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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Winkel)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: A Plan To Reform Earth Day
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:22:44 -0500 (CDT)

/** headlines: 399.0 **/
** Topic: A Plan To Reform Earth Day **
** Written 11:12 PM  Sep 13, 1999 by econet in cdp:headlines **
/* Written 5:48 AM  Sep 13, 1999 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in ef.general */
/* ---------- "Usual Suspects#17- Earth Day, A Reform Plan" ---------- */

THE USUAL SUSPECTS LIST - writings for activists by Jim Britell

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SUMMARY: Because of the near total corporate control over Earth Day,
it has deteriorated into the kind of corporate greenwashing that gives
a polluting pulpmill a plaque for printing their annual report on
recycled paper. But, instead of being the one day of the year
polluters can depend on to be "criticism-free", it could be an
occasion for community groups and students to do practical, hands-on
projects that give people the tools, resources and motivation to solve
the most important environmental problems facing their communities -
instead of just gumming them.

A PLAN TO REFORM EARTH DAY by Jim Britell, 9/11/99

For many years Kalmiopsis Audubon has observed Earth Day by totally
ignoring it. Many grassroots, environmental-activist groups do nothing
to observe this event and the area of Southern Oregon and Northern
California has become known as an "Earth Day Free Zone."

The Southwest Environmental Center in Arizona boycotted Tucson's 1999
Earth Day celebration after being told that participants were not
permitted to criticize the event's sponsors: Raytheon Missile Systems,
Waste Management, and HBP Copper. Earth First! actually crashed the
downtown parade with a banner proclaiming: "Raytheon Presents: Kill
The Earth Day."

The reason many activists avoid Earth Day is that in most cities in
the United States, corporations have gained control of local Earth Day
planning committees through contributions of time and money. They use
their influence to make sure local groups don't do anything to
embarrass local polluters or corporate "bad guys". The entire event
has become safely diffused, suitably vague, uncontroversial and
solidly focused on promoting green consumerism. Earth Day is the one
day of the year corporate polluters know they will be practically

Earth Day has become an embodiment of the mindset which watches a
local watershed clear-cut and destroyed, devotes volunteer weekends to
replanting trees donated by the clear-cutter, then gives everybody
awards for "working together". Or has groups of school children taking
water samples in a damaged stream channel to collect "monitoring
data," while another clear-cut begins on the ridge above them. Or
gives an award to a local polluting pulpmill for printing its annual
report on recycled paper. A "real" Earth Day would give people the
tools, resources, and motivation to stop clear-cuts and clean up
pulpmills in the first place.

Through a clever exploitation of "what YOU can do," Earth Day
displaces citizens' concerns about pollution, environmental
degradation, and over-development into a focus on personal behavior
and personal consumption patterns. Of course all of us have to improve
our personal habits, and recycle more, promote solar energy, use
bicycles, and "work together." But "all of us" are not responsible for
the clear-cutting of Oregon's forests, the pollution run-off from
industrial pig and chicken farms in Virginia, and the pervasive
non-enforcement of our environmental laws everywhere. "A few of us"
are responsible for really horrific environmental problems and Earth
Day could and should be the one day where "bad actors" are called out
and named and shamed into cleaning up their acts; instead of the day
they get environmental awards.

"Acceptable" environmental education, financed by corporations and
implemented by local governments and schools (of which Earth Day is
merely the most prominent example) is now dedicated almost entirely to
insuring the widespread and growing concerns about the environment,
pollution, over-development, and sprawl are channeled into harmless
activities and dissipated.

Corporate sponsors' goals for Earth Day and all environmental
education are simple: an individual company's behavior must never be
singled out for scrutiny and environmental concern must never be
expressed as environmental activism. If they can accomplish this, they
are willing to furnish unlimited seedlings, paper bags with green
writing, and funds to print brochures on how to recycle product
containers that shouldn't have been produced or purchased in the first

Of course grassroots activists should never discourage activities just
because they are non-controversial. It is necessary to find ways
people can do things appropriate to their level of awareness and
commitment to involvement. It is a good thing to advocate for more
bicycles, for more recycling options, for more trees planted to
replace the ones cut down, to encourage solar power, and to teach kids
how to build worm farms. But, alas, saving the environment cannot
occur through the implementation of these kinds of non-confrontational
projects alone; any more than a drug-infested community can be cleaned
up by putting up posters and having the police talk to kids in the
schools. A community with pervasive drug and crime problems cannot
"restore" a crime-free environment with "partnerships" with drug
dealers. It must confront its criminal element. Indeed it would be a
foolish community that financed a crime-prevention program with grants
from drug dealers. But if it did, it would get programs to fight crime
problems that are equivalent to those that Corporations promote to
fight environmental problems. A community, in a serious effort to
fight a drug problem, would not rely exclusively on projects that
encouraged law-abiding citizens to take pledges to lead crime-free
personal lives. A community that adopts solutions to either crime or
environmental problems that treats criminals or polluters as
"partners" and gives them plaques for their "small, but positive
steps" is not stopping crime or pollution , it is just becoming an

It is easy to separate the sincere environmentalists from the phonies
in environmental action and education. Ask individuals for their help
to go after a polluter, clear-cutter or specific environmental threat
to your community. Sincere, environmentally-concerned folks, whatever
their specific projects or interests, will willingly pitch in. Not
only will the phonies not help you, they may even oppose you as
disruptive or accuse you of being counterproductive to environmental
progress. A friend once told me that the most virulent and ugly
reaction he ever received from any of his mailings, was of forest
activist literature he sent to school and community educators
responsible for conducting the national environmental education
program called "Project Learning tree.

The pervasive pabulum of environmental education has created a void of
practical hands-on projects that address the root-causes of our
environmental problems. If we are to create community-based,
environmental awareness, we need to encourage practical projects that
heighten citizens' awareness and not confuse them or displace their
energies into harmless and ineffective busy work. We need activities
and projects that can be packaged in a kit that can be sent to schools
and local groups looking for alternatives to the thin gruel that
presently serves as teachers' aids.

And only working activists are likely to create these projects. The
following are examples of the kinds of projects any activist group can
do with volunteers or students the next time Earth Day rolls around.
These are hands-on opportunities that could lead to actual change in
peoples' minds and in their communities. They are easy to organize,
fun to do, and will provide substance for people who want to "do
something" for Earth Day.


Each of these projects could be the subject of a segment in an overall
program in a "teacher's kit" format which includes appropriate
reference materials, examples, posters, exercises, and other
audio-visual materials to raise the awareness of the participants
about the sources of environmental damage. Participants will learn
what threats communities face which have not yet surfaced and will
begin to understand the power which corporate "bad guys" use to
forestall solving problems. Upon completion of these projects and
exercises, participants will have the tools and understanding to
identify threats and, more importantly, be able to protect their
community. These projects are intended to balance the current
imbalance between well-funded, well-connected, and politically
powerful "bad actors" and the average person. Here's how to begin.

1. Who owns the land in your county?

All community environmental activism starts by finding out exactly who
controls the land, how they got it, and what they intend to do with
it. Tax and property records are open and available to everybody. To
understand the true sources of "power" in an area, prepare a report
identifying the top ten land-owners in the county, how much property
they own, and where their land is located. When the Coast Range
Association researched all the counties in Western Oregon for
industrial forest ownership, they learned that four or five
corporations owned 70% to 80% of the land in those counties, that most
of those corporations were out of state, and that the largest
landowner was a non-US corporation! From this type of research people
will learn that a corporation powerful enough to flout environmental
laws is also strong enough to get its taxes assessed at reduced rates
and obtain public funds to run its business also. When you get around
to advocating environmental enforcement, these kinds of facts will
make it easier to get your message understood and acted upon.

2. Who owns your local newspaper?

Most of what you know about your community depends on what your local
newspaper is willing to tell you. Who really owns the news in your
community? Count up the column inches in the advertisements to see
what individuals and businesses actually pay the salaries of the
editors and reporters. If your community's biggest problem is sprawl
and over-development, it is useful to know what percentage of the
local paper's revenue comes from real estate ads.

3. Who finances the political campaigns of your elected politicians?

If you are involved in any environmental campaign where the solutions
you seek involve elected politicians, (or anyone accountable to an
elected politician), you need to know who pays for their campaigns.
Fortunately in the United States, contributions to politicians must be
reported. Every contributor's name, occupation, contribution date, and
amount is on public record for anyone to examine. For example, if your
county's biggest problem is corporate pig farms and the hog industry
is providing the lion's share of funds to finance state political
races, you are unlikely to get anyone on the state level to take you
seriously. Political contributions provide perfect pointers to the
issues and position politicians will favor and the people your elected
officials are responsive to.

Many contributors will be names that are unknown to you, but by
looking for their addresses and common surnames, you can find spouses
and children of corporate employees who use this as a way to get
around the campaign limits. If any names of large contributors are
unknown to you, track them down to see what special interest they
represent. In general, especially for politicians and officials
friendly to "bad guys," nobody donates $500 or more without some
financial interest. When a corporation wants to invest in a candidate,
you may find half or more of their contributions coming from their
company attorneys, lobbyists, members of their board of directors, and
their families.

4. Toxic dumps and pollution in your area: are they a problem?

Recently, information has become available about the location of every
toxic dump and polluter anywhere in the country. If you are concerned
about air and water pollution in your area, find out who is
responsible for creating it. Make multi-colored maps showing the
prevailing wind and surface and ground-water flows in your area
relative to the known polluters and toxic hot spots. This information
will be useful in dealing with proposals for plant expansions, new
housing developments, and all "growth" and community health related
issues. To find the names of your community's polluters just go to
http://www.scorecard.org/ and enter your zip code.

5. Has your representative sponsored any anti-environmental bills?

The best-kept secret in America is the continual stream of
anti-environmental bills that legislators generate. Many more bills
pass in committees and sub-committees than ever become actual laws or
make the news. The voting record of legislators is usually far worse
than is generally understood. The continual passing of laws
restricting land-use control and enforcement of endangered species
acts, the defunding of environmental enforcement, and the advancing of
pro-development and sprawl-type schemes, hobble regulatory agencies
and keep them continually on the defensive. Most citizens are
completely clueless about what their legislators are doing. Your local
newspaper is not likely to tell you. Monitor the legislative
committees and find out about environmental issues and about "bad
votes." Write them up as letters to the editor or op-ed articles for
the local newspapers in hopes you can inform your community about
legislative issues that adversely impact your area.

6. What bad bills are moving through your state's legislature?

Get a list of bad bills and special interest legislation from the
League of Conservation Voters, the League of Women Voters, the Sierra
Club, Audubon, the Wilderness Society and the other national groups
with a presence in your state. Most likely they will know what will be
coming up for a vote. Find out how a bill works its way through the
legislature and where bad bills are in the process. Learn how your
representative intends to vote on pending bills and publicize this

7. What development and sprawl is in the pipeline?

County planning department records are open to the public and there is
no reason for anyone to be surprised to find bulldozers going in and
destroying a forest or filling a wetland. All development plans in the
US are filed and processed months, sometimes years, in advance and
there are usually many ways citizens can modify or stop these schemes.
But you must know at an early stage exactly what projects are being
proposed if you hope to influence them. Generally planning and zoning
meetings, while open to the public, draw scant public interest or
attendance except for the exceptional issue of "I live next door and I
don't like it." This type of input is almost always disregarded. But
with a little advance research and preparation, a surprising amount of
development can be successfully opposed on legal merits. Local
planning and zoning issues, unlike many public land matters, may
require citizens to actually go to meetings, sign in at the door and
secure "standing." But if you miss a key meeting, you may find to your
dismay that you lack subsequent "standing" to influence that decision.

Make lists that track the status of proposed projects, where they will
be sited, and when hearings will be held. Look back at the meeting
minutes to see what members of your planning commission always vote to
approve bad projects and who votes against them. Find out those
members' backgrounds and who appointed them and when the next vacancy
will occur. If there are limitations on how many developers can serve
at one time, see if these rules are being observed. Are developers and
contractors getting appointed to planning boards without disclosing
who they really represent? Do developers recuse themselves from
decisions where they have a conflict of interest?

8. Are there threatened and endangered species in your area? Where are
your wetlands?

The first responsibility of all people, and especially
environmentalists, is to protect and retain the full complement of all
species in viable ecosystems. To do this, you need to know what plant
and animals are in danger and where they are. State and Federal
agencies maintain listings and surveys for Threatened and Endangered
Species. Know where they are located so you can track, and hopefully
stop, any projects that might adversely affect them. Talk to your
local and state fish and wildlife biologists. They always know where
adverse activities to threatened and endangered species are being
planned and they can tell you how to stop them, not in a professional
capacity but as a citizen. Often they can not do much about these
things within their agencies because of environmental enforcement
being what it is today.

Get on the Army Corps of Engineers' list to be notified of any
wetlands fill and removal permits. Set up tours to visit these places.
The interesting thing about wetlands fill, development projects, water
withdrawal permits, and a host of matters covered by environmental
statutes, is that the staffs of Fish and Wildlife, state land-use
agencies, and the Army Corps of Engineers are often delighted to use
their statutory authorities for good ends. They just need someone or a
group as justification for doing the right thing.

The primary purpose of citizens' involvement in the administrative
process is often just to provide cover to agency officers who can then
point to public concern or the threat of legal oversight or possible
litigation as the excuse they need to actually enforce the laws. For
every State or Federal official who is trying to find ways to avoid
enforcing the environmental laws, there are probably ten who are
desperate for any expression of citizen environmental concern to use
as cover for them to crack down on some "bad guy".

If police departments were run the same way environmental regulatory
agencies are, citizens would have to make written complaints before
the police pulled speeders over for a warning, and lawsuits would have
to be threatened against the police for not doing their job, before
they would issue tickets. Anti-environment legislators lack the votes
to repeal environmental laws outright, but through their control of
appointments and budgets they have effectively crippled environmental
enforcement process at the local, state, and federal level.
Nevertheless, good laws are on the books, and can be enforced - but
generally only to the extent that citizens actually demand it.
Unfortunately the operative rule for most environmental and planning
agencies is: " if no complaint is filed, then there is no problem to
look into." Or worse: no public objection, no way for the agency to
say "no."

9. Make a checklist of environmental-related contacts.

Make a list of all city, county, state, and federal officials and
agency staff who have responsibility for the environment: DEQ, Army
Corps of Engineers, city, county and state planning and land-use
departments, State and Federal Fish and Wildlife agencies. Include a
one or two sentence description of the responsibilities of each, along
with a contact name, title, address, fax, phone, and E-mail. Call it
the Citizens' Action List. Then when citizens want to inquire about a
potential problem, they will have a way to do it. No matter what
issues arise, there will be a guide in hand that shows people exactly
where to inquire, who is responsible, and who to contact.

10. Who finances Earth Day in your area?

It will be hard to do anything substantive to improve things for Earth
Day if the planning committee and organizers are the same people who
have created pollution sprawl and over-development in the first place.
They will be paid to participate and you will probably be just a
volunteer. And they will have more time and resources then you do.
Keep them off the planning and organizing committees in the first
place. If corporate "bad guys" want to get together to help with
recycling or promoting bicycles, that is fine. Just don't get real
activism mixed up with their treacly feel-good "everywhere and
nowhere" schemes. At a minimum make sure your Earth Day committee
doesn't include any of the top 100 corporate criminals. You can see
who they are at:

Nothing would further the environmental interests of the country more
than one day a year when people focused on the individual polluters
and the specific pollution, sprawl, and environmental degradation in
their own backyards. The powerful idea "Think Globally and Act
Locally" is just a mindless mantra when you are utterly clueless about
what is really going on in your local community. Oh, by the way, don't
expect corporate sponsors and corporate "partners" to attend any Earth
Day celebration that actually points a finger at, places a spotlight
on, or really deals with any specific environmental problem.


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- To subscribe use the "new subscriber" form on the web site below.

- This essay and my other writings are archived at http://britell.com/

- $ Contributions are welcome to defer costs of producing this series
and reprint these essays for distribution at conferences.

- Next 3 Essays in progress: The Ethics of the Makah Whale Hunt - when
good people do bad things; A Critical look at Conservation Biology and
the Wildlands Project; Why Email often leads to Flaming.

- I will be speaking at the National Forest Protection Convention,
October 16, in Carbondale, Illinois on "Grassroots Environmental and
Political Organizing."

- Comments and suggestions? Write.

Copyright 1999 Jim Britell

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