-Caveat Lector-

Book Review

Dr. Cathy Burns "Hidden Secrets  of Masonry"  (SHARING, 212-M E. 7th St., Mt.
 "Carmel, Pa.  17581-2211 or Spring Arbor 1-800-395-2682)
(Warning:  The cover of the book may be triggering, so please use
caution while reading this book.)The following article is
collection of quotes and information from that book. Warning:
Some material in this article may be triggering, please use
caution while reading it. All accusations are alleged.

The beginning of the book discusses the fact "that the majority
of people who join the Masons DO NOT really know what Masonry
teaches... Delmar Darrah, a 33rd degree Mason explains: "The
average man enters Freemasonry with LITTLE or NO KNOWLEDGE of the
fraternity, its manner of organization, or its system of doing
business." (Page 5)

"We are told that Masons believe in charity and good works, but
Masonic writer, Ralph Anderson, a 32nd degree Mason, proclaims:
"If the SOLE value is ethical (MORAL).. then Masonry has failed..
Arthur Waite... tells us that Masonry "is ON THE SURFACE a
'system of morality, VEILED in allegory and illustrated by
symbols. " (Page 6)

"In fact, Masonry INTENTIONALLY MISLEADS those Masons who have
recently joined. Pike (a 33rd degree Mason mine), claims: "The
symbols and ceremonies of Masonry have MORE THAN ONE MEANING.
They rather CONCEAL than disclose the truth."  . ."So Masonry
interpreters ASTRAY." (page 7)

..Pike adds, "Masonry, like all the religions, all the Mysteries,
Hermeticism and Alchemy, CONCEALS its secrets from ALL EXCEPT the
Adepts and SAGES, or the Elect, and USES FALSE EXPLANATIONS and
MISINTERPRETATIONS of its symbols to MISLEAD those who deserve
only to be misled; to CONCEAL the truth, which it calls Light,
from them, and to draw them away from it.  (page 7 and 8).

Review author's note: Many cults have what is called a hidden
agenda. New members are not permitted to know "the truth" until
they are already too deeply involved (or brainwashed) to leave.
Most cults also have a severe consequence for leaving the group,
such as death, hell, not achieving nirvana, etc.

"When a person enters Masonry, he joins what is called a Blue
Lodge.  Members of this Lodge may learn the first three
degrees...most Masons never advance past the third degree The
highest degree in the Scottish rite is the 33rd degree. (Pg. 9).
"Oaths are taken by the candidate and the horrible penalties are
pronounced upon him should he betray the SECRETS of Masonry...the
oath...for the first degree is:  . binding myself under no less
penalty than that of having my throat cut from ear to ear, my
tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the sands of the sea
a cable's length from shore, where the tide ebbs and flows twice
in twenty-four hours, should I ever willingly, knowingly, or
unlawfully violate this, my Entered Apprentice Oath, so help me
God and keep me steadfast." (page 9 and 10).

In a poem written by J. S. M. Ward, a Mason, mentions that Osiris
saved mankind.  "Osiris is the Egyptian god of the dead as well
as a SUN-GOD but he is also known by many other names...
Festivals held in his honor often resulted in HUMAN SACRIFICES
AND ORGIASTIC (sexual)  rites.  (page 17)  "It is to this god,
Osiris (under the name of Hiram Abiff), that the Masons pay honor
in the third degree...Any one who is familiar with Egyptian
mythology should be able to see the correlation between the myth
of Hiram Abiff and of the Egyptian god, Osiris. (page 18- 19)

"Waite acknowledges that: There is NO QUESTION that the MYTH of
Osiris covers the WHOLE STORY of mystical life and is presented
in the Funerary Ritual (the death and resurrection ceremony of
the third degree)... We also as Masons LOOK FORWARD TO UNION of
the departed with Osiris..." (page 19)

"Since the gods of Masonry ...  actually REPRESENT SATAN in
different camouflages and since the SERPENT is widespread in
Masonry and the Bible clearly states that the SERPENT is SATAN,
we see that the Masons are in ACTUALITY worshipping SATAN
(LUCIFER).  "  (page 24) Review author's note:  Satanists often
"twist"  or "reverse"  the Bible to desecrate religions and
customs that are "in the light".

"Pike brags:  . Lucifer, the Light~bearer!  Strange and
mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!  Lucifer, the
Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the light..? Doubt it not
!.  Masonic testimony is clear that the SERPENT or SATAN
(Lucifer) should be worshipped."(page 25)

"In the third degree the Mason is given a SUBSTITUTE word.. Waite
suggests that the Word revealed in the third degree was of
similar value to our old friend ABRACADABRA''. He mentions
elsewhere that since the sphere of Ritual is also a sphere of
SORCERY, on proceeding to initiation he is given the symbol
ABRACADABRA..  and is told it is the TRUE WORD.... Most people
know that the word ABRACADABRA has to do with MAGIC, but did you
know that this word comes from ABRAXAS? ABRAXAS, by the way, is a
DEMON!  Masons are actually taught that this Demon is the TRUE
WORD. " (page 25 - 26)

"On July 14, 1889, Pike (a 33rd degree Mason)  gave instructions
to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World:  .To you, Sovereign
Grand Inspectors General (the name of the 33rd degree, the
highest degree in Scottish Rite Masonry), we say this, that you
may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th
degrees-The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of
the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN
GOOD..." (page 27)

'MORALS AND DOGMA' a book written by Pike is the handbook for the
Masons.  When Jim Shaw earned his 32nd degree... (he was
given)..a copy of Albert Pike's book.  ..We were told that it was
the source book for Freemasonry and its meaning.. C. Fred
Kleinknecht, a 33rd degree Mason.. told all Masons .  that one
particular book was to be their daily guide for living-their
"Bible." That book... is Albert Pike's 'Morals and Dogma'." (page
27 - 28)

The inverted pentagram (upside down 5 pointed star)  is commonly
known as a Satanic symbol.  "..the EASTERN STAR (a MASONIC
organization composed of third degree Masons and women relatives
of third degree Masons)  uses the pentagram with the ONE POINT
DOWN...The Mystic Shrine (another MASONIC group composed only of
Masons who have advanced to the 32nd degree)  also uses a
pentagram with ONE POINT DOWN as its symbol." (page 32)

"Hutchinson . . .brags "that we (Masonry) retain more of the
ceremonials and doctrines of the DRUIDS than is to be found in
the whole world besides..."  The DRUIDS were OCCULT priests who

"J.  Edward Decker reports that "'The All Seeing Eye' is a
MASONIC representation of Osiris. Osiris is the Egyptian god of
the dead (and of the underworld)  and part of the "Masonic
trinity" to whom the Masons pay honor..." (page 34)

"..the word "LUCIFER"  means "LIGHT BEARER,"  so Masons are the
"children of light" or . . "the children of Lucifer" . . .
Masonic writer, Foster Bailey, says:  ...masters of wisdom..
assist ..the candidate.. until the time comes when he can "enter
into light"  and, in his turn become a LIGHT-BEARER , one of the
ILLUMINATI who can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity
to light...The "Masters of Wisdom" are spirit guides (actually
Demons)  who are supposedly directing the way to a ONE WORLD
ORDER and the ILLUMINATI is an organization that was founded on
May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. The name "Illuminati" is derived
from Lucifer. The Illuminati was dedicated to a "NEW WORLD ORDER"
or a "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" ... (page 36)

"The left hand side of the back of the dollar bill (U.S.) also
contains a pyramid with the "All-Seeing-Eye" above it.." and the
date of the founding of the Illuminati in Roman numerals and the
words NEW WORLD ORDER in Latin. (page 37)

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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