-Caveat Lector-


    The "KKK" originally founded by Nathan Bedford Forest ....
    was originally known as the KUKLOS CLAN .... [Kuklos = CIRCLE]
    N.B. Forest .... was one of the 12 member ruling "Inner Circle"
    of the super-secret .... KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE.

    ...the Golden Circle was actually a two-part organization.  The
    inner circle was Knights Templar and the outer circle composed
    of 10,000 ex-Confederate soldiers was composed of all Scottish
    Rite Masons.  The Knights of the Golden Circle STILL EXISTS ....

    .... the Golden Circle between the years 1865 and 1916 procured
    through guerilla warfare, recovery of known hidden treasures and
    secret investments of stolen wealth a vast fortune conservatively
    estimated at todays value of over 3 trillion dollars.

 Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998
 Subj: [priory-of-sion] Re: The Klan & The Templars


 I am new to the forum and this is my first post.  I believe I can
 provide some info of interest on your inquiry about the Klan.  My
 background is that of a long-time researcher of hidden information,
 metal detection instructor/specialist, international treasure
 hunter, former writer for Lost Treasure magazine and other subject
 related magazines.  I have had strong contacts in the intel
 community and with living relatives of famous men involved in the
 areas of interest we are all seeking info on.  Much of the info
 forum members seek on PoS related items only exists in secret files
 in various depositories.  Obviously it could prove dangerous to
 reveal the how and who regarding the obtaining of any of this info
 revealed.  I therefore accept that some may be critical of my
 unwillingness to provide sources for what I am about to tell you.
 Nonetheless, it should at least make good reading and very possibly
 help in your research.

 The "KKK" originally founded by Nathan Bedford Forest, the American
 Civil War's most famous cavalryman is NOT the Klan of today.  It
 was originally known as the KUKLOS CLAN -- the Greek word Kuklos
 meaning CIRCLE.  Its original visible purpose was to assist
 Confederate soldiers and ex-slaves who had fought with the South
 during the war.  It was NOT formed to persecute blacks and
 minorities.  It was later infiltrated by Northern agents who got
 control of many of the lodges and quickly changed its original
 purpose into the expression of racially motivated hatred.  When
 this happened N.B. Forrest, himself ordered the Clan disbanded.
 Those lodges still loyal to their leader did so and the corrupted
 ones continued on adopting the corrupted name of Ku Klux Klan.

 N.B. Forest, himself was one of the 12 member ruling "Inner Circle"
 of the super-secret "ex"-Confederate organization, THE KNIGHTS OF
 THE GOLDEN CIRCLE.  I am coming to the unavoidable conclusion after
 23 years of intense research that the Golden Circle was actually a
 two-part organization.  The inner circle was Knights Templar and
 the outer circle composed of 10,000 ex-Confederate soldiers was
 composed of all Scottish Rite Masons.  The Knights of the Golden
 Circle still exists in both this country and Europe though greatly
 reduced in numbers.  The original Kuklos Clan assisted the KGC in
 various ways in the project I am about to describe.

 It is a virtually unknown fact (to the public) that the Golden
 Circle between the years 1865 and 1916 procured through guerilla
 warfare, recovery of known hidden treasures and secret investments
 of stolen wealth a vast fortune conservatively estimated at todays
 value of over 3 trillion dollars.  It is believed that they shut
 down the procurement part of the operation in 1916 and liquidated
 their investments in stocks and commercial operations of many
 kinds, converting them into mostly gold bullion and coin.  They
 then concealed this vast wealth in over 3000 caches throughout the
 U.S., Canada and Mexico.  I know this to be true -- I have
 personally held gold from some of these caches in my hand though I
 was not the one who recovered it.  I have seen the special carved
 markings they used (which included the famous templar sword, by the
 way) to designate the way to some of these caches.  The larger ones
 are all very professionally booby-trapped and several unsuspecting
 treasure hunters have been killed in recent years attempting to
 excavate them.

 Of these many caches there were 8 scattered around the U.S. that
 were designated as "super-depositories".  Each one contained
 approximately 70,000 40 and 60 lb. gold bars.

 I know that one hidden in New Mexico under a mountain on a
 government reservation has been excavated and removed by the army
 after its finder -- a civilian, was murdered in cold blood by a man
 believed to be in the employ of some government agency.  I have
 copies of blueprints drawn by the Confederate engineers who built
 these underground depositories and their work is impressive (no,
 I do not keep them where they may be stolen).

 I was close to discovering one in Texas when I found out I was
 being watched by a government agent.  Had I not been warned by this
 guy getting intoxicated while in the presence of a good friend of
 mine and bragging about his mission and showing his official
 credentials I would have very likely disappeared for good as soon
 as I found the entrance to the cache site.

 The entrance tunnels to the big KGC caches are large enough to
 drive a team of horses and wagon through but were carefully filled
 with hundreds of tons of rubble.  Deadly black powder or water
 booby traps were set behind the filled tunnel to destroy anyone
 attempting unauthorized entry.  The one setting the triggers on
 the traps would then exit through a "bolt-hole" -- a small square
 opening cut in a huge slab of rock on the opposite side of the
 mountain from the main entrance.  The trap door, shaped like a
 keystone or trapezoid would then be put in place and was so
 cleverly fitted that it was virtually impossible to detect it was
 not part of the rock slab.  This "bolt-hole" was also intended to
 be used to disarm the booby-traps when the time came to remove the
 treasure.  Today, one should expect these back-doors to the
 treasures to be further made difficult to detect by overgrowth of
 moss and lichens.

 Ultra-violet or infra-red equipment in the hands of one who knows
 how to use it can greatly enhance one's ablility to locate these

 These depositories also contain some of the incredible Templar
 treasures brought to this country from Europe.  In many cases,
 the Inner Circle of the KGC, being Templars had knowledge of the
 original location of the caches hidden over here hundreds of years
 earlier and simply excavated them and moved them to these more
 secure locations.

 The cover story told the "troops" (Freemasons) who helped in this
 vast enterprise was that they were putting away funds to fight a
 second Civil War.  I now know this was not true -- there was
 another utterly incredible secret as to why this wealth was
 concealed with the intentions of it remaining secure for well over
 a hundred years.  It has to do with the Merovingians -- thats all
 I will say on that for now.

 All the major caches were made deliberately time-consuming and
 difficult to excavate so as to give the KGC "circuit riders"
 (soldiers who rode from cache to cache to check for any signs of
 attempts to open them) time to catch and kill would-thieves before
 they dug far enough to set off the booby-traps.  The black powder
 ones were cleverly designed to bring down thousands of tons of
 earth and rock over the entrance tunnels as a last resort against
 theft.  At least one of those booby-traps was triggered at the
 depository located in the Valley of Secrets in Colorado back in the
 1950's causing thousands of tons of rock to be dislodged from the
 mountain above it and covering the access tunnel entrance and those
 digging inside of it.

 There is such a rubble filled entrance tunnel to a Templar
 depository on the side of the mountain at Renne-Le-Chateau.
 It too is booby-trapped and Sauniere  knew of it but did not
 attempt to gain access by it.

 Around each cache would be hidden 1 to 3 "decoy caches" containing
 up to 3 or 4 million dollars worth of treasure.  The carved signs
 leading to them were difficult to interpret to the point where
 those treasure hunters successful in so doing would believe that
 they had found the main cache and that it was not as big as they
 thought.  In other words -- the Templars would sacrifice base coin,
 bullion or jewels of considerable value to protect their treasures
 of virtually inestimable value.

 It is my opinion, though I cannot yet prove it, that Sauniere found
 one of the decoy caches.

 Unknown to most, the Smithsonian Institute is the world's largest
 treasure hunting organization and they are presently involved (with
 government assistance) in locating and removing these treasures to
 locations unknown.  I have no doubt that one or more of their
 agents are on this forum and will read these words.

 Any who would seek the treasures of the Templars must be extremely
 careful and trust virtually no one.  The moment you form a public
 operation to seek treasure and/or seek financing to do so from any
 foundation, corporation or wealthy individual you are compromised.

 Enough for now.  Hope I did not waste anyone's time with
 "old news".  Are you now further "illuminated", Jim???


 Jim wrote:
 > Howdy,
 > I don't know if this subject has been done to death here already,
 > and I'm not accusing the Templars of being part of some white
 > supremacy thing, I'm just wondering what are the links between
 > the KKK and the Knights Templar.  Clearly the KKK were aware
 > from the start of the Templars, because their outfits have many
 > resemblances to ancient knights, including the red cross, and the
 > use of Masonic-style rituals and titles in initiation ceremonies.
 > The Klan also have a certain Scottish flavour (mostly because
 > they are called a 'clan' and are nominally Protestant), is this
 > connected to the Scottish rite perhaps?  They also often use very
 > archaic and 'noble' language, talking about themselves as if they
 > were some sort of 'order'... and what is the significance of the
 > white drop in the centre of the Klan cross?
 > Any theories, history that might 'illuminate' this area?
 > Jim


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