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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Remy C. 
To: endsecrecy list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] Clinton Reaffirms Area 51 Must Remain Classified
Date: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 11:15 PM

Courtesy Morgan Clements
World Wide UFO Reporting Center

Wednesday, February 02, 2000
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Clinton Reaffirms Area 51 Must Remain Classified Information
By Christine Dorsey
Donrey Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- President Clinton informed Congress on Tuesday he will
continue to keep classified all information about Air Force activities at a
secret base near Groom Lake.

 "Information concerning activities at the operating location near Groom
Lake has been properly determined to be classified, and its disclosure would
be harmful to national security," Clinton wrote regarding a presidential
determination he issued last Sept. 20.

The president annually has signed a similar document declaring
information about the base -- known as Area 51 -- to be a secret.

A Washington attorney said the timing of the president's letter was
tied to litigation pressed by former workers trying to free information to
support their claims they were exposed to toxic fumes at the base.

Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University law professor who has
represented the families, said Tuesday was the deadline for the government
turn over a transcript of a sealed hearing that could show whether
officials lied publicly about the case.

"Today, the military was supposed to give (U.S. District) Judge
(Philip) Pro the transcript of a very important sealed hearing," Turley

He said the transcript will reveal what he terms an unclassified
discussion in which government attorneys requested information about
reporters who had talked to the workers at Area 51, as well as classified
manuals about the base that have been widely available on the Internet.
Turley said that after the hearing, government attorneys claimed they never
asked for such information.

"That transcript will show which one of us was lying," said Turley.
"Obviously, I can promise you, when the transcript appears, you're going to
find the government lied, and then I'm just going to leave it up to the
on what to do."

Turley said Clinton's letter to Congress on Tuesday merely reaffirms
the government's position that releasing information about Area 51 would
threaten national security, on the day the judge is receiving a transcript
the case.

"They (government attorneys) are still uncomfortable with releasing
this transcript because of the public embarrassment, so they're still making
ridiculous security claims, and the presidential determination helps them do
that," said Turley.

The White House referred questions about Clinton's letter to the
National Security Council, which did not respond late Tuesday.

The workers and their families have been trying for more than six years
to compel the government to admit Area 51 exists and that illegal dumping of
hazardous materials occurred there.

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