, when they were both young men doing similar work in large

banks, the two began meeting once a week to talk over the possibilities of

investing in the stocks of companies whose prospects they had studied. They

formed a pool to invest some money together with a third partner, Richard

Paine. Like Cabot, Mr. Saltonstall went on to become a partner of State

Street Research, and remained active in the Firm for over fifty years.

Richard Cushing Paine (1893-1966)

Richard Paine was a cousin and close friend of Paul Cabot, and the third

founding partner of State Street Research. The three began investing in

companies with the understanding that they could withdraw their interest at

market value any time they wanted--a revolutionary idea in that era. The

three partners ran this investment pool for a few months, and then

incorporated the mutual fund that launched State Street Research and

Management Company. Mr. Paine went on to serve as vice-president and

director of the company he helped found.



Ralph and Elise Cabot Forbes' daughter was Ruth Forbes, whose first husband

was George Lyman Paine, and whose son was Michael Paine. Ruth Forbes Paine's

best friend was a woman named Mary Bancroft, whose connection to the Boston

Brahmins will be explored later.

Ruth Forbes had a brother named William Cameron Forbes, an American business

executive and diplomat, born in Milton, Mass. in 1870.  He entered the

mercantile house of his grandfather, John Murray Forbes, in Boston and was a

partner in the firm after 1899. Appointed (1904) to the Philippine

Commission by President Theodore Roosevelt, he held several administrative

posts there before he served (1909-13) as governor-general of the islands.

He was a member of the Wood-Forbes Commission, which was sent (1921) by

President Harding to the Philippines. He was later (1930) chairman of a

commission to study conditions in Haiti, served (1931-32) as ambassador to

Japan at the time of the Manchurian crisis, and led (1935) an economic

mission to East Asia.

In 1902, Clarence Barron, representing Boston's powerful State Street,

purchased Dow Jones & Company for $130,000. At the time of the purchase,

Barron was publishing business bulletins in Boston and Philadelphia, which

were merged into Dow Jones & Co. In 1907, the step-daughter of Clarence

Barron, Jane Barron, married Hugh Bancroft. Hugh Bancroft's father, was

General William A. Bancroft (Harvard 1878), who was first elected mayor of

Cambridge, Mass. in 1893 and reelected three times. He was chairman of the

Brahmin-owned Boston Elevated Railway, and was a

member of the board of overseers of Harvard University from 1893 to 1903.

Hugh Bancroft also attended Harvard, where he was admitted to the elite

Hasty Pudding Club. In 1912, Bancroft was made treasurer of Dow Jones, the

holding company of the Journal. He became president in 1928, upon Clarence

Barron's death. By that time, Bancroft and his family controlled the

majority of Dow Jones & Company's shares. The Bancroft family continues to

be the most significant shareholder of Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal

today, through Hugh Bancroft's descendants.


Michael Paine.was sixth in descent from Robert Treat Paine the signer of

the Declaration of Independence. His mother Ruth Forbes was a

great-granddaughter of Emerson and a granddaughter of William Hathaway

Forbes , founder and first president of the American Bell Telephone Company.

Her father, Ralph Emerson Forbes, left an estate of $2.5 million when he

died in 1937. Her uncle, W. Cameron Forbes (Harvard 1892), had started his

career as a clerk with Jackson & Curtis, a family money-laundering firm and

in 1899 became a partner in John Murray Forbes & Co.  He was a director of

AT&T, United Fruit, and Stone & Webster, Inc.  He was also appointed to the

Philippine Commission and as vice governor of the Islands until 1913.  After

that he was a receiver of a Brazilian railway, and a presidential appointee

to "study conditions" in the Philippines and in Haiti.  He served as an

Overseer to Harvard from 1914-20, then became a life member of MIT

Corporation. From 1930-32 he was Ambassador to Japan. [Who's Who in America,


Michael Paine was descended from the Cabots on both his father's and his

mother's side; he was thus a second cousin once removed of Thomas Dudley

Cabot and a cousin of  Alexander Cochrane Forbes, a director of United Fruit

and trustee of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes.

Paul F.Hellmuth was the vice-president of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes, was a

trustee of the J. Frederick Brown Foundation, a CIA "conduit", along with

G.C. Cabot. Thus the Paine family [had] links with the blue-blood

intelligence circles of  the OSS and

CIA,  In the summer of 1963 it was Ruth [Michael's wife], rather than

Michael, who maintained close relations with the patrician Paine and Forbes

families, traveling east in July to stay with her mother-in-law at the

traditional Forbes clan retreat of Naushon Island near Wood's Hole,

Massachusetts (CE 416, 17 H 119). [Source:  Peter Dale Scott, The Dallas

Conspiracy, ch. IV, pp. 2-4.]


When George H.W. Bush arrived in Texas after graduation from Yale, his

career began with an interview with Neil Mallon, president of Dresser

Industries in Dallas. Dresser, which owned the patent for the coupling joint

used in laying petroleum pipelines, was a corporation wholly owned by the

investment bank Brown Brothers, Harriman.  Prescott Bush was a director of

Dresser for decades, as well as being a partner in Brown Brothers

Harriman--which had resulted from the merger of the bank set up by

Prescott's father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, at the request of the sons

of Union Pacific Railroad tycoon E.H. Harriman.  Walker had previously had

his own investment bank in St. Louis where he financed railroads which

eventually became part of the system known as the Atchison, Topeka and Santa

Fe.  An investment bank still exists in St. Louis under the operation of the

Walker side of the family, but that city is also the home of George H.W.

Bush's brother, William H.T. "Bucky" Bush, who is a past Missouri GOP state

finance chairman.

Neil Mallon had been hired as Dresser's first president after it was

purchased by Brown Brothers Harriman.  It was his first real job after he

completed his education, plus at least six months in the European Alps,

where it might be worth noting that Allen Dulles had been stationed from

1942 until after the end of World War II.  The Mallon family had strong ties

to the Tafts, which had been involved in the formation of the Russell Trust

(eventually to become known as Skull and Bones).   It was Mallon who gave

George his first job after graduation from the same university and as a

member of the same secret society--an elite group to which George Walker,

Prescott Bush and both Harriman sons belonged.

When Mallon went to work for Dresser, the company was based in Cleveland,

Ohio, the same city where John D. Rockefeller had started his career as a

merchant before his expansion into oil production was financed by one of the

three U.S. banks owned by N.M. Rothschild of London. While in Cleveland,

Mallon was very active in the Council on World Affairs, which had been

organized in the mid-1930s by Brooks Emeny.  The Council on Foreign

Relations had been set up in New York in 1921, quickly imitated by the

Chicago Council on Foreign Relations in 1922. The World Affairs Councils are

a segment of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which is apparent from

its link to the website for the CFR's magazine, Foreign Affairs: The history of the Council is

briefly set out at its own website, .

Dresser relocated its headquarters to Dallas in 1950, and Mallon helped to

organize another Council on World Affairs in that city.  The operation of

that organization was his "chief outside interest." [Source:  Darwin Payne,

Initiative in Energy, pp. 248-49.]  One of the employees Mallon  hired was a

man named Hans Bernd Gisevius, with the assignment of working on a worldwide

economic development program called the "Institute on Technical

Cooperation."  [Source:   Richard Bartholomew, "Possible Discovery of an

Automobile Used in the JFK Conspiracy"--unpublished manuscript, p. 48; and

Bruce Campbell Adamson, "Oswald's Closest Friend:  The George

DeMohrenschildt Story"--unpublished manuscript, 1993)--Bush chapter, p. 31.

Adamson accused Mallon of using Dresser as a cover for CIA activities.]

Gisevius was a German Abwehr (German Intelligence) agent whose diplomatic

cover was vice-consul at the German consulate in Zurich while Allen Dulles

was there as the head of U.S. intelligence.  While in Switzerland Dulles

began a long-lasting love affair with a woman named Mary Bancroft, who is

our Harvard link.  Her stepmother's stepfather was Clarence W. Barron, then

publisher of the Wall St. Journal, which he purchased in 1902.  In 1907, the

step-daughter of Clarence Barron, Jane Barron, married Hugh Bancroft. The

Bancroft represented the high Boston Tory faction; they were among the first

settler families that, in 1632, founded Lynn, Massachusetts. During the next

50 years, the family was the sole exporter for the Massachusetts Bay Colony,

of sugar and tobacco, a trade that made it immensely wealthy.

By the first decade of the twentieth century, Hugh Bancroft's father, John,

was chairman of the Brahmin-owned Boston Elevated Railway, and was a member

of the board of overseers of Harvard University. Hugh Bancroft attended

Harvard, where he was admitted to the elite Hasty Pudding Club. In 1912,

Bancroft was made treasurer of Dow Jones, the holding company of the

Journal. He became president in 1928, upon Clarence Barron's death. By that

time, Bancroft and his family controlled the majority of Dow Jones &

Company's shares.

The Wall Street Journal represents a merger of Boston and New York

interests. Boston's ``State Street'' financial center is run by the

treasonous families that made their money in the British-run China opium

trade: the Cabots, Perkins, Coolidges, Russells, Cushings, Lowells, et al.

Wall Street was created and is run by the Tory faction, which followed the

policy of Bank of Manhattan founders, and American traitors, Aaron Burr and

John Jacob Astor. At the heart of the Journal is the aristocratic Bancroft

family of Boston. The Bancroft family continues to be the most significant

shareholder of Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal today, through Hugh

Bancroft's descendants, including Jane Bancroft Cook, a Journal board

member; the Cox family (Christopher Cox sits on the Journal's board); and

socialite Elizabeth Goth. See

In 1943 Dulles asked Mary Bancroft, who was working as a spy in Zurich, and

who was also having sex with Dulles, to translate a book written by Gisevius

about about the Third Reich.  Gisevius and some of his fascists Abwehr

associates had been the planners of the July 20th plot to kill Hitler with

the idea of forming an alliance with Britain and the U.S. against Russia.

[Source: Mary Bancroft, Autobiography of a Spy (New York:  William Morrow,

1983), pp. 187-88.]

According to Bancroft:  "I told Allen it all made sense to me. Difficult as

it might be to believe, the conspirators actually hoped that if they got rid

of Hitler they would be able to take over the whole country and to negotiate

peace with the Anglo-Americans. Their hopes went even further: They

envisaged the western Allies joining them in a crusade against Russia -- and

communism. Gisevius had been sent to Switzerland to get in touch with the

western Allies. Other emissaries were making similar contacts in Sweden and

elsewhere."  [Source:  Bancroft, Autobiography..., pp. 161, 168-170.]  Mary

Bancroft's report back to Dulles reminds us of what eventually did occur in

Operation Paperclip, when Dulles helped certain Nazis avoid prosecution for

war crimes, transfer Nazi assets into U.S. corporations, and set up the

military-industrial infrastructure within the United States.

Mary Bancroft's first husband, Sherwin Badger, was a Harvard graduate whose

first job had been in the head office of United Fruit in Cuba.  After a year

in Cuba he became a journalist in Boston, later moving to the Wall Street

Journal and Barron's in New York, both of which were published by Mary's

stepfather, Clarence Walker Barron. Mary also had a long friendship with

George Lymon Paine and Ruth Forbes Paine, whose son Michael Paine and his

wife Ruth befriended Marina Oswald the year prior to John Kennedy's

assassination.  The Paines were from Boston and both had family trees tying

them to the United Fruit Co.--through Michael's mother (a niece of W.

Cameron Forbes) and his father (a descendant of Thomas Dudley Cabot, a

former president of United Fruit).

Michael Paine's uncle, Eric Schroeder, was a friend and investment associate

of geologist Everette DeGolyer, a long-time Dresser Industries director, who

served on

the board with Prescott Bush.  Schroeder was a cousin of Alexander "Sandy"

Forbes, former director of United Fruit who "belonged to the elite Tryall

Golf Club retreat in Jamaica with ... Paul Raigorodsky," who has been linked

to the Kennedy assassination by the Torbitt Document.

[Source:  Richard Bartholomew, "Possible Discovery," p. 38.  See also Mary

Bancroft, "Autobiography of a Spy" (New York:  William Morrow, 1983).

DeGolyer was an advisor to the University of Texas Board of Regents and its

chairman, Harry Huntt Ransom, and was also a business partner of Lewis

MacNaughton in the Dallas oil exploration firm DeGolyer and MacNaughton.

MacNaughton had many CIA contacts and his personal accountant, George Bouhe,

was one of Oswald's chief Russian guardians in Dallas in 1962. See Lon

Tinkle, Mr. De: A Biography of Everette Lee DeGolyer, (Boston, MA: Little,

Brown, 1970), pp. 224, 239 and Peter Dale Scott, The Dallas Conspiracy, ch.

III, p. 6.  Bartholomew cites as a source:  Peter Dale Scott, "Government

Documents and the Kennedy Assassination," (unpublished manuscript), ch. II,

p. 4, and states: "Note: The St. Nicholas Parish was a CIA-subsidized

Russian Orthodox church outside Russia, restricted to aristocratic

anti-Bolshevik Russians who had been 'checked, rechecked, and double

checked' by the CIA-subsidized Tolstoy Foundation. (9 H 5, 7, cited in

Scott, Government Documents..., ch. II, p. 1.)"]

Everett DeGolyer became a famous geologist from Oklahoma, who spent his

entire career working for the Pearson oil companies controlled by the same

titled family that

owned both the media conglomerate and Lazard Brothers investment bank.  He

was a a long-time Dresser director in Dallas where he was a geophysical

consultant for all the oil companies.  His had begun when as a young man he

was employed by the Mexican Eagle Oil Co., owned by Sir Weetman Pearson, who

alled him to London in 1918 and asked him to sell Mexican Eagle to Royal

Dutch Shell.   The proceeds from the sale were invested by Pearson in the

creation of a new oil company founded and operated by De Golyer in 1919

called Amerada (some years later merged into Amerada Hess), a big percentage

of which was owned by the British government.  DeGolyer maintained offices

in Houston as well as Dallas and was well-known in the Houston and Dallas

petroleum clubs frequented by George Bush and the Liedtkes.

One of DeGolyer's daughters married George C. McGhee, a U.S. State

Department official, who was present in May 1954 at the first Bilderberg

meeting with George Ball, David Rockefeller, Prince Bernhard of Holland and

Dr. Joseph Retinger. [Source:  . William Engdahl, A Century of War, p. 149.]

McGhee later served as a trustee of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic

Studies, set up to shape the "limits to growth" agenda.  [Source:  Engdahl,

p. 160.]  By that time McGhee had left the State Department to become a

director of Mobil Oil, the company which absorbed Magnolia Oil Company, a

Rockefeller company which was founded by Galveston banking interests

involved in constructing a railroad from the Galveston-Houston area to St.

Louis, which came to be part of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad

financed by G. H. Walker & Co.


This file concerns the lineage of the Lowell family as it relates to the

formation of the Essex Junto, Federalist Party, and the Russell Trust (which

is home of Skull & Bones). The primary source is The Lowells and their Seven

Worlds by Ferris Greensley, Houghton Mifflin, the Riverside Press, Boston,


The Cabots have also supported Massachusetts Institute of Technology for

many years, and have severed on the MIT Corporation. In 1960 the Thomas

Dudley Cabot Scholarship Fund was established as part of the permanent



Cabot genealogy

>From the CTRL archives at in America --

>From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman by Anaton Chaitkin © 1984; New Benjamin

Franklin House P. O. Box 20551 New York, New York 10023:
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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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