-Caveat Lector-

Another Free Energy Cover-up

                                        The Story of Dennis Lee

                                            By Alison David
                                         Better World Technology
                                             P.O. Box 653
                                         McAfee, NJ 07428, USA

Published in Nexus Magazine, Australia June-July 1994 Issue Pages 46-49
and 69

In 1987 Dennis Lee discovered he could make free electricity a rather
astounding discovery for the son of two migrant farm workers. The
possibilities this discovery presented both elated him and frightened him.
He was elated that there was a simple solution to the pollution and energy
problems that were destroying the balance of nature on our planet, and
shaken at the size of the discovery he had made. Free, independently
produced energy meant people no longer had to be hooked up to the
central power lines. It meant no more offshore drilling for oil, or oil spills that
were killing the oceans. It meant no more dependence on foreign oil. It
meant water could be pumped into desert lands dying of drought, and
crops could be grown to eliminate famine. It meant no more electric line
leakage that causes a general depletion in health as well as cancers; no
more greenhouse effect, air pollution, toxic waste or water pollution. It
meant the health of the planet and its people could be restored. It meant a
boom for the economy and new jobs for millions of unemployed workers.
Since everything runs on energy, the implications to the economies of the
developing as well as industrialised nations, of clean and simple, 'no cost-
to-produce' energy was overwhelming. The responsibility of such a
discovery was frightening. But, what was even more frightening was the
response that Dennis Lee would encounter when he attempted to bring the
technology that could accomplish all this to the people.

His story began in 1985 when Dennis Lee introduced his Super Heat
Pump in his native state of Washington on a risk-free 'system-for-savings'
program. The heat pump was so efficient it could save 70-80% of heat and
hot water costs, and when his marketing program proved to be highly
successful, the central utility was not pleased with the competition. They
encouraged the Attorney General's Office to bring a suit against Lee's
company. The baseless lawsuit was an attempt to discredit him and the
technology. Subsequently, his factory was broken into virtually every night,
The media splashed bad publicity across the papers regularly, his financial
backers were encouraged to pull out, and the Attorney General's Office
encouraged his customers to back out of the deal. Papers stolen from his
factory turned up in the possession of the Deputy District Attorney. Although
it was in no one's interest (except perhaps the utilities) to put his company
out of business, the Attorney General's Office attempted to do just that.

Dennis Lee's customers signed petitions asking the Attorney General's
Office to stop 'protecting' them and dismiss the suit, or at the very least
allow him to be able to perform on their contracts. Despite the ridiculous
civil suit that required his company to do what it was already doing, and the
overwhelming obstacles placed in his way, Lee's company overcame.
When it was obvious that the company could not be destroyed using these
tactics, other methods followed. A hired plant solicited enough unrest to get
an involuntary bankruptcy filed, although the company was in good financial
shape at the time. When Lee proved he could still turn things around, the
harassers arranged a hostile takeover of the company. Lee, who once
believed that fascist tactics belonged to other governments, discovered his
first hard lesson in the 'just-us' system: that here in America, law
enforcement agencies are often used to protect powerful money interests
and not the interests of the citizens. He quietly left to pick up the pieces

He moved to Boston to continue his efforts with a company associate. It
was here, less than one year after the utilities first destroyed his efforts, that
he discovered he could make 'free electricity' using the technology of the
Super Heat Pump. How ironic, after they had forced him out of business,
that he would discover a technology that could put them out of business. He
substantiated the discovery with three scientists of tremendous experience.
One was a professor at MIT, one was an ex-Department of Defense
scientist and an inventor himself, and the other was an ex-Boeing plant
supervisor who had been an electrical engineer for 40 years. They each
independently confirmed that the concept was sound. A demonstration was
put together to prove the concept worked.

Dennis wrote letters to the Department of Energy and every Congressman
in Washington to explain his discovery and invite them to a demonstration
of 'free electricity'. He wrote a letter to President Carter, the 'environmental
President' who was openly encouraging research into renewable energy
sources to prevent the impending energy shortage looming ahead. He
called newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV news programs, and
invited them all to a demonstration of his technology. But no one came. And
no one responded to the letters or phone calls. Here was a nation in
distress over its energy problem, spending billions of dollars on solar
research and other renewable energy sources, and no one had the time to
see a demonstration of 'free electricity'. This should have been the news
story of the century, but not one reporter came! Not even a spark of
interest! Not even a story on this 'con' who was trying to sell the fact that he
could make free electricity! Astonishing! Even more astonishing was the
response he got from our elected representatives in Washington when he
called to follow up. Most were simply not available. A few wrote letters
thanking him for keeping them informed, and one responded angrily. A
nation faced with a serious energy crisis was told that the billions spent in
energy research would not bring results for another 20 years, but taking one
day to investigate this American citizen, who wanted to provide free energy
to the country, seemed to be asking too much of our elected officials.

Having already experienced American 'just-us' at its finest, Lee realised
that bringing free electricity to the people was not going to happen just
because he had it. He would have to fight to bring it to the people. He
discovered that over 50% of Wall Street's portfolio was invested in utilities.
After all, who didn't use energy? There were some heavy money interests
involved. Oil and fossil fuels were big business and they wouldn't relinquish
their control of the nation without a fierce struggle. The demonstration,
called "The Declaration of Energy Independence", took place anyway. It
was appropriately presented at the Old South Meeting House in Boston
where, two centuries earlier, the seeds of America's Declaration of
Independence were planted. Thirty people witnessed history and probably
didn't even realise it.

His faith a little further shaken in the government 'of, by and for the people',
Dennis decided to develop and market a final product himself. He tried to
convince one of the scientists to move to Boston and work with him, but the
man himself had been burned so badly by the government that he had to
think long and hard about it. Finally the scientist agreed, but he insisted that
if Lee wanted to work with him he would have to come to California. Dennis
Lee, more determined than ever, left for California, not knowing at the time
that Ventura, California, was big oil country.

Dennis set up a research lab in Ventura, and the scientist he'd come to
California to work with was the head of research. Others joined them. The
credentials of the people were impressive: the man who was nicknamed
"the father of the Boeing 747"; the man who designed the modern-day
submarine hull and gave the design to the Navy; a prior chief research
engineer for Batelle, designer of tracking systems for NASA and an expert
on internal combustion engines. Here they built prototypes for technologies
to provide safe, clean, cheap energy. Among the technologies were the
Low Temperature Phase-Change Electric Generator, the Fischer Heat
Engine (an engine that runs with no condenser and no exhaust!), the
Adiabatic Bicoannular Reactor that could burn black coal 90% efficient,
and the Hot Box Thermal Storage Unit. A machine shop was set up so they
could tool the parts for the technologies themselves.

Dennis Lee was very outspoken about what he was doing. He had heard
too many stories about inventors with technologies that could put big
business out of business, either disappearing or winding up dead. He
believed exposure and public support would be his only protection. He was
determined to fight big business interests and government suppression of
technologies because the world badly needed the technologies, and the
people deserved to know how its government was 'protecting' them.

Because of his determination and outspokenness, hundreds of inventors
came forward with inventions. Lee offered them the possibility of having
their inventions developed and marketed if the research staff found them to
be worthwhile. Lee was amazed at the scores of important inventions that
couldn't get to the marketplace because of big business's intervention.

Lee also knew from his experience in Washington that if these
technologies were ever to get to the people, he could not have one central
distribution facility that would be an easy target. So, while technologies
were being developed, Lee was also developing a network of people to
whom he sold information on the heat pump and who would eventually be
involved in the distribution and manufacture of the products being
developed. He thought having hundreds of people involved in distribution
would increase his odds of success. But another course in the education of
government corruption was about to be offered.

In January of 1988, without notice or warning, 13 armed, bullet proof-vested
deputies raided the research facility, stripping the company of all its
technology prototypes and records. They herded all the employees into the
conference room, photographing and identifying them against their will
before letting them go. Additionally, they took confidential papers on
inventions sent in by outside inventors, none of which was authorised by the
search warrant. Five hundred secret papers, including personal drawings
of an invention the head of research was working on, were 'stolen' at this
raid. Officials denied ever taking them. However, eyewitnesses at the
scene of the raid observed both pictures being taken and a box of papers
being removed before the search 'officially' began. These papers have
never turned up.

Since a search warrant requires suspicion of a crime being committed on
the premises to be issued, it was issued on the basis of suspicion of a
SAMP violation. If you were to ask, "What is a SAMP?", you would be in
the very good company of 99% of California lawyers. The S.A.M.P.
ActSeller's Assisted Marketing Plan Act is a California civil code and is a
little known registration law, rarely used, which has had one conviction in its
history, and that was overturned on a technicality. A spokesman for the
Attorney General's Office in Sacramento admitted that there are probably
hundreds of thousands of unprosecuted SAMP violators. The filing fee to
register if you are a SAMP is minimal. Bottom line, the SAMP Act is an
obscure law in the arsenal of corrupt government to prevent 'unfair
competition' with the big boys. Its wording is vague enough to be
unconstitutional, but leaves law enforcement the latitude to swing with it any
way they choose. At the discretion of the judge it can have criminal
sanctions (punishment). The normal procedure, if you are suspected of
being a SAMP, is to receive a warning letter to give you the opportunity to
comply. It is obvious that even the government recognises by the issuance
of this 'warning letter' that it would be impossible for any normally
conscientious citizen to even know of the existence of this law. How can
someone be held responsible for a law they don't know exists?

After the raid the municipal court judge, in an unusual move, ordered the
records to the case sealed. This is normally reserved for instances where
an informant needs to be protected, for instance in a drug case. Apparently
the judge felt the officer who requested the search warrant, and his affidavit
in support of it, needed to be hidden from public scrutiny.

For six months they combed through the papers taken in the raid. No
charges were brought and no arrest seemed imminent. Dennis did not flee,
knowing he had committed no crime, but continued to work steadfastly on
his project. Then in June 1988, when he planned to meet with his network in
Los Angeles, California, to announce they were ready to market one of the
products, Ventura officers traveled out of jurisdiction to L.A. to arrest him.
They couldn't wait any longer to strike. They knew if he began to market his
product(s) there'd be too much exposure too much public knowledgeand
there'd be no stopping him. He was arrested in June of 1988 and charged
with 38 counts of violating the California Civil Code 1812, S.A.M.P. Act,
and nine counts of 487, theft under false pretenses (fraud) involving nine

The normal bail schedule for the offence he was charged with was $5,000,
but Lee was held on the outrageous bail of a million dollars. This sent a
very clear message to those working with him that some huge power was
being exercised here that wanted to take him out of the way and to stop the
project. It also sent the message, "Look out, this could be you." Although he
requested numerous bail reviews, Lee was kept in county jail for 10 months
awaiting trial. The investigating sergeant/arresting officer was promoted to
lieutenant not a month after his arrest, and put in charge of the jail Dennis
was then in. While in jail, his company was systematically destroyed by a
group of men who appeared to be working with the sheriff's office. Jail
personnel attempted to tie Dennis's hands in preparing his case in every
way possible. He had to take his captors to court numerous times for
violating his constitutional rights, including his right to privacy with his
attorney and the reading of his legal mail.

Unwilling to 'roll over', Dennis Lee entered thirteen pre-trial motions to
dismiss the charges against him, among which was one for "gross
prosecutorial misconduct". At this hearing it was revealed, among other
things, that Ventura officials had not only discriminatorily brought this
prosecution, but had failed to preserve material witnesses, had directly
threatened material witnesses, had manufactured 'victims', and had lied to
'victims' to create a case against him. While they held Lee in jail on
excessive bail, a concerted effort to strip him of any support or witnesses

The head research scientist had been threatened, as well as others, and
had fled the area for fear of physical harm or reprisal. Sales people had
been threatened with as much as 60 years' imprisonment on the SAMP
violation. Employees even mail clerks were told they had better not work for
the company any more or they would be considered accomplices to the

People who had posted their homes as collateral for Lee's million-dollar
bail were lied to and threatened to get them to drop their collateral. The
insurance company that would post the bond for the large bail changed the
rules three times, and when all of the requirements were met anyway, the
D.A. entered a motion to examine the source of bail. The motion was
granted and Dennis Lee was not allowed to have any business associates
post his bail. The legal precedent used was that of a drug dealer who had
sold heroin to raise his bail.

Almost a year after his arrest, scientists and engineers overcame their
fears and finally came forward to testify on Lee's behalf at the Gross
Prosecutorial Misconduct Hearing. They testified that the technologies
could indeed do what Dennis had said they could, and that they were the
ones who had told him that. State witnesses, called 'victims', came to testify
that they did not consider themselves victims and they had told that to the
sheriff's office when they'd been questioned. One man made it clear that he
hadn't wanted to be part of pressing any charges against Dennis and
hadn't even realised he was party to any charges brought. In addition to the
995 motion for gross prosecutorial misconduct, Dennis filed a 65-page
lawsuit against Ventura officials in federal court. It was dismissed without
even a hearing.

After the hearing, when it was obvious to all that there was no basis for a
fraud case, the judge manipulated Lee into a position where he had to plea-
bargain. They realised the only way they could convict Lee was on the
SAMP registration violation, and it wouldn't do for this to go to trial. During
all this time the lid had been kept on the media, but a full-blown trial now
would mean the scientist's testimony and knowledge of the technologies
would be exposed to the public. The judge made it clear to Lee that if this
went to trial, the jury would not be allowed to decide if he had been
operating a SAMP or not, only if he had filed or not. The judge tricked him
into believing that the only way to get a decision on whether he had
operated a SAMP was to have the appellate courts decide, and that meant
he would have to file a guilty plea first The judge assured him the appeal
courts would decide if he was a SAMP and if he was even subject to this
law. Dennis pled guilty to eight SAMP violations with no intent. In American
law, in order for there to be a crime, there must be intent.

Needless to say, the California appellate court; never even heard the case:
they merely ruled that Lee had no appeal rights since he had pled guilty.
The superior court judge who handled the case, a young man as judges go
(mid-forties to fifties), retired some time shortly after Dennis's case.
California appeals were over in a few months. When Dennis filed a Writ of
Certiorari with the US Supreme Court, the State of California never even
filed a response. Normally that would mean the Court would hear the one
side represented and then rule. But although their time had expired to
respond, the Court ordered the State of California to reply, and when they
did, the Court decided it was not worthy of review.

Dennis was free on bail during the appeal process. During this year and a
half, he prepared a kit of information consisting of six hours of videotape
and a 150-page book, explaining and documenting both his technologies
and his story. He believes that the American people need to know the truth
about its government, big business and technology suppression.
Technology DOES exist right now to provide unlimited free electricity from
the air, power your present car without gas or electric, burn garbage at
home with no smoke, eliminate acid rain, toxic waste and pollution, do
away with fossil fuels completely, and remove the need for deadly,
dangerous nuclear power.

Dennis was reprimanded to prison to serve his sentence on 5th March
1993. Realising that he had been duped, he attempted to withdraw his
plea. The new judge refused to let him withdraw his plea, stating that he
hadn't reviewed the case and had no intention of doing so. Lee then filed
motions to both withdraw his plea and to have the sentence reviewed. Both
were denied without review. He is now serving a three-year four-month
sentence in California for the violation of the SAMP civil code registration
law, while California is going bankrupt because it can't afford to house its

Lee's wife and family, living in northern New Jersey, continue to carry the
flame in trying to get the word out. Those interested in receiving the Public
Awareness Kit can do so on a free-look basis by sending a security
deposit of USD $59.95 (postdated cheques are okay). You can view the
materials for 14 days, and if you choose to send the materials back you will
get your security deposit back uncashed. If you decide to keep the
materials to help the cause, just keep the kit and your security deposit will
be forfeited. To order, write to Better World Technology, PO Box 653,
McAfee, NJ 07428 USA.


The world does not to lie in the throes of its own suffocation. There is no
need for pollution, toxic waste, the greenhouse effect or the hole in the
ozone layer. There is no need for children to be dying of leukaemia, or for
our immune systems to be weakened and destroyed by the effects of
electronic line leakage. There is no need for oil dependence on other
nations who can control our existence at their whim, or for our men and
women to pay the price of war over oil. There is no need for life-threatening
nuclear power, or the disasters of Three Mile Island or Chernobyl for which
we all continue to pay a very heavy price. Government tells us answers are
10 to 20 years away, while they continue to pour billions of dollars into
research. The mega-corporations are milking us dry while they 'work on'
prototypes for the year 2,000 and beyond. But the fact is that technologies
exist now that can give us an unlimited supply of clean air, fresh water and
energy for any purpose without using fossil fuels or nuclear power.

We can completely eliminate the need for fossil fuels without using and
nuclear alternatives. We can produce 'on-site' electricity without any cost to
operate. We can burn toxic waste and eliminate it. We can burn garbage to
create energy, with almost no smoke and no waste. There is an engine that
could replace the engine in your car so you would never need to use
gasoline again. Do these sound too good to be true? They are not - they
are too good to be ignored. These technologies are real.

The concept is "low temperature phase change". It is simple, safe and non-
polluting. It burns nothing to produce energy. Very simple, here is how it
works. If your utility company does not use hydropower to produce
electricity, it produces it by 'burning' something - either oil or coal. It burns
the oil or coal to create very high temperatures (sometimes up to 1,000
degrees F) to produce steam. This steam, which is nothing more than a
gas, is the energy that turns a turbine to produce work that makes
electricity. It is not only highly polluting but it is very inefficient, since so
much of the energy produced in burning something escapes. Then, after
having heated the water to such high temperatures, a lot of it is thrown
away to cool it back to a fluid again, so the process can be done again. In
low-temperature phase-change technology, nothing is burned. Substances
that boil at very low temperatures - 40 degrees F to 100 degrees F below
zero - are simply exposed to the environment, in which God has graciously
stored energy from the sun. Anything that comes in contact with these
working fluids in the environment will 'phase-change' these substances
from a liquid to a gas, producing the same power as turning water to

When a substance changes state - or, what we call 'phase-changes' - it has
a lot of energy. The activity of steam, as the gas of water, turns turbines.
So, by simply exposing these low temperature phase-change substances
to the environment in collectors, we can 'boil' them, producing the energy to
turn a turbine and generate electricity. The energy is free, since we are only
capitalising on what God put there in the first place from the sun. Fossil
fuels capitalise on this energy by storing the energy from the sun, but they
are produced over long periods of time and it is necessary to burn them to
release the energy. Solar and wind machines capitalise on nature, but the
conditions have to be right, and they will only function in certain places at
certain times. Low-temperature phase change can operate all the time.

The heat engine that was developed is another simple, yet incredibly
inventive technology. It operates with no condenser and no exhaust!
Imagine being able to replace the engine in your car, for instance, with an
18 lb engine that did not spew pollutants into the air. The heat engine works
on the relationship between pressure, volume and temperature. You can
change the boiling point of fluids by changing the pressure. This heat
engine 'phase-changes' in the 'work cycle'. It changes from a fluid to a gas,
back to a fluid again, all within the work cycle, so there is no need for a
condenser (to cool the gas back to a liquid again) and there is no exhaust
since nothing is burned.

This unique cycle engine is actually history-making. It can obtain
efficiencies much greater than a regular steam or Rankine cycle engine,
since there is no loss of latent heat in changing the vapor back to a liquid,
which accounts for over 50% of the losses in a Rankine cycle or regular
steam engine. Thus a quiet, closed-loop engine can be used anywhere, for
any purpose, in any sized engine, with no exhaust and no impractical
condensing requirements.

Another device, called the ABR, will bum green grass, newspapers and
even toxic waste without noxious oxides. It breaks down the chemicals of
substances. It can even burn black coal over 90% efficient, while the utilities
get around 60%.

These and other technologies can provide no- or low-cost energy
'independence', not only for this country but also for its individuals.
Producing 'free' or 'no-cost' energy can mean the ability to bring water to
drought-ridden lands, renewed life to the small farmer and even to our
economy by helping business and industry cut major energy costs. With
these technologies, we can work in harmony with nature to produce our
energy without destroying our planet, or ourselves.

[End of Published Article]


The serving of a search warrant January 14, 1988, at Conserve Financial
Services Corp. at 2171A Portola Road in Ventura, CA, violated state and
federal constitutional rights.

Sgt. Bruce McDowell was the representative from the Ventura County
Sheriff's Department who led the "raid." He was also the officer who filled
out the warrant against Dennis Merle Lee for 9 counts of (487) Grand Theft
by False Pretense and 38 counts of the Seller Assisted Marketing Plan.
The warrant also states that the bail of $5,000 set forth in the schedule is
insufficient, and that he (Sgt. McDowell) requested the bail to set at
$1,000,000 (written into the warrant). The warrant is signed on June 24,
1988, by Sgt. Bruce McDowell, Sgt. 1180 (or 1186?), Declarant for the
Ventura County Sheriff. Case No. FE47586, Booking No. 489045.

In an unusual move, the search warrant affidavits in the case were ordered
sealed to the public by (then) Municipal Judge Lee Cooper Jr. [Star Free
Press, 2-9-88]

Dennis Lee's lawyer was Mr. William H. Cohan of San Diego, CA.

Lee was jailed for ten months under $750,000 bail for supposedly
defrauding 8 people out of $20,000 in total.

The original $1 Million bail was reduced to $750,000, and then when Lee
raised it - the prosecution filed a motion that, in essence, denied him bail
all together. For nearly ten months, the high bail continued and then one day
a Superior Court Judge that Lee had written to reduced the bail on his own
motion to zero, but insisted on a $20,000 cash bond for possible restitution
of those claimed to have been defrauded, and Lee was released. That
allowed Lee to re-establish himself in business.

Then Lee filed a motion to dismiss accusing the DA and some Sheriff
Deputies of conducting an illegal investigation.

Ventura Superior Court Judge Robert Soares had to consider a motion
made by Deputy District Attorney Riley to have Lee's bail revoked and
return him to jail. That formal request was denied. Then the Judge declared:
"Dennis Lee is not a danger to society. Economic danger is important but
not nearly as important in determining the amount of bail as the danger of
killing or violence." [by Richard Palmquist, reporter]

[What is REALLY going on here? Look:]

On January 12, 1988, two days before the raid, Dennis Lee made a
presentation to over 350 people at which time he for the first time publicly
announced his ideas and demonstrated some of the technology. The next
morning, a municipal judge in Ventura signed a search warrant brought
forward by the Ventura County Sheriff's Department, apparently based on
suspicion that CONSERVE was violating the S.A.M.P. law. On Thursday
morning, January 18, thirteen bullet-proof vested, gun carrying Sheriff's
deputies literally stormed CONSERVE's Ventura R & D facility (not it's
administrative headquarters where the S.A.M.P. law would have been
revenant), shouting "this is a raid." All R & D materials, papers, and
records were forcibly taken and never returned. "In short, they stole virtually
all of our technology."

During the search on January 14, 1988, I heard Deputy McDowell say that
copies of records would be made available to us to run our business. [They
were not returned]

Even though these is a "cure" clause for inadvertent violation of the
S.A.M.P. that still wasn't good enough. Lee is still held responsible and
"ignorance of the law is no excuse" ... even though not one lawyer polled
knew what S.A.M.P. was.

C.O.N.S.E.R.V.E. Corporation: [Costs of Owning the Newest Systems of
Energy Reduction are Virtually Eliminated] has secured financing of a
$9,700,000 Revolving Line of Credit, with funds provided by Selectors, Inc.,
a fully integrated financial service firm. September 1985. [Advertisement]

It's a whole new way of doing business ... The Seller Takes The Risk!

Nationwide Electric Company as little a 2 cents / kW. Provide your own
electricity for your home or business for as little as 2 cents per kilo-Watt
hour anywhere in the United States of America with a quiet generator and
no more pollution. Free video presentation. [Advertisement]


Who are these people and what are their current mailing addresses?

1.Dennis Lee. Jail mailing address? Visiting hours? How?

2.Where is Sgt. Bruce McDowell now? Address? Financial status?

3.The Judge that signed the order for the initial raid? Address?

4.The Judge that ordered the case records sealed? Address?

Is that same Judge that the newspaper article said retired early after
closing this case? Name? Address? Retired? Financial status?

5.Who issued the arrest order for Dennis Lee in June 1988 in LA?

6.Who promoted Sgt. Bruce McDowell to Lieutenant? Who was the
Ventura County Sheriff then? Addresses now?

What happened to the Sheriff(s) that were involved in this case then?
Names? Addresses? Financial status?

7.Which insurance company changed the rules for the bail three times?
Who did that? Address?

8.Who was the D.A. that challenged the source of the bail? Addresses?
Financial status?

9.What Judge denied Dennis Lee to post the large bail? Address?

10.What Federal Judge dismissed Dennis Lee's 65 page law suit against
Ventura Officials? Address?



Lots of people live in Ventura, CA, or have friends that live there. Almost all
of this information should be publicly available.



Better World Technology c/o Alison David P.O. Box 653
    McAfee, NJ 07428, USA

Steve Wingate
California Director

Today's Midi: http://www.anomalous-images.com/Black_Friday.mid

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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