-Caveat Lector-

Dear Brigade,

"To [the] new corporate elite, putting America first betrays a lack of
loyalty to
the company. Some among our political elite share this view. Here is Strobe
Talbott, Clinton's roommate at Oxford and architect of his Russian policy:
"All countries," said Talbott in 1991, "are basically social
matter how permanent and even sacred they may seem at any one time, in
fact they are all artificial and temporary...within the next hundred
years...nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize
single, global authority".... This is the transnational elite, our new
Masters of
the Universe...."   -- Pat Buchanan

Matt Drudge has a timely column on his site -- http://www.drudgereport.com -
- "Talbott: Next Century, America Will Not Exist In Current Form..." See

Thought you might want to also read what Pat had to say about Talbott in his
November 1998 address to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations [11/98]
entitled "Free Trade is Not Free". I've attached the full text of the speech.

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!




Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott believes the United States may not
exist in its current form in the 21st Century --  because nationhood
throughout the world will become obsolete!

Talbott, who is profiled in the NEW YORK TIMES on Monday [for the second
time in six months], has defined, shaped and executed the Clinton
administration's foreign policy. He has served at the State Department since
the first day of the Clinton presidency.

Just before joining the administration, Talbott wrote in TIME magazine -- in
an essay titled "The Birth of the Global Nation" -- that he is looking
forward to
government run by "one global authority."

"Here is one optimist's reason for believing unity will prevail ... within
the next
hundred years ... nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will
recognize a single, global authority,"  Talbott declared in the July 20, 1992
issue of TIME.

"A phrase briefly fashionable in the mid-20th century -- 'citizen of the
world' --
will have assumed real meaning by the end of the 21st."

Talbott continued:  "All countries are basically social arrangements,
accommodations to changing circumstances. No matter how permanent and
even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial

Talbott's belief that the United States of America and other nations are
"artificial and temporary" continues to cause a rift inside of the State
Department, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"I think we are losing sight that we work for the American taxpayer, not
Russia, not Asia," one State Department veteran told the DRUDGE REPORT
in Washington.  "Mr. Talbott is completely consumed with world order and
has alienated many career employees here.  [His] attitude borders on

In recent months, Talbott has come under fire for his stand on Russia.  The
policy of financial and political engagement with Russia as revelations pour
forth of massive money-laundering schemes has made Talbott the target of
critics, reports John Broder at the TIMES.

"We have to be calm and steady and have a clear sense of purpose," Talbott
tells Monday's NEW YORK TIMES.

"One of my modest suggestions to the world is strategic patience. We have
to be calm and steady and have a clear sense of purpose when that dynamic
is discouraging, as it is today," Talbott explains.

Global government has proven to be slightly more complicated than one
optimist dreamed.


Free Trade is Not Free
Address to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
November 18, 1998

 This is a prestigious forum; and I appreciate the opportunity to
 address it. As my subject, I have chosen what I believe is the coming
 and irrepressible conflict between the claims of a new American
 nationalism and the commands of the Global Economy.

 As you may have heard in my last campaign, I am called by many
 names. "Protectionist" is one of the nicer ones; but it is inexact. I am
 an economic nationalist. To me, the country comes before the
 economy; and the economy exists for the people. I believe in free
 markets, but I do not worship them. In the proper hierarchy of things,
 it is the market that must be harnessed to work for man - and not the
 other way around.

 As for the Global Economy, like the unicorn, it is a mythical beast that
 exists only in the imagination. In the real world, there are only
 national economies -- Japan's that has lost its animal spirits, South
 Korea's that is deep in recession, China's which is headed for trouble,
 Brazil's which is falling, Indonesia and Russia's which are in collapse.

 In these unique national economies, critical decisions are based on
 what is best for the nation. Only in America do leaders sacrifice the
 interests of their own country on the altar of that golden calf, the
 Global Economy.

 What is Economic Nationalism? Is it some right-wing or radical idea?
 By no means. Economic nationalism was the idea and cause that
 brought Washington, Hamilton and Madison to Philadelphia. These
 men dreamed of creating here in America the greatest free market on
 earth, by elimination all internal barriers to trade among the 13 states,
 and taxing imports to finance the turnpikes and canals of the new
 nation and end America's dependence on Europe. It was called the
 American System.

 The ideology of free trade is the alien import, an invention of European
 academics and scribblers, not one of whom ever built a great nation,
 and all of whom were repudiated by America's greatest statesmen,
 including all four presidents on Mount Rushmore.

 The second bill that Washington signed into law was the Tariff Act of
 1789. Madison saved the nation's infant industries from being buried
 by the dumping of British manufactures, with the first truly protective
 tariff, the Tariff Act of 1816. "Give me a tariff and I will give you the
 greatest nation on earth," said Lincoln. "I thank God I am not a free
 trader," Theodore Roosevelt wrote to Henry Cabot Lodge.

 Under economic nationalism, there was no income tax in the United
 States, except during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Tariffs
 produced fifty to ninety percent of federal revenue. And how did
 America prosper? From 1865 to 1913, U.S. growth averaged 4% a year.
 We began the era with half Britain's production, but ended with twice
 Britain's production.

 Yet, this era is now disparaged in history books and public schools as
 the time of the Robber Barons, a Gilded Age best forgotten.

 Not only did America rise to greatness through the economic
 nationalism so did every other first-rank power in history - from
 Britain in the 18th century, to Bismark's Germany in the 19th, to
 post-war Japan. Economic nationalism has been the policy of rising
 nations, free trade the practice of nations that have commenced their
 historic decline. Today, this idea may be mocked by the talking heads,
 but it is going to prevail again in America, for it alone comports with
 the national interests of the United States. And this is the subject of my

 Let us, up front, concede the undeniable: These are good times in
 America. We have full employment; interest rates are low; prices are
 stable; the stock marker is on a tear. The bulls are riding high; the
 bears have retreated into the recesses of their respective caves.

 Is this our reward for free trade? My answer is no. Though these are
 good times in America, our growth today is anemic, compared to what
 it was in the Protectionist Era, and the Roaring Twenties, when
 growth rates hit seven percent. Free trade does not explain our
 prosperity; free trade explains the economic insecurity that is the
 worm in the apple of our prosperity.

 The great free-market economist Milton Friedman, is credited with the
 line, "there is no free lunch." Let me amend to Friedman's Law with
 Buchanan's Corollary: Free trade is no free lunch.

 And it is time its costs were calculated.

 Back in 1848, another economist wrote that if free trade were ever
 adopted, societies would be torn apart. His name was Karl Marx, and
 he wrote: "...the Free Trade system works destructively. It breaks up
 old nationalities and carries antagonism of proletariat and bourgeoisie
 to the uttermost point…the Free trade system hastens the Social
 Revolution. In this revolutionary sense alone...I am in favor of Free

 Marx was right. Here, then, is the first cost of open-borders free trade.
 It exacerbates the divisions between capital and labor. It separates
 societies into contending classes, and deepens the division between rich
 and poor. Under free trade, economic and social elites, whose jobs and
 incomes are not adversely impacted by imports or immigration, do
 well. For them, these have been the best of times. Since 1990, the stock
 market has tripled in value; corporate profits have doubled since 1992;
 there has been a population explosion among millionaires. America's
 richest one percent controlled 21 percent of the national wealth in
 1949; in 1997 it was 40 percent. Top CEO salaries were 44 times the
 average wage of their workers in 1965; by 1996 they were 212 times an
 average worker's pay.

 How has Middle America fared? Between 1972 and 1994, the real
 wages of working Americans fell 19 percent. In 1970, the price of a
 new house was twice a young couple's income; it is now four times. In
 1960, 18 percent of women with children under six were in the work
 force; by 1995 it had risen 63 percent. The U.S. has a larger percentage
 of women in its work force than any industrial nation, yet median
 family income fell 6 percent in the first six years of the 1990s.

 Something is wrong when wage earners work harder and longer just
 to stay in the same place. Under the free trade regime, economic
 insecurity has become a preexisting condition of life.

 A second cost of global free trade is a loss of independence and national
 sovereignty. America was once a self-reliant nation; trade amounted
 to only 10 percent of GNP; imports only 4 percent. Now, trade is equal
 to 25% of GNP; and the trade surpluses we ran every year from
 1900-1970 have turned into trade deficits for all of the last 27 years.

 Since 1980 our total merchandise trade deficit adds up to $2 trillion.
 This year's trade deficit is approaching $300 billion. Year in and year
 out, we consume more than we produce. This cannot last.

 Look at what this is doing to an industrial plant that once produced 40
 percent of all that the world produced. In 1965, 31 percent of the U.S.
 labor force had manufacturing equivalent jobs. By 1997, it was down
 to 15 percent, smallest share in 100 years.

 More Americans now work in government than in manufacturing. We
 Americans no longer make our own cameras, shoes, radios, TV's, toys.
 A fourth of our steel, a third of our autos, half our machine tools,
 two-thirds f our textiles are foreign made. We used to be the world's
 greatest creditor nation; now, we are its greatest debtor.

 Friends, this is the read-out of the electrocardiogram of a nation in
 decline. Writes author-economist Pat Choate, "a peek behind the glitter
 of record stock prices and high corporate profits reveals a deepening
 economic dry rot - a nation that is eating its seed corn and
 squandering its economic leadership position, here and abroad."

 And American sovereignty is being eroded. In 1994, for the first time,
 the U.S. joined a global institution, the World Trade Organization,
 where America has no veto power and the one-nation, one-vote rule
 applies. Where are we headed? Look at the nations of Europe that are
 today surrendering control of their money, their immigration policy,
 their environmental policy, even defense policy - to a giant socialist
 superstate called the EU.

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