Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Canada dismantles 'Big Brother' files
United Press International - May 29, 2000 21:46

OTTAWA, May 29 (UPI) -- Canada's human resources minister said Monday she was
dismantling a huge data bank containing thousands pieces of information on
Canadian citizens.

Jane Stewart's announcement came after an outcry from the public and
opposition members of Parliament.

The existence of the files became public about two weeks ago when Privacy
Commissioner Bruce Phillips expressed concern that the privacy of Canadians
may be compromised.

The data bank reportedly contained information on 33 million Canadians,
including ethnicity, movements in and out of Canada or from province to
province and sensitive data about taxes they paid and their health. The
Canadian media immediately dubbed the data bank the "Big Brother files,"
borrowing a term from George Orwell, who warned in his novel "1984" that the
state would have the capacity to spy on every one of its own citizens.

Opposition MPs in the House of Commons wanted to know why the government
needed the data bank.

Two weeks ago, Stewart said the files were needed for policy research
purposes, but assured the House of Commons that the information was being
closely guarded and would not fall into the wrong hands.

Nevertheless, reports appeared in the media that the Canadian Security
Intelligence Service and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police had gained access
to the files.

Quebec demanded that files on its citizens be destroyed immediately, while
some 18,000 Canadians reportedly called to ask the department what kind of
information it was holding on them.

Monday, Stewart bowed to public pressure, saying she was dismantling what she
called the Longitudinal Labor Force Files. She acknowledged there were
"public concerns about pricacy in this era of constantly changing
technology," and said she had "chosen an approach that addresses future
threats to privacy."

The process of dismantling "began this morning," she said, "with the
elimination of the computer programs we commenced with the information from
the Canada Customs and Revenue agency and data on social assistance from
provincial and territorial governments."

"Information from the Canada Customs and Revenue agency was sent back to that
agency this morning," she said.

While reviewing the "information-sharing arrangement" with other agencies,
her department's own policy analysis and research data would be kept as
"separate, secure and unlinked files."

"Information identifying individuals will remain encrypted," Stewart said.

The privacy commissioner welcomed the move, saying in a statement that
Stewart had "balanced Canadians' right to privacy and the government's need
for information on which to base policy decisions."

Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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