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Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million

Crime/Corruption News Keywords: MIND CONTROL, PEDOPHILIA, SATANISM
Source: Media Bypass
Published: June 1999 Author: Uri Dowbenko
Posted on 09/27/1999 08:32:47 PDT by jedediah smith

U.S. government mind control programs, like MK-Ultra and Monarch, directed
against helpless victims--human guinea pigs--have been virtually ignored by
the Big Media Cartel.
On Feb. 27, 1999, however, U.S. District Court Judge Warren Urbom found
former Franklin S&L manager Lawrence E. King guilty of numerous crimes
committed against mind control victim Paul A. Bonacci.
King, serving a 15-year sentence for his role in the theft of $40 million
from Franklin, an Omaha, Neb., credit union, was ordered by Judge Urbom to
pay Bonacci $800,000 in compensatory damages and an additional $200,000 in
punitive damages.
This legal judgement against a notorious perpetrator of satanic-ritual child
abuse is unprecedented.
In the Memorandum of Decision, Judge Urbom wrote, "King continually subjected
the plaintiff [Bonacci] to repeated sexual assaults, false imprisonment,
infliction of extreme emotional distress, organized and directed satanic
rituals, forced the plaintiff to 'scavenge' for children to be a part of the d
efendant King's sexual abuse and pornography ring, forced the plaintiff to
engage in numerous sexual contacts with the defendant King and others and
participate in deviate sexual games and masochistic orgies with other minor
"He [Bonacci] has suffered burns, broken fingers, beatings of the head and
face and other indignities by the wrongful actions of the defendant King,"
the judge declared. "In addition to the misery of going through the
experiences just related over a period of eight years [1980-1988], the
plaintiff has suffered the lingering results to the present time. "He
[Bonacci] is a victim of multiple personality disorder, involving as many as
14 distinct personalities aside from his primary personality," wrote the
judge. "He has given up a desired military career and received threats on his
life. He suffers from sleeplessness, has bad dreams, has difficulty holding a
job, is fearful that others are following him, fears getting killed, has
depressing flashbacks, and is verbally violent on occasion, all in connection
with the multiple personality disorder and caused by the wrongful activities
of the defendant King."
Franklin Coverup
Bonacci's lawyer, John DeCamp, has waged a long, lonely and expensive legal
campaign in exposing crimes involving an international pedophile-pornography
In 1991, DeCamp filed a 12-count suit in federal court, charging 16 prominent
individuals and institutions, including Lawrence E. King, Omaha World Herald
Publisher Harold Andersen and the Omaha Police Department with conspiracy to
deprive Paul Bonacci of his civil rights. DeCamp's suit detailed slander,
false imprisonment, child abuse, assault, battery and infliction of emotional
distress suffered by Bonacci.
The complex case also involved high-level politicians, business leaders,
judges and police officials with connections to the drug distribution/money
laundering operations known as "Iran"-Contra which goes back to then
Vice-President George Bush.
DeCamp, a former Nebraska State Senator, even wrote a groundbreaking book
about the sordid history of the case called The Franklin Cover-Up: Child
Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska.
Monarch Project
The horrendous Monarch Project "refers to young people in America who were
victims of mind control experiments run either by U.S. government agencies
such as the Central Intelligence Agency or military intelligence agencies,"
writes DeCamp.
"The story told by Monarch victims--one of whom was Paul Bonacci--is that
they were tortured for the purpose of creating 'multiple personalities'
within them," DeCamp continues from his book. "These multiple personalities
could then be programmed--as spies, 'drug mules,' prostitutes or assassins."
An article by Anton Chaitkin, quoted in the book, states that "professionals
probing the child victims of 'Monarch' say there are clearly two responsible
elements at work: the government/military, and cooperating satanic (or more
exactly pagan) cults. These are multi-generation groups, whose parents donate
their own children--who are proudly called 'bloodline' or simply 'blood'
cultists--to be smashed with drugs and electric shock and shaped. Other
children are kidnapped and sold into this hell, or are brought in gradually
through day care situations.
"Paul Bonacci and other child victims have given evidence in great depth on
the central role of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino in this depravity," continues
Chaitkin. "Aquino, alleged to have recently retired from an active military
role, was long the leader of an Army psychological warfare section which drew
on his 'expertise' and personal practices in brainwashing, Satanism, Nazism,
homosexual pedophilia and murder."
DeCamp's victory in court and the million dollar judgement is a vindication
of mind control survivors Paul Bonacci, Alisha Owens and others who were
falsely imprisoned to keep them from testifying against their abusers.
Police and FBI Cover-Up
According to the sworn testimony of Noreen Gosch, an activist on behalf of
"Missing Children," whose own 12-year-old son Johnny, a West Des Moines, Iowa
paperboy kidnapped in 1991, was drugged and sold into prostitution and
pornography. “There was no law on the books in Iowa or most any other state
in the country specifying that the police would have to act sooner than 72
hours—even though we had five witnesses that could describe the car, the man
and various details of the kidnapping. So I wrote the first piece of
legislation which became the Johnny Gosch Bill.
Gosch also alleges that the FBI were active in quashing a TV expose. “Just
prior to the ‘America’s Most Wanted’ story going on the air…within a week or
two of airtime, the FBI in Quantico, Virg. contacted ‘America’s Most Wanted’
and told them to kill the story,” Gosch continued.
They did not want the Johnny Gosch story broadcast,” she says. The only
reason the story went on is because John Walsh is a personal friend, and he
stood up to them, and he said this story goes. This woman does not lie. I’ve
known her for years. We’re going with the story. You can fire me afterwards.
We’re doing the story. And they did the story. But the FBI tried to kill this
When DeCamp, the attorney, asked her if she knew why, she replied, “Well, of
course. It would have opened up the biggest scandal in the United States,
bigger than the Iran-Contra story. Bigger than President Clinton’s
The Satanic-Military MK-Ultra Mind Control Connection
Continuing her sworn testimony, Noreen Gosch spoke about “the MK-Ultra
program developed in the 1950s by the CIA. It was used to help spy on other
countries during the Cold War because they felt that the other countries were
spying on us. It was very successful.
“…Then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military.
He had top Pentagon clearance. He was a Satanist. He’s founded the Temple of
Set. And he was also a very close friend of Anton LaVey [the late founder of
the Church of Satan]. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual
abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use this
experimentation upon children where they deliberately split off the
personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they’re
questioned, or put under oath, or questioned under lie detector, that unless
the operator knows how to question a multiple personality disorder they turn
up with no evidence.
”They use these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they
wish to have control of,” Gosch continued. “This sounds so far out and so
bizarre. I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself, until I was
presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white.”
DeCamp asked her, “You known that Colonel Aquino was drummed out of the
”He was,” replied Gosch. “But then there were no charges filed against him
that stuck [the San Francisco Presidio child abuse allegations]…I know that
Michael Aquino has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to
Offutt Air Force Base [described by numerous victims as a center of mind
control-ritual abuse]. I know that he had contact with many of these
Bonacci’s Story
One of the most heart-rendering parts of the court transcript is the
testimony of Paul A. Bonacci, the mind control victim survivor, on whose
behalf DeCamp sued Lawrence E. King.
Bonacci testifed that King took him on many trips to Washington, D.C., Kansas
City, Chicago, Minnesota and Los Angeles, where he prostituted the kidnapped
and drugged youngster to the rich and famous--and depraved. Bonacci said that
“one person I’m not afraid to talk about because Larry King always said him
and this guy were on opposite ends of the field because this guy was a
Democrat and Larry King was a Republican…And this guy--every time I see him
on TV, my wife knows my hatred for him…His name is Barney Frank.”
When asked if he “relationships” with him, Bonacci replied, “In Washington,
D.C. And also I was sent to a house, I believe it was in Massachusetts in
Boston where I believe it was his house because there’s pictures on the wall
with him and different people and stuff, that he had met I guess, but it was
in his basement.
Suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder, currently called
Dissassociative Identity Disorder (DID), Bonacci testified that as one of his
alters called Wesley, he lured Johnny Gosch into the van when he was
”I went up to him, asked him [Gosch] a question,” said Bonacci. “At that
point he was close enough to the car where Tony [another kidnapper] had
pulled up in the van and they pushed him in the car and they had a rag with
chloroform in the bag that they had us stick over his face. And then put it
back in the bag after he was out…We drove several miles…we met up with a
station wagon and a van several times.”
After switching vehicles and changing direction, the kidnapping of Johnny
Gosch was over.
More Chilling Memories
When the judge asked Paul Bonacci if Lawrence E. King ever sexually abused
him, he answered, “Yes, he did on numerous occasions.” How many times would
you estimate, the judge then asked. “Probably a couple of hundred. Within all
of the different personalities. Beginning at the time I was approximately 12
or 13 years old. Up until I was about 17 or 18.”
And what was his primary duty, according to directions he received from Mr.
King, asked the judge. “It depended on what was needed,” replied Bonacci.
“Most of the time it was to compromise politicians so he could get whatever
he wanted from them…If they wanted to get something passed, through the
legislature or whatever, he would put some people that were against it in a
compromising position, by using us boys and girls.”
And how often was he used at these “parties” in Washington? the judge asked.
”Kind of hard to say,” replied Bonacci. “Because there were times when there
would be four or five in a night. And I hardly knew, I didn’t know most of
them. But probably a couple of thousand times.”
New Ramifications
Since the judgement in favor of Paul Bonacci contradicts the previous
findings of the U.S. Attorney, Nebraska Attorney General, and the entire
judicial system regarding the “Franklin Cover-Up,” DeCamp has issued an open
letter challenging the verdicts of the last ten years of court battles
regarding this case and its principals.
DeCamp wrote, “I believe that the U.S. Attorney has no choice but to either
charge the witnesses with perjury having testified under oath in a federal
court…or the U.S. Attorney has an obligation to investigate further into the
Franklin saga and reopen matters.
”This time there are pictures [tens of thousands of pornographic photos taken
by Rusty Nelson], continues DeCamp. “This time Rusty Nelson [King’s former
porno photographer] exists and testified completely contrary to Chief
Wadman’s testimony under oath to the legislature. This time Noreen Gosch
validated the credibility and story of Paul Bonacci…At a minimum some Federal
or State authority has an obligation to reopen the Alisha Owen case.”
Alisha Owen, another mind control victim, was sent to prison for 15 years for
refusing to recant her testimony against her abusers, namely former Omaha
Police Chief Wadman.
Despite this victory, the mind control cover-up continues—as long as Alisha
Owen and others remain in prison.
And the Monarch Program? As more and more survivors appear and give
eyewitness accounts of mind control atrocities, these outrageous human rights
abuses—the Secret Holocaust of the 20th Century—will finally become common
Constantine, Alex. Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America
(1997); $14.95; Feral House, 2532 Lincoln Blvd., Suite 359, Venice CA 90291.
DeCamp, John. The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in
Nebraska (1996); $12.95; AWT, Inc., P.O. Box 85461, Lincoln, NE 68501
Mind Control Foundation Website: http://www.mk.net/wmcf.
Sullivan, K. MK (1998) $18; K. Sullivan, Box 1328, Soddy Daisy, TN 37384.
Taylor, Brice. Starshine: One Woman's Valiant Escape from Mind Control
(1995); Brice Taylor Trust, P.O. Box 655, Landrum, S.C. 29356.
Dowbenko is CEO of New Improved Entertainment Corp., and can be reached by
email at: u>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This report is a few months old, but perhaps the coverup will unravel. If so,
the story should be followed, especially since the crimes extend to
Washington politicians.
1 Posted on 09/27/1999 08:32:47 PDT by jedediah smith
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To: bondhue, mancini, metalbird1
You may find this of interest.
2 Posted on 09/27/1999 08:36:12 PDT by jedediah smith
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To: jedediah smith
Disgusting. The death penalty is too good for these villans.

One nit-pick though: ..satanic (or more exactly pagan)...

"pagan" simply means non-christian; not all non-christian religions are
satanic. For example, I cannot picture Bhuddists sanctioning this kind of
evil, nor Taoists, nor Wiccans, nor Hindus, ...
3 Posted on 09/27/1999 08:42:08 PDT by CzarChasm (The most INDICTABLE
administration in history!)
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To: jedediah smith
Mind Control? Maybe that explains all those people who voted for Clinton!
4 Posted on 09/27/1999 08:44:43 PDT by dfwgator
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To: CzarChasm
Media Bypass is linked to the Spotlight, the intellectual publication of the
Liberty Lobby. The Liberty Lobby owens the Institute for Historical Review,
the largest colelction of Holocaust denial material in the world.
5 Posted on 09/27/1999 08:47:24 PDT by JohnGalt
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To: jedediah smith
This stuff is discussed in a David Icke book I found at Borders, entitled The
Biggest Secret. When I saw this article, I thought "Oh gosh, here's
confirmation," but then I saw it's just another internet story. That does not
mean it's not true, it's just that it would be nice to see something in a
mainstream paper. What about the legal opinion itself. Is it on the web
anywhere, or is it just on Westlaw and Lexis-Nexis (where it will cost a lot,
and it still may not be there if it is a state court opinion).
Does anyone have a cite to the opinion anywhere, net or hard copy?
6 Posted on 09/27/1999 08:52:52 PDT by montfort
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To: montfort
It's a federal opinion, so it should be on Westlaw or Lexis-Nexis, I would
think. I couldn't be sure whetehr it was federal while I was posting.
7 Posted on 09/27/1999 08:54:31 PDT by montfort
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To: jedediah smith
Thank you for this post. At last we get some light on this most heinous of
crimes . Making Children sex slaves for crooked politicians, killing their
innocence and destroying their minds. These "subjects" all have
"controllers." If you dig long enough, the list of "controllers" is
breathtaking. It will get close to Bush Sr., the Royals and figures such as
Madeleine Notsobright and may even implicate them directly. Look close enough
at MkUltra and you get to Sirhan Sirhan and John Hinckly and Jimmie Jones
(assasssins?). The Question is who were their controllers? As if we can't
quess. These "subjects" or "sleepers" can be programmed to commit incredible
violence - shoot up schools and kill themselves. It's all part of the
destabilizing plan for global control. And if anyone thinks devil worship and
satanic ritualistic killings are not part of this fabric, quess again. Please
keep us informed.
8 Posted on 09/27/1999 09:21:37 PDT by rangergrunt
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To: montfort
Why is it ONLY "true" if it comes from a mainstream media source? I am an
Ex-police officer (my choice) and I know of lots of stories that are never
reported by the mainstream that are very "true". Yes, you do have to weed
through stories, but there are other ways to verify stories without having to
rely on mainstream (controlled) media outputs.
It really bothers me that so many only believe a story is real or credible if
it comes across the AP wire. You do know that many reporters and journalists
loose their jobs each year for going ahead with stories that were not chosen
by their editors or from the AP. Sounds controlled to me...some Free Press,
9 Posted on 09/27/1999 09:26:42 PDT by josey wales
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To: JohnGalt
So does that mean this story isn't true?
10 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:02:23 PDT by mancini
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To: jedediah smith
I'll tell you an interesting bit of minutiae about post-MK Ultra fallout:
Terry Lenzner, lawyer, Clintonista, dirtmeister, and P.I., was the chief
protector (lawyer) for Sidney Gottleib, the CIA Technical Service's
Division's head of the MK Ultra project (Gottleib was the one who personally
dosed that guy who flew out of a 10th-story hospital and died).
Lenzner is also a major POTUS protector.
The protectors of Clinton are sometimes also the protectors of the Dark Side.
(And, no, I'm not making it up)
11 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:06:58 PDT by gaijin
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To: mancini
Perhaps it meets your standards of credibility, but not mine.
12 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:08:21 PDT by JohnGalt
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To: jedediah smith
Wow, thanks for the post, Jedediah. Another mind-control victim breaks the
surface. It is scary that this kind of domestic terrorism exists. Most people
are afraid of the more overt forms of terrorism, but this . . . this is so
nefarious and insidious. God help these people and put them in touch with
people who will believe them and fight for them. Especially for the young
ones that are taken, it is indescribably sad.
13 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:09:09 PDT by mancini
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To: rangergrunt
Implicate them directly? Never!
14 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:12:02 PDT by mancini
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To: mancini
You once mentioned "Tranceformation of America." The allegations of these
mind control victims seem unbelievable on paper, but video shows a different
side. I don't know if you've seen O'Brien and Phillips' tape or any others,
but you can look at these subjects and tell they don't look normal. At times
they stare into space like unblinking robots. Also, see Brice Taylor's video
of a Chicago TV interview of herself, ex-CIA agent Gene Tatum, ex-FBI agent
Ted Gunderson, and another mind control subject Barbara Hartwell ($19.95 PPD
from Brice Taylor Trust, P.O. Box 655, Landrum, S.C. 29356).
15 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:15:06 PDT by jedediah smith
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To: JohnGalt
So are you saying you don't believe in the mind-control aspect of it or that
this ruling actually occurred? If you don't believe in mind control, maybe a
little digging into the subject would be a good idea. These people are out
16 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:15:12 PDT by mancini
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To: jedediah smith
I bet seeing these people move and speak definitely adds another dimension. I
know Phillips and O'Brien do speaking tours (don't make much at all according
to Phillips). Some don't think O'Brien's story has much credibility; I don't
know enough to make that judgment. But we can safely say that MK Ultra exists
and that there are victims whose stories are similar.
Thanks for the information!
17 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:21:02 PDT by mancini
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To: jedediah smith
Thanks for this info Jed.
18 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:32:02 PDT by HEAVYD
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To: mancini
Supposedly Phillips is deprogramming other victims besides O'Brien. One
researcher offered a word of caution: Phillips said he is giving both sides,
i.e. victims and programmers, the information the subjects reveal during
deprogramming. Phillips said that is the only way he can avoid being killed.
If this is all true, I'm not sure his motives are as pure as would appear.
19 Posted on 09/27/1999 10:41:42 PDT by jedediah smith
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To: jedediah smith
D.C. Hammond's Greenbaum speech, which explains how the programming is done,
and how it is broken.
I'll check back in from time to time with further links.
20 Posted on 09/27/1999 11:56:18 PDT by Bondhue
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To: mancini
I had the pleasure yesterday at the Y2K Expo in Smyrna Tennessee of having a
good conversation with Kurt Billings, an expert on our governments mind
control projects, biochip implants, and the contrail controversy. This guy
knows his stuff, and I find him totally credible. I obtained his one hour
tape on these subjects, and he's got tons of documented evidence on MKUltra,
MKDelta, Artichoke, etc. He has a website, www.psychops.com. Check it out!
21 Posted on 09/27/1999 12:10:49 PDT by babylonian
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To: babylonian
Great, thanks for the link!
22 Posted on 09/27/1999 12:22:08 PDT by mancini
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To: jedediah smith
>From Gazette Online, Ceder Rapids Iowa:
D.M. police to look into Gosch lead
Posted February 8, 1999
By The Associated Press
WEST DES MOINES -- Authorities are skeptical about a West Des Moines woman's
statements that she met with her long-missing son two years ago, but they
will follow up on her claims.
Noreen Gosch testified Friday in federal court in Lincoln, Neb., that her son
Johnny visited her in her West Des Moines apartment in March 1997. It was the
first time she has publicly mentioned such an encounter.
Johnny Gosch was 12 when he vanished without a trace Sept. 5, 1982. His wagon
was found two blocks from home, filled with copies of the Des Moines Sunday
Register he was to deliver.
The report of her comments prompted West Des Moines police Capt. Bob Rushing
to say that he would have an investigator visit with her today.
"In the past she told us something similar to this and then chose to recant
it," said Rushing, who has been involved with the investigation since it
Polk County Attorney John Sarcone said that if Noreen Gosch said she saw her
son, he couldn't say anything different.
"I'm not going to doubt her," Sarcone said. "I don't think that woman would
get up and lie before a federal judge . . . especially about something this
serious that involves her son."
Noreen Gosch said that during the 90-minute meeting, her son, accompanied by
another man he refused to identify, provided names and other information
concerning a child-sex and pornography ring that abducted him. Gosch said she
has interviewed 35 victims.
Gosch was in Lincoln to testify in a civil case against Lawrence King Jr.
King, who is in federal prison, has not responded to a suit filed by Paul
Bonacci of Omaha in which Bonacci claims he was a victim of sexual abuse from
King. U.S. District Judge Warren Urbom has entered a default judgment against
23 Posted on 09/27/1999 12:25:10 PDT by chinche
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To: JohnGalt
Do you deny this story? [Is it in your job description?]
24 Posted on 09/27/1999 13:58:27 PDT by metalbird1
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To: rubbertramp
See post 19.
25 Posted on 09/27/1999 14:03:40 PDT by metalbird1
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To: Bondhue + rubbertramp
A year or so ago I contacted Dr. Hammond. I obtained his e-mail because he
was listed on university staff. In his speech he stated nothing would deter
him from shining a light on this induced multiple personality disorder, to
the uproarious applause of the crowd of his professional peers.
Such was not the case when I contacted him. He said he no longer had an
interest in it, hadn't in several years, and didn't want to discuss it. Go
26 Posted on 09/27/1999 14:15:38 PDT by metalbird1
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To: jedediah smith
Thanks for the heads up.
I know the post's author, Uri Dowbenko. He's an honest guy. He proffered to
me some time back that what we are experiencing is as much a spiritual war as
anything else. I agree completely with him and would add, the way to control
the human spirit is by way of controlling the mind.
If the same Lawrence King sounds familiar to anyone, it should. If my memory
is serving me correctly, he sang at one of the GOP conventions. It is correct
exposure of this would blow open the horrors in the closets of both parties--
even to events of the moment concerning the ongoing presidential campaigning.
What was not stated in this piece, and I understand it was not intended to
cover the full realm of induced multiple personality disorder as it was about
the court decision, is this: besides the programmers using drugs, hyopnosis,
and electroshocks, what is also used is a combination of a variety of other
physical, psychological, and sexual abuse tortures--and often begin in
You mentioned not being fully clear on where some of these deprogrammers are
coming from. You may or may not be familiar with the term, 'net catcher.' It
is a person who arrives on the scene as a salvation to someone who is coming
out of programming [but actually serves as a control agent]. This can come
about from: faulty programming; the will of the mind; or a physical trauma,
such as in the case of Brice Taylor where she received injuries from an auto
27 Posted on 09/27/1999 14:40:55 PDT by metalbird1
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To: metalbird1
Make that, If the same name Lawrence King sounds familiar...
28 Posted on 09/27/1999 14:43:43 PDT by metalbird1
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To: jedediah smith
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. DeCamp (the attorney) in the mid '70's,
when he was a State Senator from Neleigh, NE. This was before his anti-child
pornography crusading began. That crusade has a bit of personal history for
him. When he was running for governor of Nebraska, trumped-up charges of
child sexual abuse were brought against him, simply because, being married to
a Vietnamese woman, the family (including his two young daughters) indulged
in the centuries-old Oriental tradition of communal family bathing. This
experience with the legal system got him involved in uncovering real sexual
abusers and in the process he has brought down many rich and/or famous
Nebraskans who were involved in this huge missing children, child prostitute,
child pornography ring. Among these were local celebrity and film critic Pete
Citron, and the owner of Peony Park (an Omaha amusement park) whose name
escapes me at the moment.
More recently I attended one of his lectures on his investigations --
fascinating, horrifying, well-documented, and now being proven in court.
BTW Federal Judge Urbom is an interesting character in his own right -- I
haven't always agreed with him, but I don't think there's any doubting his
29 Posted on 09/27/1999 15:05:34 PDT by TheHeterodoxConservative
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To: metalbird1
DeCamp worked with assassinated former CIA chief William Colby (you remember
him--the guy who decided to leave his evening meal untouched and his computer
on, so he could go canoeing barefoot, but still wearing a business suit and
tie, but no life preserver, during a violent thunderstorm--that Colby) on
Operation Phoenix in Vietnam. DeCamp got information on Monarch and MKUltra
from Colby, who warned him to stay away from this stuff.
30 Posted on 09/27/1999 15:14:00 PDT by roughrider
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To: roughrider
Yep. I didn't read DeCamp's book, but did read some of his comments about
remarks Colby made to him about warning him away from the subject in a piece
written by DeCamp.
The CIA infrastructure--in particular the operations side--didn't care much
for Colby, starting with they felt he talked too much in testimony before
But Sherman Skolnick says Colby's demise might have been moreso related to
Colby having secret meetings with loyalist flag officers discussing
militarily arresting Clinton for treason. Skolnick also says a number of
those officers as well met untimely deaths, including some in an air crash in
Alabama, and another [cause unknown to me] who commanded the Alaskan military
31 Posted on 09/27/1999 15:42:27 PDT by metalbird1
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To: TheHeterodoxConservative
Since you have some familiarity with Nebraska, I thought I'd run this past
you. Several years ago (2-3) I was told there were several reasons why
Nebraska seemed to be something of a focal point for mindkontrol abuse of
children. One was that Boys Town [and correct me if this is not on point,
that there is a girls' version there as well] is located there; and two,
Offutt AFB is located there, which is a direct NATO link--and was suggested
to me might be being used to linking this child abuse operation with Europe.
32 Posted on 09/27/1999 15:58:41 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 29 | Top | Last ]

To: TheHeterodoxConservative
Since you have some familiarity with Nebraska, I thought I'd run this past
you. Several years ago (2-3) I was told there were several reasons why
Nebraska seemed to be something of a focal point for mindkontrol abuse of
children. One was that Boys Town [and correct me if this is not on point,
that there is a girls' version there as well] is located there; and two,
Offutt AFB is located there, which is a direct NATO link--and was suggested
to me might be being used to linking this child abuse operation with Europe.
33 Posted on 09/27/1999 15:59:35 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 29 | Top | Last ]

To: metalbird1
Do you suppose the Jon Benet Ramsey case is this type of thing?
PS can't e-mail you because I don't know your e-mail.
34 Posted on 09/27/1999 16:03:48 PDT by rubbertramp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
[ Reply | To 30 | Top | Last ]

To: rubbertramp
JonBenet Ramsey: Savagery and Sexual Trauma.
I thought you had found it; at least you said as much before.
35 Posted on 09/27/1999 16:23:33 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 34 | Top | Last ]

To: metalbird1
I wish I had followed this story more closely. I recall DeCamp talking about
a farm near Bellevue, which is where Offutt is. Strategic Air Command
certainly has facilities for anything like that they'd want. I had a cousin
who took us on a declassified tour; he wasn't into any of the spy stuff, just
a weather guy, but his offices were on about the 5th floor -- below ground.
We always kidded him about how he could tell what the weather was like from
down there....
Whether or not Offutt or SAC is being used, the simple fact that there are a
lot of bigwigs with various kinds of diplomatic immunity and clearances
flying back and forth to Europe would certainly facilitate trade in
mind-controlled children, pornography, drugs, you name it. That would
certainly be one logical trafficking point; you're right.
As to Boys' Town (and, yes, there are girls there, too) being used; I don't
think it's the kind of clearing/warehouse for runaways that it was when I was
a kid; but there's a passel of behavior experts, child psychologists and the
like there, since there's a lot of troubled youths there. I'd hate to think
that Father Flannigan's life's work would be involved in those kind of
dealings, but who knows?
36 Posted on 09/27/1999 16:29:09 PDT by TheHeterodoxConservative
[ Reply | To 33 | Top | Last ]

To: jedediah smith
to self bookmark
37 Posted on 09/27/1999 16:29:15 PDT by Scrambler Bob
[ Reply | To 1 | Top | Last ]

To: metalbird1
So that means you got my e-mail.
38 Posted on 09/27/1999 16:41:08 PDT by rubbertramp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
[ Reply | To 35 | Top | Last ]

To: TheHeterodoxConservative
What would you have me tell you next, that the Boy Scouts park CIA operatives
at their headquarters in between asssignments?
39 Posted on 09/27/1999 16:47:53 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 36 | Top | Last ]

To: jedediah smith
If there were ever a reason for eternal damnation, this would be it. To think
of the beautiful wonderful children robbed of their spirit, soul, and mind.
To be desecrated and forced to perform vile acts with pure evil flowing
through their once innocent bodies.
What kind of government would not only allow but be ultimately the chief
perpertrator of these heinous crimes? All the while acting out a script which
is written to give them some sort of semblance of keeping these very things
from happening.
On a similar note, how many people have looked into the fact that the father
of Eric Harris of the Columbine HS massacre was tied to MK-Ultra? How he was
in the Air Force and was stationed at Platsburg, NY, reportedly a center for
this kind of thing? Or how the chief FBI investigator looking into Columbine
is the father of the boy who shot the video of Harris and Kliebold (sp?)
shooting up the school in a mock video the year before?
40 Posted on 09/27/1999 17:32:46 PDT by FormerLurker
[ Reply | To 1 | Top | Last ]

To: metalbird1
Supposedly Mark Phillips, the netcatcher, while deprogramming these subjects
is also removing or blocking all their memories of Henry Kissinger. And also
discrediting the subjects afterward. I suspect he also plants false memories,
such as to implicate Reagan (though he was no choirboy, either).
Speaking of Reagan, you might appreciate this story I heard from a reliable
source. Supposedly, before the 1980 campaign, Reagan said publicly that he
would never accept George Bush as a running mate. Then two days later he
announced that Bush would be his VP candidate. Jerry Falwell was backing
Reagan and asked him why the sudden turnaround. Reagan said, "Nancy and I
just experienced the worst two days of our lives, and I don't want to say any
more." (Not an exact quote).
BTW, according to DeCamp, Larry King sang at two Republican national
conventions in the '80s.
41 Posted on 09/28/1999 05:31:28 PDT by jedediah smith
[ Reply | To 27 | Top | Last ]

To: jedediah smith
Just as a necessary clarification---so there's zero confusion---the Larry
[Lawrence] King you mention (the same person as in the posted article above)
is NOT the Larry King talk show host. They are two different people.
Without doubt, I know you know.
42 Posted on 09/28/1999 09:47:35 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 41 | Top | Last ]

To: sal
43 Posted on 09/28/1999 09:49:15 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 42 | Top | Last ]

To: jedediah smith
44 Posted on 09/28/1999 15:15:41 PDT by FormerLurker
[ Reply | To 1 | Top | Last ]

To: jedediah smith
Does this case relate directly to the FBI testimony that brought it into the
WH? Specifically one revered leader.
If so, do you have referance to that cite?
45 Posted on 09/28/1999 15:35:05 PDT by NDCORUP
[ Reply | To 15 | Top | Last ]

To: rubbertramp
Here's a book review that may give some insight to the skeptical ---
Constantine--220 P.- 1995 - $15.00
This book is sure to shatter the casual reader's most comfortable delusions.
Bombing minds rather than bodies is the warfare of the new millennium. Alex
Constantine's explosive book uncovers the terrifying extent of
electromagnetic and bio-telemetric mind control experimentation on
involuntary human subjects in America today. Funded under the euphemism of
"Non-Lethal technology", the Pentagon has developed the ability to transmit
voices and inflict pain, madness, and even death at the push of a button.
Hard to believe ? Believe it !
Official sources have publicly admitted to the existence of such technology.
Psychic Dictatorship tracks the use of Cults by intelligence organization as
"cover" for arms sales, mind control, and even child abuse to create
assassins with multiple personality syndrome. The late actor River Phoenix,
was the most conspicuous victim of the "Children of God" cult, which preached
sex between adults and children while collaborating with South American
Dictators. Psychic Dictatorship's wide ranging contents veer from the
esoteric to the everyday. A stunning chapter investigates the history and
effects of the artificial sweetener Nutrasweet, and it's role in the dumbing
of America.
Alex Constantine is the Author of "Blood, Carnage and Agent Provacatuer"
(About the L.A. riots) and a book about the role of Non-Lethal technology as
used in the OJ. Simpson case.
46 Posted on 09/28/1999 16:35:37 PDT by NDCORUP
[ Reply | To 34 | Top | Last ]

Hey, bud. Here's my contribution for today. This will make more sense on this
thread than on the other I just posted it to. Thanks for the help in
spreading the word. Thanks also to dawnal, who I haven't seen around here
much lately.
King's partner, Craig Spence, was identified by the *Washington Times*, 29
June 1989, as having taken a group of homosexual prostitutes on a tour of the
White House, and having among his clients "key officials of the Reagan and
Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides, and U.S. and
foreign business men with close ties to Washington's political elite"; the
newspaper also reported that some of the call boys were suspected of being
agents of Soviet espionage. Before Spence could be forced to testify, he was
found dead in a Boston hotel, a "suicide." The brother of Alisha, the girl
who would not retract her testimony, was arrested on a minor charge and found
hanged in his unlocked cell in the jail, leaving a "suicide note" that was
not in his handwriting. The brother of another victim supposedly blew his
brains out while playing Russian Roulette. One of King's lover boys was
suspected of intending to give evidence; he committed "suicide," and his
close associate died when he "fell" out of the window of a hotel. A man who
organized some of King's homosexual parties committed "suicide." A Special
Investigator, Gary Caradori, who had accumulated a vast amount of evidence
about Larry King's use of captive children, was killed, together with his
young son, when his small airplane exploded in mid-air, and his files were
promptly seized and sequestered by the Federal Bureau of Intimidation. The
woman who first called attention to the enforced prostitution of children in
a foster home was killed in an "automobile accident." You see, your rulers
are fairly thorough in covering up their spoor.
47 Posted on 09/28/1999 21:54:03 PDT by bondhue1
[ Reply | To 46 | Top | Last ]

To: bondhue1
I wonder how many folks realize that the evil one goes after the children?
48 Posted on 09/29/1999 04:06:44 PDT by NDCORUP
[ Reply | To 47 | Top | Last ]

Thanks for the tip...will read. This administration's pretense at being for
the children is appalling.
49 Posted on 09/29/1999 04:13:06 PDT by rubbertramp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
[ Reply | To 48 | Top | Last ]

To: metalbird1
You are such a coy mister.;o)
50 Posted on 09/29/1999 04:14:38 PDT by rubbertramp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
[ Reply | To 1 | Top | Last ]

Yes, Bonacci was abused by Larry King, who was involved in the Franklin
Credit Union financial fraud case in Omaha, Neb. Bonacci and other children
were taken to Washington for use at parties by politicians. Some of them
identified our honorable former VP and Pres. Bush as being there as well.
51 Posted on 09/29/1999 07:03:39 PDT by jedediah smith
[ Reply | To 45 | Top | Last ]

To: rubbertramp
Their use of the phrase "for the children," must be some kind of satanic
inside joke. If this doesn't wake America up, nothing will.
52 Posted on 09/29/1999 07:10:08 PDT by jedediah smith
[ Reply | To 49 | Top | Last ]

To: jedediah smith
A related thread....
Child Abuse at the Presidio
53 Posted on 09/29/1999 07:10:54 PDT by FormerLurker
[ Reply | To 51 | Top | Last ]

To: jedediah smith
At one time the statements of the FBI agent that was involved in tracking
this were on the Web. I was hoping someone could snag them again to give some
more verification, but my searches haven't turned them up again.
He specifically mentioned the VP office as being involved.
54 Posted on 09/29/1999 07:43:58 PDT by NDCORUP
[ Reply | To 51 | Top | Last ]

To: rubbertramp
Me, coy? Yes and no.
55 Posted on 09/29/1999 08:00:44 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 50 | Top | Last ]

Sorry, I didn't quite understand your question. You may be referring to
ex-FBI agent Ted Gunderson, who was involved in this case. I just came across
his work myself, so I don't have any websites to share. He was an FBI agent
for 27 years, retiring as head of the LA office. Apparently he has devoted
his life to researching these satanic ritual abuse crimes. He also is
involved in the Jeffrey McDonald case, the Green Beret who was accused of
murdering his family in Ft. Bragg, N.C. in 1970. Gunderson believes he has
found the real murderer, a woman who fulfilled her initiation into a satanic
cult by murdering McDonald's family. He says there was a satanic cult
involved in drug smuggling with the government along the east coast, hiding
the drugs in soldiers' bodies during the Vietnam War.
I have heard people attack Gunderson's credibility, and I posted a pretty
far-out interview of his (re: Foster's murder) here which was yanked. But he
seems credible to me. As far as the Franklin case is concerned, he said it led
 to Bush Sr., so I'm sure he's stepping on the wrong toes.
56 Posted on 09/29/1999 08:09:38 PDT by jedediah smith
[ Reply | To 54 | Top | Last ]

To: jedediah smith
Gunderson is the name that rings a bell, Thanks.
Re; The mention of Anton LaVey, A law enforcement family member of mine told
me some years back about meeting LaVey in an investigation of some child
murders in St.Louis. Several years later he had a chance encounter with LaVey
again and was a little un-nerved by LaVey calling him by his first and last
LaVey, evidently, was an example of an "aura" of evil when you were near him.
I've met some like that myself. Slick was one of them.
57 Posted on 09/29/1999 10:52:02 PDT by NDCORUP
[ Reply | To 56 | Top | Last ]

To: metalbird1
The air crash taking the lives of the high-ranking officers involved a
military Lear jet that crashed in Alabama the night before the OKC Bombing,
58 Posted on 09/29/1999 16:50:04 PDT by roughrider
[ Reply | To 31 | Top | Last ]

To: roughrider + all
I cannot say for certain, but thought the Alabama plane crash had occurred
more recently. I was not able to pull up Skolnick's site,
www.skolnicksreport.com. In any event, here is a list of persons now deceased
Skolnick states were intending on arresting Clinton for treason:
Former CIA Director William Colby. His death has been discussed at length
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy "Michael" Boorda, purportedly a
suicide yet his death records were heavily blacked out in a Freedom of
Information Act request.
Death of Lt. General David McCloud.
Death of Vice Admiral Donald Engen, Ret.
59 Posted on 09/29/1999 17:48:12 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 58 | Top | Last ]

To: metalbird1
According to DeCamp in his book, Colby said he supported Clinton. Though
Colby could be among the many people who have changed their opinion of
Clinton with the passage of time, I would think he would have known all along
how corrupt he really was. If indeed he did a 180 and decided to get Clinton,
he must have really been out of the loop initially.
60 Posted on 09/29/1999 18:22:11 PDT by jedediah smith
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To: jedediah smith
Mr. Peepers [Colby] was a funny bird. While reportedly involved in Operation
Phoenix in Vietnam garnered the disdain [to put it mildly] of his CIA peers
in their view of talking too much before Congress. I read that a mixed bag of
61 Posted on 09/29/1999 18:31:24 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 60 | Top | Last ]

To: metalbird1
Thanks again for the heads up. This one actually cheered me up for two
reasons: some justice for the innocent victims (not enough!) and this fact of
an actual, verifiable court case makes it easier to present to sheeple. Of
course, there's the old question, 'why didn't I hear this on TV?', but I use
that as an opportunity to further discredit TV 'news'. When you can tell
them, "You can check it for yourself!", it's fairly effective.
62 Posted on 09/30/1999 00:28:28 PDT by Sal
[ Reply | To 43 | Top | Last ]

To: metalbird1
BTW, Media Bypass--any opinion on it. They've exposed so much, but then again
there's good 'ole MPD Lawrence Myers who lied under oath in the frame job on
Hayes. MP followed up on that case for a while and reamed Myers pretty good,
but then they are printing articles BY him again. I didn't read the article,
but I saw it in a copy for sale at a gun show. I asked the vendor who
acknowledged the inconsistency, but he didn't know what was going on.
63 Posted on 09/30/1999 00:33:00 PDT by Sal
[ Reply | To 61 | Top | Last ]

To: Slym
Re: Colby, see posts 58, 59, 61. I think there are also some interesting
things along the way in this thread.
64 Posted on 09/30/1999 01:00:11 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 61 | Top | Last ]

To: Sal
While I hadn't kept up on it, I thought he'd been tossed out on his ear as a
soppen stooge in a purge, only, like you, to see his return and thought, what
gives? That be all I knew on the matter.
65 Posted on 09/30/1999 01:08:01 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 63 | Top | Last ]

To: roughrider
Re: the Alexander City, Alabama plane crash: Military Brass Die in Crash.
It occurred April 17, 1995, two days before OKC. Your point is taken, which
was the same as Skolnick's all along [which is who I had originally heard it
from]; it's just I didn't recollect him tying it into OKC, so the date was
nebulous to me.
66 Posted on 10/03/1999 05:14:14 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 58 | Top | Last ]

To: Sal
See link at post 66 for much on Lawrence Myers and Media Bypass
magazine--even some tie-ins to OKC!
67 Posted on 10/03/1999 05:18:00 PDT by metalbird1
[ Reply | To 63 | Top | Last ]

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