...far and wide!

Another Waco Death


April 30, 2000

Death has once again claimed a figure in a case involving the Clinton administration - 
this time a key expert witness in the Waco
investigation who insisted that he found compelling evidence that an FBI agent fired 
shots during the final showdown at the Branch Davidian
compound. Police say they are investigating the death as a murder.
"We're investigating it as a homicide," said Laurel, Maryland police spokesman Jim 
Collins of the death of Carlos Ghigliotti, an expert in
analysis of infrared film technology who had worked for Rep. Dan Burton’s House 
Government Reform Committee during its investigation of the
events surrounding the government siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Tex., 
in 1993.

Ghigliotti’s badly decomposed body was discovered at his house where he operated 
Infrared Technologies, Inc., yesterday around 1:30 p.m.
after police were alerted by his building manager who hadn’t seen him for several 
weeks and was concerned about him.

His body was taken to the chief medical examiner's office in Baltimore for an autopsy.

Last October, Ghigliotti, a nationally recognized expert in thermal imaging and 
videotape, told Burton’s committee that his analysis of
tapes at Waco indicated that an FBI agent fired shots at the Branch Davidian Mt. 
Carmel compound on April 19, the day the siege ended with
the incineration of more than 80 men, women and children.

His analysis was challenged by the FBI.

He remained a key figure in the ongoing probe of the incident, especially since 
preliminary findings by British experts retained by the
court hearing the Branch Davidian $100 million wrongful death lawsuit alleged that 
there had been no gunfire, a finding diametrically
opposite from Ghigliotti’s, and one he was certain to challenge.

His death leaves a gaping hole in the investigation since he was the most important 
and skilled expert in the field familiar with the
evidence in the Waco case.

The lead plaintiff’s attorney in the case, Michael Caddell told the Washington Post 
that only recently he’d been in touch with Ghigliotti
who he said he planned to retain because of his expertise and the fact that his first 
expert in the field was no longer available because of
a recent stroke.

Caddell told the Post that just two weeks ago he wrote to Waco Special Counsel John C. 
Danforth, urging that he interview Ghigliotti

Caddell added that he'd heard of Ghigliotti's death yesterday from Rep. Dan Burton 
(R-Ind.). He said police called Burton because they found
his business card in Ghigliotti's pocket.

Michael McNulty, the producer of the documentary film about Waco that sparked the 
reopening of the investigation, said he had been looking
forward to seeing Ghigliotti's conclusions. "My impression is that the work he did was 
significant and important."


We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those whom you know will vote for 

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

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