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by Husayn Al-Kurdi © 2000
The Portland Free Press 10/21/00
Halloween came one week late this year. A corporate-fascist Democrat, an Oily
Nazi born with a  silver spoon in his mouth and a consumer advocate
pretending to "revive" a "democracy" that never existed joined in conducting
an electoral charade whose formal outcome is remains uncertain as we go to
press. Although we do not have a declared winner, I can tell you who lost.
We, the American people, and the people of the world, lost.
The plutocracy selects, the beguiled voters elect and the most powerful and
dangerous entity in known history is "confirmed" and thus certified as the
system of choice. Every four years, we collectively practice falling off the
turnip truck, pleasing our overlords and confirming their uncontested
hegemony. Just as I can tell you who lost, I can identify the usual winners —
those who have owned and operated the country for over 200 years.
The distribution of membership in socio-economic classes has been a constant.
In 1953, a study published by the University of Chicago assessed the class
situation in the following terms:
        upper-upper     1.4%
        lower-upper     1.6%
        upper-middle     10%
        lower-middle     28%
        upper-lower     33%
        lower-lower     25%
        (source: M. Lloyd Warner,
         American Life: Dream and Reality,
        University of Chicago, 1953)
Note that 86% of the population are in the "lower-middle" down to
"lower-lower" category. The picture hasn’t changed much since then, or since
As exemplified by the Bush Pit Vipers, the Clintons and Gores, et al., a
Criminal Lawyer Politician (I repeat myself) Managerial Elite runs the
political circus on behalf of itself and its sponsors.
Muckraker Lincoln Steffens summarized the situation over a century ago when
he declared, "That’s the system. It’s an organization of social treason, and
the political boss is the chief traitor". Our "society" is run by its worst
elements, as described by poet E.E. Cummings: "A politician is an arse upon
which everyone has sat except a man".
Although Nader is a reformist who seeks to make the system more palatable as
opposed to uprooting it, he did accurately describe the two principal
contestants for captain of the Titanic. We had the spectacle of a "Giant
corporation running for president, disguised as a person" vs. a
"Fork-tongued, Pinocchio-nosed certified political coward". Actually, the
terms are interchangeable, with both Gore and Bush filling either description.

Nader’s explicit goal was to gain 5% of the vote, get federal matching funds
and turn the Greens into a "disciplinary watch-dog" on the Republicrats. He
is undeniably pro-capitalism. His "consumer interest group" approach is part
and parcel of the panoply of pseudo-"Alternatives" paraded by the
Establishment to stultify popular aspirations. As Nader-hanger-on and
erstwhile "progressive" figure Jim Hightower put it, "We better be building
something new or these people are going to be in serious rebellion". Of
course, Hightower hopes that "This ends up in the Democratic Party".
Nader confirmed his system-enhancing thrust in Harper’s (September 2000):
"Change invariably begins with people whom the defenders of the status quo
denounce as agitators, communists, hippies, weirdoes. And then, 10 or 20
years later, after the changes have taken place, the Chamber of Commerce
discovers that everybody’s profits have improved". The capitalist "bottom
line" herein invoked is the very "principle" to be done away with as the
practical basis for what currently passes itself off as "society".
The Socialist Party Platform of 1912 describes a situation similar to our
own, in which, "Under this system the industrial equipment of the nation has
passed into the absolute control of a plutocracy", with "multitudes of
unemployed" (we have up to 10 million homeless persons and many millions who
are out of work but not "officially" unemployed) and "Republican and Democrat
Parties reminding the faithful servants of the oppressors". Similar
plaintsecho through our history, from the "Anti-Federalists" of the aborted
Revolution of 1776 to a variety of populist and popular insurgencies spanning
over over the past century. Whether at the birth of America, my father’s
birth year (1912), the period when I was growing up (the 1950s) or the
present day, the configuration of power and the system for which it stands
has been a constant given. It has given us the world war, mass murder, brutal
exploitation and insufferable oppression.
As stated by Frederick T. Martin in Matthew Josephson’s The Robber Barons
"It matters not one iota which political party is in power, or what President
holds the reins of office. We are not politicians or public thinkers; we are
the rich, we own America; we got it God knows how; but we intend to keep it
if we can . . .".
Two metaphors come to mind. One is that conjured up by Ace Hayes elsewhere in
this issue — that of scorpions in a bottle: We the people stinging each other
on command. The other involves a scenario in which they rattle our cage once
too often, causing enough people to see the enemy clearly enough to start
vanquishing it.
                                Husayn Al-Kurdi is Editor of the Portland
Free Press.

    Husayn Al-Kurdi
    ph: 503/625-7692
    fax: 503/625-6150
    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cannon © 2000
A little more than a week ago I wrote a piece on vote fraud which now
requires a few follow-up observations.

November 9, the date of that piece, now seems like a more naïve era; we have
learned to recognize that devilish fellow "chad" as a member of our
election-day family, and we all know something of his deceptive ways. At that
time, I made a couple of suggestions concerning the uses and abuses of chad
-- suggestions that probably struck many readers as outrageous. But recent
stories have borne out those concerns.

Consider, for the moment, the problem of "taped chad." I wrote:

"According to the "Washington Post" (November 9) roughly 100,000 Florida
ballots listed no preference for the office of president, although votes were
cast for lesser offices. While there are always a few such ballots in every
election, can we actually believe that an astoundingly high percentage of
Florida voters refused to register an opinion on the main race? It is far
easier to accept that someone counting ballots simply applied small pieces of
tape to cover the punched holes, before running the card through the tallying
Many probably scoffed at my suggestion that campaign "fixers" stuck small
pieces of tape to a certain number of pro-Gore ballots. Today (November 18),
the online magazine "Salon" carries an exactly similar charge -- in mirror
image, originating from a Republican governor.

Before proceeding, one should keep in mind that Republicans now have one
purpose in mind: Convincing the public that manual vote recounting
constitutes a form of "mind reading" -- and never mind the fact that Governor
Bush once signed a law mandating hand recounts in his own state of Texas.
Bush supporters routinely conjure up the specter of  "Karnac the
Magnificent." (Must conservatives be so robotic? Must they always repeat the
line of the day, and even the joke of the day, in exactly the same words,
over and over again?)

You didn't need ESP to predict that propagandists would bolster the party
line by hyperbolizing any real or alleged imperfections in the counting rooms.

One of the chief hyperbolizers now appears to be Montana Governor Mark
Racicot. Quoting from the Salon piece:

"The Bush team has obtained sworn statements from recount workers in Palm
Beach County, Racicot said, testifying to an evil new breed of chad, the
"taped chad," in which a punched-out chad, apparently indicating a vote for
Bush, was taped back onto the ballot. Among other allegations there: "Bush
ballots were found in the Gore pile" in an act of "sabotage"; "ballots have
been used as fans"; "ballots have Post-it notes on them"; elderly workers
have been "exhausted" and "angry" and "fatigued."
First, let's deal quickly with the subsidiary charges. I have no doubt that
elderly workers are tired and frustrated, but that is to be expected: It is
the Republicans who want this business done at a breakneck speed. The
"fanning" business seems silly. Are we talking about only one or two
instances? And is anyone claiming that ballots ended up misplaced or unfairly
trashed? The allegation that Bush ballots ended up in the Gore pile is
serious, and deserves investigation. We need names, numbers and other
specifics. Until this information becomes available, everyone should keep in
mind that the party making this allegation once also maintained (quite
falsely) that Palm Beach was a Pat Buchanan stronghold.

Republican spokesmen have also complained, in recent days, that vote counters
are "swimming" in displaced chads. Oddly, this tableau has not appeared in
any news footage, despite the many cameras in the counting rooms. Still, let
us suppose that a few loosened chads have dropped onto floors or laps: So
what? Many chads stayed in place by only one or two corners (indeed, this
phenomenon is the whole point of a manual recount), and one would expect some
of those bits of paper to fall away during the recount. Remember, under
Florida law, a "swinging door" chad is a vote -- one that is every bit as
valid as clean hole in the ballot. If a door swings wide open, the law views
the ballot the same way.

Now let's look into Ricicot's claims of taped chad.

As a moment's thought will tell you, a taped chad will fool only a machine,
not a by-hand examiner. A piece of tape will cover a punched hole, and
thereby convince a tabulating machine that the elector had no choice for
president. The human eye can rectify the problem which the machine missed.

Thus, Ricicot is arguing in FAVOR of manual recounting!

So much for the Republican propaganda line.

Now let's go back to the key line in the Salon story: "...a punched-out chad,
apparently indicating a vote for Bush, was taped back onto the  ballot." Note
that weasel word "apparently." If Ricicot really had a specific example of a
"Bush" ballot taped up to look like a no-choice ballot, we'd have seen that
damning piece of evidence splayed all across our television screens.

Not only that. No "fixer" could hope to change an election by taping just one
or two ballots. Obviously, anyone rigging an election would want to
reconfigure dozens, hundreds, thousands of ballots in key precincts. In such
precincts, one would expect to see a suspiciously high percentage of ballots
offering an "undervote" -- defined as a ballot showing choices for lower
offices, but not for president.

And lo, there is indeed just such a suspicious pattern. Unfortunately for
Ricicot's thesis, that pattern shows itself in Democratic, not Republican,

Indeed, this pattern goes right to the heart of Republican objections to a
manual recount. According to the Palm Beach Post of November 12:

"Nearly half of the 28,036 ballots that Palm Beach County tossed out in the
presidential election came from areas of the county that are mostly black or
elderly, a Palm Beach Post computer analysis shows. Those ballots were thrown
out because the voter either didn't vote for president or voted for two
presidential candidates.

"Almost 10 percent of the ballots cast in precincts where most of the voters
are over age 65 were thrown out, the Post found. And 16 percent of the
ballots cast in majority-black precincts were thrown out -- more than double
the percentage of ballots thrown out from overwhelmingly white precincts."

The piece goes on to allege that "poor eyesight" may have caused the under-
and over-voted ballots. (Of course, the mainstream media will go to any
length to blame accident rather than conspiracy.) We are supposed to believe
that black Floridians have worse eyesight than whites.

Oddly enough, eyesight improved when the same voters expressed preferences in
the non-presidential races. According to the Palm Beach County elections
office, undervoting and overvoting affected fewer than one percent of the
Senate race ballots, as opposed to more than four percent in the main contest.

And why were optometric concerns more worrisome in Palm Beach THIS year, as
opposed to previous election years? Nearly 11,000 ballots in Palm Beach were
undervotes, displaying no choice for President. That number more than doubles
the 1996 amount, according to the Palm Beach County elections office.
Apparently, people see worse now than they did four years ago.

Either the Center for Disease Control should investigate this sudden outbreak
of "poor eyesight," or we should all suspect electoral hugger-mugger.

Governor Ricicot would have us believe that we should blame Democrats for any
odd pieces of tape hand-counters may have noticed on various ballots. If so,
then why does the undervote pattern consistently work to Republican
advantage? Why would Democrats invalidate their own votes?

Don't confuse those 11,000 undervotes with the roughly 19,000 "overvotes" in
Palm Beach county, a problem which has received far more publicity.
"Overvotes" refer to ballots punched twice for the same office. Republican
propagandists (such as dateless wonder Ann Coulter) maintain that those
mis-punched ballots occurred because Democrats cater to "stupid" people.
Granted, the stupid are with us always -- but the number of overvotes in Palm
Beach and other pro-Democratic areas far exceeds what we've seen in previous
election years.

We cannot blame that bloated number solely on the notorious butterfly ballot,
because the overvote problem occurred in other areas of Florida, where voters
faced standard ballot designs. Some news accounts have offered a darker
explanation for the double-punching surge. A story published in the London
Times of November 13 (but oddly ignored in this country) reports that
Democratic leaders have been looking into the many claims that black voters
received pre-punched ballots. There can be no innocent explanation for such a
situation. (Unfortunately, we do not yet have names or other specifics
attached to these claims.)

At this point, Ricicot's fulminations resemble a pre-emptive strike. By
raising the issue of taped chad first, the Republican party is now positioned
to deflect blame when election workers start complaining in front of tape
recorders and TV cameras (as they surely will) that they encountered
mysterious additional artifacts when they eyeballed individual ballots.

I suspect that taped chad may become a big issue for at least one or two news
cycles. GOP spinners will try to present the problem as proof of Democratic,
not Republican, chicanery. Eventually, moderate pundits will mutter
predictable banalities about "problems on both sides." No-one in the
chattering classes will focus on the key question: Where does the undervoting
take place? Does the pattern favor Gore or Bush?

Since the undervote problem consistently works against Gore, we know which
side to blame.

Also noteworthy:

Pro-GOP print hacks now loudly bray about a handful of convicted felons who,
allegedly, were allowed to vote in the 2000 election. Oddly, these pundits
never mention the voters who have complained that FALSE reports of felony
convictions prevented election participation. (Reuters, November 15.)

Nor do these pundits ever discuss the many and persistent reports of black
voters intimidated from visiting the voting booth by police harassment.

Nor do we hear much discussion of voters in pro-Gore areas who were asked for
multiple forms of identification.

Nor have we been given any reasonable explanation for the "missing" ballot
boxes found in various Miami precincts. (Reuters, November 12.)

Note the pattern. Voting "irregularities" regularly take place among Gore's
people. If, as the Bushies now proclaim, the Democrats practice vote fraud,
why on earth would they injure their own numbers?
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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