-Caveat Lector-

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

IMO, the sections below help explain why some survivors may become reinvolved
in cults after leaving their original one. Codependency characteristics can
be used by some groups to revictimize survivors. Survivor alters can be used
by other cults or cult-like groups to reprogram victims, if these groups can
find the survivor's triggers and make them emotionally dependent on the new
group. "Non-RA" techniques (which I have mentioned in previous posts) can be
also be used to reprogram survivors.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

The following selections are from "Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual
Abuse - Recognizing and Recovering from the Hidden Trauma" Daniel Ryder CCDC,
pub. CompCare Publishers, 2415 Annapolis Lane, Minn, MN 55441 1-800-328-3330
c 1992

"While it is becoming clear that cult ritual abuse has been going on for
generations, the horrible tales are only now surfacing with steady frequency,
simply because only recently has an environment been created to support
survivors getting in touch with these kinds of memories. This environment is
partially, if not largely, attributable to improved counseling techniques,
better understanding of the psychological effects of trauma, and the
evolution of the Twelve Step self-help movement ...into areas of
codependency, sexual abuse and ritual abuse. Codependency can be defined as a
condition marked by an inordinate reliance on person(s), thing(s), or
activities, for personal well-being and self-esteem. " (preface section)

Ritual Abuse Characteristics List (pg. 9)

Having some of the following characteristics may indicate ritual abuse in
one's background:

1. Dreams with reoccurring images of blood, robed figures...(etc.)

2. Vague, scattered, or almost nonexistent childhood memories.

3. Pronounced panic reactions to films (with SRA themes)...and (extremely)
violent ...movies

4. Self-mutilation...

5. An extremely passive nature. Inordinate fear of physical violence... (or

6. Hypersensitivity about being the center of attention...uncomfortable in,
or around...circles

7. Sexual perversion or dysfunction...(ex:) sadomasochistic tendencies

8. A propensity for urinary problems, rectal symptoms...odd-shaped rashes
(body memories)

9. Hypersensitivity to unexpected touch and loud noises.

10. Extreme difficulty with trust

11. Codependency characteristics in the extreme

12. Extreme scrupulosity

...Phobia about snakes

Transgenerational Cults (pg 14 - 17)

...are those perpetuated through family generations...may be based on other
forms of religious tradition (besides Satanism)...certain children are
earmarked for certain roles...some ... are groomed to be high priests or
priestesses...some to be recruiters
...some such as where and how to dispose of victims' remains...it is this
attention to detail, combined with highly sophisticated mind-control
techniques, and the identity facade of who the cult members appear to be,
that may account for these types of cults going undetected for so long....
monitor police scanner frequencies...are stationed as perimeter
security...victims reports show some of the members are doctors, lawyers,
respected business people, PTA mothers, regular church attendees,
clergypersons, law enforcement officials...they seem to have all the bases
covered...cult's biggest fears revolve around being exposed

Leaving the Cults (pg 30 -  31)

"Some survivors get out of the cult...when they move...it is most often some
of the alter personalities in survivors with ...MPD that get reinvolved with
the cult or a cult in another city, without the "birth person's" conscious
knowledge. Survivor reports indicate victims are often programmed to come
back later in life to the original cult, or to get involved with another."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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