-Caveat Lector-

 Clinton says there "is" a surplus.. (depends what "is" is).

 Surplus! What surplus? There IS NO surplus.
 by John Crudele, NYP

 THERE is no federal budget surplus.

 I'll say it again. There is no budget surplus.

 Before you even get to the issue of whether the "budget surplus"
 should be given back to taxpayers as the wishful Republicans
 suggest, or used to prop up Social Security, as the desperately-
 impeached President Clinton said in his State of the Union speech
 on Tuesday, there is a small issue that needs to be taken care of
 -- there really is no budget surplus.

 Issue No. 2.  There is no way people can be allowed to invest their
 Social Security money in the stock market.  That's because the
 "money" -- as in cash you, I or the government would turn over to
 a stockbroker -- also doesn't exist.

 All right, here I go again trying to explain how our elected
 officials in Washington are perpetrating a fraud by proclaiming
 that there is a budget surplus.

 Over the past year, the federal deficit -- which is money owed by
 our government -- rose from $5.486 trillion to $5.618 trillion.
 Those are government numbers right out of Barron's.

 That means the federal debt climbed by $132 billion.  Which means
 the federal budget DEFICIT last year was $132 billion.  There was
 no surplus of $70 billion, or any other amount, as Washington is

 When the economy weakens -- as it always does -- the true deficit
 numbers will increase.

 The surplus claim is wrong.  It's a fraud.

 Washington is able to pretend there is a surplus because it has
 been raiding the Social Security trust fund, which, you have to
 understand, isn't a pile a cash sitting somewhere in the Treasury.
 It's really a pile of government IOUs (Treasury bills, really)
 Washington puts into Social Security in exchange for the cash it

 And it is our cash that is being stolen.  Anyone who pays into
 Social Security is really unwittingly buying IOUs from a government
 that might not be able to pay in decades to come.

 Right now the Social Security system is running a surplus because
 more money coming in than going out.  It's demographics at work --
 more employees than retirees.  That pleasant situation, however,
 will not last long.

 But this surplus belongs to people like me and you, who'll need it
 to retire someday.  So Washington shouldn't pretend that it belongs
 to the country and part of the budget.

 The president wants this non-existent "budget surplus" pumped back
 into Social Security.

 What does that mean?

 Washington will steal $200 billion from Social Security (turning a
 real $132 billion deficit into a $70 billion surplus), so that it
 can proclaim a budget surplus, then it will return the excess money
 to Social Security from where it was stolen in the first place.

 Oddly, that's actually a preferable charade to what the Republicans
 suggest.  At least under the president's plan the "surplus" comes
 full circle and ends up back in Social Security.

 Under the Republican plan, you would give away the "surplus" and
 the money will disappear from the Social Security circle all

 The president, however, is wrong in backing a plan to allow people
 -- in some form or another -- to invest their money in the stock
 market.  But the endorsement is a shrewd maneuver by a president
 in trouble.

 Bill Clinton knew back in 1992 what voters cared about --
 the economy and jobs.

 And it is the worst kept secret in American economic history that
 the only thing keeping this country's marvelous economy going is
 the stock market bubble.  It's just like Japan's wonderful economy
 before the bubble burst a few years back.

 Americans -- like the Japanese -- feel rich because of the stock
 market.  And even though companies are laying off workers faster
 than they were during the hard times of the early 1990s, Wall
 Street is keeping people content.

 I estimate that President Clinton has no better than a 50-50 chance
 of remaining in office.  Those odds go down to 60-40 against his
 presidency once witnesses are called before the impeachment trial
 (some day I'll be able to tell you why.)

 The president can maintain his high rating if the stock market
 keeps the economy rolling along.  But like any other Ponzi scheme,
 the Wall Street bubble can't continue unless fresh money keeps
 coming into the market.

 President Clinton's Social Security proposal would provide a lot of
 fresh money to keep the market going, which'll keep the economy
 perking, which will keep Clinton's rating high.

 It all works quite nicely -- except that the proposal to allow
 people to invest their Social Security money in the market is
 impossible to enact.  Here's why.

 As I said, there is no cash in Social Security.

 So if I am allowed to, say, put $10,000 of my Social Security money
 into the stock market, where is the cash going to come from?
 Washington doesn't have the cash.

 And if it does raise cash that'll be put in the market, who is
 going to supply the cash to pay retirees?

 Plus, liquidating Social Security's bonds would send interest rates

 And when the stock market crashes, the Social Security system will
 be in worse shape than even the pessimists are predicting.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999


 "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall..."  Everything is going just great.
 The economy is strong, the budget is balanced, and the wall on
 which Humpty Dumpty is perched is as solid as a rock.  We have
 nothing to worry about.  The world-wide depression has nothing to
 do with us.  It won't happen here because the politicians will take
 care of everything.  We have enough money so that we can have a
 tax cut or perhaps some new spending programs.  In his most recent
 State of the Union address before Congress President Clinton
 outlined some of the spending programs he is planning so that the
 public will vote for Democrats.  The Republicans are relying on
 "ye olde tax cut at election time."

 But there is a little problem with all of this.  If the budget is
 really balanced, why is it that the national debt keeps growing?
 A computer user can easily find many places where the official debt
 clock keeps ticking away.  As of January 11, 1999, the NATIONAL
 DEBT was $5,614,992,595,555.12, and that is about $20,000 dollars
 for every man, woman, and child in the United States.  We thought
 that four trillion dollars was too much debt in 1992, but now the
 figures exceed five and one half trillion dollars, hurtling toward
 a predicted SIX TRILLION at the end of the century.

 Clinton's response to this is that "growth will take care of it".
 Now that word, growth, is Clintonese for inflation!  Are we to pay
 off the national debt by inflating the currency so that the money
 that we have will be worth a fraction of its present value?  And
 indeed, inflation has already carved a great big hole in individual
 incomes.  What a fraud on the American public.  Because business
 has been stimulated at the expense of labor we see a temporary
 reduction in the deficit, but not enough to even slow down the
 accumulation of debt!  And the politicians are quarreling over
 how to spend it!

 "And Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...." Of course, the politicians
 will now and then admit that there is a little problem with
 financing Medicare and also perhaps Social Security.  We hear that
 these programs may "go broke" in the not too distant future.  Can
 these programs go broke without bankrupting the entire government?
 No, they cannot; they are just too big now, taking too large a
 share of the nation's income.  It is like saying this about a
 household budget:  We can balance our personal budget.  All we have
 to do is to declare that the house payment is "off budget", and
 presto! everything is balanced.  See how easy it is?

 What will happen if we do not meet the mortgage payment?
 An individual would be out on the street, but when it happens to
 an entire country the consequences are much more severe.   All we
 need to do to understand what default means to a country is to look
 around the world right now at Russia, Indonesia,  and other places
 where governments cannot meet their obligations.  The depth and
 breath of the tragedies there have not been dealt with in the
 American press, but people are starving and the major part of the
 populations are existing on incomes well below the poverty line.


 We are being lied to.  There is no budget surplus because they are
 playing games with the figures.  Furthermore, taxpayer's money is
 being used to help the politicians lie to us!  They poll, they find
 out what words will please the average voter, and that voter is
 getting the bill for his own deception!

 Why is it so difficult for them to tell the truth?  The problem is
 that they believe that they would not be elected if they told it
 like it is.  So, we get deeper and deeper into debt.  Lie is heaped
 upon lie, and the world's economies crumble around us.  One of
 these days we are not going to be able to meet the interest
 obligation on that huge debt.  We cannot help but wonder, will
 what happened to Humpty Dumpty happen to us?


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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