-Caveat Lector-

>From www.notforpublication.com/mad.html

NOT for Publication

Maddening Madeleine's Mad Little Mad

It now imperils her New World Order with world-class chaos

By John L. Perry

Posted May 20, 1999

Way back here in the hills, a farmer's daughter, without benefit of
matrimony, made him a regretful grandfather.

Chagrined, he ventured into town to face the taunts of community
leaders lounging out in front of the feed store, chewin' and
whittlin' and spittin'.

Fumbling for the best possible face to put on his family's
humiliation, he pled:

"Well, actually, it weren't no bigger'n a squirrel."

* * *
Way down there in Foggy Bottom, Miss Madeleine Albright . . . you
know, the one with the scowl and the attitude . . . went around
showing off her baby, boasting it had 19 volunteer fathers, all with
the initials NATO, whom she convinced a rapacious Serbian scallywag
called Slobodan had done her wrong.

In her mad, she connived them into lobbing explosives at Slobodan's
property across the pond.

"That'll teach him to trifle with me and cause him to mend his ways,"
she told all who would listen. "Besides, it'll protect the sanctity
of my New World Order."

She assured the world no legal authority was needed since it was only
"air strikes," not a full-fledged feud, actually no bigger'n a

* * *

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's mad little squirrel of an
undeclared war has grown in less than two months into an incredible
hulk of a conflagration, apparently incapable of containment. The
more it spreads the more its illegitimacy becomes embarrassingly

Nor is the limit of its growth anywhere in sight. Its godfather,
President William Jefferson Clinton, who swore he had "no intent" of
letting the air attacks metastasize into a ground war in Yugoslavia
involving United States troops, now says that depends on what the
meaning of intent is.

Most of the American mainstream news media have obligingly swallowed
the White House propaganda placebo that the last thing Clinton would
ever do is send in ground troops.

Not to fret about them, though, for their snake-oil doctor has
provided them an escape plank for leaving that sinking ship when the
time comes. He now vows to do whatever it takes to accomplish the
muddled goals the air war has failed to achieve.

That means troops, and it's spelled with a T and it rhymes with
American soldiers invading and dying on the foreign soil of someone
else's sovereign country.

What started out as just a little flying squirrel of an air war
threatens now to become a major infantry expedition — latest
estimate: 100,000 soldiers — in the heartland of the Balkans with
American G.I.s taking the point.

Miss Madeleine's stamping her foot and raining down bombs on Serbia
has not put a short leash on Slobodan Milosevic or stopped his
scourging of ethnic Albanians or returned any of those refugees to
their homes in Kosovo.

Instead, it has brought on the likelihood of U.S.-led North Atlantic
Treaty Organization troops shooting their way into Yugoslavia,
bogging them down for years to come in the hostile embrace of the

That would lay this country wide open to life-threatening military
forays by Iraq, North Korea and even China — the trip-wire to a third
World War the Clinton administration has crippled the American
military from waging successfully.

Don't fall for the Clinton double-talk about not sending troops. He
is going to make it appear as though circumstances leave him no other

Those who doubt this is what he had in mind all along either don't
know, or have forgotten, how Bill Clinton operates.

He is losing his grip of control over what's happening at home as
well as abroad. All he has left going for him is his commander-in-
chiefness. The only way he can retain that is to create more of what
a chief is required to command.

The deeper he insinuates this country into a military morass the more
difficult it becomes for Congress, or the American people, to deny
him the support, reluctant as it may be, that a commander-in-chief
must have.

In her maddening manner, Madeleine Albright has blundered the
president into this war, and he has gratefully grasped for the
salvation he senses it may provide him.

Is there some way the American people can put the brakes on this
runaway wagon before it rattles over the cliff?

Of course, but that assumes a nation focused on what's really
important, which in turn depends on a press doing it's job. And
neither is.

It's easier and more marketable for mass-communications media to
concentrate on the latest "Star Wars" movie craze, which they created
for their own profit.

While others elsewhere on this little planet recognize a real war in
the offing, a generation of perpetual adolescents in America jostles
to line up lemming-like for the privilege of buying tickets to gape
at a make-believe, special-effects war in a galaxy far, far away.

May the farce be with them. Reality awaits when they walk out of the
movie, blinking.

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<< With the hundereds ("100s") of thousands ("1000s") of refugees
scattered hither and yon in large (as in BIG) numbers, one thing that
might be of concern to Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, and other
places with camping sites is crowd control.  The articles posted on
Albania tend to present a view of frontier life with little effective
law and order.  Assuming (according to Rubin (J), DoS), there are
around 800,000 displaced persons (perhap all refugees in one form or
another), the next conflict/policing action might be to keep them in
line.  Imagine ... 800,000 people (almost a million) ... bored,
homeless, aimless, living in temporary quarters bordering on squalor
... imagine if 1(one) % (percent) of them (8,000 ?) decided to become
grumblers if not just downright fed up belligerents.  The peace the
KFOR boies and grrls are intended to keep may not be between the
Serbs and the Kosovars ... the peace they are intended to keep may
have NO (as in NONE, zero, '0') face, nationality, politic, or
otherwise discernible characteristics beyond just fed-up-ness and
people being moved around like so many bipedal parcels.  "Camp Rage"
... kind of like "Road Rage":  no one to blame in particular, just
someone's handy.  Then there are the crooks, the ones who know HOW to
take advantage of the circumstances. A<>E<>R >>

Excerpted from dailynews.yahoo.com ...

<<Begin excerpt>>

Saturday May 22 1:01 AM ET

U.S. Calls For Rapid Build-Up Of Kosovo Force

Full Coverage
NATO - Serbia War

By David Storey

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States said Friday it wants a rapid
build-up of a NATO force in Macedonia which would be used in Kosovo
to secure the return of ethnic Albanian refugees driven out by
Yugoslav forces.

``We're going to need a larger KFOR (Kosovo Peace Implementation
Force) and we want it deployed to Macedonia as soon as possible,''
Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon said.

Although continuing to rule out any actual ground invasion in Kosovo
and maintaining U.S. faith in the two-month NATO air bombardment of
Yugoslavia, Bacon indicated a clear shift away from U.S. resistance
to further troop deployments.

<<End excerpt>>

<<Oh, when I was a younger person, I was on Guam for a little over a
year.  Across the parking lot from my quarters was a big expanse that
had largish concrete rectangles in an otherwise vacant space.  What
used to be there was "Tin City", the place where a lot of VietNamese
were quartered after their flight from their homeland.  The place
had, apparently, corrugated metal barracks-like structures,
surrounded by a cyclone fence -- guarded.  As rumour would have it,
one enterprising military person happened to find out one of his
"contacts" from the 'homeland' was inside and set up a 'comfort'
service.  Welcome to the 'land of opportunity' (assuming rumours bear
out facts). A<>E<>R >>

>From www.postnet.com

Some female Kosovo refugees are falling prey to criminal gangs in

May 21, 1999 | 4:35 p.m.

By Lori Montgomery (AT-RISK) (PHOTO) (HAS TRIMS)

Knight Ridder Newspapers


VLORE, Albania -- After a 24-hour drive from the mountainous Kosovo
border, two buses with more than 100 women, children and elderly
refugees sputtered to a stop in a dusty speck of a village near the
Albanian coast. Out of the evening murk, 50 armed men surrounded the

``You survived the Serbs; now we will do what we want with you: We are going to take 
the girls,'' a
 beefy Albanian man with a mobile phone and a Kalashnikov rifle called out.

As Serb forces have sent nearly half a million Kosovars -- three-quarters of them 
women and childre
n -- spilling into Albania, more and more are falling prey to criminal gangs that 
specialize in hum
an trafficking here in
Europe's poorest and most lawless nation. Running high-powered rubber rafts out of 
Vlore and Durres
, the traffickers do a brisk business ferrying desperate Kosovo families illegally 
across the Adria
tic Sea to Western Euro
pe for as much as $800 a head. Ten of the speedy Albanian mafia rafts depart the 
harbor of this wil
d port city each night.

The smugglers sometimes carry another cargo -- Kosovo girls, taken by force or 
persuasion to Italy,
 where they are sold into prostitution. So far, only a handful are believed to have 
been snared by
the Albanian gangs; in
the end, they did not get the girls who rode in on the two buses.

But with international refugee officials saying they may move 100,000 people out of 
the northern bo
rder camps at Kukes, thousands of women could soon be trucked to the mafia strongholds 
of Durres, F
ier and Vlore, where mi
serable living conditions in filthy camps guarded by corrupt Albanian police will make 
them easy pr

``There is growing evidence of trafficking in girls from Albania to Italy,'' Carol 
Bellamy, executi
ve director of UNICEF, told reporters this week in Oslo, Norway. ``It is reasonably 
widespread, and
 the conditions that ar
e now presenting themselves could make it get worse.''

An international observer based in Fier said the U.N. High Commission for Refugees 
``is selling thi
s line that the south is just waiting to receive tens of thousands of people in 
welcoming, NATO-pro
tected environments. It
's just not true.''


Few places in Europe are less civilized than southern Albania. When money-making 
pyramid schemes co
llapsed in 1997, poorly paid police abandoned their posts and looters carted off a 
million Kalashni
kov rifles, turning Vlo
re into a shooting gallery.

City police officers here even wear black ski masks as they make traffic stops 
downtown, fearful of
 being recognized by the local mob, and the police chief was taken hostage when he 
tried to confisc
ate a half-dozen illega
l speedboats earlier this year. The chief was forced to give back the boats and later 
was sacked.


On a protected bay just two and a half hours by speedboat from Italy, Vlore has been 
the hub of hum
an trafficking in Albania since the early 1990s, when more than 100,000 Albanians fled 
this country
's repressive communist
 regime on Albanian mafia speedboats. Another wave crossed the Adriatic last year -- 
up to 800 peop
le a night.

The sex trade is big business in Albania, where unemployment hovers at 30 percent. 
Albanian gangs c
an sell the girls, usually to criminal organizations in Italy or Greece, for up to 
$10,000, accordi
ng to a study done by a
n Albanian women's organization. Other gangs work the girls themselves: A trafficker 
from the centr
al city of Berat boasted that he makes $9,000 a night from three young girls in 

The Kosovo refugee crisis has been a bonanza for the smugglers and mobs who control 
the town. In do
wntown Vlore, shiny Mercedeses troll the squalid sports center, where nearly 1,000 
refugees sleep o
n stinking mattress pad
s, waiting for permanent places in camps or apartments.

These days, locals say, the paying customers on the speedboats are all Kosovars 
desperate to get ou

``As more people come here, no more security is being provided,'' is the way Eric 
Filipink, head of
 the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe field office in Vlore, put 
it. ``The polic
e forces are being stre

Meanwhile, evidence is growing that Albanian gangs are targeting
Kosovo women.

Earlier this month, Italian police rescued a 27-year-old Pristina
woman from a house in Rome, where she was being forced to work as a
prostitute by her Albanian captors.


In the early days of the refugee crisis, the gangsters boldly
attempted to hijack entire buses of women. Dem Hysaj, 42, a Kosovo
refugee from Pec, was among the few men aboard the two buses
surrounded in late March near the coastal village of Shijak. He said
the Albanian police officers traveling with the buses fled, but two
vans carrying special police soon arrived and escorted the refugees
to a makeshift camp at a former bread factory in Shijak.

Later that night, some of the gangsters -- known to villagers as low-
level criminals in the sex trade -- came to the factory and offered
to take Hysaj and the women in his family to better accommodations.
Hysaj refused. The next day, camp managers hired tougher thugs --
drug and car smugglers -- to guard the camp from the prostitute
traffickers, who soon went away.

``Now, the owner of the bread factory has a weapon, so we don't have
any more problems,'' Hysaj said.

Still, women and children are not allowed to wander out of the camp

``I would like to go and fight in Kosovo, but how can I leave my
family here?'' Hysaj said. ``I'd have to put them in a tank.''


As the crisis wears on, the Albanian gangs have developed more subtle
methods. While Albanian girls are often duped into prostitution by
false offers of marriage, the Kosovo girls face false offers of free
travel, schooling and jobs abroad.

In late April at a camp run by the Italian military near Vlore, five
girls ages 16 to 18 were lured away by Albanian men who told their
families they would have good jobs and a bright future in Italy. The
Italians have since strengthened security at the camp, requiring
escorts to accompany all visitors.

Most camps are not, however, run by NATO. In the facilities run by
Albanian authorities, security is often a problem. Many have no
fences. And, said Sevim Arbana, director of an anti-trafficking
association in Tirana called Useful to Albanian Women, the Albanian
police who guard them can be bribed ``with cigarettes and orange


At an Albanian-run camp north of Vlore, the guards are said to be
linked to a local gang. Two weeks ago, they let in an old man on a
bike, who offered pretty girls trips to Italy.

Husnije Muqaj watched as one girl accepted, and the man wrote her
name on his hand. The next day, she disappeared, and Muqaj, 38, had a
frank talk with her teen-age daughters.

``Some girls get killed crossing the water; others get sold into
prostitution,'' Muqaj, a refugee from Korisa, told them. ``Now they
stay inside all the time. I've ordered them to stay away.''

There are no easy solutions. International organizations are working
on a plan to pay for 1,600 new Albanian police officers, but
Filipink, the OSCE chief in Vlore, wonders whether the new hires will
be any more reliable.

Meanwhile, UNHCR, the OSCE and other international officials are
reluctant to tackle security, saying mob crime is a local problem.

``These guys are constantly armed and they have a lot of money,''
said Lino Schiarra, an agent in the OSCE office in Vlore. ``It's a
bit dangerous to get in the way too much.''


PHOTO (from KRT Photo Service, 202-383-6099):


(c) 1999, Knight Ridder/Tribune Information Services.

AP-NY-05-21-99 1715EDT

>From Wash (DC) Post

Worse Than the Serbs

Friday, May 21, 1999; Page A30

I read it again and again in The Post: The Clinton administration
describes the expulsions of the Kosovars as being on a scale not seen
since World War II. That's not true. It's not even close.

The European "ethnic-cleansing" champions are our own NATO allies:
the Czechs and the Poles. After World War II -- in peacetime -- they
ethnically cleansed the entire populations of East Prussia, East
Pomerania, Silesia and the Sudetenland. For centuries until 1945,
these areas were entirely German populated. By 1949 -- after years of
rape, murder and beatings -- all 15 million Germans were gone. Their
churches and monuments were dynamited, their cemeteries were
bulldozed, and their civil records were burned.

Today's Czechs and Poles pretend the Germans never lived there at
all. And, best of all, they have no pesky minorities to deal with.

This is the real lesson of history, as demonstrated by our new allies
and well learned by the Serbs: Clean out your minorities -- do it any
way you want. Then lie low for a few decades, and you'll be welcomed
into NATO.



© Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company

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