Interesting item on the astrology angle.

Secrets in Daniel - the three Presidents and three High
Priests.......for in the King James Bible, is three Presidents rather
than three High Priests....signifies the USA President and the Pope -
the usual targets and the "usual suspects".

So the Hunt it was reported a spider lays 1000 eggs -
Pravda made this statement I believe (it was the phoney astrologer
soothsayer Jean Dixon who said Russia Would Beat Us to the Moon and
marked our President and the Kennedy brothers for murder.....)

So 1000 eggs laid by spider; today I noted in my rose garden spiders all
over the place more than ever.   Must be going to get colder early;
however Osama put it this way "You kill me, you will have 100 Osamas
taking my place".

So call the Orkin man......we got a problem.    Little desert scorpions
however, revealed their location with this last sting.


Interesting item here on story of the Scorpion.....sting of death.

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