1999-09-29 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.nitronews.com/thomas.html"Nitro News - Kenn Thomas/A


Commentary by Kenn Thomas

"If Fate should break my stride, I'll give you my Vincent to ride..." -
Richard Thompson, 1952, Vincent Black Lightning.

I don't know if I came to the Richard Thompson concert along the
Mississippi riverfront this past weekend to help with closure over Jim
Keith's death, but these words went a long way in that direction. Jim
may have died pursuing the pregnancy angle of the Princess Diana story,
and Thompson - a folk rock legend, founder of Fairport Convention,
revered for his words - is a particularly smart-ass limey. He mugged a
Woody Guthrie bit, singing, "This land is your land, this land is your
land, this land is your land..." Thompson is also a Sufi mystic, and the
sources of Jim's final column for Nitro News about Diana were Sufi.

Coincidences, of course, but I confess a sentimental attachment to
coincidences, and a more than unconscious desire to fit my experience
over the death of Jim Keith into an understandable pattern. He's gone,
and all that's left are his books, which for the fortunate reader,
provide a perspective on history, on conspiracy, on what's happening
right now and in the future, as rare and unique as the '52 Vincent in
the Thompson song.

I co-authored the Octopus with Jim Keith, and have now agreed to resume
his column exclusively in Nitro News, in part as defiance against the
Octopus, if that vicious beast had anything to with it. In this regard,
I would like to repeat the part of the Keith column that rumor suggests
led to him being offed:

"In 1998, one of my Sufi contacts, who chooses to remain anonymous,
travelled to London to participate in Dhikr, a remembrance of Allah.
This ritual was attended by both Sufis and orthodox Muslims. My contact
reports that while participating in this ceremony, he met Dodi Fayed's
personal physician, a man who is a Muslim, but is not a Sufi. In private
conversation, the physician told him that Diana and Dodi Fayed had
planned on getting married, and that he had personally examined her and
determined that she was pregnant."

There, Octopus. Come after me. I don't have the name of the physician,
but if it is with Jim's research and if it comes into my hands, I'll out
him right away. That's what we did with Danny Casolaro's research,
taking everything that was left and finishing his book. It has become a
relay race of conspiracy writers, trying to get out the truth about this
nasty transglobal monster before it takes us down. Maybe it's a monster
of our imagining. Maybe Jim died of just a blood clot, although the
anecdotal information I've accumulated suggests this is very rare. In
lieu of a real investigation (still needed, although I was unsuccessful
in raising money to fly to Reno for the purpose), we can only guess. In
any event, I will not go quietly, and Jim cannot pass through this life
without those questions being asked and pursued as best as possible.

Readers unfamiliar with my work should know that I travel and lecture
widely, appear regularly on radio and TV throughout the country, and I
publish the conspiracy magazine Steamshovel Press. Jim parked his '52
Vincent at the Steamshovel offices on occasion, and it's still being
used for the car pool.

The Steamshovel take on Diana has been that she was collateral damage in
an aerospace espionage hit against Dodi Fayed for the sake of the Al
Yamama contract umbrella. The Saudis buy substandard military aircraft
with loans from Britain that cover far more than the cost. Mohamed
Al-Fayed posed a threat to this arrangement, particularly with his
support of Tony Blair, and he was sent a message about it via the
killing of his son.

The consequent death of Diana, of course, served many ancillary purposes
of the British Royals, including its racist concerns over the pregnancy.
One suspected architect of the Dodi Fayed hit is his uncle, Adnan
Khashoggi, who spent much of his career developing the Al Yamama
contracts. Danny Casolaro was investigating him on the very day he
(Casolaro) was found dead.

Mohamed Al-Fayed remains resolute in his determination to find out what
really happened to his son. In a recent BBC interview, primarily
intended to goad him into making inflammatory statements about the
Royals, he made these interesting remarks:

"Al-Fayed: I hate nobody. I just want to find justice.

BBC: But you have contempt for the Establishment, they have refused you
British citizenship.

Al-Fayed: I don't care about that, it is not important to me.

BBC: You used to care about it.

Al-Fayed: The way my son has been murdered, because I can't get to the
truth, I can't get killers because you cover yourselves with Official
Secret Acts...

BBC: Do you 


1999-09-29 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Nitro News America's Daily Net Newspaper
Lots of links behind the words for this page on the above url.


Commentary by Kenn Thomas

"If Fate should break my stride, I'll give you my Vincent to ride..." -
Richard Thompson, 1952, Vincent Black Lightning.

I don't know if I came to the Richard Thompson concert along the Mississippi
riverfront this past weekend to help with closure over Jim Keith's death,
but these words went a long way in that direction. Jim may have died
pursuing the pregnancy angle of the Princess Diana story, and Thompson - a
folk rock legend, founder of Fairport Convention, revered for his words - is
a particularly smart-ass limey. He mugged a Woody Guthrie bit, singing,
"This land is your land, this land is your land, this land is your land..."
Thompson is also a Sufi mystic, and the sources of Jim's final column for
Nitro News about Diana were Sufi.

Coincidences, of course, but I confess a sentimental attachment to
coincidences, and a more than unconscious desire to fit my experience over
the death of Jim Keith into an understandable pattern. He's gone, and all
that's left are his books, which for the fortunate reader, provide a
perspective on history, on conspiracy, on what's happening right now and in
the future, as rare and unique as the '52 Vincent in the Thompson song.

I co-authored the Octopus with Jim Keith, and have now agreed to resume his
column exclusively in Nitro News, in part as defiance against the Octopus,
if that vicious beast had anything to with it. In this regard, I would like
to repeat the part of the Keith column that rumor suggests led to him being

"In 1998, one of my Sufi contacts, who chooses to remain anonymous,
travelled to London to participate in Dhikr, a remembrance of Allah. This
ritual was attended by both Sufis and orthodox Muslims. My contact reports
that while participating in this ceremony, he met Dodi Fayed's personal
physician, a man who is a Muslim, but is not a Sufi. In private
conversation, the physician told him that Diana and Dodi Fayed had planned
on getting married, and that he had personally examined her and determined
that she was pregnant."

There, Octopus. Come after me. I don't have the name of the physician, but
if it is with Jim's research and if it comes into my hands, I'll out him
right away. That's what we did with Danny Casolaro's research, taking
everything that was left and finishing his book. It has become a relay race
of conspiracy writers, trying to get out the truth about this nasty
transglobal monster before it takes us down. Maybe it's a monster of our
imagining. Maybe Jim died of just a blood clot, although the anecdotal
information I've accumulated suggests this is very rare. In lieu of a real
investigation (still needed, although I was unsuccessful in raising money to
fly to Reno for the purpose), we can only guess. In any event, I will not go
quietly, and Jim cannot pass through this life without those questions being
asked and pursued as best as possible.

Readers unfamiliar with my work should know that I travel and lecture
widely, appear regularly on radio and TV throughout the country, and I
publish the conspiracy magazine Steamshovel Press. Jim parked his '52
Vincent at the Steamshovel offices on occasion, and it's still being used
for the car pool.

The Steamshovel take on Diana has been that she was collateral damage in an
aerospace espionage hit against Dodi Fayed for the sake of the Al Yamama
contract umbrella. The Saudis buy substandard military aircraft with loans
from Britain that cover far more than the cost. Mohamed Al-Fayed posed a
threat to this arrangement, particularly with his support of Tony Blair, and
he was sent a message about it via the killing of his son.

The consequent death of Diana, of course, served many ancillary purposes of
the British Royals, including its racist concerns over the pregnancy. One
suspected architect of the Dodi Fayed hit is his uncle, Adnan Khashoggi, who
spent much of his career developing the Al Yamama contracts. Danny Casolaro
was investigating him on the very day he (Casolaro) was found dead.

Mohamed Al-Fayed remains resolute in his determination to find out what
really happened to his son. In a recent BBC interview, primarily intended to
goad him into making inflammatory statements about the Royals, he made these
interesting remarks:

"Al-Fayed: I hate nobody. I just want to find justice.

BBC: But you have contempt for the Establishment, they have refused you
British citizenship.

Al-Fayed: I don't care about that, it is not important to me.

BBC: You used to care about it.

Al-Fayed: The way my son has been murdered, because I can't get to the
truth, I can't get killers because you cover yourselves with Official Secret

BBC: Do you not feel that you owe it to Diana's family, to her sons, who we