Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Burton: Gore's E-Mails Disappeared
Friday, June 9, 2000
WASHINGTON - Rep. Dan Burton has released a written admission by the White
House counsel that none of the e-mails from the vice president's office from
March 1998 through April 1999 were saved on backup tapes.
Burton, appearing on CNBC's "Hardball" Thursday night, said he thought the
failure to save the e-mails may have been "deliberate."

Until this recent revelation, the Burton-led Committee on Government Reform
and the several investigative bodies looking into the White House e-mail
matter had been led to believe that all Office of the Vice President e-mails
had been saved.

"Three weeks ago, the committee interviewed a witness who told us she had
written a memo to the vice president, at the vice president’s request back in
April 1999 about the fact that e-mail in his office had not been properly
archived," said Burton, R-Ind. "We wrote to the White House counsel asking
why that memo had not been turned over even though the language of our
subpoena called for it.

"On Wednesday, we received a reply from the White House telling us that
'[Your letter] has led us to discover that a technical configuration error
apparently prevented e-mail on the OVP server from being backed up from the
end of March 1998 through early April 1999.'”

"We also learned that the vice president's staff wanted his records to be
managed differently than other records in the White House. The committee was
told that the vice president himself was warned in April of 1999 about
problems with his records management. Apparently, neither the vice president
nor anyone on his staff cared enough to notify the White House counsel, this
committee or any of the independent counsels who had outstanding document

"This is consistent with what was happening in the Office of Administration
and the White House Counsel's Office. It is obvious that the White House
continues to pursue its strategy of willful ignorance. At every turn they
have fought to preserve their cluelessness."

On March 23, 2000, the committee heard testimony from the Northrop Grumman
contractors who discovered the White House e-mail problem. In 1998 these
nonpartisan contract employees discovered a computer glitch that failed to
preserve hundreds of thousands of e-mails that came into the White House from
1996 through 1998. The e-mails had not been archived as is required by
federal law, nor produced to Congress, the Justice Department or any of the
several independent counsels - all of whom were investigating allegations of
corruption in the executive branch.

Chairman Burton has called for a special counsel to investigate the e-mail
matter. To date, Attorney General Janet Reno has failed to respond to his

"This is just the latest outrage in this whole unfortunate matter," Burton
said. "First, the White House counsel certified that we had all documents
responsive to our subpoenas. Then the White House led us to believe that all
the missing e-mails had been saved on thousands of backup tapes. Now we learn
that not even that is true.

"The White House failure to turn over records about problems in the vice
president’s office is yet another example of the ethical minimalism that
governs White House document production."

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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