-Caveat Lector-

American liberalism and fifth columns

By James Henry
No. 111,   8-14 March 1999

Many Americans are complaining about the use of US troops in places like
Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia, Somalia, etc. What these critics have missed is
that it is a liberal president who sent them there and did so with the
support of liberal-minded Congressmen and Senators. This fact is vitally
important because it gives us a clue as to what is really going on here. If
we examine the 1972 George McGovern presidential campaign we find that it
provided the means by which those who are deeply hostile to American values
and contemptuous of its history and traditions were able to worm their way
into mainstream politics. It is now their ideological values that dominate
the Democratic Party whose only genuine resemblance to the party of Truman
and Kennedy is in name only.

These are the people who supported Hanoi's conquest of South Vietnam and who
broke a solemn pledge to supply Saigon with the means to protect itself
against communist aggression. These are same liberals whose political
treachery made Pol Pot's murderous regime possible. The same ones who opposed
the Reagan military build up that finally broke the back of the Soviet
Empire. And did they not also condemn operation Desert Storm? Didn't these
very people oppose every initiative and action that curtailed Soviet
expansion? Aren't these the people who supported the Marxist Sandinista's and
still rationalise Castro's regime? Yet they now callously put at risk the
lives of American troops in places that do not in anyway serve American
interests. Why?

Perhaps all of this will confuse some readers. Maybe they will put it down to
left-wing inconsistency or hypocrisy. They would be wrong because there is a
very definite pattern here. Every policy these left-wing Senators and
Congressmen (I will now refer to liberals as left-wing) strenuously opposed
was designed to promote American interests. Every military policy they now
support is not only unrelated to American interests they actually endanger
them by unnecessarily making enemies. They broke the agreement with Saigon
because it was in the interest of American and its allies to prevent a
communist victory. On the other hand, they strongly support and defend
treaties that violate US sovereignty and endanger national security.

Now we have it — no conspiracy but a deep rooted hatred of America. To them,
America is a racist, sexist, oppressive and exploitative capitalist state.
Therefore, because it is unjust and aggressive, actions, treaties and
agreements that serve its interests must be unjust by definition and
therefore need to be resisted. Breaking the agreement with Saigon which put
the South Vietnamese under communist tyranny was just because the North was a
socialist state. This is what Tom Hayden thought and it is what he still
thinks. And what happened to Hayden? He got himself a Senate seat in
California. Has he changed his views? Of course not. But Hayden is but one of
many. There is Henry Waxman of Hollywood, Maxine Waters of California, Rep.
Peter DeFazio of Oregon, Rep. Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, Rep. Major Owens
of New York, Rep. Lane Evans of Illinois. What these members of Congress have
in common is their open connection with the Democratic Socialists of America.
Former Congressman Ron Dellums is still asssociated with the organisation).**
These are the people people who would send your sons and daughters to a
Bosnia or a Kosovo while voting against a missile defence system. Why?
Because the former does not serve US interests while the latter does.

Recent events have clearly demonstrated that the majority of Democratic
Senators and members of Congress are to varying degrees within the Waxman
socialist camp. This is the real problem. Not conspiracy but ideology. So why
don't Republicans attack these people's socialist views and expose them to
the American public? Because they fear the media's smear machine. They know
the Democrats' media storm troopers would immediately leap into action with
screams of "McCarthyism", "reds under the beds", "political persecution",
etc, because the media itself is basically left-wing.

Between 1979 and 1980 S. Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman interviewed 240
journalists employed by the country's leading media outlets. Less than 20 per
cent had ever voted Republican and 56 per cent honestly believed that America
exploited the Third World and was the cause of its poverty. Since then things
have only gotten worse. In April last year the Freedom Forum released a
nationwide survey conducted by the Roper Organization which showed that 89
per cent of all journalists had voted for Clinton and that only 4 per cent
are Republicans. Not only that, 96 per cent of these journalists thought it
was their role to 'educate' the public rather than simply report the news.

Now you know why the media covered up for Clinton and supports military
intervention in areas that are of no strategic or political interest to the
US while still attacking the strategic defense initiative that is designed to
protect Americans against a nuclear attack. And where did this lot get its
ideas from? Our university humanity departments, of course. Those who believe
that the American media is corrupt are absolutely right. But it is
ideological corruption. That is what attracted me to The New Australian.
This, I thought, is a publication that truly hits the nail on the head. It
knows where the real danger lies, just as Horowitz's CSPC (Center for the
Study of Popular Culture) does. We are well and truly in the midst of a
cultural civil war.

Without a doubt the enemy is within and a good slice of the Democratic Party
has joined it. Perhaps it should change its name to the Fifth Column Party.
At least that would be honest.

*In Australia and other Western countries liberals are usually defined as

**Ron Dellums, former Congressman and closet socialist, made his hateful
feelings plain when he attacked "America [as] a nation of niggers . . . If
you are black, you are a nigger. If you are blind, you're a nigger. If you
are an amputee, you're a nigger...Blind people, poor whites, those far to the
left are all niggers . . ." This is the same humane socialist who voted for
breaking the agreement with the Cambodian and Saigon governments, resulting
in the deaths of millions. Dellums is so enamored of Castro's totalitarian
regime he once turned over his offices for the use of committees set up by
Cuban agents. Your're right — the word for this is treason.

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