
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] R. Perot. R for Rat
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 7:17 AM

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June 5, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

R. Perot. R for Rat

I’m not in a position where I need to play up to any faction in the
Reform Party.

This message is “straight whiskey” or “brain surgery without anesthesia”
for the good Buchanan Brigades and other Reform Party members of good
will -- about the treacherous and/or nitwit factions within the Perot
forces who are disrupting the Reform Party by breaking its rules and/or
spreading slanders, irresponsible falsehoods, or deliberate lies about
Pat Buchanan and the Buchanan Brigades.

This is going to be a strong e-wire in more ways than one, so some of
you may want to take a figurative swig of “straight whiskey” before
going on. I’m not kidding – I promise some of you will be changed by the
time you get done reading this e-wire in a way that you don’t expect at
this moment – if you can make it to the end.

And I don’t care if I lose every attendee at our upcoming Citizens for a
Fair Vote Count Convention with what I’m about to say, so strongly do I
feel about it.


I’m hoping that this e-wire gets around to all the factions in the
Reform Party, including Verney -- and Perot himself. Why? Because I
hope, through publishing this information NOW, it will begin to put a
spotlight on Verney and Perot that will make it impossible for them to
do what I believe that they are about to try to do, which is to begin a
series of manipulations and dirty tricks which will, if they succeed,
deny Buchanan the Reform Party Nomination, the $13 million in matching
funds that come with it, and a place in the 2000 Presidential Debates.


If such treachery succeeds, it is hoped that it will deny the American
people any sufficiently VISIBLE real choice for President this November,
and, -- MOST IMPORTANTLY --, prevent a visible leadership between now
and November which will galvanize millions of Americans into a PERMANENT
GROUND FORCE across the 50 states, and the 3075 counties of this nation
– which will then -- AFTER THE 2000 Election – be in a position to
overthrow the Money Lenders (around the Fed) and their New World Order
Occupation Government, already in control of the Federal Government, the
Federal Elections Commission, the Federal Judiciary, and the Big TV
Networks, with decisive influence in what still passes for the US
Congress.  This PERMANENT GROUND FORCE on the political field of battle
is what the Ruling Elite fears most of all.


If I am properly informed, Federal guidelines have just dictated that
over a million dollars were released to the Perot faction to put on the
Reform Party convention.

What am I suggesting? I’m suggesting that the absurd “mail-in” and
“internet” vote,  -- which should be stricken from the Reform Party
rules at this upcoming convention, and the counting of which will be
completely under the control of Ross Perot’s faction this time around,
at least as I understand the process at this moment, -- will be
manipulated against Buchanan, maybe resulting in the absurd conclusion
that such alleged Reform Party long distance “voters” will purportedly
direct the Reform Party Convention to endorse “nobody.”  (In that case,
the Buchanan forces would have to get 2/3 of the delegates at the Long
Beach convention to override the absurd “mail-in” and “internet” vote.)


Furthermore, at the 2000 Reform Convention the Buchanan forces should be
ready for the Perot faction to explode several time bombs designed to
disorientate and defeat the Buchanan Brigades on the spot. More on this,
and what the Buchanan Brigades must be prepared to do in such an event
at the convention itself, at the end of this email.

That’s why this Network America E-wire, published every day since
January 11, 2000, has focused so much on the concept of FALSE


The “Stop Buchanan” frenzy is to keep Buchanan from getting the Reform
Nomination and the $13 million dollars in federal matching funds. (I
know that the Constitution Party and Howard Phillips have taken a
principled stand against matching funds. I agree with that stand. But
the manipulation of money is so thorough by the FED and the Ruling Elite
on all fronts, that I don’t believe it is immoral to accept such funds,
for reasons to long to go into here. In other words, I give Buchanan
room here to work within the “rules of engagement” we find as we enter
the arena.)

The Ruling Elite, and apparently Perot and Verney, want to keep Buchanan
from getting these funds because those funds will all but force the
Ruling Elite to let Buchanan into the Presidential debates against their
boys, those two policy clones, those two intellectual lightweights,
those two serial illegal drug users, those two “damn-glad-to-be-here,
tell-me-what-to-do-next” Ruling Elite prostitutes, -- I’m talking about
Dubya Bush, and Algore. (And on top of all that, Al Gore is a clear
serial liar, given to attributing to himself things he has not done --
as in inventing the internet, and to claiming for himself roles he has
not played – as in the hero of the book and movie “Love Story.”)

And what’s so bad about Buchanan getting into the 2000 Presidential
debates? Well, that would expose for all the world to see what the Money
Lenders have almost reduced our country to – to a couple of hundred
million passive television watchers and onlookers who must accept the
likes of Bush and Gore as “our” major party candidates. And it would be
the catalyst, with a few other things in place, for that galvanizing of
nationwide ground troops on the political battlefield to save our
country’s independence and defeat the New World Order forces. (Speaking
of ground troops, I don’t think you’re going to be finding Clinton
sending American ground troops into any UN-first or Israel-first foreign
wars while Pat Buchanan is actively seeking the Presidency. But, if they
succeed in getting Gore or Bush in office, then LOOK OUT in the twelve
months after one of those clones take office.

Why are they so afraid? THEY know, what our side does not yet fully
grasp: that they operate mostly on bluff and deception with their PHONY
(see lewisnews.com in the Citizen for a Fair Vote Count section for our
best e-wires on these subjects).

The Ruling Elite knows and fears that a few well placed “flaming arrows”
from our side can start such a fire of truth in their camp of lies, that
their modern day Tower of Babel will come crashing down in the consuming
conflagration which would be its appropriate end.


It has long been my belief that R. Perot, despite his sincere efforts on
certain issues such as POWs and anti-NAFTA, was sent into the political
arena for one purpose: to derail the anti-Ruling Elite fever that was
given focus by the Buchanan challenge to sitting President George Bush
in 1992. Buchanan himself does not seem to fully grasp that he is the
first candidate since Senator Robert Taft of Ohio (1952) who is really
and deeply feared by the New World Order’s Ruling Elite, i.e. the
Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers,
Federal Reserve Board, etc., and the even more occult powers behind
these. And if the truth be known, the Ruling Elite fears Buchanan more
now than it feared Taft then.

(The reason they did not fear Reagan is detailed in our April 9, 2000
e-wire, “What is the Hayfield Research?”,  available on lewisnews.com in
the Citizen for a Fair Vote Count section. For details of the dirty
tricks played on Taft at the 1952 GOP Convention by the Eisenhower
forces, see Phyllis Schlafly’s book “A Choice not an Echo.”)

Here is an excerpt from our February 17, 2000 e-wire:

“For reasons I don't think I’ve adequately enumerated, Perot’s PUBLIC
record makes him more than suspect as a Ruling Elite toady and stalking
horse with one purpose: to diffuse and divert any real third Party
from taking hold.

“Let me recall this one date sequence:

a) December 1991 to February 1992, Buchanan leaves CNN’s Crossfire and
challenges President Bush, demonstrating to the Ruling Elite that they
have a problem;

b) b) Buchanan does extremely well on February 18th, 1992 against Bush,
starting out at 49% to 49%, and then suspiciously dropping all
night while Bush remains constant, culminating in 10,000 ballots -- as
announced by Larry King on Larry King Live on Feb. 19th, -- being found
on Wednesday morning in New Hampshire. These suddenly “found ballots”
drop Buchanan to 37%. (We have the videotape!); [Note added here, not in
the original e-wire: So unusual and suspicious was the progression of
the 1992 N.H. GOP primary vote, that Time magazine ran an attempted
explanation in its March 2, 1992 edition, page 22 bottom, in a sidebar
box entitled, The Morning After.]

c)  Feb 19th, the day after the primary, Buchanan appears on Larry King
to talk about his good showing in New Hampshire (it was on this show, at
the beginning, that King announced to Buchanan the ‘found’ 10,000

d) February 20th, 1992, -- the very next night -- Ross Perot appears on
Larry King Live and “spontaneously” announces that he will run for
President if “the people” demand it. ………

“I don’t believe it. I believe Ross was in the wings to misdirect a
Party movement [and STOP BUCHANAN, just as Forbes and Trump were sent or
enticed into the ring after him for the same purpose.] I don’t believe
Perot has any intention of letting Buchanan inherit his crown in the
Reform Party.”

(end of quote from our February 17, 2000 Network America e-wire)

It should be said here that Perot’s third party blind at that time
served to divert many, many of the sincere people that were destined to
have joined Pat Buchanan against President George Bush and his announced
New World Order. Buchanan’s New Hampshire showing was giving millions
hope that a real citizens’ movement could succeed. As shown above, it
was at that moment that Perot emerged to divide such anti-establishment,
pro-American energy.

By the way, after February 20, 1992, when Perot emerged as a
Presidential candidate on Larry King Live, Perot received virtual
saturation coverage from the ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN news departments.
Contrast this with the near black-out that Buchanan has experienced from
the news on these stations so far in 2000, Sunday morning shows

When you consider that the ABC, CBS, and NBC Evening News Shows reach 29
million homes nightly according to Nielson ratings, then it’s clear that
the 1 to 2 million homes that Buchanan reaches when he appears on FOX or
MSNBC, where the political and info junkies gather, amounts to a virtual
censorship of his candidacy from the great body of Americans by the Big
TV Networks as a whole. (Again, Perot got no such short shrift in 1992
or 1996 from these same networks.)

Now, after Perot got everybody excited in 1992 with his third party run
– lavishly funded by himself (it takes about $2 million to get on the
ballot in all 50 states – nobody does it by volunteers) – and after he
was shown in some national polls to be ahead of both then-Governor
Clinton and President Bush – Perot took a dive, as they say in the
Boxing game, and in the process clued alert observers to what he was all
about. Do you remember?

I was in a used clothing store – one of those thrift stores - at about
11:30 AM EST the day Perot dropped out in 1992. There was a used TV
running in the back of the store, and somebody yelled out, “Perot’s
dropping out.”

I rushed to the back of the store to watch, and saw Perot give his
reasons why he was dropping out.

First, he said he was dropping out because of some alleged preposterous
scheme by the Republican National Committee to fake photos of his
daughter in compromising positions – and ruin her wedding. (Now, two
months or so later, when Perot jumped back in, what was to stop the RNC
from embarrassing Perot’s daughter’s young marriage by producing those
same fake photos? Perot never said, and nobody, as far as I know, every

Second, Perot said, on this day or shortly thereafter, that there was
some deal about Ninja Black Panthers jumping the walls at one of his
estates and . . . and . . . and . . . well, I’ve never been clear on
what the deal was here, or why it was necessary for Perot to drop out
because of it. When you add up excuses one and two, it starts to feel
like a kid throwing up a flurry of excuses, as to why he wasn’t able to
do his homework, or why he wasn’t going to keep his commitment. “The dog
chewed up my homework, and then went to the bathroom on it, and I had to
spend all night fixing my Mom’s flat tire, because she broke down on the
road, and my little sister left the water running in the bathtub which
ended up flooding three floors – it took us 6 hours to clean it up, and
my cousin from Sweden, who we had never met, unexpectedly dropped in a
little after midnight . . .” –You get the idea, and that’s how I view
Perot’s first two excuses. BUT THEN . . . but then . . .

But then Perot said something which should have caused every one of his
supporters to drop their jaw in first amazement, and then feelings of
acute betrayal. Perot said that he was dropping out because, “last
night, Bill Clinton had revitalized the Democratic Party.” (! ! !)

I believe that checking of the dates will confirm that Perot dropped out
in 1992 on a Thursday, the morning AFTER Clinton/Gore were nominated.
That night Clinton would give his acceptance speech to the Democratic
Convention, the one in which Clinton caused John Birch Society members
and Spotlight readers to fall off their living room chairs as he
credited Georgetown Professor Quigley with being key to his rise to that
moment. For a quarter of a century informed Americans had known that
Quigley was a key “Insider” professor who had access to the Ruling
Elite’s private files, and many of their key personnel. See the book
“Tragedy and Hope”, by Quigley for further details, or for a quick
overview, the book “The Naked Capitalist” by W. Cleon Skousen.

Now what kind of man could POSSIBLY see hope in Bill Clinton and that
political cross-dressing (Buchanan’s phrase) 1992 Democratic Convention?
Well, the same kind of man that would endorse that ultra-leftist,
homosexual lobby friendly Ann Richards for Governor two years later. How
could this man, Perot, believe that Clinton/Gore would bring the kind of
Reform he was publicly promoting to the USA?

(By the way, the “balanced budget” hoax is a book keeping deception,
while the “Clinton economic boom” phenomenon is due to the financial
manipulations and easing up on the population by the background Money
Lenders, represented in public by Alan Greenspan. Clinton has been the
beneficiary of this because he was, give or take a few moments, a
perfectly pliable puppet for those same Money Lenders. AND it is these
same Money Lenders, and their Big Media, who are “pulling out all the
stops” to Stop Buchanan and a revitalized Reform Party, 2000 version.)

And guess who’s showing up “inexplicably” on the side of the ‘Stop
Buchanan’ forces? Why, it’s none other than Reform Party founder, Ross
Perot, through his mouthpiece, the former Democratic operative from New
England, Russ Verney.


No one in the United States scans the Establishment papers, such as the
Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, more thoroughly than
publisher L.T. Patterson of Cincinnati, Ohio. In his magazine “Criminal
Politics”, in the issue following Perot’s pull out in 1992, Patterson
called attention to a small New York Times article from a weekend or so
before Perot dropped out in 1992, in which it was revealed that Perot
had made an unexplained trip into New York City that lasted one day.
Patterson suggested that Perot had gone into New York City to meet with
movers and shakers, such as Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, of
the Ruling Elite -- at which time he was told to drop out for a while.

Now, I have no proof of what Perot was doing in New York City at that
time, but the fact that no official explanation was given to the public
is perhaps worth pausing to note. At the time I thought to myself that
Perot certainly didn’t go to New York City to see his dentist. And it
does appear to me that Perot’s rocketing to the head of the class in the
Presidential competition shocked the wirepullers of the Ruling Elite.
They now had TWO separate confirmations in 1992 (the Buchanan and Perot
candidacies) that their tweedleDEM and tweedleGOP act had already worn
thin with the American people.

One thing is for sure, it was NOT in the script for Perot to win in
1992; it WAS in the script for him to cause puppet Clinton’s election
after 12 years of Republican “rule.” This was an old script, first
played out by Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 in his Bull Moose run for the
Presidency, which snatched victory from incumbent President Taft, and
ensured the otherwise impossible election of egghead Woodrow Wilson.
Under the 1912 version of Clinton, sans Lewinsky, the USA went into debt
for the first time, saw the forcing through of the Federal Reserve Act
(1913) and the beginning our nation’s financial enslavement, still in
progress, the forcing through of the deceptive Income Tax (1916), and
the first time sending of American boys into a contrived foreign war in
which we had no business whatsoever.

So, by dropping out for a few months amidst obviously absurd excuses,
Perot managed to destroy his credibility enough -- so that it was no
surprise that he, as the third party, lost in November 1992, -- but not
enough to keep him from getting enough votes so that Clinton’s
computer-generated victory was “believable.” (Bush was obviously brought
to heel regarding the Ruling Elite script by election eve. While Clinton
and Perot put on elaborate election eve TV programs, Bush, with over
$10,000,000 in the bank, became the first major party candidate in the
television age to FAIL to put on an election even program.)

Patterson also pointed out that he found the information about Perot’s
mysterious trip to New York City in one of those small, little obscure
“page 37” New York Times articles which, Patterson maintains, are meant
to be from the Ruling Elite to the Ruling Elite. (In fact, Patterson,
who has uncovered many interesting and even astounding things over the
past two decades by scouring the publications of the Ruling Elite for
such “tucked away” articles, states that he would be “blind-sided” for
material for his Criminal Politics publication if the New York Times,
The Wall Street Journal and a few other Establihsment publications would
cease publication.)


And while it may be easy to dismiss Perot’s mysterious trip to New York
city as unrelated to his dropping out of the 1992 race for a while,
another item found by L.T. Patterson a bit later is not so easy to
dismiss. After the 2000 election, Patterson found articles, again
calling attention to them in his “Criminal Politics” publication,
detailing how the Federal Government had paid Perot Big Bucks to put
their new Money Printing Presses on land in Texas which Perot had owned.
Based on these articles, Patterson actually made a trip to visit this
new government money printing plant. This turns out to be the printing
plant which is producing the “new money” – that is, the money with Ben
Franklin and others slightly off center. (Patterson has claimed for
years that funny multi-colored money will come out of these plants as a
transition currency from US Dollars to World dollars. We shall see.)

But, what’s this? Perot, the founder of the Reform Party, supposedly the
most feared man by the Ruling Elite behind the two major parties because
of his spear heading of a “real” third party challenge – getting this
multi-mega bucks sweet heart deals from the Ruling Elite’s Clinton
Administration shortly after the 1992 election???

Well, maybe not so strange. For if Perot’s purpose was NOT to start a
real anti-Ruling Elite third party, but to divert any energy for such a
party into blind alleys, while in 1992 to make sure that Clinton got
elected – for Perot did jump back in the 1992 race in time to garner 19
million votes that year thought to be mostly from the Republican base,
-- then he succeeded wonderfully, and he DESERVED some consideration
from the Clinton administration, wouldn’t you say? (Review of the 1992
debates will show that Perot  attacked then-President Bush throughout,
with hardly a word of criticism for Clinton at any time.)


Before getting to the clues that this was exactly Perot’s purpose, let
us insert here that Perot’s historical relationship with New York is
MUCH more important than that mysterious trip to New York City in 1992
just before he dropped out for a while.

It was circa 1967 that Perot got his really big start in the computer
field. It was at that time that Perot put in a failing bid for the
business of New York State. BUT, mirabile dictu (Latin for “wonderful to
tell”), then Governor Nelson Rockefeller reopened the bid for New York
State’s lucrative computer software contract, disregarding the winner
and runner-up in the first round. And, this time, the winner was Ross
Perot! He was on his way to becoming a billionaire! It was Howard
Phillips, candidate for the Constitution Party and leader of the
Conservative Caucus, who first told me this shortly after I met him in
1992: that Perot had gotten his start in the late mid to late sixties
with the New York State contract.


While Perot has been quick with the glib generality (“I’m gonna go get
the shovel and clean out the barn”), he has not provided his troops or
his party with a compelling, coherent philosophy. One shocking indicator
of this was when the state leaders of the Reform Party held a press
conference to try and explain where the Party was headed shortly after
Perot dropped out in 1992.

After some painfully vague introductory statements, one reporter asked,
“What issues are going to be the basis of the Reform Party’s going
forward now that Perot has dropped out of the running?”

After a few moments of foot shuffling and quick glances back and forth
(there were fifteen or twenty state leaders around the microphone), in a
scene that was reminiscent of the old game show “What’s My Line?” right
before the “real” guest stood up, the California Lady state leader
stepped up to the mike and said, “Well, that’s one of the things that’s
under discussion.”

It is exactly this type of confusion that Buchanan and the Brigades are
putting an end to.

Over the last eight years, I have periodically heard of specifically
named leaders in the Ohio valley area dropping out of the Reform Party
when they realized that “the volunteers” Perot often referred to were
meant to be seen and not heard.

Recall that Jesse “The Body – Not the Mind” Ventura complained openly
many times about the fact that Perot and Verney had given him NO help in
his bid to become Minnesota’s Governor in 1998.

The truth of the matter is that by time Buchanan entered the foray for
the 2000 Reform Party nomination, the State Party leaderships had
dwindled to just a few dozen hangers on in most states. This is why the
Buchanan Brigades have been able to overwhelm the “old Guard” in almost
every state. It’s a matter of sheer numbers.

It’s these sheer numbers of the Buchanan Brigades that, I believe,
account for the dropping out of Trump (more on him in a minute), the
fleeing of Ventura, and the failure of Perot to enter the fray at all.
How would it look if Ross could only draw 20% of the people that
Buchanan was attracting to an average campaign stop?


There is a common denominator relating Perot, Forbes, and Trump when
viewed in light of the “STOP Buchanan” phenomenon since 1992. Each one
of these billionaires appeared suddenly on the scene at a moment when
the Ruling Elite needed somebody to try and throw road blocks in front
of the Buchanan Brigades.

The significance of the common denominator of “billionaire”, is that
each of these men could throw virtually unlimited amounts of money into
the developing political situation at a moment’s notice: Perot in ’92 to
divide the forces Buchanan was calling forth. Forbes in 1996 when it was
clear that Dole wasn’t going to believably survive a one-on-one with
Buchanan in the GOP primaries -- Forbes emerged right before the 1996
Iowa Caucus with the effect of siphoning off about 25% of the anti-Dole
vote, and even more in some later contests. Forbes then dropped out and
IMMEDIATELY endorsed Dole as soon as the computers told us Buchanan was
mathematically out of it. And Trump got into the Reform fray with the
same “hurt Buchanan” timing, actually changing his party registration to
Reform, amidst plenty of Big TV camera fanfare, at the exact HOUR that
Buchanan was announcing his switch to the Reform Party. This allowed the
TV networks to soil coverage of Buchanan’s important speech that day
with Trump’s shallow charade.  But something happened to thwart Trump’s
would-be spoiler role. Perhaps it was his fear of shaking hands. Perhaps
it was his lack of knowledge about matters Presidential. Perhaps focus
groups had shown that his typical campaign stop would be limited to
greeting a few gambling addicts he himself had helped create, and a few
would-be starlets. In any case, Trump's could have thrown in millions
like Perot and Forbes, if other factors unknown hadn’t knocked him out
of contention.


And after Trump dropped out, don’t forget Verney led a pack of
establishment opinion molders, mostly reporters, in trying to entice
McCain to go after the Reform nomination. The following is reproduced
from Robert Novak’s column in the Boston Globe of February 15, 2000 (For
the full story go to our e-wire of Feb. 17, 2000 which is only available
on topica.com in the Network America section, instructions at end of
this message):

Here’s the excerpt from the Novak column:

WASHINGTON – Early on the morning after John McCain’s rout of George W.
Bush in the New Hampshire primary, I received a telephone call from
Russell Verney in Dallas. It was the first unsolicited contact from the
former Reform Party national chairman in my four years of dealing with
him, and what he said could profoundly impact the 2000 election and the
American political landscape for years ahead.

Verney told me that McCain’s campaign for the Republican presidential
nomination carried the banner of “reform” hoisted in 1992 by Perot. So
had Bill Bradley’s quest for the Democratic nomination, Verney added.
But Bradley lost in New Hampshire, while McCain won in a landslide.

Verney, a former New Hampshire Democratic operative who is now Perot’s
political lieutenant and spokesman, was doing more than claiming
vindication of his boss. He made clear in a second conversation that I
initiated a week later that he sees “a real chance”: for McCain to be
the nominee of both the Republican and Reform parties. It is obvious
that Perot has soured on Buchanan as his successor in leading the party
that Verney calls Ross Perot’s “gift to the American people.”

End of quote from Novak column

But, Perot never soured on Buchanan as his successor, -- he was totally
opposed to Pat from the beginning. When you consider . . .


I’m not buying Perot’s “I can’t come to the phone, because I might
prejudice the process” act. What BALONEY! Didn’t Perot talk to former
Gov. Richard Lamb in 1996 during the nomination process? Don’t those in
the actual or de facto leaderships of the Democratic and Republican
parties talk to EVERY candidate seeking the nomination? Heck, Haley
Barbour even talked to Buchanan during the 1996 primaries, (excepting
after his New Hampshire primary victory where Barbour said he wasn’t
sure he could endorse Buchanan if Pat won the GOP nomination!)

Perot didn’t talk to Buchanan because he knew that even one publicized
conversation would signal to all the sincere “Old Guard” Reformers that
Buchanan was “OK” – an impression Perot and Verney have been STUDIOUSLY
trying to avoid!

And what is this GREAT REFORMER, Ross Perot, saying about attending the
Reform Party Convention in this year of 2000 A.D.? Well, the word’s been
put out that (paraphrase) his travel schedule is so busy he doesn’t know
if he can make it! What? He can’t ………  make it? Here’s a man who’s
really committed to Reform the nation! What a spirit of sacrifice and
commitment! Apparently, Perot sees such stellar and sincere leadership
qualities in the pro-NAFTA, pro-GATT, pro-WTO Bush and/or Gore that he
feels no need to lift a finger against them.

Come to think of it, this must be the case . . . because isn’t Perot’s
national operation floating the idea that the party should endorse
NOBODY against those great war-mongering REFORMERS, Bush and Gore?

The answer to the 11th hour “endorse nobody” riddle is that Perot’s top
priority is to deny Buchanan the funds, and prevent the Ruling Elite, to
which I believe he is beholdened in one way or another, from being
seriously challenged in this Presidential Election.


There is no greater circumstantial proof that Perot, Verney, and the
Reform Old Guard allied with them -- are up to no good, than what has
happened with regard to ballot access in Texas.

I am indebted to Reform Party activist Gary Grella and buchanan.org
webmistriss Linda Muller for the understanding I have of the Texas
Ballot Access situation this year.

One would think that Verney, Perot et al would AT LEAST be interested in
getting the Reform Party on the ballot in Texas, the home state of Ross
Perot and the Reform Party. But no.

In fact, there was the appearance of an effort to get on the ballot,
designed to fail, which it eventually did. Having viewed all the
evidence, I believe Verney and company were HOPING that the Buchanan
campaign would trust them to get the Reform Party on the ballot in
Texas, so that when the effort eventually failed, Buchanan would not
have ballot access in Texas at all. Let the record show that Perot could
have donated “soft money” to the Texas Party, to the tune of about
$110,000, and ensured the Reform Party ballot access in Texas.

Unfortunately for Verney and company, the Buchanan Campaign caught on
that something was amiss and collected the 128,000 signatures necessary
to ensure that Buchanan would be on the Texas ballot as an independent.

And what was the reaction of Perot headquarters and their allies? Did
they express appreciation for the energy, commitment, and vision shown
by Bay Buchanan to accomplish this Herculean task of collecting 128,000
signatures at the expense of probably over $200,000?  – especially in
light of their own failure to collect 37,000 valid signatures to qualify
the party itself in Texas?? Not at all. Recriminations started from
various sources, with the silent support of Verney, that Buchanan was
selfish. Buchanan worried more about himself than the Reform Party,
blah, blah, insincere blah.

In fact, any Reform Party member of good will should be thanking the
Buchanan campaign for saving the Party’s credibility, for without
Buchanan, the Reform Party wouldn’t even be on the ballot in Texas this
year at all.

But still, “old Guard” Reformers allied with Verney blamed Buchanan for
not also getting the Party ballot access in Texas. (Never mind that
Perot went the same route in 1996 for various reasons, but those
criticizing Buchanan never mention this.)

On this matter, let’s hear from Gary Grella of New York State in his
June 2, 2000 email entitled “Texas Ballot” :

“BTW, Sandy, I see the miniscule Green Party and the infinitesimal
Natural Law Party made it to the ballot in Texas. How can that possibly
be explained without Buchanan's support? When I read that both of these
two micro-mini parties each made it onto the Texas ballot, any
credibility you had with me just evaporated.”

Other emails in that exchange make it clear that Perot left the hapless
Texas volunteers swinging without any financial support. WHAT A PHONY!
Anyone involved with gathering signatures knows that you can’t make it
these days in light of the punishing 3rd party requirements set by the
two major parties – without paying professional signature gatherers.

Since the Perot/Verney faction did not even get the Reform Party on the
Texas ballot, nothing could be clearer to me than that they have no
interest in building the party, but only interest now in trying to keep
Buchanan from the nomination, if possible.


This may alienate more people than any other section of this e-wire, but
I KNEW that Perot was not trustworthy from the simple fact that his wife
was a member of the murderous Planned Parenthood organization, and Perot
was “pro-choice – to kill” – kill defenseless unborn children, that is.

One thing that’s irking me these days is to hear some of these whining
“old Guard” Reformers attack Buchanan for retaining his lifelong
anti-abortion views. Why weren’t they attacking Perot last time for
expressing Perot pro-abortion views? Oh, I forgot, in the weird,
contradicatory, head-in-the-sand, and satanically minded world of the
pro-abortion person, PUSHING for continued “legalized” abortion isn’t
talking about social issues, only opposing it is. (!)

The moral compass of the pro-abortion person is SO FAR OFF that you
never know what they are going to do next. Strong? Read the following
sent to the Brigade list by the intrepid Linda Muller -- if you dare
make it through it:

Abortion Doctor Gives Graphic Testimony Describing Procedures
By Jo Mannies
St. Louis Post-Dispatch - May 25, 2000

Dr. Robert D. Crist, Planned Parenthood's chief abortion doctor,
says he has performed many abortions that appear to violate the
Missouri anti-abortion law that its supporters call a ban against

In testimony Wednesday in St. Louis Circuit Court, Crist said that it
is not uncommon for second-trimester fetuses to leave the womb
feet-first, intact and with their hearts still beating. He sometimes
crushes their skulls to get the fetuses out. Other times, he
dismembers them.

Such occurrences, he said, cause "fetal demise" and appear to fit
the banned "partial-birth" definition contained in the "Infants
Protection Act" that the Legislature approved last fall, overriding
Gov. Mel Carnahan's veto.

That law, now in limbo while it is contested in court, defines
infanticide as when the physician "causes the death of a living infant
. . . by an overt act performed when the infant is partially born or
born." A "living infant" includes a fetus of any age. The law declares
such acts a Class A felony, punishable by a prison sentence of 10
to 30 years or life.

Crist described in detail several abortions - including one he
performed two weeks ago - that technically are known as "intact
dilation and evacuation." But they bore striking similarities to "intact

dilation and extraction," the technical term for the procedure that the
law's supporters say they're trying to ban.

Under that procedure, which is not spelled out in the law, a fetus is
delivered feet-first and its skull crushed.

Crist performs abortions for Planned Parenthood at its St. Louis
clinic and also has worked at its clinics in Columbia, Mo., and in
Overland Park, Kan. He has performed abortions for more than 30
years. . . .

End of quote from article on abortion from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

As long as we’re torturing language, as in “demise” of the fetus, here’s
what an old acquaintance of mine said after Paul Hill (now in Florida
prison awaiting the death penalty) shot and killed abortionist “Dr.”
John Barnyard Britton as he was going in to “perform” 32 abortions one
Saturday morning a few years ago: He said, “The “Doctor” was aborted, it
just happened after the third trimester.” But I digress.

How someone can contort their mind to feel like something other than a
moral monster while supporting the “legalization” of such an abortion
against a baby as the procedure described in the above St. Louis-Post
Dispatch above, I have no idea.

But then, how does anyone then make the additional leap of objecting to
when someone like Pat Buchanan opposes on moral, humanitarian, and
economic grounds such barbarism, so reminiscent of when Ancient Spartans
threw their sick babies over a cliff?

Did I say economic grounds? Yes, ECONOMIC GROUNDS. Whether any other
generation in the history of the world would have done any better than
mine did between 1959 and today, when the birth prevention pill
(anti-baby pill), prurient television, and omnipresent pornography
became available – I do not know. But the fact is that, for personal
pleasure and to avoid responsibility, our generation has killed over 40
million unborn children. As one local Kentucky candidate recently stated
on our local TV, “You’ve got to expect problems when you kill off such a
large part of the population.” The pro-abort anchors were still wincing
when the cameras came back to them. They had been unexpectedly
confronted with what they had been involved with supporting throughout
their adult lives, and for a moment they had lost control of their
facial expressions on camera.

You see, one world view says that man is basically god “do your own
thing”, that the woman has a right to kill “her” baby; and the other
says that a man and a woman only co-create a baby, a child of God, and
that each human soul has an eternal destiny. God has some rights, too.
Even if aging hags like Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem don’t like it.

The economic problems facing America as my generation ages (I’m 47) are
just beginning to be felt. See the book “The Cost of Abortion” by Dr.
Lawrence Roberge for a comprehensive study of the economic problems that
loom on the horizen for the baby boomers and their children who were
allowed to be born.

The Reform Party can only be saved by a serious, moral candidate such as
Pat Buchanan. If the above section offends some, everyone may as well
know right now that the pro-life and pro-choice-to-kill factions in the
Reform Party are going to have it out sooner or later. Better sooner. We
are all sinners, and I hope my forceful statement of the case against
the barbaric and satanic practice of abortion will not be construed as
an attempt to say that I am better than anybody else. I would hope
though, that, after reading the abortionist’s above description of what
he does, that some, after living under years of media illusion, will
humbly ask God for forgiveness for any support or promotion of abortion
they might have been involved in, for it is a sin which is among those
that authoritative Christian catechisms say cries to Heaven for
vengeance, -- and then join Pat Buchanan, Howard Phillips, Joe Sobran
and the other national leaders who support the right to life of unborn
children, and everyone else. (Murderers sometime forfeit their right to
life by killing the innocent, according to St. Paul. If this were not
the case, then the rights of murderers would supercede the rights of
their victims.)

In any case, Perot is not such a moral leader. I’ve never trusted him
for this and other reasons, and I don’t trust him now.


This e-wire is not entitled “Perot the Conspirator.” It’s entitled “R.
Perot. R for Rat.”

I believe Perot has been sincere in his opposition to NAFTA, his concern
for POWs, his hope for the future of the country which he has expressed
many time, and his desire for a balanced budget.

It just seems the overwhelming body of evidence points to him as a man
who has hooks in him – the hooks of the establishment, the hooks of the
Ruling Elite. That’s why he does what he does.

All I see now is a man who would rather see the destruction of his own
party than see arguably the best VISIBLE candidate of this generation to
get its nomination. I believe this e-wire gives a plausible explanation
of this “unexplainable” phenomenon, and all the other explanations
floating around leave a lot of the pieces out.


The purpose of this Network America e-wire was to warn the Buchanan
Brigades and other Reformers of good will how serious I believe the
situation is, and how much flak and opposition I expect them to receive
at the convention if they are not ready for any surprises that might
come their way.

In his song “I feel like a Bullet in the Gun of Robert Ford” – about
breaking up with his fiancée -- Elton John sings “I threw the last punch
too hard.”

I acknowledge that I may have thrown this punch – aimed at Perot – too
hard. After all, I can’t read the man’s mind and have no inside sources
whatsoever regarding his current activities. All I can say is that if
the Buchanan Brigades take the framework above and the advice to follow
as their operative game plan, more or less, then they will have the best
chance of succeeding on August 10-13, 2000 in Long Beach, California at
the Reform Party convention.


Here’s the question that the Buchanan Brigade men must answer: if some
unforeseeable switcheroo happens on the convention floor, and if a
Verney operative gets control of running the convention, and if he
starts breaking every rule in the book to prevent Pat Buchanan from
getting the 2/3rds delegate vote he may need to override the absurd
email/mail-in vote, so easily manipulated – what are you going to do?

We faced the exact same situation in principle in 1988 when trying to
overthrow the corrupt GOP leadership in Cincinnati, Ohio. We had proof
positive, thrown up on the wall by an overhead projector -- which some
delegate had providentially brought -- that we could have a certain
ballot procedure that would have broken the hold of the GOP County
Establishment over its employees who made up a large part of the
convention. In the face of this, some twerp of a forked tongue lawyer
brought by the local GOP Establishment got up and said they weren’t
going to give us our rights. The microphones of our key speakers were
cut off.

There was screaming, shouting and protests, but ultimately a would-be
old fascist by the name of Eugene Ruehlmann, the outgoing chairman, took
the mike and proceeded to call the vote and declare the Establishment
the winners WITHOUT even separating the room to verify what the vote
count was.

Our people were not prepared to do what needed to be done. We needed at
that point to take over the stage, the microphone, and effect a counting
of vote by a separation of the room. Many of our delegates were ladies,
and one said she felt more fear in that room than at the most volatile
times when she was picketing in front of an abortion chamber. That’s the
way the establishment plays: dirty and rough.

Resolve now to bring plenty of video-cameras, maybe even hire a
professional video and sound team or two. Make sure someone on the floor
knows Robert’s Rules. Make sure you have a few spokesmen and spokeswomen
who are quick on their feet and willing to treat this convention for
what it is --- a key battle ground for the future of America. If some of
the Old Guard Perotistas start to act up, this will be no time to try to
win them over with “warm fuzzies.”

And if they violate the rights of the delegates, have a contingency plan
to take over the stage, the mics, and at least guarantee a FAIR VOTE –
on video camera -- for those present COMPLETE WITH PROPERLY SEATED
delegates present will have traveled many tens of thousands of miles to
be there. They will be expecting – and they will deserve -- something
more than Americans get out of the typical Democratic or Republican
parties when there is a contested convention.

Do NOT worry in the least about how the Big TV Media will ridicule any
morally sound actions necessary for justice at the Reform convention.
The Big Media is going to be criticizing any citizens’ movement that
opposes their bosses in the New World Order anyway.

Spread the word

Please spread today’s and tomorrow’s e-wire as widely as possible,
especially to everyone in the Reform Party you can think of, and to both
the establishment AND the independent media.

Tomorrow’s Network America e-wire, entitled, “A ‘Lone Nut’ Assassin in
2000 Means Civil War” will deal with what I believe must be the attitude
of all Americans worthy of the name if some “lone nut” assassin emerges,
complete, of course, with a notebook explaining why he’s a LONE nut, to
take a shot at any Third Party candidate that is rallying the people
against the New World Order Occupation government now inhabiting the
offices of our executive branch in the USA.

I do NOT advocate settling our nation’s great issues by force, if
peaceful means are still open to us. But neither do I advocate we lay
down and let our nation be enslaved just because the Ruling Elite has
installed their agents everywhere by computer votefraud and illicit
judicial appointments.

If the Ruling Elite is going to pull the “lone nut assassin” scam again
– as they did in the JFK, RFK, MLK, and George Wallace assassinations,
in order to stop leaders that are either getting out of line, or, in the
most likely case this year – rallying the population to restore
Constitutional safeguards -- what choices do we have?

It’s not for nothing that they’re frantically trying to get guns out of
the hands of the people. And we can’t let the Clinton/Reno’s always pick
the battleground, as they had the luxury to do at Waco, at Ruby Ridge,
and in the Elian Gonzalez case. Each of these cases are acts of war
against the population – even if initiated by a legitimate government.

And after 25 years of computer-generated elections, we are far from any
guarantee that these aggressive actions were ordered and carried out by
individuals who qualify in truth as either legitimately elected or
legitimately appointed officials.

There are many intelligence apparatus-related scams out there that pose
as “patriotic” or “conservative” or “right wing” operations with no
other purpose in mind than to find out who might “take up arms against
the government.” I assure you that this is not one of them. No one else
had any foreknowledge or is implicated in or responsible for the
contents of today’s and tomorrow’s e-wire, other than this writer. Not
any of my readers, not the Buchanan campaign, not anybody in the Reform

I am advocating responsible actions every step of the way, and only a
mad man would want to see this nation degenerate into any degree of
civil war. But, if the Ruling Elite is going to deny the people an
honest and verifiable vote count and/or take shots at our natural
leaders who are able to become visible enough to rally the people – what
choice are they leaving us?

As tyranny becomes ever more visible in the shadows, someone has to
think the thoughts of victory and successful defense of the innocent and
defense of the nation. Someone has to write them down. Someone has to
put them into the public arena – hopefully responsibly.

We will be printing out today’s e-wire, and tomorrow’s e-wire onto hard
copies, and sending them to individuals who we feel SURE will
communicate these thoughts to the PROPER wirepullers in the Ruling
Elite. We’ll be mailing them with return receipt requested to such
individuals as Sen. Charles Schumer, Ted Koppel, Alan Greenspan, the
head of the CIA, and the head of the FBI, Louis Freeh. Somehow, I just
feel sure that they’ll be able to communicate the message to the proper
people that this email is getting to tens of thousands, hopefully
hundreds of thousand of people, that we, the people, will not be sitting
still for a “lone nut” assassin against Pat Buchanan, or any other
candidate who is effectively rallying the people to the defense of our
nation, in this year of our Lord 2000 A.D.

Hopefully the patriot sections of the Military, national guard, and
local police are watching. And thinking about these things.

All I would ask of those who agree with the sentiments expressed in this
and tomorrow’s e-wire, is that they help forward them to as many
individuals, newsgroups, news organizations, and opinion molders, etc.
as possible.  I do not have the time or knowledge myself to do this as
effectively as it needs to be. I must rely on you.

For the children (no kidding this time) --

--- Sponsor's Message --------------------------------------
Need Mo?
We have it.
Motivation.  Momentum.  Motion.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

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